Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-
Blavatsky's Theosophy was antisemitic. It was the originating movement of Lucis Trust, and today it is still extremely active around the world.  Like Lucis Trust, there are many group and individuals following this belief system.  While I was unable to find the original article regarding David Irving on the net, there are many links to the debate which followed, quoting the original comments.  The site itself has many, many articles dealing with esoteric history. 




History on Trial: Editorial

Too often modernist post New Agers claim history doesn’t matter, the die is already cast. However next this empty space is too easily filled with the most inaccurate assumptions as described in the introduction of this web site.

Rather history can be defined as the product of the discovery and description of past events. The description can take the form of either narration or analysis, as long as one’s methods of discovery are as scientifically rigorous as possible. Along with psychology, sociology, and anthropology, history adds to our understanding of human behavior by providing data of what people have actually done.
Humans are storytelling beings and history is our story. Since history is an interaction of both contingencies and necessities, it involves the study of both unique one-time events and universal repetitive trends: time’s arrow and time’s cycle.

For both, but especially the latter, the social sciences are an integral part to finding the repetitive signals in the background noise, and as such the study of history can benefit greatly from the social sciences. The problem is that  sometimes historians are attempting to write about humans and their behavior without knowing the best science available on these difficult questions. To really understand history historians need to test their claims. Unfortunately historians never take any courses in hypothesis testing.

Historians can still write great stories, but they must be, stories grounded in facts, not fiction; in science, not anecdotes. The historian can act as a psychologist and sociologist of the past by employing statistical and other scientific methodologies to estimate the probabilities of events, causes, and our confidence in them.

This is well described in a 2002 book by Richard Evans, who took as an example the analysis of the David Irving trial three years ago. In “Telling Lies About Hitler” he describes why History does matter he writes: “Let us now move forward into the past with the best science available, so that the uncertainties of the historical boundaries will be made as clear as our faculties allow.”

For truth, the Guardian rightly said, cannot be assumed, but “has to be worked at ... Even a casual reader of the case reports could quickly see how painstaking genuine historical scholarship is; it builds detail upon detail, avoiding casual inference and thin deduction It was truth established in this way over many years that had been vindicated.” The trial demonstrated triumphantly the ability of historical scholarship to reach reasoned conclusions about the Nazi extermination of the Jews on the basis of a careful examination of the written evidence. It vindicated our capacity to know what happened after the survivors are no longer around to tell the tale. It showed that we can know, beyond reasonable doubt, even if explaining and understanding will always be a matter for debate. (2)

It is not surprising that exactly in esoteric circles doubts regarding historical accuracy reigns and even these circles are not neo-Nazi, still for example the Nazi UFO myth is nothing else but Nazi revisionism, which basically says, the Nazis won the war anyhow. Or the CIA is in fact the Gehlen network, the Atom bomb came delivered to the US from the Nazis…

Next  the same literature claims about the holocaust that the US Jews just faked that to get money… Or  claim in fact Hitler and most leading Nazis were themselves Jews, so the truth is the only “bad” Jews are those banker/Masons in New York that also blew up the WTC twin towers and so on, they are running the US Government… and so on.
(The proof is there, just read them) in the protocols of Zion, leading the world now towards WW III and the human race towards extinction….(1)

Example: The Editorial staff of FOHAT a quarterly publication of the Theosophical Society, mentions in one of its editorials:

“Truth (about the Holocaust) Needs no Laws to Protect it.”
The editor goes on to say that; “David Irving, the distinguished British historian on World War II. . . . This painstaking researcher. . .decided to do research on the topic of German concentration camps. . . . He discovered that physical evidence at the camps and the archival evidence that he examined ran CONTRARY to POPULAR conceptions on the holocaust. Now David Irving could have ignored his findings and left the whole matter alone; instead he published what he found in book form. . . .
David Irving’s research and evidence for his thesis are readily accessible through his book. Any historian of note need only look at Dr. Irving’s research and then demonstrate how he erred in his conclusions and the whole matter would have been put to rest. After all, if Dr. Irving was wrong, historians should have all of the evidence of truth on their side.
The light of truth has a way of making the shadowy clear.
Instead of dispelling Dr. Irving’s thesis, Dr. Irving has been banned from speaking in many countries, he has been arrested and tried in Germany. In fact, new laws in Germany have been instituted making it illegal to deny the holocaust. . . Through all of this, few if any of Dr. Irving’s professional colleagues have come to his defence or tried to dispel what he says.
Instead of shedding light on the debate there has been every effort to push the whole matter further into the shadows. Dr. Irving is not the only individual to suffer this fate. . . . This whole matter begs the question as to why the leaders of a nation [Germany] saddled with this terrible and heinous crime would want to legislate a version of history that MAY NOT have a foundation, especially at the cost of billions of dollars annually in reparation payments to the state of Israel. Why are nations all over the world intent on legislating the official version of the holocaust?”

1) http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/~muehleb9/theprotoc.html

2) See the various left sidebar links on following, for details about the Irving trial:


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Esoteric and Science News, December 10, 2002

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