
                    Thursday, December 17, 1998

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NOTE TO READERS: In an attempt to cover the wide range of responses
    to, and information concerning, yesterday's U.S. attack on Iraq,
    we have compiled what we believe to be a balanced series of
    quotations concerning the subject. The quotations appear in the
    TOP STORIES section below. (Please direct your comments on this
    coverage to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ).


* The U.S. and Britain yesterday launched a military strike on
  Iraq in response to an UNSCOM report to the U.N. Security
  Council that said Iraq had not fully cooperated with weapons
  inspection efforts.
    - reports say yesterday's attacks used only missiles and
      not manned aircraft, but that future attacks will use
      other measures.
    - Iraqi officials say five people have been killed and
      30 others injured in the attacks.
    - the attack has led to a postponement of a U.S. House
      of Representatives vote on articles of impeachment
      against President Bill Clinton; the vote is expected
      to be rescheduled for Friday or Saturday.


"Iraq's conduct ensured that no progress was able to be made
in either the fields of disarmament or accounting for its
prohibited weapons programs."

    - UNSCOM report to the U.N Security Council on Iraqi

"The exaggerated uproar over the Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction is nothing more than a big lie. The other lie is
that Iraq poses a threat to its neighbors."

    - Iraqi U.N. envoy Nizar Hamdoon

"I have ordered a strong, sustained series of air strikes
against Iraq. They are designed to degrade Saddam's capacity
to develop and deliver weapons of mass destruction and to
degrade his ability to threaten his neighbors."

    - U.S. President Bill Clinton (Oval Office address)

"...a sad day for the world"

    - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan

"Any use of force, as the president has indicated, involves
risk. And, to limit the risk to our troops and to our allies
I am ordering a sharp increase in our forces in the Gulf. We
are sending an air expedition their wing and more ground
troops. Iraq should not misunderstand our determination."

    - U.S. Sec. of Defense William Cohen

"Wicked people bombarded several targets on the soil of your
great Iraq, thinking that they will twist your great will
and your determination. Resist and fight them as we have
always done. God gives you victory, and disgrace will be

    - statement from the official Iraqi News Agency

"The operation employs U.S. Navy aircraft flying from the
decks of the U.S.S. Enterprise. U.S. Air Force and Royal Air
Force aircraft operating from land bases in the region, and
tomahawk cruise missiles launched from U.S. Navy ships at
sea and United States Air Force B-52's."

    - U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Henry Shelton

"There is absolutely no excuse or pretext to use force
against Iraq. The use of force not only has serious
consequences for the implementation of Security Council
resolutions but also poses a threat to international as well
as regional stability."

    - China's U.N. Ambassador Qin Huasen

"Any delay would have given Saddam Hussein time to reconstitute
his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and undermine
international support for our efforts."

    - Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle and House Minority
      leader Dick Gephardt

"I cannot support this military action in the Persian Gulf
at this time. Both the timing and the policy are subject
to question."

    - U.S. Senator Trent Lott (R)

"This is a situation of dire relevance to the Security
Council mandate and members consequently want to discuss
their positions...I'm sure there will be some

    - Russia's U.N. Ambassador Sergey Lavrov

"...let me emphasize again that the United States did not go
looking for this fight."

    - U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright

"Fight the enemies of God, enemies of the nation, enemies of
humanity. God will be on your side and disgrace will be
theirs, now and on the day of judgment."

    - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein

"I would like to think that no American president would even
consider using the military to help him remain in office."

    - U.S. Representative Dick Armey (R)

"I think it would be awkward to have an impeachment vote
during a bombing in Iraq."

    - House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde

"Frankly, we need national resolve and unity, not weakness
and division, when we are engaged in an action against someone
like Saddam Hussein."

    - U.S. Vice President Al Gore


* Assisted-suicide advocate Dr. Jack Kevorkian was arraigned
  yesterday on charges of first-degree murder in connection with
  his having allegedly given a lethal injection to a terminally-
  ill man.
    - Kevorkian's trial has been scheduled for March.

* Fifteen-year-old Michael Carneal was sentenced to life in prison
  without the possibility of parole yesterday for killing three
  classmates and wounding five others at a Kentucky high school
  in December 1997.


* Reports from China say the trial of leading dissidents Qin Yongmin
  and Wang Youcai began today.
    - the two activists are charged with attempting to form
      an opposition political party.

* Election officials in Guinea report that President Lansana Conte
  has been re-elected, having won in all but three of 18 declared
    - opposition leaders in the country have predicted large
      scale protests following the arrest of Conte's chief rival.

* The U.S. District Court in Manhattan yesterday added five new
  names to the list of persons being sought in connection with
  the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa in August.
    - the five are: Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil, Khalfan Khamis Mohamed,
      Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam and Sheikh
      Ahmed Salim Swedan.

* Israeli officials said yesterday that U.S.-supplied Patriot
  anti-missile missiles would be deployed in Israel as a
  protective measure against possible Iraqi retaliation for
  yesterday's U.S. military attack.


* Market review from yesterday:
        DJIA:               8790.60         -32.70
        Transport:              2869.82     -13.50
        Utilities:              306.57       +2.09
        Advance & Declines:     1493          1559
        NYSE Volume:                735.59 Mil
        NASDAQ:             2009.36          -3.24
        S&P 500:                1161.97      -0.86
        Value Line:             411.65       +0.17
        30 Yr Tsy Yld:      50.07            -0.29

* Polaroid Corp. said yesterday that it intends to lay off 700
  more workers, in additional to the 1,800 job cuts previously

* Hudson Foods Inc. and two of its former employees were indicted
  yesterday on charges of lying to the U.S. Agriculture Department
  and delaying a recall of 25 million pounds of hamburger last year.

* World currency vs. US$:


* Reports say actor John Travolta is considering starring in three
  major film projects next year, including:
    - "Family Man," "Common Ground," and "Battlefield Earth."

* The pilot for a new sitcom starring Norm Macdonald ("Saturday
  Night Live") is scheduled to be filmed December 22.
    - "The Norm Show" will also feature triple-Emmy winner
      Laurie Metcalf ("Roseanne").


* NFL: This season's picks for the Pro Bowl include nine team
  members each from the Denver Broncos and the Minnesota Vikings.

* NBA: Reports say no talks on ending the current NBA player
  lockout are expected to take place before the Christmas weekend.

* MLB: The Colorado Rockies have re-signed free agent catcher
  Kirt Manwaring to a one-year contract.

* MLB: The Florida Marlins have announced that club President
  Don Smiley has resigned his position.

* MLB: The Cleveland Indians have reportedly signed relief
  pitcher Jerry Spradlin to a new two-year contract.


* American Basketball League

        Portland (72) vs. Nashville (67)

* National Hockey League

        Bruins (3) vs. Red Wings (5)
        Coyotes (2) vs. Maple Leafs (5)
        Penguins (1) vs. Panthers (4)
        Predators (1) vs. Ducks (6)
        Rangers (3) vs. Devils (6)

  This service is a product of Intelligent Network Concepts, Inc.
               576 Maxfield Road, Keswick, VA, 22947

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