-Caveat Lector-

MJ wrote:
      A totalitarian state thrives on propaganda, and there
      is no more effective way to limit thought than to
      control the language itself.  By changing definitions
      of words through continual association, any serious
      discussion involving the concepts that the words
      represents becomes hopelessly muddled.

      The words 'democracy', 'hate' and 'racism' immediately
      comes to mind. -- Thomas Sowell >>
   This, I believe to be true, but I also think that Facism, hate
   and racism also go together.
Hmmm ...

fascism (fàsh´îz´em) noun
  A system of government marked by centralization of authority
  under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression
  of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically
  a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

racism (râ´sîz´em) noun
   The belief that race accounts for differences in human character
   or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

hate (hât) verb
   To feel hostility or animosity toward, To detest.

   <<Laissez faire capitalism means the complete separation of economy
   and state, just like the separation of church and state. Capitalism
   is the social system based upon private ownership of the means
   of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated
   economy where all land is privately owned. But the separation of
   the state and the economy is not a primary, it is only an aspect of
   the premise that capitalism is based upon: individual rights.
   Capitalism is the only politico-economic system based on the
   doctrine of individual rights.  This means that capitalism
   recognizes that each and every person is the owner of his own
   life, and has the right to live his life in any manner he chooses
   as long as he does not violate the rights of others.>>
   Our country would be better off if we had a capatalist system such
   as this, but as you stated before... words change through constant
   association.  Capitalism now is the subjugation of the poor by the
   rich in reality, mostly through the granting of charters to
   corporations.  Corporations are not formed for the public good as
   they were supposed to be, but are formed to make the rich even
   richer through manipulating government laws.
My POINT was that what *you* identify (but more pertinent -- what the
'indictor' of Capitalism was positing) is NOT capitalism, but something

America -- though not explicitly stated -- is idealically to be
as identified above, but the Government has usurped additional
powers not so granted AND utilized its ability for the 'legalized'
use of FORCE to wield havoc.

     The essential nature of capitalism is social harmony through
     the pursuit of self-interest. Under capitalism, the
     individual's pursuit of his own economic self-interest
     simultaneously benefits the economic self-interests of all
     others. In allowing each individual to act unhampered by
     government regulations, capitalism causes wealth to be
     created in the most efficient manner possible which ultimately
     raises the standard of living, increases the economic
     opportunities, and makes available an ever growing supply
     of products for everyone.
   From what I have seen in my lifetime, capitalism mostly raises
   the standard of living for those who already have a high standard
   of living, and there is very little "trickle down" to the common
   person who does the labor in the rich man's factory.  An "ever
   growing" supply of products does no good for someone who cannot
   afford to buy them.  If the business owners did share the wealth
   with the workers, that would be equitable, but I think, unrealistic
   by what I've seen so far.
America has NOT a capitalist economy, but a mixed economy.

As to your concerns ... look at the 'imaginary' poverty figures
and notice how many 'poor' persons have automobiles, air conditiong,
televisions, etc.  :)

     The free-market operates in such a way so that as one man
     creates more wealth for himself, he simultaneously creates
     more wealth for everyone, which means that as the rich become
     richer, the poor become richer too. It must be understood that
     capitalism serves the economic self-interests of all, including
     the non-capitalists.
   Could you explain in more detail how a man who creates more
   wealth for himself will simultaneously create more wealth for
   everyone? (Not trying to be sarcastic, just interested in your
Look at Bill Gates.  How many persons did/does *he* employ in his
'quest'?  How many have become 'millionaires'?  How many people
now have home computers? ... for instance.

Look at Rockefeller who CONTRARY to myth, made great strides in
oil refining, lowered oil prices, created a 'boom' in competititon
AND accomplished similar results to that of Gates.

     Contrary to widely held beliefs, capitalism is not a system
     which exploits a large portion of society for the sake of a
     small minority of wealthy capitalists.
   Unfortunately that is just what this system is doing right now.
   I see that it is also not a pure capitalist system, an element
   of socialism is there... in a big way.
I would argue that our current system is MORE statist than free.

      Ironically, it is actually socialism that causes the systematic
      exploitation of labor. Since the socialist state holds a
      universal monopoly on labor and production, no economic
      incentive exists for the socialist state to provide anything
      more than minimum physical subsistence for the workers except
      to perhaps prevent riots or revolutions.
   This may depend on the leaders of such a system.  If they/he/she
   want to be popular and stay in office (provided it is an elected
   office) it would be in their/her/his best interest to increase
   production, make the business more productive, pay more wages to
   the workers.  Actually I can see no reason why the leader would
   not want everyone to be well off finacially, nothing to lose
   and everything to gain.
Who is easier to wield P-O-W-E-R over?
Is it not simpler to 'buy votes' by creating Social Security, doling
welfare to corporations, pork barrel spending projects, etc. ... all
which are not empowered within the Constitution?

     Exploitation is inherent to the nature of socialism because
     individuals cannot exist for their own sake, rather, they
     exist merely as means to whatever ends the socialist
     rulers -- the self-proclaimed spokesman of "society,"
     may have in mind.
   This could very well be the case if the rulers were not elected.
We have ELECTED rulers NOW -- one's who are supposed to be CHAINED
to limitations of a Constitution -- who rule by whim.

      Capitalism undoubtedly has certain boils and blotches
      upon it, but has it as many as government? Has it as
      many as marriage? Has it as many as religion? I doubt
      it. It is the only basic institution of modern man
      that shows any genuine health and vigor.
                   -- H. L. Menken
   Government and capitalism do not mix as we now have a system of
   just that with the corporations controlling most of the populace
   and the government.  As I said before there is an element of
   socialism in our society also, and it becomes very muddled as
   to which is gaining ground/which is losing ground.
Not very muddled ... look at the ever increasing tax burden,
regulations, nanny-laws, etcetera

       Underlying most arguments against the free market is a
       lack of belief in freedom itself.  -- Milton Friedman
   The way I see it is that the "free market" that Clinton and
   his followers are trying to lead us to, is not, in fact, a
   free market at all.  It seems to me to be a Fascist movement
   where the corporations, which are privately owned will have
   access to very cheap labor resulting in the corporations
   making more money, and not sharing their good fortune with
   the workers.  I can also see that it is a socialistic movement
   in that, it works to bring down our economy to that of a third
   world nation, making a large rift between the rich and the
   poor... A purely socialistic form of government is not supposed
   to do this, but we see that the communist/socialist regimes of
   eastern Europe have actually widened the gap between rich and
   poor to the point where the poor are nearly starving and the
   rich have an abundance of everything, including power.   These
   are both Statist forms of government which, I believe the
   founders of this Republic were trying to avoid.  I sincerely
   believe that our Constitution was made so that we could be
   free to do what we want as long as it doesn't infringe upon
   the rights of others.     Lawyers, judges, legislatures,
   presidents, etc.... all lawyers have perverted the Constitution
   and the plainly written words of it.

    Your redefining capitalism idea is a good idea, maybe the
    original idea, but how many laws would it take to keep it
    like that, and how could it be perverted into becoming the
    system we have today?
The MISSING element to our nation: an educated electorate.

It is much simpler to allow the politicians to steal from others
and provide us with imaginary security than it is for one to be
responsible for himself.  :)


Several major turning points mark the reversal of this [Constitutional
enumerated powers] ethic.  The first was the passage in 1913 of the
Sixteenth Amendment, which permitted a federal income tax.  This was
the first major tax that was not levied on a proportional or uniform
basis.  Hence, it allowed Congress a political free ride:  It could
provide government benefits to many by imposing a disproportionately
heavy tax burden on the wealthy.  ...
 -- Stephen Moore, _Between Power and Liberty_

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