-Caveat Lector-

On the Eve of Destruction
by Adrian Banks

Victims of the bombing of Dresden
(original mail: black and white photograph
of a huge mound of mangled bodies)

This morning's local newspaper stated that, tomorrow morning at 6am, the 400
local guardsmen of the 151st Signal Battalion will be leaving for the Middle
East. Among those guardsmen is a friend in his early forties named Donald,
whom I've worked with on several residential construction jobs. He will
leaving South Carolina and will be joining around 300,000 troops that are
already in the Middle east region. They are there for one purpose, and that
purpose is to wage war.

The presumption is strong that the war will erupt soon, for billions of
dollars have been spent already, and soon the weather in Iraq will be
unfavorable for ground forces. By mid-April, dust storms are frequent in
Iraq, and the temperatures will be prohibitive for wearing "haz-mat" suits.
Also, we are told almost daily about more military deployments to the Middle
east region.

Let's face the truth about this whole mess that has been created by the
current administration. It has been well said many times that the first
casualty of war is the truth. The truth is that Iraq's military doesn't
stand a chance against the military might of the United States or Great
Britain. Iraq's population is around 22 million people; the United States
has a population of over 250 million; and Great Britain has a population of
around 60 million. This means that the United States and Great Britain
outnumber the Iraqi people 14 to 1. The bulk of the Iraqi population is also

What is the strength of Iraq's navy and air force? How many aircraft
carriers do they have? How many battleships do they have? How many heavy
bombers do they have? How many fighter jets do they have? I have seen no
news reports on this. The reason is obvious. Iraq no longer has an air force
or a navy worth mentioning. As a marine soldier on the front lines in Kuwait
told a news reporter recently in an interview, "They don't stand a chance."
He is indeed correct. Yesterday on Fox news I learned that around 1200 B-52
heavy bombers will descend upon Iraq in the opening of the military
campaign. Iraq will be powerless to stop this. The blitzkrieg that will be
unleashed upon Iraq will be far greater than the one that the Nazis
unleashed upon Poland in September of 1939. When I look at this scenario, I
am reminded of Polish soldiers on horseback going up against German tanks.
Also, think of the carnage that 1200 heavy bombers will create upon a
defenseless people. In the 1940 blitz on London, casualties were estimated
at:  43,000 Killed  51,000 Seriously injured  88,000 Slightly injured. In
July and August of 1943, the bombing of Hamburg resulted in firestorms that
caused the deaths of around 50,000 people. As a result of these raids over a
million people fled the city.

In 1945, the fire bombing of Tokyo began on March 9 and 10. The area of
Tokyo selected was four miles by three miles, a zone with a civilian
population density of 103,000 per square mile. A high concentration of
incendiary bombs dropped from the huge U.S. B-29 Superfortresses ignited a
series of fires, fanned by brisk winds, which raged out of control within
half an hour, the result of which was that more than 15 square miles of
Tokyo was burned out. About 100,000 men, women and children were killed and
another 100,000 people were made homeless. According to the U.S. Army Air
Forces: "No other air attack of the war, either in Japan or Europe, was so
destructive of life and property."

The bombing of Dresden was also horrifying. The Allies brought out many of
their best planes and most destructive bombs for the raid. Many of the bombs
were incendiaries, which are fire bombs constructed with magnesium that are
dropped in clusters and spread over the drop site. 13 February, 1945 brought
796 Lancaster bombers and 9 Mosquitoes from the Royal Air Force (RAF). In 3
hours, they dropped 1,478 tons of explosive bombs and 1,182 tons of
incendiaries . Likewise, the American Flying Fortresses and Liberators
dropped 1,800 explosive bombs and 136,800 fire sticks. American planes
completed the raid when they returned and unleashed 3,700 more explosive
bombs on Dresden. As a cultural center, not a military stronghold, Dresden
held few obstacles that could interfere with the pilots' missions. Not only
did the incendiary explosives increase the severity of the bombing, but also
the timing stimulated controversy. The Allies were aware of the mass of
refugees, yet they still "machine-gunned the fleeing population" as they ran
to escape the flames and explosions. The citizens were in an equally
hopeless situation. When the first bombs started falling, the citizens were
merely warned to "keep sand and water handy". Incendiaries caused the
temperature to climb to degrees previously unheard of in Germany or Europe,
1800 degrees Fahrenheit. The fires depleted oxygen and suffocated those who
made it to bomb shelters. Although many different estimates exist, the best
reports and research, published more than fifty years after the war,
conclude at least 35,000 people died, mostly women, children and the
elderly. Meanwhile, the few surrounding military installations remained
unharmed. 80% of the city was destroyed. One eyewitness account by a
survivor named Lothar is quoted below.

"We fled into another cellar overcrowded with injured and distraught men
women and children shouting, crying and praying. No light except some
electric torches. And then suddenly the second raid began. This shelter was
hit too, and so we fled through cellar after cellar. Many, so many,
desperate people came in from the streets. It is not possible to describe!
Explosion after explosion. It was beyond belief, worse than the blackest
nightmare. So many people were horribly burnt and injured. It became more
and more difficult to breathe. It was dark and all of us tried to leave this
cellar with inconceivable panic. Dead and dying people were trampled upon,
luggage was left or snatched up out of our hands by rescuers. The basket
with our twins covered with wet cloths was snatched up out of my mothers
hands and we were pushed upstairs by the people behind us. We saw the
burning street, the falling ruins and the terrible firestorm. My mother
covered us with wet blankets and coats she found in a water tub. We saw
terrible things: cremated adults shrunk to the size of small children,
pieces of arms and legs, dead people, whole families burnt to death, burning
people ran to and fro, burnt coaches filled with civilian refugees, dead
rescuers and soldiers, many were calling and looking for their children and
families, and fire everywhere, everywhere fire, and all the time the hot
wind of the firestorm threw people back into the burning houses they were
trying to escape from. I cannot forget these terrible details. I can never
forget them. Now my mother possessed only a little bag with our identity
papers. The basket with the twins had disappeared and then suddenly my older
sister vanished too . Although my mother looked for her immediately it was
in vain. The last hours of this night we found shelter in the cellar of a
hospital nearby surrounded by crying and dying people. In the next morning
we looked for our sister and the twins but without success. The house where
we lived was only a burning ruin. The house where our twins were left we
could not go in. Soldiers said everyone was burnt to death and we never saw
my two baby sisters again."

Perhaps if World War II had brought destruction of this magnitude to
America, many people who so righteously approve of a war with Iraq would
think otherwise, for the memory of it all would still come to mind. You
wonder why many in France, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, and other nations
oppose the war. This is one of the main reasons. They remember the massive
destruction and pogroms that war can bring to a people. The people of
America were spared seeing this with their own eyes. The only exception
being the soldiers who fought in the war. It should also be noted that the
United States went to war with Germany and Japan after these nations
declared war on the United States, and there was also a declaration of war
by congress empowering the president to wage war. Today, there is no formal
declaration of war and Iraq has not declared war on any nation. There is a
big difference. The only way to know the real truth would be to look into
the minds of those in power that are bent on starting the war. I do not
believe their words.

The threat that Iraq poses to the world has been concocted by people
corrupted by power and greed. Since Iraq was defeated in 1991 and ejected
from Kuwait, it has shown no sign of aggression towards any other nation,
and if it did so it would be very foolish, for a coalition would swiftly
move against it and defeat it once and for all. Again, Iraq doesn't stand a
chance in the upcoming war. Think of a man in a rowboat with a BB gun going
up against a battleship. So don't be surprised if they do use biological or
chemical warfare out of desparation and as a last resort.

North Korea, a communist country, is threatening nuclear war. In China, the
fastest growing economy in Asia, delegates from across the country have
convened in Beijing to select a new generation of communist leaders. What
will they think of all of this?

So, on the eve of destruction, those who are in favor of war should consider
whether or not the fire the war will start will end up burning down their
own houses.

Yours in Liberty
Adrian C. Banks

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