-Caveat Lector-

FEBRUARY 28, 2003
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Israel's Role: The 'Elephant' They're Talking About


"It is the proverbial elephant in the room," wrote liberal columnist Michael
Kinsley in the October 24, 2002, edition of the online journal Slate.
"Everybody sees it, no one mentions it."

Kinsley was referring to a debate, once only whispered in back rooms but
lately splashed in bold characters across the mainstream media, over
Jewish and Israeli influence in shaping American foreign policy.

In recent weeks, in fact, the Israeli-Jewish elephant has been on a
rampage, trampling across the airwaves and front pages of respected media
outlets, including the Washington Post, The New York Times, the American
Prospect, the Washington Times, the Economist, the New York Review of
Books, CNN and MSNBC. For its encore, the proverbial pachyderm plopped
itself down last weekend smack in the middle of "Meet the Press," NBC's
top-rated Sunday morning news program.

Many of these articles project an image of President Bush and Prime
Minister Sharon working in tandem to promote war against Iraq. Several of
them described an administration packed with conservatives motivated
primarily, if not solely, by a dedication to defending Israel. A few
respected voices have even touched openly on the role of American
Jewish organizations in the equation, suggesting a significant shift to the
right on Middle East issues and an intense loyalty to Sharon. Still others
raise the notion of Jewish and Israeli influence only to attack it as

The key moment on "Meet the Press" came when host Tim Russert read
from a February 14 column by the editor at large of the Washington Times,
Arnaud de Borchgrave, who argued that the "strategic objective" of senior
Bush administration officials was to secure Israel's borders by launching a
crusade to democratize the Arab world. Next, Russert turned to one of his
guests, Richard Perle, chairman of the Defense Policy Board, a key advisory
panel to the Pentagon.

"Can you assure American viewers across our country that we're in this
situation against Saddam Hussein and his removal for American security
interests?" Russert asked.

"And what would be the link in terms of Israel?"

It was a startling question, especially when directed at Perle, the poster
boy — along with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Under
Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith — for antisemitic critics who insist the
United States is being pulled into war by pro-Likud Jewish advisers on
orders from Jerusalem. But Russert is no David Duke, nor even a Patrick
Buchanan. He is generally regarded as a balanced, first-rate journalist in
sync with the zeitgeist of Washington's media and political elite. If Russert
is asking the question on national television, then the toothpaste is out of
the tube: The question has entered the discourse in elite Washington
circles and is now a legitimate query to be floated in polite company.

In three recent opinion articles, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd
fired off one-liners claiming that Bush's conservative aides were guided
simply by the need to defend Israel. MSNBC talk-show host Chris Matthews
insisted that Israeli hawks are "in bed" with hardliners at the Pentagon and
Vice President Dick Cheney's office and suggested that at times Sharon
essentially dictates Bush's speeches.

The Washington Post supplied a less glib, more systematic attempt to
demonstrate an unprecedented political partnership between Sharon and
Bush, in a 2,100-word front-page story February 9 by Robert Kaiser,
headlined " Bush and Sharon Nearly Identical On Mideast Policy." The story
also included a paragraph outlining a supposed rightward shift among
American Jewish organizations.

"Over the past dozen years or more, supporters of Sharon's Likud Party
have moved into leadership roles in most of the American Jewish
organizations that provide financial and political support for Israel," Kaiser

Just a few weeks earlier, in its January 25 issue, the Economist published a
lead editorial urging Bush to ignore "so-called friends of Israel who will
accuse Mr. Bush of 'appeasement' the moment he pushes hard for
territorial compromise."

The barrage of commentary on supposed Israeli interests in an invasion of
Iraq has triggered a powerful backlash of sorts: a parallel barrage of
commentary on the bounds of legitimate criticism of Jerusalem, American
Jews and Jewish officials working in the White House. Several Jewish
commentators have recently written articles warning that subtle and not-
so-subtle antisemitic undertones permeate the new wave of anti-war
criticism. In turn, critics have charged these writers with unfairly playing
the antisemitic card in hopes of silencing opposition to the war.

So far, the main event in the parallel clash started with an opinion article
by Lawrence Kaplan, senior editor of the New Republic, that appeared
February 18 in the Washington Post. The article suggested that the
insinuations of Jewish and Israeli pro-war pressure were reminiscent of
Buchanan's claims in 1990 that only soldiers with non-Jewish names would
be killed in a war being pushed solely by Israel and its American "amen

Kaplan, in turn, was promptly slammed by Slate's Mickey Kaus, who argued
that Kaplan had unfairly tarred critics of administration policy.

Kaus offers some convincing critiques. For example: Although Kaplan
acknowledged that it is "legitimate" to debate "how the Bush
administration has arrived at the brink of war with Saddam Hussein, and to
what extent Israeli influence has brought it there," he failed to articulate
a clear sense of how and when.

Of course, Kaus could just as easily be faulted for failing to address
adequately the potential damage done by pundits, intellectually sloppy
even if well meaning, who rush to break down longstanding taboos on
bigotry even as antisemitic conspiracy theories run rampant across the
Internet and the Muslim world. Without crying antisemitism, one could
easily find serious shortcomings in several of the articles panned by Kaplan
or defended by Kaus. For example, Kaiser's shorthand evaluation of Jewish
organizations glosses over a commonly overlooked point: American Jews
and Jewish groups overwhelmingly supported the Oslo process prior to the
outbreak of the intifada.

The muddled, undefined debate was on full display last week, when Kaplan
squared off February 20 on CNN's "Crossfire" against the conservative
columnist Robert Novak, a longtime critic of Israel. Novak attempted to
repel Kaplan's criticisms by arguing that he had never used the word
"Jewish" or invoked questions of "dual loyalty" when criticizing pro-Israel
conservatives. Kaplan countered that — contrary to Novak's claim — he
never used the term "antisemite" in his Washington Post column. Their
respective responses were the same: You meant it.

Attempting to sort out the tangle, Anti-Defamation League national
director Abraham Foxman, in an interview with the Forward, outlined what
seemed to be a more constructive approach to the issue.

The first point, he said, is to accept as legitimate questions concerning
the pro- Israel leanings of administration officials — so long as such
criticisms recognize that the hawkish camp includes significant Jewish and
non-Jewish players. And, Foxman said, while it is certainly legitimate to
question where the Sharon government or American Jewish groups stand
on the war, the thin line is crossed by those who portray these entities as
a shadowy Jewish conspiracy that controls American foreign policy.

Others have noted that many Jewish hawks with ties to the administration,
including Perle, have advocated aggressive American action in defense of
democracy far beyond the Middle East, from Latin America to Southeast

In the end, Foxman said, while American Jews are sometimes too quick to
assume that antisemitism is at play, history has offered plenty of reasons to
be wary of debates over their influence on foreign policy.

"It is an old canard that Jews control America and American foreign
policy," Foxman said. "During both world wars, antisemites said that Jews
manipulated America into war. So when you being to hear it again, there is
good reason for us to be aware of it and sensitive to it."

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