-Caveat Lector- also has
Bush Dominates a Nation of Victims
Palestinian Detainee Undergoes Surgery Without Anesthesia
Malaysia Ex-detainee cites 'mental torture'

scroll for news articles

Research: Teens victimized in Boy Scouts' police Explorers Program  Martha Mendoza, AP 6/25/03 "At least a dozen teenagers assigned to work with police departments as part of the Boy Scouts' Law Enforcement Explorers program have allegedly been sexually abused by officers during the past year. In the past five years, such molestations number at least 25, according to criminologists' research." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/06/25/national0342EDT0454.DTL

from L Moss Sharman
London Free Press News Section - Abuse trial adjourned till Sept - An accused priest admitted to "touching someone inappropriately" while serving in Windsor. Hank Daniszewski, 6/23/03 "A Catholic priest was transferred to regular duties at a Windsor parish just months after he was convicted of sexually abusing children in London in 1974."  "After he was convicted of gross indecency involving children, Glendinning spent three months at Southdown, a Christian recovery centre, before becoming assistant pastor of St. Claire of Assisi parish in Windsor.  Glendinning's three-year probation included an order his priestly duties "shall not include supervising or working with adolescents, it being the intent of this order that there be no more opportunity for repetition of this type of offence with young persons" Despite the order, Glendinning said he worked with altar boys at the parish as part of his duties and visited schools. He said he "touched someone inappropriately" while working at the parish, triggering another visit to Southdown." "Although he claimed to have no clear memory of his first sexual encounter with Swales, he admitted to a series of lurid sexual encounters with the Swales brothers and other children, which including massages, body painting and photography." http://www.canoe.com/NewsStand/LondonFreePress/News/2003/06/26/119699.html

from mparent
Evidence evaporates in lurid French sex scandal By Nicolas Fichot TOULOUSE, France, 6/26/03  "Accusations linking French public officials to seedy sex parties and cold-blooded murders began to unravel on Thursday after a jailed serial killer retracted his testimony and a key witness admitted lying. In the latest twist to a scandal that would put many film plots to shame, convicted murderer Patrice Alegre reneged on a confession that he killed a prostitute and a transvestite in 1992 under orders from senior public figures. The retraction came after a cross-dresser known as ''Djamel'' admitted lying about seeing senior officials at sex orgies.  And one of two prostitutes who accused Alegre of procuring young women for politicians to chain to walls and abuse in sadomasochistic orgies has been placed behind bars as judges investigate the authenticity of her story." http://famulus.msnbc.com/FamulusIntl/reuters06-26-070222.asp?reg=EUROPE#body

Bush Dominates a Nation of Victims By Renana Brooks, The Nation
June 22, 2003 George W Bush is generally regarded as a mangler of the English language. What is overlooked is his mastery of emotional language –- especially negatively charged emotional language –- as a political tool. Take a closer look at his speeches and public utterances, and his political success turns out to be no surprise. It is the predictable result of the intentional use of language to dominate others.  President Bush, like many dominant personality types, uses dependency-creating language. He employs language of contempt and intimidation to shame others into submission and desperate admiration. While we tend to think of the dominator as using physical force, in fact most dominators use verbal abuse to control others. Abusive language has been a major theme of psychological researchers on marital problems, such as John Gottman, and of philosophers and theologians, such as Josef Pieper. But little has been said about the key role it has come to play in political discourse, and in such "hot media" as talk radio and television. Bush uses several dominating linguistic techniques to induce surrender to his will. The first is empty language. This term refers to broad statements that are so abstract and mean so little that they are virtually impossible to oppose.

Asia Times 
Malaysia: Ex-detainee tells of 'mental torture'
By Mustafa Ali
Since Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957, the ISA has been used to detain more than 3,200 people and many had been accused generally of seeking to undermine national security. According to a report by the New York-based Human Rights Watch, prolonged torture and sleep deprivation were used during the interrogation stage under ISA, and had led some detainees to sign "state-manufactured confessions" under duress.

from mparent
Palestine Chronicle
Palestinian Detainee Undergoes Surgery Without Anesthesia
Tuesday, June 24 2003 @ 06:29 PM GMT
"There are about 700 Palestinians suffering from various diseases in the prisons of Israel. Such cases are neglected and face cruel detention circumstances that lack the minimum of health care," Palestinian Detainee Club said in a report published in May 2003.  Another report of the club, published on June 8, 2003, pointed out that the number of sick prisoners in the desert Naqab prisons amount to 200 out of 1170 prisoners.
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