-Caveat Lector-

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Enron Lobbyist Pushed Deregulatory Agenda - Public Citizen Press

Iraq rebuilding contracts awarded - Halliburton - CNN/Money

Cheney daughter - human shield in Baghdad??? - Albawaba.com

Enron Lobbyist Pushed Deregulatory Agenda - Public Citizen Press




25th March, 2003
by Fintan Dunne, Editor

 Thorn in the side of the American administration, and former UN weapons
inspector Scott Ritter, has warned that America will loose the Iraq war and
the American military: "will leave Iraq with its tail between its legs."

  In an interview with Irish radio, Mr. Ritter said that the conflict would
become an "absolute quagmire," and the US-UK advance would stall outside
Bhagdad and fail to capture the city.
  "We find ourselves... facing a nation of 23 million, with armed elements
numbering around 7 million --who are concentrated at urban areas. We will
not win this fight. America will loose this war," said Mr. Ritter.
  According to Mr. Ritter, too many in the Pentagon have listened to: "the
blithering of Iraqi expatriates," whose agenda coincides with
neo-conservatives in the White House.
  "We're in Iraq --carrying out the right-wing neo-conservative motives of a
handful of people. The Richard Perle's, Paul Wolfowitz's; the Dick Cheney's.
And we've allowed them to hijack our foreign policy," he told Irish
broadcaster, Vincent Browne on the RTE1 radio "Tonight Show."
  He warned that Shia Muslims in the South were not fighting because of
intimidation by the Iraqi government, but because of nationalistic and
religious reasons.
 "They're doing it because, the American Crusader Infidel has invaded and
violated Holy Iraq, and they will resist us, and they will resist us
strongly," said Mr. Ritter. "We are not liberating Iraq, we are destroying
Iraq," he added later in the interview.
  Scott Ritter, is a former U.N. weapons inspector and author of the book
"Endgame." Ritter, a ballistic missile technology expert, worked in military
intelligence during his 12-year career in the U.S. armed forces. In 1998,
Ritter resigned from the U.N. Special Commissions team to protest Clinton
Administration policies that he said subverted the weapons inspection


Pictures of our dead sons & daughters.  Warning, this is sad:


In Baghdad, a deadly risk of urban war
House-to-house fighting may rival Vietnam's worst



 "E-bomb dropped on Iraqi T.V"


Knocks on the door have started.

Internet discussant Brian Quig visited by Homeland Security at 4:30 a.m.

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 7:59 PM

> Now just 5 minutes to tell of the intrusion of three cops and a
> Detective from the TERRORISM SQUAD who I made the mistake of being
> too civil to at 4:00AM when they shined flashlights into my
> residence.  without warrents of any kind and under the pretext that
> they could not check if I was the real resident of the house because
> their computers were down and for 4 and ahlf hours they searched
> eveything I owned and interrogated me for as long.
> Getting the point?  permindex ahs his a nerve
> Brian


Untrue Reports of Basra uprising Could Lead to Bloody Massacre

Following the discovery that this campaign against Iraq wasn't going to be
the walkover that the US administration promised, nor the 'humane' and
'bloodless' attack that the people of Britain were told, it seems that the
US and British governments resorted to misinformation and deception in
trying to boost public opinion and ultimately win over a war that is
threatening to turn into the bloody and messy affair that The Muslim
Association of Britain and the whole antiwar movement warned against from
the outset.

British media sources are reporting an alleged 'uprising' in the city of
Basra, which the Iraqi forces are countering by killing and shooting into
the groups of uprisers. The reports also state that the US and British
commanders are planning to attack the city of Basra in order to 'protect the
people who have come under Iraqi attack'.

However, one cannot help but consider these reports with great suspicion for
a number of reasons:

The timing of this report, following the announcement this morning of Basra
as a 'Military Objective', as well as the Prime Minister's statement this
afternoon, gives rise to extreme suspicion as to the true events unfolding
in Basra.
The total absence of any report of an uprising or unrest in Basra, from the
entire Arabic media. One must note that Al-Jazeera satellite channel have a
reporter permanently stationed in Basra for the past few weeks, yet deny any
incident which may be interpreted as an 'uprising' or 'unrest', let alone
such attack by the Iraqi forces against the people of Basra. We find it
illogical that the BBC should choose not to use Aljazeerah on this news
item, when the BBC has signed a news collaboration deal with this highly
reliable Arab satellite TV station

The continuing mis-reporting of events unfolding on the ground, and the huge
discrepancy between the images and news conveyed by the British and Arabic
media outlets, where the former continue to report an almost 'clean' war,
whilst numerous Arabic reporters inside Iraqi towns and cities bring back
daily images of hundreds of killed and wounded civilians, some being
children as young as 5 years old. High amongst the mis-representation of
events is the news that the people of Al-Faw received American troops with
great rejoice, whilst the vast majority of Al-Faw residents who were
interviewed after the entry of the troops spoke of their despise to this
foreign force on their lands, forcing an American Marine to block the camera
lens shooting this interview, so that the true feelings of the Iraqi people
cannot be conveyed.
The trail of deceptions and half-baked facts which were presented by the
British and American governments in their respective struggle to win the
argument for going to war and win over a massive opposition at home.
Anas Altikriti the spokesman of The Muslim Association of Britain therefore
warns "These suspicious unconfirmed reports denied by Independent sources
may be used as an excuse for a truly bloody massacre in the city of Basra
where British and American troops could possibly be ordered to storm the
city which has resisted the attack for several days now.The troops may
attack with a ferocity which breaches the initial undertaking to launch only
'surgical' attacks that would avoid causing civilian casualties, under the
pretext that the Iraqi forces were killing their own people, something that
has been denied vehemently by the residents of Basra ."


Senhor San

The Jewish zionists have a core menagerie of cabalistic sorcerers. Evil
black magicians. Be aware of that. They batter the shining spirits of the
world the same way their exoteric propagandists batter the published truth.
They cannot prevail against a pure spirit. And "purity" is a matter of
self-knowledge, not of being "perfect" or "free of sin", it is the freedom
from self-deception (possibly the only real "sin").



namaste,if anyone is familiar with the contents of a package of MRE's you'll
notice that the Pentagon forgot something ...toilet paper.. Camp Le Juene
says the marines need TP and to send the troops some Toilet Paper, that's
what I call having all yer bases covered but I guess those brainacs at the
pentagon did not think that TP was a necessity during a War( we need some
more inept leaders to think of everything to protect us)my little bro' is in
the 2nd marine expeditionary force and guess what they need shit paper cause
the higher ups have thought of everything ,they claim !!! hopefully they
took enough ammo with them?!

Yes,  and they forgot the tanks  -- RUmsfeld broke with US military attack
doctrine and went at half prescribved stregth  --  so Bush could as for 75
billion and not the 100 billion that it will really take  --  RUmsfeld can
take more casualties, since the lives of our sons do not enter into the
accounting system as liabilities.


Will American Administration Declare War on Russia?

US officials think that Russia is guilty of their unsuccessful war

It is obvious today that the war in Iraq is not the kind of war that the
American administration was intended to have. The strong resistance that
Iraqi troops showed, Iraqi ABM systems and anti-tank facilities turned out
to be an unexpected surprise for Americans.

As the American administration believed, the war turned out to be difficult
on account of the fact that the Russian defense industry delivered anti-tank
missiles to Iraq via third countries. As it was said, the Russian defense
industry also supplied Iraq with night vision devices, and unique Kolchuga
anti-missile systems. The US administration determined that Russia delivered
those weapons to Iraq several days before the war was launched. The official
note of protest on the part of the US Department of State was based on those
illegal deliveries. The note of protest was handed over to the Russian
ambassador to the USA, Yury Ushakov.

The Russian government did not ignore USA's threats (in the form of certain
statements) to punish Russia for arms deliveries. The Russian leadership
realizes that the war menace is approaching the country. According to the
information from competent military sources, the navy command finished
checking the alertness of anti-submarine facilities of naval troops in
Kamchatka. Military exercises were conducted in admirals' presence. Diesel
submarines of the Russian navy performed basic military exercises at sea.
The order for battleships to travel to the Indian Ocean and to the Persian
Gulf was called off.

Military units of the Russian Far East get ready for possible border
conflicts. It seems that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Russia, President
Vladimir Putin, realizes the anti-Russian essence of America's aggressive
aspiration. Putin takes measures to strengthen the alertness of Russian
troops at the border territory. The Russian army and navy command held a
secret session in Moscow yesterday, at which military high-ranking officials
considered possible variants for the Mideast situation to develop. American
spy planes have been conducting aerial reconnaissance at Russia's borders
for several days already.

Colonel-General Valery Manilov, a member of the Federation Council from the
Primorye region, said in his interview to Echo of Moscow radio station: "The
decision to start the war on Iraq is a big mistake that the United States
made. America gave an incentive for the rest of the world to unite in the
anti-American coalition. It is obvious from the diplomatic point of view
that no country in the whole world will wish to live and watch Americans
using the military force whenever they want and like it to use. The world
community will have to consolidate its military, political, economic,
technical resources in order not to allow that to happen. The process is
under way already. This is a unique moment, for it never happened before,
not even during the USA's bombing of Yugoslavia. The world will have to
unite and find a format to restrain America, the country, which opposed
itself to the whole world."

On the other hand, the beginning of the war is a drama for the USA itself.
This is likely to provoke the collapse of the antiterrorist coalition,
terrorist activities in the USA and in Great Britain might increase, arms
race is likely to speed up, including the weapons of mass destruction race.
Ecological catastrophes are likely to happen in the world as well. Before
opposing the whole world, the United States and Great Britain made desperate
steps to strengthen their activities for winning UN Security Council members
and the world community over to their side. This means that George W. Bush,
Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice did their best not to let
the USA have an aggressive image for the world community. The American
administration suffered a diplomatic failure. Cheap and high-quality Iraqi
oil is the prime goal of the game. Americans hope that the oil will allow
them to settle their economic and financial issues. However, the price of
that oil will be unacceptable for the USA. America's image as a safe, stable
and powerful country has been ruined. At present moment, the world perceives
the USA as a country that is ready to disregard the opinion of the world for
the sake of its own interests only. A large number of victims is not an
issue at all.

Thousands of lives will have to be wasted for such hypothetical takeover of
the Iraqi oil. Those lives will be the lives of American people too. As they
say, if you sow wind you will rip a storm. The inferiority complex might
also be a reason why the war began. This complex has been tormenting
President Bush and his team - the people, who did not get to overthrow
Saddam in 1991. Those people try to get rid of their complexes, including
the September 11th complex, with the help of the military force. The
inevitable failure of the incumbent American administration will be the
result of that. You can conquer with bayonets, but you can't sit on them.

Vasily Buslayev
Daily News


Translated by Dmitry Sudakov



Whose God is stronger?  Allah or the Dollah?

American Troops are stuck in a Sandstorm

It could actually happen that the fate which befell the Spanish Armada
could happen to the American Troops invading Iraq.

Right now, the American troops cannot move because of the sandstorm.
This problem may be serious.

Because the troops cannot see, they cannot move forward or attack the

Moreover, they are now only 50 miles from Baghdad but 300 miles from
Kuwait, and the supply trucks bringing food and fuel up from Kuwait
cannot reach them.

It is being explained on TV news today that it takes one thousand
gallons of fuel each day to run just one American tank or fighting
vehicle. This means that a lot of trucks have to be bringing up fuel
from Kuwait every day.

Their only choice now is to turn off their machines to save gas until
the fuel trucks can get through.

American troops are now only 50 miles South of Baghdad. They are
believed to be East and North of Baghdad as well. However, if the sand
storm does not break soon, they will run out of fuel and will be
sitting ducks for the Iraqis.

It is to be remembered that a turning point in history occurred when
the 500 ship Spanish Armada was destroyed by a hurricane. Otherwise,
Spain would have almost certainly conquered and occupied England.
Similarly, during World War II, the German Tanks ran out of gas and
this enabled the conquest of Germany.

I am not gloating over this. To the contrary, my daughter is in the US
Marines and is in Kuwait participating in the invasion of Iraq,
through aircraft maintenance.

Sam Sloan


U.N. council to debate U.S.-led war --In closed-door consultations, the U.N.
Security Council Tuesday agreed to requests from the Arab Group and the
Non-Aligned Movement for all members of the world organization to join in a
formal debate on the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq to unseat President Saddam


Do You Think Bush Should Be Impeached?
Will be published on: http://GeorgeWalkerBush.net

Do You Think Bush Should Be Impeached?

Congressman John Conyers Jr. Seeks Impeachment Tally


Congressman John Conyers Jr. on the Judicial Committee is asking you to,
through his legislative assistant Alexia, email or fax him if you want Bush
to be impeached.

Message from Alexia: The phones are currently ringing off the hook, so
please send a brief message stating whether you are for or against
impeachment via email or fax.

Fax: 313 226.2085
Fax: 202 225.0072

2426 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
202 225.5126
Fax: 202 225.0072

669 Federal Building
231 W. Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48226
313 961.5670
Fax: 313 226.2085


eMail addresses for the 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives
eMail addresses for the 100 members of the United States Senate

Call your Congressperson or Senators
Congressional Switchboard:  Toll Free: 800 839.5276  and  202 224.3121

eMail addresses for Bush and Cheney
Call Bush and Cheney White House Comment Line: 202 456.1111
Fax Bush and Cheney White House Fax: 202 456.2461


Professor A.K. Dewdney, author of `Ghost Riders in the Sky', has released
the results of an experiment testing the feasibility of claims that
cellphone calls were made from `hijacked' airplanes on September 11th 2001.

The cellphone calls from hijacked planes were a crucial element of the
'official version' of the horrific events of '9/11', as they directly
corroborated the notion that all four planes were hijacked by Arab

Dewdney's experiment suggests that it is highly unlikely the cellphone calls
took place as reported... Dewdney's `Ghost Riders in the Sky' hypothesis has
been available on the web since early 2002. Now in its fourth version, it
can be viewed HERE.

Dewdney is a Canadian Mathematician and Computer Scientist who holds the
position of Emeritus Professor at the University of Western Ontario and has
some 100 academic papers to his name. He proposes that the four `hijacked'
airplanes on 9/11 were taken over by remote control after all crew and
passengers were disabled (probably killed by a poisonous gas such as sarin).
Professor Dewdney further suggests that the `Arab hijackers', whose identity
has been shrouded in mystery since it was discovered that eight supposed
"hijackers' are in fact alive and well, were patsies.

A crucial objection to Dewdney's hypothesis has been the cellphone calls
reportedly made from the `hijacked' planes. These cellphone calls appear to
substantiate the official version of events. If they took place as reported,
Dewdney's hypothesis is clearly incorrect.

In version four of `Ghost Riders', Dewdney went to great lengths to analyze
the numerous reports of cellphone calls, and showed how they could have been

Now he`s gone one better.

On Tuesday 25th February 2003, Dewdney chartered a light plane and flew up
into the airspace above London Ontario ­ an area extensively serviced with
cellphone stations. His goal was to test the essential feasibility of the
claim that cellphone calls could have been made from planes at high
altitude. Dewdney's report on this private experiment, entitled 'Project
Achilles', is HERE
25.htm l

His report concludes: "To the extent that the cellphones used in this
experiment represent types in general use, it may be concluded that from
this particular type of aircraft, cellphones become useless very quickly
with increasing altitude. In particular, two of the cellphone types, the
Mike and the Nokia, became useless above 2000 feet. Of the remaining two,
the Audiovox worked intermittently up to 6000 feet but failed thereafter,
while the BM analog cellphone worked once just over 7000 feet but failed
consistently thereafter. We therefore conclude that ordinary cellphones,
digital or analog, will fail to get through at or above 8000 feet abga."

The light plane used by Dewdney for the experiment could be expected to
yield much better results for cellphone use than large commercial airliners
of the type `hijacked' on 9/11, because the carbon fiber skin of the test
plane is 'radio transparent' and offers little attenuation of the signal -
unlike the aluminum surface of a Boeing 757 or 767. If cellphones fail at a
given altitude in the test plane, one may be confident they won't work at
equivalent altitude in an airliner with a metal surface.

Dewdney's experiment suggests that if cellphone calls from `hijacked'
airplanes on 9/11 happened at all, they must all have occurred at very low
altitude. This is inconsistent with the `official version' of events.

The implications that 9/11 was a spectacular hoax are, of course,
staggering. Many journalists and commentators may be reticent to dissect the
official version of events, because to do so opens a veritable Pandora's

If 9/11 was not carried out by Arab terrorists, the perpetrators clearly
must have influence within the highest levels of the US Administration. Key
elements of the mass media must also have been complicit in perpetrating the

Whoever was ultimately responsible for these crimes against humanity
apparently intended, inter alia, to portray terrorism as a quintessentially
Muslim phenomenon and trigger long-term western hostility towards the Arab
and Moslem world.

With war looming in the middle east, justified largely on the basis of the
events of '9/11', the immediate contemporary relevance of this possibility
is self-evident.

Giving credence to this view is not, perhaps, conducive to a successful
career in the western media. Nevertheless, journalists worthy of the title
should start seriously investigating the many anomalies surrounding 9/11 -
and stop uncritically regurgitating officially-sanctioned myths which fail
to withstand scientific scrutiny.


See Professor Dewdney's 'Project Achilles' Part 2 Report

See also Professor Dewdney's Ghost Riders in the Sky Version 1.4

More about A.K. Dewdney


Untrue Reports of Basra uprising Could Lead to Bloody Massacre

Following the discovery that this campaign against Iraq wasn't going to be
the walkover that the US administration promised, nor the 'humane' and
'bloodless' attack that the people of Britain were told, it seems that the
US and British governments resorted to misinformation and deception in
trying to boost public opinion and ultimately win over a war that is
threatening to turn into the bloody and messy affair that The Muslim
Association of Britain and the whole antiwar movement warned against from
the outset.

British media sources are reporting an alleged 'uprising' in the city of
Basra, which the Iraqi forces are countering by killing and shooting into
the groups of uprisers. The reports also state that the US and British
commanders are planning to attack the city of Basra in order to 'protect the
people who have come under Iraqi attack'.

However, one cannot help but consider these reports with great suspicion for
a number of reasons:

The timing of this report, following the announcement this morning of Basra
as a 'Military Objective', as well as the Prime Minister's statement this
afternoon, gives rise to extreme suspicion as to the true events unfolding
in Basra.
The total absence of any report of an uprising or unrest in Basra, from the
entire Arabic media. One must note that Al-Jazeera satellite channel have a
reporter permanently stationed in Basra for the past few weeks, yet deny any
incident which may be interpreted as an 'uprising' or 'unrest', let alone
such attack by the Iraqi forces against the people of Basra. We find it
illogical that the BBC should choose not to use Aljazeerah on this news
item, when the BBC has signed a news collaboration deal with this highly
reliable Arab satellite TV station

The continuing mis-reporting of events unfolding on the ground, and the huge
discrepancy between the images and news conveyed by the British and Arabic
media outlets, where the former continue to report an almost 'clean' war,
whilst numerous Arabic reporters inside Iraqi towns and cities bring back
daily images of hundreds of killed and wounded civilians, some being
children as young as 5 years old. High amongst the mis-representation of
events is the news that the people of Al-Faw received American troops with
great rejoice, whilst the vast majority of Al-Faw residents who were
interviewed after the entry of the troops spoke of their despise to this
foreign force on their lands, forcing an American Marine to block the camera
lens shooting this interview, so that the true feelings of the Iraqi people
cannot be conveyed.
The trail of deceptions and half-baked facts which were presented by the
British and American governments in their respective struggle to win the
argument for going to war and win over a massive opposition at home.
Anas Altikriti the spokesman of The Muslim Association of Britain therefore
warns "These suspicious unconfirmed reports denied by Independent sources
may be used as an excuse for a truly bloody massacre in the city of Basra
where British and American troops could possibly be ordered to storm the
city which has resisted the attack for several days now.The troops may
attack with a ferocity which breaches the initial undertaking to launch only
'surgical' attacks that would avoid causing civilian casualties, under the
pretext that the Iraqi forces were killing their own people, something that
has been denied vehemently by the residents of Basra ."



Whose God is stronger?  Allah or the Dollah?

American Troops are stuck in a Sandstorm

It could actually happen that the fate which befell the Spanish Armada
could happen to the American Troops invading Iraq.

Right now, the American troops cannot move because of the sandstorm.
This problem may be serious.

Because the troops cannot see, they cannot move forward or attack the

Moreover, they are now only 50 miles from Baghdad but 300 miles from
Kuwait, and the supply trucks bringing food and fuel up from Kuwait
cannot reach them.

It is being explained on TV news today that it takes one thousand
gallons of fuel each day to run just one American tank or fighting
vehicle. This means that a lot of trucks have to be bringing up fuel
from Kuwait every day.

Their only choice now is to turn off their machines to save gas until
the fuel trucks can get through.

American troops are now only 50 miles South of Baghdad. They are
believed to be East and North of Baghdad as well. However, if the sand
storm does not break soon, they will run out of fuel and will be
sitting ducks for the Iraqis.

It is to be remembered that a turning point in history occurred when
the 500 ship Spanish Armada was destroyed by a hurricane. Otherwise,
Spain would have almost certainly conquered and occupied England.
Similarly, during World War II, the German Tanks ran out of gas and
this enabled the conquest of Germany.

I am not gloating over this. To the contrary, my daughter is in the US
Marines and is in Kuwait participating in the invasion of Iraq,
through aircraft maintenance.

Sam Sloan


The Overthrow Of The
American Republic - Part 31
Great Storms And Big Lies Of History
By Sherman H. Skolnick



Throughout the events of the world, there were happenings that, on occasion,
changed the course of history. Later generations often failed to remember or
note the same or see an evil omen of these past occurrences. Some later
called them acts of Mother Nature, others preferring to be spiritual, called
them Divine Intervention. And then there were the Big Lies of foreign

>From about the 15th Century on, Spain emassed great wealth from plundering
countries in the New World. Such as, early in the 16th Century, Spain
conquered Peru and Mexico. Perhaps at the time, Spain denied invading those
lands to steal their gold and silver. For a time, the Spanish Hapsburg
royalty became the most powerful in the world.

In 1588, Philip II of Spain ordered his huge Spanish Armada, considered
invincible, to set sail to conquer England. Call it Mother Nature, call it a
Judgment from Heaven, but a terrible storm blew them off course. What was
left of the shipwrecked fleet ended up on the shores of Ireland. The
surviving sailors/killers later intermarried with the inhabitants, thus
resulting in the Dark Irish.

Following the French Revolution late in the 18th Century, what survived of
the French Aristocracy that had not met their fate at the guillotine---a
machine invented for beheading condemned prisoners---in a form of
counter-revolution, installed a brilliant military conniver, Napoleon
Bonaparte, of Corsica. As the dictator of France, acceptable to the monied
class, he sought to restore their "glory", hurling the best of the French
youth, some to their deaths, to conquer with his clever strategies, Germany,
Austria, and other places.

Eventually Napoleon conquered Russia and briefly set up his headquarters in
Moscow. In the winter of 1813, retreating from Moscow, his armed forces were
hit with the worst winter ever, 80 degrees below zero. Most of his army of
600,000 were lost. Some were frozen deep in ice and their corpses did not
thaw out until many months later.

After the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, he was sent to be exiled in an
island in the mid-South Atlantic Ocean, St. Helena. Some now contend that
there is proof from surviving strands of his hair, that Napoleon was
murdered, bit by bit, by being poisoned with arsenic.

After Adolf Hitler's armies invaded Russia in 1941, the two winters that
followed, were, like what hit Napoleon's army in 1813, some of the worst low
temperatures ever. Many German soldiers considered being sent to the Russian
front as a death warrant. Was it a dark omen of what was to be the great
Nazi military disaster at Stalingrad?

Perhaps over the last two centuries, foreign invaders and would-be foreign
invaders of the Mid-East, did not learn from previous events. Failure to
understand the region, rather than Mother Nature or Divine Intervention,
brought them eventually to ruin. Each such foreign invader started with
bombarding the targetted nation, and others, with the Big Lie that the
invaders were coming, not to steal their land and treasures, but for the
good of the populace.

As one publication quoted George W. Bush, comparing him to Napoleon, Bush
was invading Iraq for spreading " 'God's gift' of liberty 'to each and every
person', and of how 'Iraqi lives and freedom matter greatly to us' "

Wall Street Journal, 3/19/2003, "Past Mideast Invasions Faced Unexpected

What follows are excerpts from the same newspaper:

"Napoleon proclaimed a similar era of equality and respect for 'true
Muslims' as he marched into Cairo in 1798, killing a thousand members of
Eqypt's ruling caste....'Peoples of Egypt, you will be told that I have come
to destroy your religion', said Napoleon as he entered Cairo. 'Do not
believe it! Reply that I have come to restore your rights.' Napoleon's real
goals involved France's colonial rivalry with Britain."

(Note, several times before George W. Bush invaded Iraq, the head of British
Petroleum warned the Bush White House that British Pete, as they are called,
will demand a piece of the Iraq post-war oil treasure. Guardian newspaper,
London, 10/30/2002.)

More excerpts from the Wall Street Journal:

"British troops landed in what's now Iraq in 1914, as part of Britain's
campaign against the Ottoman Turks, allies of Germany in World War I.
'Britain was bursting with confidence in an easy and early victory', wrote
British officer T.E. Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of
Arabia....Capturing Baghdad after the first three years, they offered almost
the same salutation as Napoleon had in Cairo, 'Our armies do not come into
your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators,'
trumpeted Gen.F.S. Maude, commander of the British forces in Iraq. 'Your
wealth has been stripped of you by unjust men....The people of Baghdad shall
flourish under institutions which are in consonance with their sacred
laws'....But Britain retained the Ottomans' long reliance on Sunni Muslims
as the governing class in Iraq, an arrangement that exacerbated conflicts
with Iraqs larger Kurdish and Shia Muslim populations."

The story in the Wall Street Journal , apparently as the faction of the
Ruling Class that opposed the arbitrary installation of George W. Bush, has
a great deal of details of the disasters of foreign invaders into the
Mid-East and the Big Lies proclaimed by each.

So, in 2003, a huge American army, contrary to good military tactics, came
up to the outskirts of Baghdad through desert from the South. Coming up
principally on a highway designed by the Germans similar to their autobahn.
The military purported masterminds had an excuse. Turkey would not permit
the U.S. army to come to Northern Iraq the easy way, across Turkey. Retired
generals and other clever sorts, grumbled that it could lead to a possible
military disaster.

Some saw an evil omen of what might follow, as the U.S. army camped on the
outskirts of Baghdad. Like Napoleon, purported Commander-in-Chief George W.
Bush, to vindicate his father's personal grudge against his former business
partner, Saddam Hussein, might eventually come to ruin. All the while,
George W. Bush claiming, like Napoleon, that Bush was there not to steal
their oil to use as collateral for the out-of-control U.S. debt and tax cuts
for the wealthy, but to do wonderful things for the inhabitants of Iraq,
like Napoleon promised those in Eqypt.

Just as the U.S. Army came up to Baghdad, a tremendous desert sandstorm
befell them, one of the worst anyone could recall. A fine sand bombardment,
capable of clogging up the mechanisms of military vehicles, helicopters, and
jet planes, on which a modern army relies.Was it just a quirk of Mother
Nature or Divine Intervention? To some, perhaps praying for Peace and being
spiritual, it was a sign from Heaven, passing Judgement, on the foreign
invaders, without an avenue of appeal. Were the Peace demands of the bulk of
those on Planet Earth by this, ratified? Was it a signal that the wrath of
Heaven, long biblically patiently withheld, will belatedly fall on those who
violate the Ten Commandments?

Time will tell....Stay tuned.


Here, Rachel's mother, Cindy, talks to Socialist Worker's GANESH LAL.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

IT'S HARD for me to be fair to Rachel's ideals. She taught me so much. She
searched very deeply for answers to questions to learn all the different
elements of this issue, and she tried to teach me. She was passionate about
many things--about peace and freedom--but she was so gentle at the same

One of her goals was to bring attention to the reality of the lives of the
people in Gaza. She told me that this was one of the best things she did in
her life. She loved the people, and their generosity towards her, although
they had so little. She talked of the way people took her into their homes,
into their families, and she spoke of their dignity, despite their

Her death reflects the mindlessness of the whole situation. She believed
that the occupation of Palestinian lands was indefensible. But Rachel also
had a love for all of humanity. The actions of the Israeli Defense Forces
are so horrifying, but I still believe that there are many Israelis and
American Jews who oppose what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. So many
people in the U.S., many of them Jewish, have shown so much support and
sympathy towards us in the last few days.

Rachel's message was one of peace. I've tried really hard to keep my focus
on the Occupied Territories. But I have to think about the inconsistencies
in our supporting UN resolutions calling for Iraq to disarm, while
completely ignoring and abandoning all UN resolutions that have called for
Israeli withdrawal from the Occupied Territories.

Rachel was opposed to this war on Iraq. She was frightened about what would
happen there if the U.S. goes to war. Now that war is underway, and I pray
for the people in Iraq and fear for the suffering they will go through.

------- End of forwarded message -------
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