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The ideological forebears of Washington’s "neo- conservatives"

By Stefan Steinberg
26 March 2003

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The article by Bill Vann, “The controversy over US Congressman Moran:
anti-Semitism, Zionism and the Iraq war,”
>>>see article that follows<<<
correctly characterises the collaboration between pro-Zionist elements in
the Bush administration, such as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, with
such born-again Christian fundamentalists as the president himself. The
ideology that underlies the thinking of the administration’s most hawkish
and criminal elements, often referred to as “neo-conservatives”, is worth
further examination.

Ideologically, Bush himself is a cipher, the proverbial empty vessel that can
be filled at will according to immediate propaganda requirements. In his
discussions with political cronies, Bush reportedly favours analogies drawn
from sports and western comic books. Spiced with prejudices drawn from
his supposedly diligent study of the bible, his vulgar and disingenuous
remarks are then honed down into the easily digestible sound bites that
characterise his public addresses.

Bush’s entourage may have been nervous in the early days of the
administration on the few occasions when the president was called upon
to speak without a prompter. But in the meantime, the utter subservience
of the American media and the complete prostration of the Democratic
Party have convinced Rumsfeld, Cheney and company that there is nothing
to worry about. Nobody is prepared to comment on the absurdities, non
sequiturs and downright lies that characterise a Bush press conference.

The cement that holds together the various strands of the Bush
administration is their pocketbooks and stock market portfolios. The
devastation of Iraq and awarding of reconstruction contracts to
Republican-connected companies make perfect sense to Cheney, Rumsfeld
and Wolfowitz.

While the world is currently fed the lies that the American war campaign is
about “democracy”, “freedom” and even the “protection of the
environment”, on occasion the administration is more frank about its
pursuit of geo-strategic interests. As Wolfowitz himself has said: “It is
simply terrible when humans kill other humans and when a people wipe out
a minority. It is certainly the case that one cannot stop such things
happening in the world, but at the same time it is wrong to act as if the
attempt to do so is motivated by mere humanitarian wishful thinking, and
has nothing to do with genuine interests” (cited in Spiegel online).

Nevertheless it would be wrong to think that the Bush administration
operates without a political ideology. There are educated and
experienced academics and politicians in positions of influence who have
very definite conceptions of how American domestic and foreign policy
should be pursued. It is worth looking briefly at one particular strand of
these ideas that plays a key role in the aggressive foreign policy of the
Bush administration. It also helps to explain the at first glance puzzling
alliance in the Republican Party between right-wing advocates of Zionism
such as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle and Christian fundamentalists
whose own anti-Semitic inclinations are no secret.

Leo Strauss and the rise of neo-conservatism

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and chairman of the Defense
Policy Board, Richard Perle, both attended the University of Chicago
where they became adherents of the political ideas of the German-Jewish
political ideologist Leo Strauss.

Born in Germany, Strauss was forced to flee after the Nazi’s seized power
in 1933. He emigrated to America with a letter of recommendation in his
pocket from his political mentor and close friend, the jurist Carl Schmitt.
Strauss went on to teach political science at the University of Chicago and
gained prominence among a relatively small group of students and

Strauss abhorred modern liberal democracy, which he saw as encouraging
the most poisonous of vices—social equality—and opening the path to
potential tyranny. Strauss saw at work in modern-day America all of the
weaknesses of the German Weimar Republic, which collapsed and gave way
to fascism. Politics, for Strauss, amounted to the defence and propagation
of privilege . Against the equalising pressure of liberalism, Strauss
advocated the creation of an aristocracy in the midst of American society.
>From the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, Strauss drew his
advocacy of an aristocratic elite and disdain for the broad masses.
Influenced by Martin Heidegger, Strauss developed a profound antipathy
to modernism and the technological progress of modern society.

In her book Leo Strauss and the American Right, Shadia B. Drury writes
from the standpoint of a sceptical liberal attempting to breathe life into
what was correctly termed, in a recent WSWS article, the “stinking
corpse” of American liberalism. Despite the shortcomings of her book she
includes some interesting passages on the ideas of Leo Strauss.

For Strauss, according to Drury, the Holocaust was the logical outcome of
modern society and the path of liberalism and democracy. “He [Strauss]
believed that it was the ascendancy of a certain set of ill-conceived ideas
in the history of the West which has led to the ‘barbarism we have
witnessed’. He associated these ideas with modernity, liberalism and the
rationalism of the Enlightenment. He believed that these ideas have
triumphed at the expense of ancient wisdom and that their success had
everything to do with the Holocaust. In other words the Holocaust was a
logical outcome of the ascendancy of Enlightenment rationalism, nihilism,
liberalism, and secularism” (p. 14).

Strauss was convinced that one of the most pernicious consequences of
liberal democracy was the decline of myths and religion as part of a
nationalist ideology necessary to weld a people together.

Drury writes: “He [Strauss] values religion as a source of order and stability
in society. He believes that religion provides the majority of people with
the comfort they need to bear their harsh existence. He does not
disagree with Marx that religion is the opium of the people, he just thinks
people need their opium” (p. 12).

The priority accorded to the social role of religion by Strauss is significant
in understanding the current collaboration between modern adherents of
Strauss’s ideas and the Christian right.

Leo Strauss was a fervent opponent of any form of Jewish assimilation and
at times argued against an independent Zionist state, which he stated
made too many concessions to assimilation.

At the same time, when Zionist interests were threatened, Strauss
consistently came to the support of the Israeli state. In a letter to the
magazine Commentary, Strauss objected to an inference in an article that
the state of Israel was established on a racist basis. Strauss insisted that
political Zionism and the state of Israel had saved the Jews from “complete
dissolution”, by which me meant not the Holocaust but rather the process
of assimilation.

Strauss was convinced of mankind’s irredeemable wickedness which could
only be restrained through a powerful state based on nationalism. In a
letter to his friend Schmitt, Strauss wrote: “Because mankind is
intrinsically wicked he has to be governed: Such governance can only be
established, however, when men are united—and they can only be united
against other people.”

Strauss proclaimed his opposition to fascism, but at the same time, on the
basis of his anti- liberal sentiments, enjoyed close relations with the main
legal architect of National Socialism. Carl Schmitt was the most important
legal authority of the Nazi Third Reich and drew up all of the key laws used
by the Nazis to take and hold onto state power.

Drury comments on the links between the two men in a passage that
illustrates Strauss’s crude portrayal of political tendencies. Nevertheless,
the passage demonstrates the way in which Strauss and Schmitt linked
domestic and foreign policy and throws some light, I believe, on the
thinking in Republican circles today:

“In a commentary on Carl Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political, Strauss
agrees with Schmitt that liberalism has turned life into entertainment, and
has deprived it of its seriousness, intensity, and struggle.... Strauss shares
the controversial Nazi jurist and political philosopher’s view that the
fundamental distinction in politics is that of friend and foe. Schmitt
admires the Nazis because they understood the importance of this
distinction and they proceeded to exterminate their enemies, including
internal enemies. Like Schmitt, Strauss believes that politics is first and
foremost about the distinction between WE and THEY. Strauss thinks that
a political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat;
and following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no external threat exists
then one has to be manufactured. Had he lived to see the collapse of the
Soviet Union, he would have been deeply troubled because the collapse of
the evil empire poses a threat to America’s inner stability” (p. 23).

Under conditions of enormous social polarisation and social decay in
today’s America, the significance of Strauss’s and Schmitt’s thinking in
relation to internal opposition has not been lost on such prominent
advocates of a war with Iraq as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle.

Wolfowitz’s advocacy of an open acknowledgement of the economic and
political interests underlying the pursuit of an aggressive and expansionist
foreign policy also finds an echo in the definition of American interests
articulated by another enthusiast of Strauss’s thought— conservative
ideologue Irving Kristol .

In 1983, Kristol elaborated his definition of nationalism: “Patriotism springs
from love of the nation’s past; nationalism arises out of the hope for the
nation’s future, distinctive greatness.... Neoconservatives believe ... that
the goals of American foreign policy must go beyond a narrow, too literal
definition of ‘national security.’ It is the national interest of a world
power, as this is defined by a sense of national destiny ... not a myopic
national security.”

His son William Kristol returns to the theme in his latest book, The War
over Iraq, co-written with Lawrence F. Kaplan, where they clearly indicate
that American imperialism will not stop at a war with Iraq. They state that
the occupation of Iraq concerns more than “the future of the Middle East
and the war against international terrorism. It concerns the role which
America aims to play in the 21st century.” It is worth recalling that William
Kristol had openly called for “a war against terror” nine days before the
terror attacks of September 11.

For several decades after the Second World War, Strauss and his students
remained a relatively unknown and idiosyncratic backwater of political
ideology. Today, leading spokesmen of the conservative intellectual
movement influenced by the ideas of Leo Strauss include writers,
academics and scions of the political right such as Harry V. Jaffa, Joseph
Cropsey, Allan Bloom (author of the best seller The Closing of the American
Mind) Willmore Kendall, Irving Kristol, editor of the magazine The Public
Interest, and son William Kristol, editor of the most important magazine of
the new right, The Weekly Standard.

The rise to prominence of the backward nostrums of Strauss and his pupils
is incomprehensible without grasping American liberalism’s continuous
retreat since the 1970s. This retreat, epitomised by the complete political
decay of the Democratic Party, has allowed a small group of ultra-
reactionary thinkers—including ex-lefts who passed through the
Democratic Party—to move from the fringes of the Republican Party to
positions of influence.

There are definite links between the noxious nationalism and war-lust
emanating from Washington and the anti-rational and reactionary theories
which have already played such a disastrous role in the twentieth century.

The sickening spectacle of the prostration of the Democrats to Bush’s war
confirms that the only force that can counter such tendencies is the
American and world working class educated on the basis of socialist

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World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved
The controversy over US Congressman Moran: anti-Semitism, Zionism and
the Iraq war

By Bill Vann
21 March 2003

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A remark made earlier this month to an antiwar meeting by US
Congressman James Moran of northern Virginia has provoked a firestorm of
criticism. Major US Zionist organizations have demanded that he resign his
seat for associating the “Jewish community” with the Bush administration’s
drive to war in Iraq.

The Anti-Defamation League took out an ad in the Washington Post
denouncing Moran and accusing him of resurrecting “the dangerous anti-
Semitic canard about Jewish influence and control of US foreign policy.”
Democratic leaders vied with Republicans in censuring Moran, who was
immediately stripped of his post as a Democratic regional whip in the
House of Representatives. Six Jewish Congressmen issued a statement
advising Moran not to run again, while the Washington Post published an
editorial entitled “Blaming the Jews,” which declared Moran “unfit to
serve in Congress” and voiced hope that the Democrats would “make an
effort to find a better candidate” when Moran is up for reelection next

Within days, two potential challengers for his congressional seat had
announced themselves, hoping, no doubt, to garner substantial resources
from the pro-Israel lobby for a bid to oust the incumbent.

Moran is the former mayor of Alexandria, Virginia and his district,
considered to be a safe district for the Democrats, is one of the
wealthiest in the state. He is considered a middle- of-the-road Democrat,
with strong ties to both the military and the high-tech industry, the two
largest employers in the area.

He is a typical political operator, embroiled in two recent corruption
scandals involving substantial loans from businesses that could benefit from
his vote. He cannot be described in any way as a principled opponent of
US foreign policy or the financial interests that drive it.

The current furor arose from a remark Moran made while speaking before
an audience of about 120 people gathered in a local church to oppose a
war on Iraq. Moran responded to a woman who rose to identify herself as
Jewish and wonder aloud why more Jews were not participating in the
forum. Referring to the seeming inevitability of war, the Congressman
commented: “If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish
community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this. The leaders
of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change
the direction of where this is going, and I think they should.”

Moran’s remark was politically crude and inaccurate—reflecting the
thinking of a Democratic hack who sees the world in terms of “voting
blocs,” campaign contributors and lobbyists. What was meant by the
“Jewish community” and “Jewish leaders” was not spelled out. There is
certainly not enough there, however, to brand him an anti-Semite.

The motive of the Republicans in doing so was transparent: they cynically
hoped to use the incident to curry favor with Jewish organizations that
play a significant role in both campaign financing and political lobbying.
Democrats jumped on the bandwagon in an effort to conciliate this same

Seizing upon an unguarded comment made before a small audience to
create a scandal of national proportions has a certain history on Capitol
Hill. It is a time-tested means of settling scores, regulating political
discussion and, in this case, intimidating those who might consider
opposing the policies of Israel and its American Zionist supporters.

But there is an added political dimension to the Moran story. As one
Democratic Party official told the Washington Post, the Congressman
“touched a raw nerve at a moment of very high danger to the world. It’s
bad timing in the extreme.”

What is this “raw nerve”? There is a growing popular realization that Israeli
interests play an inordinate role in the foreign policy of the US in general,
and the plans for another war in the Persian Gulf in particular. Under
conditions in which there is suspicion and unease among broad sections of
the American population over the ever-changing pretexts given by the
Bush administration for its war against Iraq, this perception has grown.

Moran was wrong to lump together the “Jewish community,” by which one
could infer all Jews in America, with the “leaders of the Jewish
community,” by which Moran no doubt meant the established pro-Israeli
lobby. At the same time, there is more than a kernel of truth to what he
said. Major American Jewish organizations that are staunchly pro-Israel do
exert significant influence in Washington, particularly on US actions in the
Middle East. Were such organizations to actively oppose a war on Iraq, it
would complicate the Bush administration’s drive to war.

Whether Moran is an anti-Semite cannot be ascertained from this one
remark. Moreover, the false identification between Jews as a whole and
pro-Zionist groups is unfortunately not unique to Moran. Indeed, this very
conception has been assiduously promoted by the Zionists themselves,
who react to any criticism of their own politics or the actions of the
Israeli state as prima facie proof of anti-Semitism.

Much ink has been spilled across the editorial pages of the major national
dailies in recent weeks dismissing charges that American Zionists and Israeli
interests are playing a substantial role in the current drive to war. In most
cases, these opinion pieces set up anti-Semitic straw men in order to
knock them down.

The Washington Post’s Richard Cohen, for example, wrote that the Clinton
administration “had many more Jews in important positions than does the
pro-war Bush administration.” He continued: “...it’s preposterous to
suggest that George Bush would heed the Jewish community, which largely
votes Democratic, over his conservative Christian base, whose support of
the war approaches 102 percent...”

Bill Keller of the New York Times, a supporter of the war, penned a similar
piece entitled “Is it good for the Jews?” He wrote: “Making the world
safer for us—defusing terrorism and beginning to reform a region that is a
source of toxic hostility to what we stand for—happens to make the world
safer for Israel as well. But the idea that Israel’s interests are driving one
of the most momentous shifts in American foreign policy is simple-minded
and offensive.”

It is true that the war against Iraq is not being fought at the behest of
Israel. It is a war to assert US imperialist hegemony in the Middle East and
internationally. Those who argue otherwise—most of them from certain
precincts of the Republican right wing—do indeed dabble in anti-Semitism.

That there exist neo-Nazi groups and anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists
counting up Jews in Washington (probably adding Rumsfeld to the list) and
ranting about a “Zionist occupation government” is indisputable. But the
real issue is not the ethnicity or religion of those in the administration
who promote war in Iraq, but their politics.

With the installation of the Bush administration, a tight-knit political
grouping that coalesced under the Reagan administration came back into
office. Known as “neo-conservatives,” this group is closely tied to an
interlocking chain of Washington think tanks that are characterized by
their promotion of US militarism and the expansionist policy of the Israeli
right. Several of these individuals have made substantial fortunes in the
private sector brokering US, Israeli and Turkish arms contracts.

This group includes among its most prominent members: Deputy Defense
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Richard Perle, the chairman of the Pentagon’s
Defense Policy Board; Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith;
and Elliott Abrams, convicted for lying to Congress during the Iran-contra
crisis and recently placed in charge of Near East Affairs on Bush’s National
Security Council.

These individuals constitute a right-wing ideological faction, whose views
no more represent those of most American Jews than Richard Cheney’s
reflect the thinking of most Methodists. Indeed, repeated polls have
indicated that Jews nationally oppose war against Iraq in a larger
proportion than the general population.

Even within the spectrum of Israeli politics, these officials represent a
decidedly reactionary layer. Feith and Perle served as advisors in 1996 to
the incoming Israeli Likud government of Benyamin Netanyahu, authoring at
the time a document entitled “A clean break: a new strategy for securing
the realm.”

This document repudiated any “land for peace” proposal calling for Israeli
withdrawal from the occupied territories. Instead, it urged an aggressive
Israeli policy to reshape the regional “strategic environment” through the
toppling of the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. It advised the incoming
Israeli government to win US support for such a goal by posing the Middle
East conflict in terms reminiscent of the Cold War struggle against the
Soviet bloc.

Four years earlier, Perle—who came under a cloud in the 1980s for having
accepted payments from an Israeli arms firm that later sold weapons to the
Pentagon—joined Abrams in the creation of the Committee on US Interests
in the Middle East. This outfit was formed with the aim of scuttling the
Oslo negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization
and pressuring Washington into unconditional support for Israel’s control
of the occupied territories.

Does not the presence of these individuals in key decision-making positions
on US military strategy and the Arab-Israeli conflict provide Israel with
enormous influence on US policy? Even raising this question is answered by
the Israeli lobby in the US with cries of “anti- Semitism.”

This merely echoes the position of the Israeli government itself, which
dismisses criticism of its increasingly reactionary and brutal policies against
the Palestinian population as anti- Semitic. Thus, the Sharon government,
responsible for killing over 2,200 Palestinians in the last 30 months, calls
charges that Israeli troops massacred civilians in Jenin a “blood libel.”

Anti-Semitism, a foul and reactionary outlook with a long and deservedly
infamous pedigree, is in fact strengthened by this duplicitous attempt to
silence any opposition to Zionism and the colonialist policies of the Israeli
state by labeling it an attack on the Jewish people.

The Israeli daily Ha’aretz published a recent column making precisely this
point: “It is hard not to think that Israel contributed to this blurring of
distinctions. Cabinet ministers and spokesmen in Israel were too quick in
accusing Israel’s critics of anti-Semitic motives—even when the criticism
was specific and directed at government policy, with no derogatory
intentions toward Jews in general....On the other hand, when Israel notes
that the overwhelming majority of Jewish people stands behind it, it is
creating the equation between itself and the Jews.”

This “blurring of distinctions” has been the hallmark of the Israeli state
since its creation. It was the centerpiece of Zionist ideology that the Jews
could exist as a people only through the carving out of their own national
state. Long a distinct minority in terms of Jewish politics, it took the
greatest crimes of the twentieth century—Stalinism’s liquidation of its
socialist and internationalist opponents followed by the Nazi Holocaust and
the murder of 6 million European Jews—to create the conditions in which
Zionism could realize its reactionary project.

These terrible events also had their impact on the political thinking of a
layer of Jewish intellectuals who previously oriented towards the socialist
movement, but then turned sharply to the right. The political godfather of
the so-called neo-conservative movement that spawned the likes of Abrams
and Perle was Irving Kristol, who in his youth was a socialist and briefly a
member of the Trotskyist movement. In his recent speech before the
American Enterprise Institute outlining his “vision” for remaking the Middle
East, Bush began his remarks with a verbal nod to Kristol.

There is no question that the predominant pro-Israeli Jewish organizations
in the US have swung violently to the right in recent years. Through their
rabid defense of the indefensible actions of the Israeli government against
the Palestinians and their unconditional backing for US militarism, they
have dishonored a long-standing association of Jewish intellectuals,
professionals and workers with opposition to oppression in all its forms.

Increasingly, these Zionist “leaders” and organizations have allied
themselves with reactionary elements within and around the Bush
administration, including Christian fundamentalist anti-Semites who
fervently support Israeli aggression, seeing it as a short cut to Armageddon
(and the destruction of “heathen” Jewry).

The Israeli lobby will seek retribution against Moran, not only for a remark
in a Virginia church, but also for earlier statements criticizing Israeli
actions in the West Bank and Gaza and questioning the level of US aid to
the Zionist state. The threat is significant, as Rep. Cynthia McKinney
(Democrat of Georgia) found out. Her critical remarks about Israeli policy
resulted in a flood of money raised by the Zionist right into her
opponent’s coffers, helping deny her another term.

Such a political hit will be aimed not at anti-Semitism, but at defending a
corrupt set of relations between officials, arms manufacturers and
influence peddlers in Washington and Tel Aviv. It will be designed to send a
message to other politicians that any criticism of the US- Israeli military-
industrial complex is political suicide.

Like Israel itself, these Zionist organizations provide no answer to anti-
Semitism or the dangers of war and fascism that today arise with greater
force than at any time since the end of the Second World War. Indeed,
they only fuel these dangers.

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