-Caveat Lector-

A distressing description of what our soldiers are now being forced to
deal with in Iraq.  There is an apparently organized resistance to the
occupiers reaping their benefits from Iraq's oil, but unfortunately the
Iraqi citizens are also suffering from this plan.  The way things look,
it can only get worse.  Bush's bellicose rant has certainly not helped
matters at all!

This Is What A Guerilla War Looks Like
by Maria Tomchick; June 30, 2003

While it's now apparent that The Pentagon made no substantial plans for
how to run post-war Iraq, somebody else in Iraq has certainly made plans
for how to sabotage U.S. rule.

Before the war began, military strategists insisted that they had a plan
for Iraq after the fighting was over. Their plan was to swoop in, seize
or kill Saddam Hussein and his top cadre, and leave the mid-level
government managers, city officials, village mayors, and police forces
in place to run the country. The Pentagon expected the Iraqi military to
refuse to fight, to depose Saddam in a coup, and to maintain control of
the security situation in Iraq so U.S. troops could waltz into Baghdad
and set up a new government.

None of these optimistic scenarios has played out as planned. In fact,
while Congress slowly nibbles on the intelligence data from the CIA and
Defense Intelligence Agency in search of the people who overestimated
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, no one has thought to demand
hearings over which military planners or upper level Bush administration
officials took us into a war with a long-term plan that resembles a
Harry Potter novel.

As U.S. troops advanced during the invasion, Baath Party officials and
police abandoned their posts and went into hiding, leaving behind chaos
and looting. In many of the smaller villages, particularly in the
southern Shiite region, Baath party officials were killed or deposed by
the village residents themselves, whose hatred for Saddam was intense.
Powerful local families or sheiks took their place, setting up their own
militias and spawning inter-tribal feuds. As U.S. and British troops
have stepped up raids and house-to-house searches, confusion about which
militias control which towns or neighborhoods has led to attacks and
ambushes against U.S. and British troops, including the shootout that
killed six British soldiers last week.

Security and looting remain the single biggest problem for the U.S.
interim authority. If the security problem were solved, aid agencies
would be able to bring food into Iraq, and civilian contractors would be
able to rebuild damaged infrastructure. On June 19, however, the U.S.
Agency for International Development released a report saying that
security at the port of Umm Qasr, the first city taken and "secured" by
the invasion force, remains "a major problem" and "has become even more
problematic." USAID reported that armed men have been stealing bags of
flour directly off humanitarian ships docked at the port (which, by the
way, is a very cheap and efficient way to feed a guerrilla army).

The escalating sabotage of oil and gas pipelines in Iraq is an even
bigger problem. Nearly everything in Iraq runs on oil and gas. Oil
powers the main electricity generating plants, which in turn power
everything from water pumping stations to ice factories to the gas pumps
at fuel stations. Meanwhile, exported oil pumps much-needed cash into
the Iraqi economy; the Bush administration had hoped that resuming oil
exports would provide most of the cash for reconstruction.

Initially, the Bush administration estimated that Iraq's oil exports
would be brought back up to pre-war levels within two weeks of the end
of the war. That deadline was postponed to mid-June. Now, however, two
months have passed since George Bush declared the end of major
hostilities in Iraq and oil production is barely high enough to cover
domestic supply. Distribution, it turns out, has become almost

On the same day that the U.S. announced it would resume exporting Iraqi
oil from the port of Ceyhan, Turkey, the main export pipeline between
Iraq's northern oil fields and Ceyhan was bombed. Oil from the north
can't be shifted south to Umm Qasr because the main pipeline south was
destroyed in a U.S. bombing raid during the war; it won't be fixed until
the end of the year, at the soonest. On June 23, saboteurs located a
pipeline junction buried in the ground about 200 yards off a main
highway from Iraq into Syria. They dug down to the line, planted
explosives, and blew a hole in the pipeline that carries oil from the
northern fields in Iraq to ports in Syria and Lebanon, effectively
cutting off exports from the north.

The southern oil fields in Rumaila, which were expected to produce
export oil immediately, have faltered. Widespread and systematic looting
has severely damaged the nearby water pumping stations. (Water is
injected into the oil wells to create enough pressure to pump out oil
and to flush salt out of the oil so it can be refined.) Halliburton
contractors are convinced that the looting is intentional sabotage and
not for economic gain. Said one, "There have been other attacks on
facilities that seem senseless, except to impede the development of the
oil sector."

But the sabotage has gone further than that. On June 22 an explosion hit
the main oil pipeline linking the southern oil fields to Baghdad's main
Dura oil refinery. Subsequent attacks in the past week have damaged the
lines that bring gas to electrical stations that power all of central
Iraq, including the capital city. Residents of Baghdad and the
surrounding areas have suffered a complete lack of electricity, running
water, air conditioning, and refrigeration since June 23, while day-time
temperatures in central Iraq have soared to 115 degrees.

In addition, utility managers in Baghdad have come under attack. On June
24, the head of a power station that covers all of western Baghdad was
assassinated in her home, and the Baghdad director of electrical
rehabilitation was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade while traveling in
a guarded convoy to meet with Western journalists to discuss electricity
problems in the city.

Such well-coordinated, knowledgeable attacks don't happen by accident.
They point to an organized guerrilla movement -- in spite of what
Pentagon officials say. And despite coordinated sweeps by U.S. troops
through towns and villages in the "Sunni Belt" west and north of
Baghdad, daily attacks against U.S. soldiers continue to mount, with 25
separate ambushes and attacks reported in one day alone last week.

Who is behind these attacks? The Pentagon claims that remnants of
Saddam's militias and Baath Party loyalists are the culprit. But the
isolated "pockets of resistance theory" seems weak, even with a careful
examination of Pentagon statements on the subject. "What once appeared
random is now looking somewhat organized," a senior administration
official admitted to the Washington Post. A "loose network" of armed
fighters from Saddam Hussein's security agencies have formed a group
called "The Return," which is being funded by rich Sunni families, other
officials say. Two other militias -- The Snake Party and The New Return
-- are also cited as suspects.

Other groups have stepped forward to take credit for attacks against
U.S. troops. A videotape made by a group calling itself the Iraqi
National Front of Fedayeen was aired on Lebanon's LBC TV. The Iraqi
Resistance Brigades sent a statement to Al-Jazeera claiming credit for
all attacks against occupation forces since the end of the war. U.S.
officials admit that "Muslim organizations, arms smugglers and other
common criminals, and Iraqis seeking revenge for the deaths of kin at
the hands of Americans are also involved in attacks against U.S.
forces." (Washington Post, 6/22/03.)

But civilians seeking revenge on American troops are not responsible for
the strategic destruction of infrastructure timed to coincide with major
policy statements by the U.S. interim authority. The day after Paul
Bremer stood before the World Economic Forum in Jordan and announced
that he would unilaterally sell off Iraq's national assets to foreign
private companies, saboteurs blew the gas pipeline that cut off
electricity to Baghdad and all of central Iraq. This sets the stage for
a major uprising in the days to come as residents begin to succumb to
searing heat, thirst, starvation (because of the lack of refrigeration),
and disease from drinking and bathing in polluted rivers and pools of
stagnant water.

Clearly, someone has a plan for Iraq, but it's not the Bush

Maria Tomchick's work has appeared on Alternet, ZNet, the CounterPunch
website, MotherJones.com and AntiWar.com. She is co-editor and
contributing writer for Eat The State!, a biweekly anti-authoritarian
newspaper of political opinion, research and humor, based in Seattle,

More articles by Maria Tomchick:


"Thefts Plague U.S. Contractors' Efforts in Iraq," Jackie Spinner,
Washington Post, 6/20/03,

"Fire, Explosions Hit Iraq-Turkey Pipeline," Michael Georgy and Steve
Bryant, Reuters, 6/13/03

"Iraqi Pipeline Blast and Fire Are Laid to Sabotage," Neela Banerjee,
New York Times, 6/14/03, www.nytimes.com

"Key Iraq Pipeline Won't Reopen Before Year's End," Keith Johnson, Wall
Street Journal, 6/18/03, A14

"Attack on fuel pipeline in western Iraq: oil official," Agence France
Presse, 6/23/03

"Explosion in Iraqi oil pipeline, residents claim sabotage," Agence
France Presse, 6/22/03.

"Rash of Pipeline Fires Is Keeping Workers Busy," Neela Banerjee, New
York Times, 6/23/03,

"Iraq Pipelines Easy Targets for a Sabateur," Warren Vieth and Alissa J.
Rubin, Los Angeles Times, 6/25/03, www.latimes.com

"Gunmen shoot dead Baghdad power-station boss; Explosion damages oil
pipeline," Agence France Presse, 6/25/03

"U.S. soldier killed, 8 hurt in attack," Ellen Barry and Rebecca Bou
Chebel, Boston Globe,

"Facing Well-Planned Attacks, U.S. Alters Tactics to Military Sweeps,"
Bradley Graham, Washington Post, 6/18/03, A16

"Attacks in Iraq Traced to Network," Daniel Williams, Washington Post,
6/22/03, Al

"Unknown Iraqi Group Vows to Kill U.S. Soldiers," Reuters, 6/23/03

"Four killed in new clashes in Baghdad, London warns of lack of
security," Agence France Presse, 6/18/03

"Overseer in Iraq Vows to Sell Off Government-Owned Companies," Edmund
L. Andrews, New York Times, 6/23/03, www.nytimes.com


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