-Caveat Lector-

4.30am update

Baghdad strike kills at least 50

· Missile fired on Kuwait City
· British soldier killed by US jet
· Syria denies 'trafficking' Iraqi arms

George Wright, Sarah Left and agencies
Saturday March 29, 2003
The Guardian

An explosion in a busy Baghdad marketplace has killed at least 50 people
and left scores more wounded.

Iraqi officials claimed the carnage was caused by a stray coalition cruise
missile, but there was no immediate comment at US Central Command in

Late last night doctors at Baghdad's al-Noor Hospital said they had seen 52
corpses and they expected the toll to rise.

Arabic language television station al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya also reported
on the bombing, in the Shula neighbourhood of the capital. Al-Jazeera
television put the death toll at 55, and showed the injured, many of them
children, lying in hospital beds with bandages on their heads and faces.
One boy had a blood-soaked bandage on his nose and cried softly as a man
and woman sobbed.

"An Iraqi official told us that the search is still going on for those trapped
under the rubble," said the correspondent for al-Jazeera.

If the number of casualties is confirmed, it will be the largest number of
civilians killed in one incident so far in the conflict.

Earlier, Reuters reported that an air strike on a Baghdad neighbourhood
office of the ruling Ba'ath party had killed eight people, including several

Residents of the capital's Mansour district told Reuters that the strike
took place at around noon local time, destroying several houses as well as
the party offices. Witnesses said that the bodies of several civilians, along
with those of Ba'ath party militia members, were pulled from the rubble.

Last night's bombardment was one of the heaviest since the start of "shock
and awe" campaign.

In one raid, a US stealth bomber dropped two huge "bunker-busting"
bombs on a communications tower in the capital. The US military said that
Iraqi command centres were also targeted.

Missile fired on Kuwait City

An Iraqi missile exploded in the sea close to Kuwait City today, rocking a
shopping centre and sending plumes of smoke above the city.

The missile - the 13th to be launched by Saddam Hussein against Kuwait
since the war started - came down at about 2am local time (11pm GMT) by
the seafront in the Souq Sharq area of the city.

It was the closest that a missile has come to Kuwait City since the war
began and landed around three miles from the Dasman palace, home to the
emir of Kuwait, Sheik Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah.

The explosion smashed windows outside the shopping mall. Two people
were injured, according to Reuters.

British soldier killed in 'friendly fire' attack

A British soldier was killed and two others badly injured in a suspected
"friendly fire" incident near Basra, according to defence sources.

The British soldiers were thought to have been hit when an American A-10
'tankbuster' aircraft fired depleted uranium shells on two armoured
vehicles yesterday afternoon.

Three other soldiers were described as "walking wounded".

Twenty-three British soldiers have now died in the war on Iraq. The soldier
who died would be the fifth Briton to die in a "blue on blue" incident. Only
four have been killed by the enemy.

A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said: "We can confirm we are
investigating an incident involving possible friendly fire as a matter of

The unit involved cannot be named until military authorities contact the
men's next of kin.

US jets destroy 'regime' building in Basra

American jets destroyed a two-story building in Basra where some 200 Iraqi
regime paramilitary members were believed to be meeting last night,
according to US Central Command.

The F-15E Strike Eagles used laser-guided missiles to destroy the building,
while leaving undamaged the Basra Christian Church 300 meters (yards)
away, officials said.

Earlier, British military leaders reported that a group of around 2,000 Iraqi
civilians trying to flee the southern city of Basra were fired upon by Iraqi
mortars. Iraq said yesterday that 116 people had died and 695 had been
injured in Basra since the war began.

Fleeing civilians 'injured in Iraqi attack'

Syria dismisses US accusations on Iraq supplies

Syria has angrily dismissed US accusations that it has been shipping military
supplies to Iraq, saying Washington was trying to divert attention from "war
crimes" committed against Iraqi civilians.

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday that shipments of
equipment, such as night-vision goggles, had been crossing into Iraq from
Syria and that Damascus would be held accountable for such "hostile acts".

But a statement from the Syrian Foreign Ministry said: "What Donald
Rumsfeld said about the transportation of equipment from Syria to Iraq is
an attempt to cover up what his forces have been committing against
civilians in Iraq."

The statement said US-led forces were "committing ugly war crimes against
unarmed civilians in Iraq, where hundreds of children and women were
being killed and houses were being demolished".

It added: "After the failed expectations of a swift and clean victory,
Rumsfeld was attempting to justify the failure of his forces... by accusing
others of smuggling equipment to Iraq".

Iraqi Information Minister Mohammad Saeed al-Sahaf denied in an interview
with the Lebanese LBC television channel that Iraq was receiving any
military equipment from Syria.

US reducing staff in Yemen

The United States offered free flights home for some staff at its embassy in
Yemen because of what it called credible reports of planned attacks on US
interests there.

The offer, known as an 'authorised departure', applies to adult relatives of
embassy staff and to "non-emergency personnel," the State Department
said in a travel warning.

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