-Caveat Lector-


Paul's Corner

We’re Under Threat

“Paul’s Corner” is the cyber real estate Hack has granted us to recruit and
focus help from readers in order to create a direct information conduit
between the vast number of educated, intelligent, and patriotically
motivated Americans in the private sector, and Gov. Tom Ridge of the
Office of Homeland Security (OHS). It’s also Hack’s way of making sure his
readers have the kinds of information that will help keep them safe.

“The greatest tragedy is indifference.” —The Red Cross

Today is the 17th of March, and the deadline George W. has set for the
Iraqis to disarm and the UN to get

behind us in what we’re about to do.

Saddam has announced publicly now, that he will “carry the war across
the world wherever there is air, land, or water.” You know... I believe he
means it. I also believe we can’t be indifferent to this threat just because
he’s made empty threats before. This time we might want to pay attention
as Saddam knows his days are numbered and will probably react

This week’s focus: We’re Under Threat

Granted, this is the same guy who told us to expect the “Mother of all
battles, in ’91, but this is his second go around with us and he may have
learned a few more dirty tricks. Among these is hitting our troops with
biochemical weapons, but another may well be in taking the war to US soil.
In fact, we may have already experienced some biochemical attack probes
and tests (see “What Are Your Thoughts” below).

Let’s talk a bit about what to expect, and what to do about it.

First, once we invade Iraq, we can expect Tom Ridge to raise the threat
level to “Orange.” In fact, once the invasion does begin, I wouldn’t wait
for any official word. I’d suggest considering it raised then, before any
official word. The thing you’ll want to do now is look through the archives
for our February 10th issue “Nothing Rhymes with Orange,” and our March
10th issue “Red Alert.” These articles discuss what to do during Orange
and Red Alerts respectively.

In addition to those lists, we suggest you quietly and calmly do the
following: 1.      Gas up all your vehicles and don’t let any tank get below
½ full. Also buy a 5-gallon gas container to fill and keep at your house. 2.
Stock your pantry a little more than normal and be sure to add non-
condensed soups. Their water content will help keep you hydrated, they
don’t require water to cook, most are usually balanced meals, and you can
eat them without heating if necessary. Keep enough food on hand for 14
days. Forget what everyone says about the “3-day” suggestion. 3.      Fill
water containers. Use empty two-liter plastic soda bottles and use them to
fill any empty spots in your refrigerator and freezer. This will keep
everything cold a little longer in the event of a power failure and also adds
to your water stores. Have enough water to give each family member a
gallon a day, and stock enough for 14 days. 4.      Act as if this were heavy
cold and flu season and keep your distance from people as much as
possible and wash your hands more often.  5.      Make sure you have all
contact info for each family member. This may sound like a given, but do
you have the cell phone number for you kids’ bus driver? How about their
teachers? If the school has and emergency evac, where will they take
everyone? Do you have your spouse’s boss’ email address? See, there might
be lots more info you need to gather. 6.      During any alert, keep a radio
or tv on all the time for emergency alerts, or make sure you have friends
that do and that they’ll call you (and you them) if something happens. 7.
Lay a little low the next couple of weeks as far as unnecessary public
gathering areas such as theaters, malls, sporting events, etc.  8.      More
information on emergency preparations for such eventualities as
evacuation and quarantine can be found in our issues at:
http://www.sftt.org/pc_10072002.html, http://www.sftt.org/pc_
10142002.html and http://www.sftt.org/pc_10212002.html. 9.      Pass this
information to those who need it, but don’t know about this column or
this site.



Iraqi Cleric Urges Muslims to Attack America: http://www.reuters.com/

Mysterious Pneumonia Strain: http://www.iht.com/articles/89765.html.

Saddam Still Paying Suicide Bombers:

World’s Nuclear Materials Unprotected:

Al Qaeda Networks Always a Threat:

Arabs Ineffective in Iraq Disarmament:

Saudi Student Tied to Radical Sheiks: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-
dyn/articles/A17885- 2003Mar12.html.

Dirty Bombs a Real Threat: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?
tmpl=story&u=/ap/20030312/ap_on_re_us/ nuclear_terrorism_4.

US to use Swiss Bio Technology:

What are your thoughts?: Are We Being Probed?

Saddam has just made a threat to us if we invade, saying he’ll carry the
war across the world wherever there is air, land, or water. Has he or
someone else been testing the path already?

In numerous tests of biochemical attack susceptibility, especially with
subways, technicians will use various powder or liquid (spray) mediums as
test vehicles to see how rapidly a biochemical agent would spread through
a subway tunnel, train car, office building ventilation system, etc. Usually
these powders or liquids will contain a unique and benign bacteria or
chemical that can be detected in the carrier medium. This way they can
tell how quickly and how far a particular delivery medium will work in a
given area.

Have others been doing the same to us?

Consider the West Nile virus, the mysterious school rashes of last year, the
unusual “stomach bug” in schools early this year, the cruise ship illnesses,
and now the new strain of pneumonia that has the World Health
Organization and the CDC’s full attention. Are these tests? Is someone
using mild “bugs” in order to test the delivery routes?

If this is the case, even in one of the mentioned instances, we should pay
even closer attention to where we go, what we do, and how we handle
ourselves. These “minor epidemics” might be the “scouts” for a larger

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: 1.      Current Warnings:
We may be in Iraq next week. Pay attention to EAS alerts. 2.
Contributions on a National Level:
Be ready to give blood. 3.      Local and Community Opportunities:
Network, and volunteer! Now more than ever. 4.      Family, Home, and
See what we said above about preparations, especially about

To send us your input, thoughts, comments, critiques, etc., contact us at

You can find Congressional addresses at either www.house.gov or
www.senate.gov. Another source for addresses and on pending legislation
can be found at www.vote-smart.org.

To report specific information you feel may be indicative of a pending
terrorist strike, call these numbers: 1) Call your local police department, 2)
Call your local FBI branch office (www.fbi.gov) 3) Call or write: 1-800-
USREWARDS or www.rewardsforjustice.net.

Those of you who’d like to volunteer your time or expertise can try the

1) Register as an emergency volunteer with your local Police or Sheriff’s
Department (see http:// www.sftt.org/pc_04092002.html for various
categories of volunteers).

2) Contact “United We Stand” at: http://www.uwsai.org.

3) Contact “Citizen Corps” at: http://www.citizencorps.gov.

4) Contact “Freedom Corps” at: http://www.usafreedomcorps.gov/.

5) Contact “Americorps” at: http://www.americorps.org/.

6) The Service Corps of Retired Executives: http://www.score.org/.

7) See the “America Responds” volunteer info page at
http://www.nationalservice.org/news/ homeland.html.  8)      The
American Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org/.  9)      “VIPS” or
Volunteers in Police Service: www.policevolunteers.org

9) Last, and maybe most important of all, your own neighborhood. For info
on starting a Neighborhood Watch group, see our article at
http://www.sftt.org/pc_04022002.html, and also contact http://
www.weprevent.org/ (1-800-WE-PREVENT), John Ashcroft’s Neighborhood
Watch program at: http:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2002/March/02_ag_
125.htm, or at: www.usaonwatch.org, and the National Crime Prevention
Council at: http://www.ncpc.org/.

To report government waste: Citizens Against Government Waste:

For general input regarding improving our “American Think-Tank,” contact
Tom Ridge directly, care of The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Washington, DC 20502. His direct fax number is 202-456-6337. Send your
letters to both Tom Ridge and President Bush with copies forwarded to
your Congressional reps. The best way to reach the President is either by
email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or fax to 202-456-2461.

About the author: Paul Purcell is a private investigator, and is part owner
of the firm InfoQuest Investigators in Atlanta, GA. Of the two other
partners in the firm, one is retired Lt. Col. Ben Willis who served with Hack
in Vietnam, and the other is Frances Carter, a pharmapsychological
researcher with Mercer University in Macon, GA. InfoQuest’s specialty is
security analysis, and since the September 11th attacks, InfoQuest has
contributed security and vulnerability studies to the FAA, the CDC, the
World Series Games, and a host of others. Though Paul is the outspoken
one, and the writer of the group, InfoQuest’s work is a team effort.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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