-Caveat Lector- http://www.joevialls.co.uk/transpositions/terror.html

Israeli Plan to Shoot Down British Jet
Then blackmail the world into buying 200 billion
dollars worth of useless “Anti-Missile” systems!

Copyright Joe Vialls. 14 August 2003

On Tuesday 12 August, British Airways announced that it would shortly be commencing twice-weekly flights between London, and Basra  in southern Iraq. As many readers will already be aware, Basra Airport is one of the most dangerous anywhere in the world. Iraq is currently populated by furious Iraqi citizens packing almost unlimited numbers of shoulder-launched Strela, Gimlet, and Grouse missiles, with every one of those citizens understandably itching for a little payback against the American and British invaders of their country.
Adnan Chalabi, deputy leader of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, made this startling request for British Airways to start operating suicide flights to Basra. Chalabi is a known asset of the Israeli Mossad, and is still a wanted criminal in Jordan, where he has been sentenced in absentia to 14 years imprisonment. Note very carefully that although Chalabi also invited a handful of local Arab airlines to participate in the Basra flights,  no such request whatsoever was made of any American or Israeli airline.
Just one day later on 13 August, British Airways announced that it was suspending all flights to Saudi Arabia. BA's decision allegedly followed, "credible intelligence of a serious threat to UK aviation interests in Saudi Arabia”, and  “… a plot to attack a British target, thought to be an aircraft."  All Saudi Arabian airports have some of the tightest security in the world, certainly far better than London Airport Heathrow, and very few if any real or even credible “terrorists”, other than those invented by the American and Israeli administrations.
The “credible intelligence of a serious threat to UK aviation interests in Saudi Arabia”, came from the Israeli Mossad in Tel Aviv, who routed the information to the British Secret Intelligence Service [erroneously referred to as “MI6”], before it was finally passed to British Airways via the UK Department of Transport. Note here that only British Airways was threatened, because every other airline servicing Saudi Arabia before this specific warning was sent to London on 12 August, is still doing so today without giving the matter a second thought.
The entire “British Airways” scam is a gigantic and intentionally lethal sting, being mounted in part to salvage the failing American and Israeli economies, by forcing all western airlines to buy missile defense systems for their respective fleets of aircraft at a total cost said to be in excess of US$200 billion.
Since the first faked missile “attack” on an Israeli Arkia Airlines Boeing 757 departing Mombasa on 28 November 2002, the airlines have managed to resist massive pressure to buy these incredibly expensive and worthless systems, but they will finally be forced to comply when large mangled red, white and blue chunks of a British Airways Boeing 777 are filmed scattered across the desert near Basra, in exactly the same way that large chunks of Pan American 103 were filmed scattered across the fields of Scotland back in 1988
If the Iraqis can’t or don’t manage to shoot the BA 777 out of the sky, then the Mossad or CIA will do it for them, before artfully blaming the catastrophe on “rogue elements of El Qaeda operating out of Saudi Arabia.” Both intelligence services will then claim the moral high ground by reminding Britain of the timely warning issued on 12 August 2003 concerning, “… a serious threat to UK aviation interests in Saudi Arabia”.
As with all covert stings, this one has a clear history that can easily be backtracked by those who are interested. As previously stated this particular sting started in November 2002 when the Israelis claimed that “al Qaeda” had bombed the Paradise Hotel in Mombasa, and then tried to shoot down an Arkia Airlines Boeing 757 taking off from Mombasa Airport.  The cover story was so shoddy that it was scientifically possible to prove the entire claim a lie, which I did in two long reports posted on the Internet only a few days later. For those who are not yet aware of the Israeli Mombasa sting, there is a link to those detailed reports at the bottom of this page.

In the wake of their very own Mombasa sting, the Israelis and associated American companies tried desperately to interest major airlines in their expensive “missile defense” systems, but failed completely. No one was even remotely interested in flare-ejecting aircraft defense systems, which in the past had proved dangerous and even fatal to military aircraft operating in combat conditions. Just the thought of a civil airliner taxiing up to an airport terminal loaded with 250 armed magnesium flares, was enough to make most airline executives shudder.
Unfortunately, when it comes to a good sales prospect, Israel and America do not give up easily. And so it was that on Tuesday 11 February, 2003, The Mossad in Tel Aviv sent a warning to the British Secret Intelligence Service claiming that “al Qaeda terrorists are planning to shoot down an aircraft at London Heathrow Airport.”  The British Government reaction to this was most gratifying. Early on 12 February, light tanks and armored cars swarmed all over Heathrow Airport, making the place look more like the Gaza Strip than London.
Soldiers frantically searched the long grass and the runway approaches looking for “al Qaeda terrorists” concealing impossibly long missile launch tubes in their underwear, but unsurprisingly found none at all. Nevertheless the Israeli sales fix was in, and even members of the British Parliament started urging the airlines to purchase the impossibly expensive and useless “missile defense” systems.

Unfortunately for the Israelis and their American associates, sheer panic and verbal warnings did nothing whatever to enhance sales prospects for the missile defense systems, so they backed off for a while. The whole thing was starting to look a bit obvious, and there was a real danger of “crying wolf” once too often.  Strategies and tactics were polished up, and then, almost seven months to the day on the other side of the world, the hype was started all over again, this time with careful attention to forward planning and detail.
On 10 August 2003, Australian Prime Minister John Howard warned that aircraft belonging to Australia’s national airline Qantas had suddenly become potential targets  for “terrorist” shoulder-launched missiles. Where? At London Airport Heathrow, home of British Airways, that’s where!  Then the next day Dennis Richardson, Director General of ASIO [Australia’s Security Service], breached all security protocols and common sense by “leaking” the contents of one of his speeches, which unsurprisingly supported Howard’s and therefore Tel Aviv’s line on Australian aircraft suddenly becoming targets for the mythical “al Qaeda”.
This was a dramatic departure from standard procedures for any security service, which normally has the primary role of defending its nation from attack, and the secondary role of protecting its citizens from wild unsubstantiated rumors which might result in public panic. Needless to say, Richardson’s only external sources of information are the CIA and the Mossad, meaning that whatever he says is likely to be outrageous, and very probably  the exact opposite of the truth.
Nowadays we all expect politicians to lie, but officials like Richardson should learn to keep their big mouths shut. Direct security service support for geopolitical initiatives, might later lead to claims of security service involvement or actions against the very citizens it is tasked with protecting.
The timing here is critical, because it reveals that at the very same time Howard and Richardson were speaking in Australia on 10 and 11 August, the FBI shoulder-launched missile “sting” was being put into operation somewhere in the backwoods of East Germany.  Then during the next 48-hour period on 12 and 13 August, British Airways was obliged to announce its new service to Basra, and the withdrawal of its service to Saudi Arabia. Things really were going like clockwork for the Mossad, and the time had come to shift up to high gear.
Showing the deft skills normally associated with magicians pulling rabbits out of hats, members of the American FBI dramatically announced they had arrested an “English arms dealer” in possession of a Russian shoulder-launched  SA-18 “Grouse” missile, complete with all extras but minus the operating software. Naturally, the FBI agents didn’t want any mistakes to happen, now did they? Well, at least not in New York.

All of a sudden the component parts of the sting all came together as if by a minor miracle. You were told that the “Russian Security Service” helped with the sting, but the Russians have denied this. You were told that the suspect was an “English arms dealer”, but the British authorities say the man is unknown to them. John Howard’s words from 10 August were mingled in with everything else, making it “obvious” that Qantas or British Airways aircraft are now prime targets for “al Qaeda”.
Above all else, you were and will repeatedly be shown pictures of the “deadly” SA-18 Grouse missile, that is now proven to be real, and which could soon be flying right up a Boeing jet pipe somewhere very close to YOU,  the very next time you fly Qantas or British Airways. This was one of the best, but also one of the most muddled stings pulled in years. The fact that anyone with the will could put its component parts together with ease, shows the level of sheer desperation gripping both the American and Israeli administrations.
The simple fact remains that the airlines will still refuse to shell out $200 billion to the Israelis and their American associates, right up to the very point when the flaming wreckage of a red, white and blue British Airways Boeing 777 is filmed outside Basra, probably early next month. Then you will panic as planned, and the airlines will start seeking massive bank loans, to purchase useless missile defense systems from the very same people who shot the British Airways 777 down in the first place.
If anyone out there has the correct email address for the British Airways flight crew room at Heathrow, please pass on a copy of this report. The crews might still fly or they might choose not to do so, but at least the choice will be theirs to make on an informed basis. One very appropriate solution to the problem, would be to publicly hand the exclusive rights to this new "exciting" London-Basra route to Israel’s El Al. Then sit back and watch the fireworks…

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