-Caveat Lector-


Boyer, A.  2003.    "The Debacle Behind Project Artichoke:  Patty Hearst's "Double" and the Plausible Real Kidnapping Story."  Internet.  4 p.

"Project Artichoke may have been the mainstay of the federal government's "choke an artist" media campaign, sponsored by sidelined Intel agents working in media organizations.  Then the Patty Hearst kidnapping might have been one of the most significant national episodes in this government project and of the Nixon  era.  It was very possibly a project "handled" by media specialists and journalists, who were recruited by Intel agencies as spies.  The targets were Hippies, celebs, rock stars, etc.  These paid-for-hire journalists weaseled themselves into celebrity homes, probably with spooks in tow to wreak havoc on celebrity's career and lives, destroying or damaging their careers and probably their interpersonal relationships.  The journalists were trusted by the celebs and therefore became a perfect foil for Intel agency plots against the up-and-coming stars.  They preyed upon celebrities who have a political bent, are outspoken about liberal causes, and who have a great deal of glitz, attention in their courts.  This campaign would then serve to keep celebrity influence under government check.  Journalists such as these were Intel agency contractors, taking government "jobs" clandestinely. WR Hearst may have realized government agents had attempted to infiltrate his media organizations, unsuccessfully.  His liberal California bent was angst to Nixon who wanted his influence nullified, thus the SLA then had taken a government contract to stage the events.   Nixon's crew made sure the events received wide-scale media attention with the intent of harming Heart's media empire and his personal reputation.  This effort probably temporarily succeeded even among the post-Watergate hearings  on Hearst in 1975. "

Thus ends this short, four-page article.  This is a first-person account of an encounter with a person who admits to being involved in the Patty Hearst's kidnapping and includes details such as photographs of her personal encounters with real people who may have been involved. 

E. Murray, MFHR Staff, 2003


It wasn't until 1997 that I realized I had probably known, at length, Patty Hearst’s double as a close friend. And it was not until 2002 that I realized who else, from my past, was probably involved in linking she and I up. This realization shocked me as I began to consider all the other sidelined communications which may have occurred behind my back over the years about me between my trusted old friends. These facts alone caused me to reconsidered a lot of my beloved liaisons. But, this particular situation may have played badly into events which occurred over the years to me, so I feel compelled to describe these circumstances with the hope that this account may shed light on the nationally recognized Hearts debacle and in a general way upon what may happen to even other's social relationships given the unnatural state of the world these days.

This whole scenario began innocently enough a few months after I had accepted and begun work  (fall, 1974) at a U.S. Department of Interior (Bureau of Indian Affairs or BIA) position in northern Arizona.  I had waited two years to finally procure a teaching position with the BIA.  I was hired as a secondary fine arts teacher overseeing the art education of 1000 Navajo children aged K - 10. I moved to the Navajo rez from a hip and wealthy ski community where I had spent nearly a year working and living amongst some of my Hippie college buddies.  On the rez, I was given a one bedroom apartment on a federal compound.  Thus my Weymeroner, Zeke Dog, and I moved in.  A group of interesting young people also had jumped on board that year -- thus there was a nice group to party with and enjoy work with (photos1).

At the onset of my life on the rez, things were normal. But in a year the scales tipped to raucous and unusual. Odd situations began erupting around me about five months after I had moved in. It started with this phone call one day at school, a young Jamaican guy from the Bronx was in the area, said he was a coworker of a good friend of mine, Fred's, back in NJ.  This Black guy crashed at my apartment for several days in April of 1975.  During the ensuing next six months I had a spate of unusual and serious problems occur.  Right after he left, about sunset one night I was assaulted by a large drunk Navajo man who pushed his way into my apartment, attempted to strangle my neck, tore my turtleneck into shreds with his fingers as I attempted to flee on my front lawn. I got away from him, wound up at the Navajo police station.  They refused to investigate, but took a short complaint.  The principal at my school refused to intercede also.  He may have been involved in bootlegging booze on the rez, so he shied away from legal entanglements out there.  I made a stink about it, but I decided to stay in my job because it paid so highly and I had begun work in graduate school in anthropology, I wanted to use this experience to further my career goal of working as an administrator in museums.  The police claimed the man had sovereignty (the Navajo rez is solely governed by its police and own political system, not by the American government). Navajo police said this man was a "clan" brother of someone on the police force, thus they could not help me. My only option was to file a case with the FBI because the event occurred officially on "federal land" rented by the BIA.  I dropped the topic, I was too busy really.  The second incident was in May when my beloved dog was badly sexually knifed by an unknown assailant in the early morning hours.  I hastily drove the bleeding dog to the nearest vet some 120 miles away where he underwent an immediate and serious operation.  I got him back two months later. The third incident was in September when my brand new Japanese pickup, with only 2000 miles on it, wound up in a horrific horse accident.  While driving at 50 mph, I hit, square on, a black yearling, who suddenly appeared over a highway hill, dead center in front of my truck at 9 P.M.  Truck's radiator was bashed in, the whole front end really.  I was not physically harmed in this incident, but I wound up in a Navajo public health clinic with no bed or food for two days and literally sleeping on a linoleum tile floor with a sheet.  These Public Health Service (PHS) clinics, owned by the feds, only admit Native American people, they provide no services for non-Indians.  Additionally, there was no public transportation -- no taxis, no buses, no trains -- and therefore no way for me to get back to my apartment until an ambulance arrived which could relay me back to my own rez town some hundred miles plus away.  My truck was so severely damaged that it was not repaired for nearly two months and this was a real problem.

These incidents, cult-related or not, were nearly enough to drive me off the rez because they were so freakish and violent...as if I were being stalked in some odd manner I  could not prove. The job was difficult, exhausting to come up with hundreds and hundreds of one-hour art projects for children of all ages and I traveled to all the twenty classrooms once every two weeks. At first I loved it, exhilarating work, the teachers and kids greatly liked the sessions. But, it became impossible to manage after a few years. Something else began to creep into the scenario during these beginning odd situations. Another friend of mind, Barb and her new husband Steve, were also having rez problems. Break-ins to their apartment and other unaccounted for problems, as a result, they drifted apart. And in May of 1975, they decided to leave the rez jobs and they divorced soon afterwards  in Phoenix. 

About this same time the Patty Hearst debacle was kicking up steam with the Symbionese Liberation Party (SLA).  Hearst was kidnapped in February, 1975, then in May a fire in L.A. killed some SLA members, but Hearst escaped.  The Hybernia Bank robbery with the spectacular scene of Hearst holding a machine gun netted the group only $5,000, making it probably the cheapest bank robbery in U.S. history.   Odd too that this bank only seemed to have $5,000 on hand in the middle of the day, this fact alone lends speculation that the CIA had a hand in the event.  Hearst was finally freed in September 1975, about the time my pickup truck was hit, eight months after she was kidnapped.  

A month after Hearst's capture, in October, a new blonde supervisor named Cathy arrived from California at the rez school.  She assumed Barb’s position as the Reading Room supervisor. Students received special tutoring in English there from a group of five or six Navajo Aids. Cathy was a pleasant person, attractive, quiet and rather unintimidating.  She was well liked by her Navajo crew.  Her job was easy -- not requiring many skills and she laid low, not rocking any boats.  She obviously seemed to have special attention and protection.  She was a tall single girl, about 5'10", and she wore, nearly daily the same outfit -- corduroy pants dawned with a vanilla-colored hooded sweatshirt (photos2) every day to work.  She was about 24 years old and her long blonde hair fell to her shoulders in odd flat slabs.  Later I realized that she was probably wearing a fall or partial wig.  She had a slightly acne'd or dimpled chin, it looked powdered. She spoke in lower tones. Her gait was loose, jutting. She said she was a Mormon, but she did not seem the Mormon type.  A few months after she had arrived, she got this used huge white Ford pickup.  She said it had needed some body work.  This vehicle was a carbon copy of the government-issue vehicles used throughout the rez only it lacked the characteristic government identification numbers and warnings on the doors.  It was as if they had been painted off the truck.  Cathy hung out with a younger guy, she said he was only 17, and the two of them hung out on weekends and road his motorcycle. I recall her making a number of fast and quick, unscheduled trips to California for unknown reasons in 1976-77. Cathy greatly resembled Patty Hearst. We maintained contact throughout the years off and on enough for me to always have her address. She married a guy named Gary in the mid- early 80s, they moved to a farm in Missouri and later to an isolated, rural community out west in the 90s.


Commentator Mae Brussell threw out a lot of interesting possibilities regarding the SLA and its possible affiliation with CIA/FBI -- their possible "contractor" liaison with government agencies.   She mentions briefly the use of a Hearst double, but she does not hammer the situation home with government motives or information such as how the government handled their secretive liaisons with the SLA.  She never provided more information about why, early on, Hearst or government intel agencies had not attempted an escape or why Hearst was portrayed as being supportive of the SLA. Brussell simply threw out the facts that she believed this was a CIA operation and there was a government-sponsored Patty Hearst "double" involved.

I did not consider Cathy’s possible connections to Patty Hearst until a couple of decades later, when as I ran across Mae Brussell’s account of "What Happened to Patty Hearst?" on the Internet in 1997.  I began to consider what was going on my life during the time of the 1975 kidnapping.  I kept replaying the bank robbery scene of Hearst with the machine gun and I kept thinking this was not Hearst but Cathy.  I could not get over Hearst's gait, walk on the robbery videotape, as I deep down knew this was Cathy.  Both women are tall, blonde, from California, similar facial features, and Cathy’s timing on the rez, with her trips to California during the time period of the trials convinced me there might be a connection.  I began to consider Brussell's assertion that Hearst had a "double."  I approached Cathy about the Patty Hearst connection in 1998, asking her on the phone if she was involved.  She replied vaguely in the affirmative and she sent me a card and note saying that "certain groups" in her home state were stalking her and "believed she was involved with Patty Hearst" and that they were causing her problems.   But while she seemed to have special protection while living on the Navajo rez in northern Arizona for years, now she was having serious personal problems -- car accidents, serious illnesses hitting her family and husband, special problems with houses and with raising two daughters.    

I began to ponder the possible motives of the government and the names of many of its 60s and 70s projects.  Project Artichoke caught my attention.  The naming of government projects appeared to be extraordinarily clever -- Project "Blue Bird" for mind control experiments on Air Force dependents and MK-Ultra for "mind control," for example.  Artichoke must have meant something more than the vegetable and the anagram "choke an artist" seemed logical.  The Hearst debacle seemed to be a government media campaign and old man Hearst was the logical target.  WR Hearst was a giant newspaper magnate and a Democratic liberal in the state Richard Nixon, then a Republican President, had come from. It seems obvious that Nixon hated Hearst's liberal leanings, especially in his own home state.  He may have blamed him behind the scenes for supporting the Hippie insurgency and even Nixon's loss of the election to JFK in 1960.  It stands to reason that when Hearst could he refused to hire CIA or FBI journalists, a Republican scheme which may have been taking over media organizations nationally through Artichoke.  There may have been a Nixon (curmudgeon planner) - Hoover (sex god - reptoid) - Gottlieb (vampire-esque Jew) trio.  So, WR Hearst may have been considered a threat and with his liberal media power, a force to be reckoned with, a Democratic "enemy of the state," and a constant thorn in Nixon’s side in his own home state of California.

The Patty Hearst kidnapping may have been planned and designed by the CIA, with presidential support and funding as a way and means of embarrassing WR Hearst publicly, forcing either the demise of his newspaper empire or the accession of authority within it to Cointelpro or outright to CIA/FBI journalists.  Patty Hearst's double was used to embarrass first her father's newspaper  image, then to embarrass the Counter Culture.  Patty probably did not go along with much the SLA planned or did. She probably realized that the SLA had taken a contract for pay to kidnap her from the CIA. She also probably knew the workings of this scene well enough to have met the double who was assigned by the FBI to case to work with the SLA.  In other words, Patty probably did not participate in any of the SLA’s activities, at least not consensually. The double probably did and had a close friendship with the SLA.  The double then was simply another cog in the CIA wheel of the Hearst "show."  What the CIA did not estimate in advance was the strength and length of the press coverage of the kidnapping because it became unwieldy, too intense, fearsome, out-of-control.  This was possibly a result of WR Hearst’s media connections and strong concern for his daughter’s safety. The more press he could generate, the less likely perhaps she would wind up eliminated.  A split occurred between the SLA and the CIA a few months after the kidnapping, it appears.  Perhaps the SLA wanted more funding from the CIA and threatened to expose the government's involvement in the affair unless they choked up more money...at this point the CIA may have ordered their elimination with the staged LA fire of their residence (May 1975). 

ENTER FRED, THE PROJECT ARTICHOKE "CONSIGNEE"   In August 1999, I attempted to meet with Cathy out west.  This was simply a friendly gesture and I wanted to see how she was doing, we arranged to meet at a Spanish restaurant in her hometown.  Enter Fred.  At the beginning of this article, I mentioned this old Hippie romantic journalistic liaison of mine, Fred.  It was Fred who introduced me to the Black Jamaican guy who was also a writer.  While on my way this morning to meet Cathy, I had to drive about two hours south for lunch with her.  Strangely, as I was on the highway, Fred showed up in my rear view mirror driving a navy blue 850 Volvo.  I noticed the car because I owned Volvos and had an affinity for this particular model.  Fred looked very much the same -- except now he was wearing sliver wire--rimmed glasses.  Strange how a mutual friend of ours three years before this chance meeting told me Fred now wore eye glasses.  Fred had been living in L.A. -- and he was obviously quite sun-tanned.   I recognized him immediately.  He sat on my bumper for a while, maybe 10 minutes, then he sped around my rented vehicle.  I chased him for another 20 minutes down the highway.  He was traveling too fast.  I then went to meet Cathy, I told her I saw Fred on the highway.  She declined to meet me at the restaurant.  I realized that she and Fred were buddies as there was no way Fred would suddenly appear, out in the middle of nowhere, unless he were stalking me and Cathy had told him where and when we were meeting.  Now there was a connection between Hearst, Cathy and Fred.  And Fred was a journalist.  Now I saw Fred and the Black guy as arranging Cathy's job on the Navajo rez and thereby using my job as a jumping pin to put her in.  I saw Barb as loosing her job for Cathy's internship there.  I saw Fred as working now as a Cointelpro agent for the CIA and helping to hide Hearst's double, Cathy.  I also speculated, from knowledge and belief, that Fred was involved in targeting pretty Protestant women as breeders.  However, this is not a topic I will discuss herein. 

Now I began to consider my old romance Fred's work as a journalist, whom he had interviewed over the years, what celebs and for what known national publications.  Was Project Artichoke involved in Fred's history, was he possibly one of their paid journalist-FBI agents?  Suddenly I realized of the dozen or so celebs I could recall that Fred interviewed in national publications, ALL of them wound up with no future, unable in some way to produce any further artistic work for years or decades.  Their celeb careers were wiped out either temporarily or permanently for reasons unknown.  And Fred almost always interviewed his subjects in their residences, this would give him access to their intimate lives, possibly the opportunity to set up CIA/FBI spook stages.  Whoa.  Either Fred was a known quantity going for celebs via working with government Intel agencies (possibly Project Artichoke) or by some quirk of fate, Fred's celeb interviews were oddly "the kiss of death" for those he interviewed.  Either way, the celebs lost out.  Fred's early career I knew going back to 1971.  This included having worked for one year with "VISTA," the American government agency supposedly carrying out assistance for people in need during national disaster situations in the U.S.  This might have been the prelude for his induction into the CIA/FBI service which might have occurred after the VISTA stint.  I began to consider Fred's membership in the "damn asshole club" of fraternity boys, perhaps Fred considered himself a curmudgeon prince.  In 2000 some magazines dropped Fred from their rosters, scooted him off to journalist heaven.  Thank goodness someone seemed to catch on.  But, suddenly I believed that Project Artichoke had definition.  It had membership.  It involved people I knew, situations I had been exposed to without my knowledge or consent from the backside.  I was furious that these old friends I had trusted had used my jobs...my contacts...and used me, behind the scenes for their satanic deeds.  I was not part of these section of their wallpaper. 

SUMMARY  Project Artichoke may have been the mainstay of the federal government's "choke an artist" media campaign, sponsored by side-lined Intel agents working in media organizations.  Then the Patty Hearst kidnapping might have been one of the most significant national episodes in this government project and of the Nixon  era.  It was very possibly a project "handled" by media specialists and journalists, who were recruited by Intel agencies as spies.  The targets were Hippies, celebs, rock stars, etc.  These paid-for-hire journalists weaseled themselves into celebrity homes, probably with spooks in tow to wreak havoc on celebrity's career and lives, destroying or damaging their careers and probably their inter-personal relationships.  The journalists were trusted by the celebs and therefore became a perfect foil for Intel agency plots against the up-and-coming stars.  They preyed upon celebrities who have a political bent, are outspoken about liberal causes, and who have a great deal of glitz, attention in their courts.  This campaign would then serve to keep celebrity influence under government check.  Journalists such as these were Intel agency contractors, taking government "jobs" clandestinely. WR Hearst may have realized government agents had attempted to infiltrate his media organizations, unsuccessfully.  His liberal California bent was angst to Nixon who wanted his influence nullified, thus the SLA then had taken a government contract to stage the events.   Nixon's crew made sure the events received wide-scale media attention with the intent of harming Heart's media empire and his personal reputation.  This effort probably temporarily succeeded even among the post-Watergate hearings  on Hearst in 1975. 



1.  According to 1958 U.S. Government documents:

        "Project: ARTICHOKE

        Project Orion, 1958, U.S.A.F:

        Effects: Narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion.

        Subprojects: Many.

        METHODS: Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M., Drugs, Hypnosis, and ESB.

        Targeting: Short range, in person.

        Frequencies: ELF Modulation.

        Transmission and Reception: Radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies.

        Purpose: Top security personnel debriefing, programming, insure security and loyalty."

1999 - 2003  ©  Museum for Human Rights. All Rights Reserved.


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