-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/18/99 2:18:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>  Excuse me Bill, but the Colonel was doing more than that.
>  He inferred in his dialogue that the lady had 'natural sexual equipment'
>  that could be used 'un-naturally' and by inference further suggested that
>  Mans 'natural equipment' was a gun - which could also be used
>  Where the Colonel demonstrates Sociopathic traits is his assumption that
>  Mankind should 'naturally inherit' the TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION. eg. guns
>  12 millenia of such Neanderthal thought must surely have taught even the
>  most basic retard in the Military that the only reason to bear arms
>  is the unnatural defence of the TOOLS OF CREATION and their society.
>  There is nothing 'Natural' about Slaughter to a reasoning, creating and
>  nurturing Society.
>  The colonels point of view is not social or civilised, nor ar his manners
>  or attitude towards someone he is sworn to defend.
>  Andrew Hennessey
>  Transformation Studies Group
>  Edinburgh    Scotland
>  >
My goodness, Andrew! I'm certainly glad that attitude didn't flow all the way
to me in my Scottish blood. Here in the US if someone implies lethal violence
our inferrence is lethal violence and we're likely to imply a bullet.


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