The Arrest of Sami al-Arian is Only the Beginning
Kurt Nimmo
It's dangerous to be photographed with Bush. It's also dangerous to visit
the Bush White House. Sami al-Arian did both of these things. Now he's
sweating it out in an FBI hoosegow.
In May of 2001 Sami was invited to the White House to attend a political
briefing for 160 members of the American Muslim Council. Earlier, while
campaigning across his brother's fiefdom in Florida, Dubya was photographed
with the al-Arian family. In June of 2001 Sami's son, Abdullah, who was an
intern in the office of Congressman David Bonior, joined a delegation of
Muslim leaders at a meeting with John DiIulio, head of the Office of
Faith-Based Initiatives. Somebody decided the al-Arian name was suspect and
Abdullah was kicked out of the White House. Soon thereafter Bush not only
sent a letter of apology to the Sami's wife, but he made the deputy director
of the Secret Service apologize too.
During the election Dubya pandered to Muslim voters. You see, the 50,000 or
so registered Muslim voters in Florida are mostly Democrats. So when Gore
picked Joe Lieberman as his running mate the Bushites decided to take
cynical advantage of Arab dislike of the Zionist Lieberman. Little did these
Arabs know what would happen to them later. But then it's a fair bet to say
the Japanese-Americans who voted for FDR had no idea what'd happen to them,
Candidate Bush denounced immigration laws. But soon after coronation Sami's
brother-in-law, Mazen al-Najjar, was deported. That's how Dubya the Snake
played the game.
In the long run it hardly mattered who the Muslims in Florida voted for
because Bush eventually lost the popular vote by 500,000 votes -- and he
ended up in the White House regardless. It helps to have fellow travelers
and co-conspirators on the Supreme Court.
Ashcroft plans to charge Sami al-Arian with financing and supporting Islamic
Jihad. The 50-count indictment against Sami and seven others includes
conspiracy to commit murder, providing material support to an outlawed
group, extortion, perjury, and aiding suicide bombings in Israel and the
Palestinian territories. Sami al-Arian told The Washington Post in an
interview last year that being cleared into the White House gave him
confidence that he was no longer suspected of being a terrorist supporter or
sympathizer. Not that Sami ever killed a Zionist settler or plotted to push
the Jews into the sea. It's more than enough that Sami al-Arian believes the
Zionists are perpetuating crimes against the Palestinians. It didn't help
when the reactionary Bill O'Reilly fingered him on national television. "If
I was the CIA, I'd follow you wherever you went," said Bill. There's a good
chance the CIA (or the FBI, anyway) took O'Reilly up on the idea.
Sami should have paid a little closer attention. It's a new day in America.
Cheney snubbed the American Muslim Council at the meeting held in the
Eisenhower Executive Office Building on June 22, 2001, after the Jerusalem
Post ran an article headlined, "Cheney to host pro-terrorist Muslim group."
Of course, the American Muslim Council hardly made a secret of its feelings
toward the Zionist state. Abduraham Alamoudi, a member of the organization,
said at a White House demonstration in October 2000, "We are all supporters
of Hamas."
Israel should know about supporting Hamas. In fact, they bankrolled the
According to Richard Sale of United Press International, several current and
former US intelligence officials believe Israel "aided Hamas directly" over
a period of years. Of course, unlike the Jerusalem Post, this bit of info
didn't make it on the front page of the New York Times.
Chances are you won't read about what Andreas von Bülow had to say about
Mossad in the New York Times, either. Andreas von Bülow served on the
parliamentary commission which oversees the three branches of the German
secret service while a member of the Bundestag. He told the Berlin daily
Tagesspiegel that Abu Nidal is "an instrument of Mossad" and "the CIA is
steered by Mossad." Coincidentally, Abu Nidal, a.k.a. Sabri al-Banna, was
found dead in Baghdad last year.
In the New World Order envisioned by the Bush Zionists -- at the beck and
call of their Likudite taskmasters -- the services of Abu Nidal will no
longer be needed. It's time to sweep the board clean. This often happens to
old CIA assets like Manuel Noriega, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and Saddam Hussein.
Bush and his Zionist managers have decided to reshape the Arab Middle East
in Israel's image. It may take a generation or longer to complete. As one
Bushite told the Observer, "We see this war as one against the virus of
terrorism. If you have bone marrow cancer, it's not enough to just cut off
the patient's foot. You have to do the complete course of chemotherapy. And
if that means embarking on the next Hundred Years' War, that's what we're
As you may recall, the last Hundred Years' War was also about fiefdoms and
money. It also lasted a lot longer than a hundred years.
"If we just let our own vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it
entirely, and we don't try to be clever and piece together clever diplomatic
solutions to this thing, but just wage a total war against these tyrants, I
think we will do very well, and our children will sing great songs about us
years from now," says the Zionist Michael Ledeen.
Bush's attack will give Sharon the long awaited chance to "transfer" (i.e.,
ethnically cleanse) the quarrelsome Palestinians right out of Judea and
Sumaria into Jordan or even far away to the barren and isolated desert of
Iraq. This idea is not only popular in Israel, but among members of the US
Congress as well. For instance, when Israeli MK Benny Elon passed out a
glossy brochure on "transfer" to Congress he was warmly received. He was
cheered at the annual convention of the Christian Coalition when he called
for "relocation" of Palestinians from the West Bank into Jordan. In Israel,
popular graffiti and posters declare "Transfer = Peace and Security" and
"Deport the fuckers." Sharon, of course, is a man of the people, especially
those who scrawl on walls.
The Zionists get their Lebensraum while Bush and Cheney and the
transnationals they represent get their precious oil.
One of Bush's Zionists in the State Department, John ("Joshua") Bolton,
assured Sharon recently that both Iran and Syria are next on the hit list.
Sharon wants Libya thrown in for good measure. Bush will up the ante with
North Korea.
There's light at the end of the tunnel as Nixon used to say.
In preparation of Iraq attack II Bush has launched a "hunt 'em down, smoke
'em out" operation in America. He is rolling up Sami and renegade elements
within the American Muslim Council, the Lackawanna boys, Islamic Jihad
America, and any other Muslims who think the Constitution means what it
says. Any old frame-up will suffice. "It's all about politics," said Sami as
the feds dragged him off in handcuffs.
It sure is.
Meanwhile, the Son of the Patriot Act waits in the wings. It's not only the
Palestinian cause that will get you scooped up in the middle of the night by
the Ashcroft gestapo. Soon the same will apply to those organizing and
speaking out against the Bushite plan for total and perpetual war. The Son
of the Patriot Act will criminalize dissidents of all stripe. Soon large
swaths of the world will become akin to the West Bank and Gaza, huge
open-air prisons. New and frightening technologies will keep millions in
check. Agents from the Ministry of Homeland Security will sweep across the
land in search of heretics.
The arrest of Sami al-Arian signals another turn of Bush's thumbscrew.
Kurt Nimmo's Another Day in the Empire
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