-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 3/29/2003 2:25:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

US reducing staff in Yemen

The United States offered free flights home for some staff at its embassy in
Yemen because of what it called credible reports of planned attacks on US
interests there.

The offer, known as an 'authorised departure', applies to adult relatives of
embassy staff and to "non-emergency personnel," the State Department
said in a travel warning.

This is probably a good idea.  It should be offered at all embassies in the Middle East.  The Bush administration cannot make friends there, and I'm afraid that in entirely too short a time, it will make really serious enemies.  I hate to see aid workers and State Department personnel in danger for no reason.  As for Afghanistan, every aid worker would be gone by tomorrow if I was in charge, and we would be back to full scale war.  Unfortunately, the Bushies are now forgetting the war against terrorism, and simply want to be in a position to take over Iraqi oil.   I wish they would fight and win one war at a time.  Prudy

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