-Caveat Lector-


And the winner is...

Hussein Ibish, Electronic Iraq

20 March 2003

It was just over a decade ago, in the build up to the first Gulf War, that I
became politically engaged as a student activist, wrote my first published
articles and began a series of regular radio broadcasts. As American bombs
once again rain down on the cradle of civilization, I suppose it is
appropriate to launch this weekly column, which will often range far
beyond Arab- American and Middle Eastern themes, by returning to the
issue that got me started in the first place.

Of course, this is not your daddy's Gulf War. The unprecedented domestic
and international opposition is driven by concerns about the devastation
that it is likely to bring to the long-suffering Iraqi people, and well-founded
fears that it is an entirely avoidable conflict which will create many more
problems than it solves.

People around the world understand that fundamentally this is motivated
by the strategic goal of consolidating American domination of the oil-rich
Persian Gulf. Can anyone really believe that this would be happening if the
principal export of Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait was dates?

Polls showing majority support among the American public reflect more a
conviction that no president would recklessly lead the country into a
dangerous war than any real sense of what is at stake. One detects a deep
strain of uncertainty and anxiety lying just beneath the surface of this

No such doubts can be detected from President Bush, who has
consistently presented a blase, almost nonchalant, attitude in launching
the most ambitious American adventure since Vietnam. What is truly
shocking are not the usual distortions, untruths and juggled
rationalizations. The deeper scandal is the refusal of the President and his
advisers to acknowledge the profound risks and costs this war entails.

When the dust settles, the good news will be that Saddam Hussein is gone
for good. As for the bad news, well, the parade of potential horribles is
almost too ghastly to contemplate.

This war had already claimed several victims before a shot has been fired.
The U.N. Charter, for one, has been badly wounded. It is to be expected
that small and marginal powers, with ambitions and grievances which are
not accounted for in the system of international law, will at times behave
without regard to that system. But when the world's greatest power, the
principal architect and arbiter in the system, offhandedly casts it aside,
then there is no law and no order.

Another early casualty is American diplomacy. The Bush Administration has
succeeded in creating a united block of second-tier states, led by France,
determined to place limits on American power. If you want a good laugh,
check out the State Department list of countries belonging to the
"Coalition of the Willing."

Most troubling is the extreme damage being done to U.S.-Arab relations,
which were already in intensive care due to September 11 on the one
hand, and unconditional American support for Israel in its war against the
Palestinian people on the other. The increasing alienation between Arabs
and Americans, fueled in both societies by outrageously irresponsible
media, requires careful consideration and urgent attention.

The fiasco at the Security Council demonstrates how ill-served the
President has been by his key advisers. But a far greater miscalculation has
been expressed by Vice President Cheney, among others, that this war will
have a calming effect on the region by demonstrating American strength
and resolve. This logic, which emanates from anti-Arab polemicists like
Bernard Lewis, is a slightly prettified version of "the only language these
people understand is..."

Like most other official American approaches to the region, it refuses to
take Arab perceptions and opinion seriously. But, like it or not, most Arabs
will probably regard the war as a rather crude form of imperialism, if not a
highly sophisticated burglary, and be outraged, rather than awed and
subdued by a spectacle of global discipline.

An American occupation of Iraq, dovetailing with the ongoing Israeli
occupation of Palestinian lands, could not be better designed to lend a
sudden and undeserved credibility to hysterical and paranoid rhetoric
about a generalized attack on Arabs and Muslims by "Crusaders and Jews."
Al-Qaeda, which by rights should be on the road to a well-deserved
extinction, is about to be given a perfect platform for winning support and

To be sure, the big loser in all of this certainly will be Saddam Hussein. But
the big winner is unlikely to be President Bush, and certainly will not be
the American people. Nor, in all probability, will it be the Iraqi people, at
last rid of a foul tyrant only to find themselves living under the rule of a
foreign army.

Given the nature, timing and perceptions of this war, the big winner, in all
dreadful likelihood, will be...Osama bin Laden.

This is the first in a regular series of weekly columns by Hussein Ibish
which will be archived at www.ibish.com in the near future. These
columns reflect only the personal views of Mr. Ibish, and are not
necessarily those of any group or organization with which he is otherwise

© 2003 Electronic Iraq/electronicIraq.net, a joint project from Voices in

Wilderness and The Electronic Intifada. Views expressed on this page may
or may not be representative of Electronic Iraq or its founders. For
website or publication reprint permission, please contact us. All other
forms of mass reproduction for educational and activist use are
encouraged. Page last updated: 20 March 2003, 13:34 CST.
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