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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-


Was the founder of Scientology and the drug rehab program Narconon a  
user of Drugs and a Practitioner of Black Magic? Was L. Ron Hubbard  
working for Naval Intelligence and involved in the drug induced mind  
control predecessors of MK Ultra? Are Scientologists planning to take  
over the world and make it Drug-Free?

“L. Ron Hubbard was given Vistaril® by Dr. Gene Denk in his final days,  
by intramuscular injection in the right buttocks. Vistaril® is a  
psychiatric drug, used to calm frantic or overly anxious patients. He  
died on January 24th, 1986, eight days after the fatal stroke....  
reminiscent of the final days of Howard Hughes Hubbard's fingernails  
and toenails were long and unkempt. His hair was long, thin and  
receding on his forehead”

Considering that Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard himself  
left behind a doped corpse when he left for the next level it is indeed  
curious to note that Scientologists are to encouraged to be drug-free  
and the Drug Treatment facility he began, Narconon has been in  
existence for over 30 years expanding to over 24 countries and taught  
in thousands of prisons and schools world wide.

L.R. Hubbard was taking a powerful psychopharmaceutical drug when he  
died. But according to the Scientology® "scriptures," that he composed  
evil space aliens control and manipulate Earth's psychiatrists via  
mental telepathy, and "psych drugs" are used by these space aliens to  
control and enslave humanity. This leaves one asking, if Scientology®  
"scripture" is true, how did the space aliens finally "get at" Hubbard?  
Or is there some other explanation for this hypocricy?

Born Layfatte Ron Hubard in 1911, the first indications of his  
greatness was established in 1924 when he became the youngest boyscout  
to be promoted to Eagle Scout. It is doubtful that his pack leader at  
that time recognized that the young over achiever would one day be the  
center of a whole religion, a religion that's wealth is in the same  
category of many Fortune 500 International coroporations.

Although he liked to claim it was from a vision inspired from a near  
death expereince It may have been L. Ron's strange relationship with  
drugs that initiated his first Sci-fi fantasy, a book which he believes  
laid the ground for his later philosophical achievments....
"Hubbard had experienced a peculiar hallucination in 1938, while under  
nitrous oxide during a dental operation. He believed that he had died  
during the operation and while dead been shown a great wealth of  
- Tony McClelland, "The Total Freedom Trap"
"He told me it was going to revolutionize everything: the world,  
people's attitudes to one another. He thought it would have a greater  
impact upon people than the Bible."
- Art Burks
streams/gnosis/magick.html ron hubbard marijuana&hl=en&ie=UTF-8

Sometime after allegedley trying to bilk the navy out of permanent  
disability funds for ulcers he developed well in Naval Service, Hubbard  
met and befriended pioneering rocketeer and occultist Jack Parsons.  
Besides being one of the founders of Cal Tech, Jack Parsons has the  
dubious honor of being the only pot head with a crater on the moon  
named after him.

Hubbard and Parson's shared adventerous and creative spirits, the two  
apparently shared another facination, that being a taste for the occult  
works of Aliester Crowley, the English magician who fancied himself the  
Beast 666 of the Bibles Book of revelation.. L. Ron Jr. records that  
his father had first been made aware of the works of Crowley in his  
teenage years, when well visiting the library of congress in washington  
DC, he discovered Crowley's infamous Book of the Law, a tiny booklet  
that Crowley claimed was channeled from discarnate Egyptian deities and  
promised a new era for humanity.

We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit; let them die in their  
misery. Compassion is the vice of Kings; stamp down the wretched and  
the weak; this is the law of the strong; this is our law and the joy of  
the world.
I am of the snake that giveth Knowledge and Delight, and stir the  
hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange  
drugs.... They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly  
against self.... Be strong, Oh man! Lust, enjoy all things of sense and  
rapture ... the kings of the earth shall be kings forever; the slaves  
shall serve.
Them that seek to entrap thee, to overthrow thee, them attack without  
pity or quarter, and destroy them utterly.
I am unique and conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they  
damned and dead! Amen.

Crowley, as a scribe and prophet ushered in this new age, but the book  
he claimed to have channeled predicted another following in Crolwey's  
footsteps, would fulfill.

"...In these runes are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him  
not seek to try: But one cometh after him . . . who shall discover the  
key to it all?"
- Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law

According to L.Ron Jr. his father saw himself as just that individual  
"when Crowley died in 1947, my father then decided that he should wear  
the cloak of the beast and become the most powerful being in the  
universe." In one of his later lectures, Hubbard would refer to Crowley  
as "my good friend."

The use of both sex and drugs in Crowley’s form of magick cannot be  
understated. In an interview with Penthouse magazine in 1983 it was at  
this point his father began his use of drugs

Penthouse: Did your father take a lot of drugs?
Hubbard: Yes. Since he was sixteen. You see, drugs are very important  
in the application of heavy black magic. The personal use of drugs  
expands one's conscious ability to break open the doors to the realm of  
the deep.
Penthouse: What kind of drugs did he generally use?
Hubbard: At various times, just about everything, because he was quite  
a hypocondriac. Cocaine, peyote, amphetamines, barbiturates. It would  
be shorter to list what he didn't take.

Elsewhere Hubbard Jr. states:
“I remember in 1952… while he was taking a needle in the arm,  
containing cocaine. He grinned at me, winked wryly and said “Shades of  
Sherlock Holmes!’
“Dad gave a lot of lectures on Cocaines or stimulants of one kind or  
another. He could really get brilliant on the stuff.” (Corydon)

After being discharged from the Navy in December of 1945, Hubbard did  
not head for home, where his wife and two small children were living in  
Bremerton, Washington. He instead headed directly for a house in  
Pasadena, California, where an eclectic assortment of people lived  
including forementioned rocketeer Jack Parsons. At that time Parsons  
was the head of a California Branch of the Order templar Orientis, or  
OTO, a Masonic brotherhood that was headed by Crowley. According to  
Scientologist sources, Hubbard at this time was hired by Naval  
Intelligence who had become interested in the OTO due to a number of  
scientists involvement with the order.

That Parsons was seen as a person of interest at the time is quite  
obvious. Rumours of cannabis smoke and erotic rites taking place on  
parsons' estate, where he had a number of bohemians and occultist  
living with him, had his 1940's neighbors quite concerned and both the  
FBI and local police had investigated him

Parson's wrote in the 1943 edition of the OTO's Oriflamme:
…I live on peyote,
marijuana, morphine and cocaine,
I never know sadness but only a madness
that burns at the heart and the brain.

Interestingly, it was this same year that researchers working for the  
OSS, the predecessor for the CIA, began ultra-secret work titled  
Bluebird and Artichoke began the quest to find the ultimate  
"truth-serum" starting with a cannabis-indica solution and later  
ciggarettes laced with the potent liquid, said to be a predecessor of  
the famous "honey-oil". Harry Anslinger, the father of Reefer Madness,  
was working with the OSS on this project.
By 1947, the U.S. Navy had also launched Project Chatter, which  
included experiments with mescaline, a hallucinogenic drug derived from  
the peyote cactus (with effects similar to LSD). Mescaline was studied  
as a possible speech-inducing agent after the Navy learned that Nazi  
doctors at the Dachau concentration camp had used it in mind-control  
Concievabley it could have been due to a OSS & Naval Intelligence  
interest in the potentials of cannabis and mescaline as truth serums  
that Hubbard began spying on the sex drug cult headed by Parsons and  
crowley. According to Scientologist sources Hubbard had infiltrated the  
OTO on behalf of Naval Intelligence who became concerned when a number  
of their top physicists began getting involved and this was creating a  
national security situation. As published in the Sunday Times of London  
on October 5, 1969, Hubbard successfully infiltrated and broke up this  
group that was run by Dr. Jack Parsons. This led to many of the top 64  
US scientists being declared as security risks and dismissed from  
government service." In relation to this it is interesting to note that  
much of the early OSS investigations into cannabis took place at The  
Manhattan Project, the Governments top secret atomic bomb making  
facility creating a situation where employees of the top secret  
compound were routinely secretly dosing each other and recording the  

Regardless of his motives the charismatic Hubbard was able to place  
himself well with the dynamic Jack Parsons. As Parsons wrote in a  
letter to Crowley
"Although he [Hubbard] has no formal training in Magick, he has an  
extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From  
some of his experiences I deduce that he is in direct contact with some  
higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel ... “
- Parsons in a letter to Crowley (late 1945)

Despite these high admirations, and testing Parson’s adherence to  
Crowley’s law of “Do As Thou Will”, which condones the total free will  
of every individual, Hubbard ended up charming away Parson’s girlfriend  
Sara Northrup, eventually marrying her himself before divorcing his  
first wife and the mother of his children.

"With the assistance of his new friend L. Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons  
intended to try and create a 'moonchild' - a magical child 'mightier  
than all the kings of the earth', whose birth had been prophesied in  
the Book of the Law more than forty years earlier."
- Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
On March 2, 1946, Hubbard, Parsons and Parson’s new girlfriend Marjorie  
Cameron, the "scarlet women" engaged in sexual rites in the Ordo Templi  
Orientis lodge in South Orange California. Hubbard, as scribe, intoned:
"Make a box of blackness at ten o'clock. Smear the vessel which  
contains flame with thine own blood. Destroy at the altar a thing of  
value. Remain in perfect silence and heed the voice of our Lady. Speak  
not of this ritual or of her coming to any person...
"Display thyself to Our Lady; dedicate thy organs to Her, dedicate thy  
heart to Her, dedicate thy mind to Her, dedicate thy soul to Her, for  
She shall absorb thee, and thou shalt become living flame before She  
- Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
The absorbtion part of the process refered to the mingling of the male  
and female sexual fluids, the OTO’s Gnostic Mass. The mixture was  
allowed to undergo a transmutation in its natural alchemical furnace of  
the woman’s vagina for a few minutes and was then consumed in its  
entirety by the magician.
The campy sci fi writer L. Sprague de Camp who knew both Hubbard and  
Parsons stated "The neighbors began protesting when the rituals called  
for a naked pregnant woman to jump nine times through fire in the yard."

When Parsons wrote Crowley of his plans for producing the Divine Child  
He responded "You have me completely puzzled by your remarks. I cannot  
form the slightest idea of what you can possibly mean." In a letter to  
the head of the OTO in the U.S. Crowley commented
"Apparently Parsons or Hubbard or somebody is producing a Moonchild. I  
get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts."

"After the Babalon Working had been concluded, all that Parsons could  
do was watch and wait. He had been told that the Operation had  
succeeded, that conception had occurred, and that in due course the  
avatar or Daughter of Babalon would come to him, bearing a secret sign  
that Parsons alone would recognise, and which would prove her  
authenticity. Hubbard, though, had rather more mundane considerations  
on his mind, and several weeks later he and Betty absconded with a vast  
amount of Parsons' money. This amounted to many thousands of dollars as  
an investment in Allied Enterprises, a fund set up by Parsons, Betty  
and Hubbard, and into which Parsons was pursuaded to sink most of his  
savings." "
- Michael Staley,
Greatly disturbed, OTO member and Occult writer Lewis Culling took it  
upon himself to make some inquiries and on 12 May he wrote to Karl  
Germer: "As you may know by this time, Brother John signed a  
partnership agreement with this Ron and Betty whereby all money earned  
by the three for life is equally divided between the three. As far as I  
can ascertain, Brother John has put in all of his money ... Meanwhile,  
Ron and Betty have bought a boat for themselves in Miami for about  
$10,000 and are living the life of Riley, while Brother John is living  
at rock bottom, and I mean *rock bottom*. It appears that originally  
they never secretly intended to bring this boat around to the  
California coast to sell at a profit, as they told Jack, but rather to  
have a good time on it on the east coast..." [25]

Germer naturally informed Crowley, who replied by cable on 22 May:  
"Suspect Ron playing confidence trick. Jack evidently weak fool.  
Obvious victim prowling swindlers." In a letter seven days later,  
Crowley wrote, "It seems to me on the information of our brethren in  
California that Parsons has got an illumination in which he has lost  
all his personal independence. From our brother's account he has given  
away both his girl and his money. Apparently it is the ordinary  
confidence trick." [26]
"Bare-Faced Messiah: the True Story of L. Ron Hubbard."
"About J.W.P. - all that I can say is that I am sorry - I feel sure  
that he had fine ideas, but he was led astray …[and] robbed of his last  
penny by a confidence man named Hubbard. "
- Aleister Crowley, in a letter to Louis T. Culling (October 1946)

Parsons died in 1952 when a chemical explosion ripped through his  
garage lab. Numerous conspiracy theories have surrounded this incident.

"Hubbard insisted that he had been working undercover for Naval  
Intelligence to break up black magic in America and to investigate  
links between the occultists and prominent scientists at the Parsons'  
mansion. Hubbard said the mission was so successful that the house was  
razed and the black-magic group was dispersed. But Parsons' widow,  
Cameron, disputed Hubbard's account in a brief interview with the Los  
Angeles Times. She said the two men 'liked each other very much' and  
'felt they were ushering in a force that was going to change things'."
- "LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology", St.  
Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990

Parson’s defenders have seen Hubbard as "a confidence trickster who had  
wormed his way into the O.T.O. on the pretence of being interested in  
Magick." And that he grew “wealthy and famous by a misuse of the secret  
knowledge which he had wormed out of Parsons."

Parsons was young and impressionable. He had gone through repeated  
upheavals during his short life. He was vulnerable. Hubbard made a big  
impression on him. Parsons forgot his obligation and violated his oath  
to the Order. He revealed to Hubbard the secrets of the highest grades  
of the OTO.

The Excluded Middle
jack_parsons.htm ron hubbard marijuana&hl=en&ie=UTF-8

Researcher Alex Constantine suggests that the American branch of the  
OTO was taken over in a coup by the CIA and Army Major Grady McMurty  
who had initially been introduced to the Order when he was a young  
First Lieutenant by Jack Parsons, then eventually became American head  
of the order.

Whether or not Hubbard infiltrated the OTO on behalf of Naval  
Intelligence or merely out of a mutual interest in Crowlyian Magick  
remains an open question But there can be little doubt that the  
magickal techniques of self-liberation taught by the Crowlian Order of  
the OTO, whose “…method is Science, but aim is religion” contributed  
greatly to Hubbards concept of scientology.

In a "Bulletin" written for Scientologists in 1957, Hubbard said this  
of the man whose black magic group he had "dispersed":
One chap by the way, gave us solid fuel rockets and assist take-offs  
for airplanes too heavily loaded, and all the rest of this rocketry  
panorama, and who [sic] formed Aerojet in California and so on. The  
late Jack Parsons... was not a chemist, the way we think of chemists. .  
. . He eventually became quite a man. 2
In Hubbard's Affirmations, published despite court attempts from  
scientology to suppress them, we get a better idea of Hubbard's  
relationship with Parsosn. "Jack is also an adept. You love and respect  
him as a friend. He cannot take offense at what you do. You will not  
wrong him because you love him."
Among the many other affirmations that Hubbard was known to have used  
was the following: "All men shall be my slaves! All women shall succumb  
to my charms! All mankind shall grovel at my feet and not know why!"  
[Corydon, p. 53]
Concievabley in composing this passage, Hubbard may have been  
influenced by the following passage from Crowley's Book of the Law
"The kings of the earth shall be kings forever: the slaves shall serve."
Cancelling any doubt of a deep influence of Crowley on Hubbards  
Scientology, we have the following recording of Hubbard refering to his  
Good friend Crowley, also known as the Master Therion.

The first Person to bring the connections between scientology and black  
Magic was Paulette Cooper who, as a result, is alleged to have suffered  
a five year campaign of terror at the hands of scientologists directed  
at her driving her insane or possibly to suicide, This included trying  
to frame her for a bomb threat against Scientology, a crime she was  
facing 15 years for, but was revealed as a hoax when FBI agents raided  
Scientology offices.

If Hubbard had infiltrated the California branch of the OTO for Naval  
Intelligence, it is conceivable that he had done so with awareness of  
the cannabis-indica truth serum project of the OSS known as Bluebird. A  
background in drug and mechanically induced information retrieval  
combined with the occult knowledge of the Crowlyian type could well  
account for the development of Scientology, for as we shall discuss,  
the e-meter considered a scientologist religious artifact is a not to  
distant cousin of the more modern lie detector.

As engrams from this lifetime were removed, devotees were encouraged to  
follow there problems back to birth, the womb and finally to previous  
life timesl this is similar to what Crowley termed as the development  
of the magickal memory

"Having allowed the mind to return for some hundred times to the hour  
of birth, it should be encouraged to endeavour to penetrate beyond that  
- Aleister Crowley, Magick

"After twenty runs through birth, the patient experienced a recession  
of all somatics and 'unconsciousness' and aberrative content." "Thus  
there was no inhibition about looking earlier than birth for what  
Dianetics had begun to call basic-basic."
- L Ron Hubbard, Dianetics

According to L. Ron Jr., Hubbard Sr. continued with his own use of  
drugs and even used them in conjunction with the e-meter continually  
jotting down the results.

“He started me out by mixing phenobarbital into my bubble gum, when I  
was ten years old. This was to induce deeper trances in order to  
practice the black magic and to get an avenue to power.”

One of scientology’s most influential texts was said to have been  
created by these ve ry means with Ron Jr. acting as the Drug channel.

Hubbard not only drugged his son to act as his scribe but apparently  
also used himself in such experiments, typing out frantically the drug  
induced revelations as they came through. As Ron Jr. describes “He’d  
sit at his typewriter late at night and boost up on drugs and hit way  
at the top, and write like crazy. He could type 97 words a minute with  
four fingers. That was the maximum the old IBM electric typewriter  
would go. When he got into one of these drug trips he’d write until the  
body just collapsed.
That’s the way he worked. Usually what he had written in a burst would  
then be allowed to trickle out to the public, the classes he taught. It  
would then be allowed to trickle out to the public, the classes he  
taught. It wouldn’t just show up right away.
But it was an uneven thing. Sometimes he wouldn’t write for a week,  
then he’d strap on the heavy duty rockets and up he’d go again.”

The first American “Clear”, meaning one who had successfully removed  
enegrams, or mental complexes they had developed through the e-meter  
and dianetics was one John Star Cooke. Besides being a Crowley disciple  
and owning Crowley’s own hand inscribed tarot deck, Cooke had heavy CIA  
connections and was also instrurmental in the spread of LSD and in  
initiating the first Human Be-in in 1967, the famous LSD inspired  
“Summer of Love”. As MK-Ultra developed out of the earlier OSS cannabis  
experiments Bluebird and Artichoke, it is interesting to note that  
Hubbard is credited with being the first to expose MK Ultra

According to researcher Jon Attack, Hubbard had himself used LSD  
himself prior to its illegality and Scientologists have dosed their  
unsuspecting enemies with the drug. Interestingly Hubbard himself later  
complained to the FBI that a number of Scientologists had suffered  
"psychotic episodes" which he claimed were the result of psychiatrists  
surreptitiously giving them LSD:

“1951 Hubbard authored a second book on Dianetics, Science of Survival  
which set out to delineat the human emotional range. Science of  
Survival is also notable on another count - as the first public  
disclosure of psychiatric-intelligence mind control techniques (later  
confirmed by Central Intelligence Agency testimony regarding the MK  
Ultra projects and the Navy's Project Chatter)..” (www.scientology.org)

"Mr. Hubbard's statement was found to be true in the 1970s, when the  
CIA's program became public knowledge after the freedom of Information  
Act enabled investigators to document the agency's inhumane and  
grotesque experiments on human subjects. The ensuing outcry over the  
use of mind-bending drugs, which combined with electric shock caused  
the deaths or maiming of untold numbers of people, drew comparisons  
between the CIA and the infamous Nazi doctors and led to Congressional  
hearings into the intelligence agency."
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (probably from the Scientology Guardians  

THE INVISIBLE THIRD WORLD WAR BY W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton, who  
are obvious Hubbard fans, we read,
“During the early days of MKULTRA, a former Naval officer, L.Ron  
Hubbard, -- aware of what the Navy was covertly doing -researched the  
workings of the human mind. Refusing to submit to government demands  
that he Join the mind control psychiatrists, this man published a book  
called "Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health". The book  
proclaimed mental liberty and integrity as the birthright of humanity  
.When the book became a bestseller, thousands began using the  
techniques Hubbard discovered, testifying to "increased mental  
liberty." Some of the techniques Hubbard described for the benefit of  
people were secretly being used by the government in an attempt to  
enslave. Other of the techniques Hubbard described were actually  
antidotes to the MKULTRA mind control methods (102)
The government began a vicious smear campaign against Hubbard. It was  
run by the CIA's mind control section. The young author had  
inadvertently blown the whistle on the best kept secret of the Cold  

Interestingly, some years afterwards, when hundreds of Scientology  
personell covertly infiltrated a number of government agencies, they  
pointed to FBI documents that confused L. Ron with Al Hubbard, who was  
of no relation. Captain Al Hubbard, who often dressed as a security  
guard, in order to make people feel secure, is fondly remembered as the  
Johny Apleseed of LSD and came up with the concept of “SET AND SETTING”  
in the preparation for beneficial psychedelic experiences.

A few short years after releasing his ground breaking self-help book,  
as his research seemed to become more and more spirit oriented rather  
than mind oriented, Hubbard decided to turn his philosophy into a  

This may have been his ultimate plan for sometime. At a meeting of  
Sci-fi writers in Newark in 1949 Hubbard told is said to have told the  
crowd `Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous,' he told the meeting.  
`If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way to do  
it would be start his own religion.'
-- "Bare Faced Messiah" p.148. Reference given to LA Times, 27 Aug 78. 

According to L. Ron Jr. His father wasn't morallly concerned with using  
Scientology money for illicit black market bussiness deals
20 20 clip

As Hubbard's operation became continually threatned by different  
Governments, he took the operation out into International waters by  
purchasing the huge frieghter the Apollo and forming the Sea org an  
elitte branch of Scientology.

one Captain Lemon, Naval attache at the American Embassy in Athens,  
told the reporter that the Apollo was operated by a "vague, silent and  
sinister organization," the activities of which were unknown. He  
suspected that dangerous drugs, especially marijuana were in  
circulation aboard ship, and stated that he had counselled U.S. naval  
personnel on liberty not to "get mixed up with trouble."
PLAYING DIRTY The Secret War Against Beliefs, Omar V. Garrison

Besides Hubbard's asscociation with illicit and prescription drugs  
(there are witnesses who report seeing numbers of blank prescription  
notes just waiting to be filled), Ron had a penchant for both booze and  
ciggarettes. Eye witness accounts record that Ron could drink with the  
best of them and operate quite well under excessive amounts of booze,  
possibly indicating the aid of bennies or other stimulants in order to  
keep functioning. As for smoking, L. Ron is said to have smoked upwards  
of four packs a day and had the following advice for his followers,  
many of whom chain smoke in imitation of their main man,

“Well, there are societies in England that are having an awfully good
time fighting the cigarette. They can't do anything else, so they
fight cigarettes. And they say that the cigarette causes lung cancer.
And they've - you've been hearing something of this, I'm sure. Yeah.
Not smoking enough will cause lung cancer. Not smoking enough will
cause lung cancer! If anybody is getting a cancerous activity in the
lung, the probabilities are that it's radiation dosage coupled with
the fact that he smokes. And what it does is start to run out the
radiation dosage, don't you see.. But I'd say that would be better
than not running out any of the radiation dosage at all and the
number of lung cancer cases which exist, of course, that don't smoke
are just forgotten by these societies, but they are very numerous.
L. Ron Hubbard - SHSBC 35, 6107C19 (19th October 1961), "Question and
Answer Period: Auditor Effect on Meter".

Ron claimed that the nicotine in cigarettes would turn into nicotinic  
acid, a component of Vitamin B, which would drive out radiation from  
the body, including forms of cancer. He recommended smoking cigarettes  
as a way for people to recover their health in the event of nuclear war

Ron’s nubile teenage female messengers would follow him around with an  
ashtray and smokes, lighting a fresh ciggarette at his chainsmoking  
lips as another was just butted in the ashtray

Nobody could say Ron was afraid of the needle. In his earlier years Ron  
suffered a recurrant bout of venerial disease for which he took  
sulphur. He feared this had affected his libidio in the most  
detremental way and later in life he would inject himself with  
thestosterone, recording in his affirmations
"Testosterone blends easily with your own hormones. Your glands already  
make plenty of needed testosterone and by adding to that store you make  
yourself very thrilling and sexy. Testosterone increases your sexual  
interest and activity. It makes erections easier and harder and makes  
your own joy more intense. Stilbesterol in 5 mg doses makes you thrill  
more to music and color and makes you kinder. You have no fear of what  
any woman may think of your bed conduct. You know you are a master. You  
know they will be thrilled. You can come many times without weariness.  
The act does not reduce your vitality or brain power at all. You can  
come several times and still write. Intercourse does not hurt your  
chest or make you sore. Your arms are strong and do not ache in the  
act. Your own pleasure is not dependent on the woman's. You are  
interested only in your own sexual pleasure. If she gets any that is  
all right but not vital. Many women are not capable of pleasure in sex  
and anything adverse they say or do has no effect whatever upon your  
pleasure. Their bodies thrill you. If they repel you, it merely means  
they themselves are too frigid or prudish to be bothered with. They are  
unimportant in bed except as they thrill you. Your sexual power is  
magnificent and they know it. If they are afraid of it, that is their  
loss. You are not affected by it".

"According to statements made by attorney Michael Flynn, Hubbard, until  
at least February of 1980, filled out fraudulent 'doctor's'  
prescriptions for a large array of medical drugs for himself.
In a letter to Hubbard’s to his third wife Mary Sue 1967 at the  
inception of the Sea Org. he tell’s her: 'I'm drinking lots of rum and  
popping pinks and greys.'
John McMasters stated that on the flagship Apollo in the late sixties,  
he witnessed Hubbard's drug supply. 'It was the largest drug chest I  
had ever seen. He had everything!'
It was shown in the Armstrong trial in Los Angeles in 1984 that Hubbard  
even had blank prescription slips from the U.S. Navy, one of which had  
a prescription for phenobarbital (a barbituate and hypnotic) written in  
Hubbard's handwriting."
Messiah or madman 58-59

One can only speculate what drugs Ron was taking when he came up with  
the following concept of Body Thetans and discussed his out of body  
vistiations to other planets!
Body thetan clip
space plane and venus audio

Lawrence Wollersheim and Jesse Prince
L: Do you have any idea what could have happened?
J: Yeah, he never got the message, or you know, and I just have a  
theory that I heard, by that time that he was pretty far gone, and  
couldn't hold a train of thought anyway.
L: Who else told you Hubbard was pretty far gone and couldn't hold a  
train of thought?
J: Rick Aznaran.
L: How would he know that?
J: Because he was there, and the hired farm hands that they had said  
that -- Rick Aznaran related this story to me -- that often they would  
hear L. Ron Hubbard screaming at BTs late in the night. He was heavily  
medicated with drugs from Dr. Dink like valium, the this the that, and  
the other thing.
L: Tranquilizers?
J: Tranquilizers, and then he's experimenting with drugs, he's getting  
any kind of drug he wants to from Dink.
L: Any possibility of anti-psychotics?
J: Yeah, I do believe he had some of those too. Rick said there was a  
cabinet full of all kind of prescription medicine that you could ever  
imagine when they went to where he was an opened his medicine drawer.  
He said that amazed him because it's a strict policy of Scientology not  
to take any drugs whatsoever, any kind of medical drugs whatsoever. You  
just don't take them. And here he had a zillion of them. I've also  
since talked to Dennis Erlich who told me about a person who used to  
deliver cocaine and marijuana to L. Ron Hubbard, as well as LSD and  
other things, and knew him just in passing because Dennis was having an  
association with him or something. They were at some concert together,  
because Dennis does concerts. They got to talking, Dennis mentioned  
that he'd been in Scientology, and this person said to him, "Oh, I know  
L. Ron Hubbard, I used to bring him his drugs up there in Preston where  
he was."

Jesse Prince
Hubbard was STRONGLY AGAINST drugs [for OTHER people, in later policy],  
although he himself consumed huge amounts of drugs and alcohol during  
most of his life. We also know that in the early days there is plenty  
of evidence that he experimented with auditing under the influence of  
drugs [speed, for instance], and used drugs to make his own children  
pliant and controllable [phenobarbital laced chewing gum, for  
instance]. Later, he was MOST STRONGLY AGAINST psychedelic drugs like  
marijuana and LSD, [perhaps because they have very strong anti-hypnotic  
tendencies, and have the potential to bounce people *OUT* of consensus  

Despite Ron’s love of both illicit drugs and potent pharmaceuticals,  
Scientologists are avowedly anti-drug, that is except for the  
ciggaretes they smoke in imitation of the Great Ron, and they use of  
booze and coffee. They even have a drug-rehab branch, Narconon, which  
critics accuse them of using as a front group for collecting new and  
unsuspecting membership through.
Scientology has numerous such Front Groups, and through these bring  
many good willed and unsuspecting people into the teachings of  
Scientology. These include The Association for Better Living and  
Education, Criminon (which indoctrinates prison inmates into  
Scientology), the Concerned Businessmen's Association, Cry Out! (which  
cashes in on concern for the environment), Applied Scholastics (which  
trains people in Hubbard's "Study Technology") and was popularized by  
Tom Cruise and most importantly, Narconon.
“Narconon was started by convict and drug addict William Benitez, in  
the mid-1960s. It claims to be a rehabilitation programme for  
alcoholics and other drug addicts, and at different times and in  
different places has gained state support . Hubbard’s interest in the  
group may have been inspired in part by Crowley's first published novel  
in 1922, The Diary of A drug Fiend. A detailed account of drug  
addiction and the drug experience. It tells the story of a man and a  
woman who fall madly in love, and travel throughout Europe in a  
frienzied haze of herion and cocaine usage. When their drug supply is  
cut off, they face despair, and they turn to the guidance of King  
Lamus, a master Adept, to free themselves from their addiction through  
the application of practical Magick. An interesting story that  
addresses the psychology of drug addiction and its cure through the use  
of true will.”

In a 1970 letter Hubbard gave clear indications that Narconon was a  
good way to get new recruits for Scientology.

Currently, Narconon works alongside Scientology's "Say No to Drugs  
Campaign", their youth groups “The Drug Free Marshalls and Drug-Free  
Ambassadors. Narconon is advocated by Scientologist and former cocaine  
addict, Kirstie Alley.
“The doses of vitamins are so high on the Purification Rundown that  
they become potentially dangerous (several vitamins are poisonous in  
high doses; and vitamin B1 can have a disorienting effect similar to  
that of certain drugs). The Oklahoma Mental Health Board was especially  
concerned about the use of vitamin B3 in the form of niacin, which in  
large doses has been connected with liver failure. "Large doses of  
niacin are administered to patients during the Narconon program to rid  
the body of radiation. There is no credible scientific evidence that  
niacin in any way gets radiation out of the patient's body. Rather, the  
more credible medical evidence supports the existence of potential  
medical risks to persons receiving high doses of niacin". Jon Atack
The Total Freedom Trap:
Scientology, Dianetics And L. Ron Hubbard
by Jon Atack

It is probably Narconon and Scientologies image as a "drug-Free"  
religion that accounts for the Church's penetration into more  
mainstream culture. Currently the Church claims over 8 million members  
world wide.... The Drug Rehab element of Scientology has been what has  
attracted a number of stars to the organization

"Celebrities are very Special people and have a very distinct
line of dissemination. They have comm[unication] lines that others do  
not have and many medias to get their dissemination through"

L. Ron Hubbard, from Flag Order 3323, 9 May 1973
After the death of her father, Lisa Marie presley went through a drug  
phase--sedatives, marijuana, cocaine--which she says ended after she  
embraced Scientology.

John Travolta FBI Drug Free marshalls connection,

The Day the Marshals Came to Town
The Drug-Free Marshal badge signifies the status as role models for  
other children
That commission began on Saturday, April 3, 1993, in the Garden  
Pavilion at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hollywood.
There, more than 200 pre-teens were welcomed by actor John Travolta,  
actress Anne Archer, FBI Special Agent Brent Braun and Los Angeles  
County Marshal Captain Steve Day and others. A sheaf of congratulations  
and good wishes came to these founding Marshals, as well - from City  
Hall, the halls of Congress, the Nancy Reagan Foundation, just to name  
a few.
At that opening event, each youth signed their name to the newly  
drafted pledge to live a drug-free life, after which Messrs. Travolta  
and Day swore them in as the world’s first Drug-Free Marshals.
“I am very proud of you for taking this oath, and you should be very  
proud of it, too,” wrote former First Lady Nancy Reagan in her message  
to these founding Marshals. “Everyone is counting on you to help other  
people say NO, and I have always said that there is no better way to  
stop this menace than for drug-free youths to serve as role models to  
friends, peers and family members. We are counting on you, and I know  
you can do it!”
The word - as well as their efforts - quickly spread. With the Clinton  
administration in need of young guns to provide peer pressure in the  
“war on drugs,” the Drug-Free Marshals’ focus on both drug education  
and prevention met with instant agreement. Within weeks of the  
inaugural LA event, more than 100 youth in the Nation’s Capital were  
sworn in - this time by the then-U.S. Drug Czar Lee Brown and members  
of the U.S. Marshals Service.
By year’s end Brown was joined by US Attorney General Janet Reno and  
Partnership for a Drug-Free America Chairman James E. Burke in  
welcoming the Marshals to participate in the National Forum on  
Substance Abuse. Jim Copple, national director for the sponsoring  
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America presented this perspective to  
the import - and impact - of the Drug-Free Marshals’ mission: “The  
substance abuse coalitions were formed as Americans across the nation  
began to mobilize at the grassroots level to reclaim their communities  
from drugs. Drug-Free Marshals is an example of the impact these groups  
can have on a local drug problem.”

Tom Cruise has donated money to the International Branch of the drug  
Free Marshalls, the Drug Free Ambassadors, for the publication of an  
anti-marijuana pamphlet and lobbied the Bush administration at the  
white House on behalf of Scientology for a piece of the faith based  
initiative money the Bush administration has been handing out.
It was L. Ron's direct intent to attract stars and Hollywood types into  
the organization, and through this the Church has gained a very high  
profile reputation.
One of the ways the Scientology has become so popular is the extensive  
work it has put into the Church's Public Relations campaign. This was  
not always accomplished through demonstrating good works, and by  
opening seemingly beneficial front groups such as Narconon, Aplied  
Scholastics and Criminon. Being faced with so many critics Hubbardites  
have sometimes resorted to what has been deemed Black PR

(from HCOPL 13 August 1970 Issue I PR Series 1, in the _Volunteer  
Minister's Handbook_, page 454, by L. Ron Hubbard)
PR practitioners of course spread PR about PR. But the use of black PR  
far exceeds its other uses since the year of 1970. Yet teachers of PR  
in the smokey cloister (smoke from marijuana) give us only the Sunday  
School version. According to them *PR* is a nicey-nicey way *of  
bringing good works to public notice* and that is their favorite  
definition. In actual fact ten times as much PR work is done in getting  
rid of someone or something imagined to be dangerous to the PR's  
employer. Bribing newspapermen and "free lance writers" to write  
horrible lies about a competitor, bribing or lying to Congressmen or  
ministers or Members of Parliament to get a law passed to enable a fast  
buck to be made and countering the ploys of the other firm's PR men are  
the common duties of a working public relations employee. ***

In the above, we see Hubbard teaching that bribing and lying are part  
of the job of the PR. Another point of note is that the "Public  
Relations Pack" including the above is part of normal Scientology  
Volunteer Minister training. Pretty outrageous for a religion, IMHO.

These comments are particularly interesting in relation to comments  
made by former Scientologists Garry Armstrong :

By far the best, safest, cheapest, holiest protection against  
$cientology, which virtually anyone with lips and a lung can obtain, is  
to smoke pot every week.
….A clear message to $cientology, a net oxygen producer, and an  
aesthetically pleasing addition to any home, is to grow a pot plant...  
I think wearing hemp shirts, or even wearing ordinary cotton shirts or  
caps with hemp leaves just emblazoned on them, will also help prevent  
$cientology from getting just about any wog ®.
There is no credible evidence whatsoever that smoking pot once a week  
has ever harmed a wog (R), whereas there is overwhelming proof that  
wogs (R) who smoke pot once a week religiously will not be taken by  
$cientology. Tobacco smoking offers no protection whatsoever, and has,  
it can be concluded, negligible physical, psychological or spiritual  
benefit. Wogs ® can smoke 3 packs a day of any brand or type of  
tobacco; hell, they can smoke until they're blue in the face, and  
$cientology will still take them. In fact the criminal enterprisers  
running the $cientology operation support and reinforce tobacco smoking  
and addiction, even luring in tobacco smokers with the promise that  
smoking, according to L. Ron Hubbard, more tobacco, and not less, will  
cure their disease. But, though $cientology may get countless people  
who are dying from smoking tobacco every day, these criminal  
enterprisers won't keep you if you smoke pot, as seldom as once a week.
At present there are jurisdictions in which the authorities do not  
recognize the psychological, physical and spiritual threat that is  
$cientology. And there are so called authorities who do not recognize  
the psychological, physical and spiritual need for protection against  
$cientology. These authorities, and not just those whose duty it is to  
protect wogs ® against being taken in by $cientology, but legislators,  
bureaucrats, the whole law profession, media, educators, and health  
professionals, need to be educated on the danger that is $cientology,  
and on the rights of wogs ® to reasonable protections. Already there is  
considerable evidence that an as yet small number of legislators,  
bureaucrats, lawyers, educators, media celebrities and health  
professionals have been taken in by $cientology. And what is common  
among them all is that none of them smoke pot.
Gerry Armstrongs point of view seems to be reinforced by the  
Scientology funded piece of Drug war propaganda “The Truth About  
Joints” sites related to scientology which focus on cannabis, such as  
www.marijuanadetox.com , the Vancouver Narconon site that has a picture  
of Marc Emery and a Cannabis day add with the following comments
The Promotion and Marketing of Marijuana is taking the same avenues as  
legitimately marketable products in BC. You'll see promotion of pot in  
magazines, newspaper, given political support, health officers  
endorsing or failing to denounce it, Judges failing to convict,  
Newspapers report smoking it, and 'compassion' clubs selling it.  
Marijuana has been positioned below or 'not as bad as' alcohol and  
cigarettes for only one reason: To gain acceptance with an unfamiliar  
public market, i.e. those who aren't pot heads or haven't smoked pot.  
These positioning efforts are NOT an effort to show how safe marijuana  
is. If that were true why would the promoters have chosen the two most  
deadly substances in the world? … Marijuana promoters and pushers would  
like marijuana to take ranking against the big two of alcohol and  
tobacco. But who is cashing in on this huge marketing and promotional  
effort and who is paying for it?

Illegal trade of BC marijuana is between $ 3 and $6 Billion per year.  
If your selling it or its products (seeds) most likely your harvesting  
it as a cash crop, lying, hiding your actions and living like a  
criminal and tax evader or a ghost living off the lives of others. If  
your buying it you have seen many take stronger drugs, ruin their  
health, have relationships disintegrate, seen people use and get stoned  
instead of achieve worthwhile goals and some have seen worse and turned  
their heads. By taking attention off the results and saying it didn't  
happen because of the pot doesn't change the consequences of this  
billion dollar business - BC's largest, from reeling in its toll. “
A similar sinister view can be found on this Scientology sponsored  
video tht contains footage from the Seattle hempfest.

Whether or not you are worried about the Scientologist, they are  
certainly worried about you. And the cult’s past history of  
infiltrating government agency and hiding its identity with the use of  
front groups cannot be ignore, particularly when it comes to the war on  
Drugs, for the Scientologist’s ultimate plan for a “clear” planet,  
means ultimately a Drug-Free planet.

Ron Hubbard died in 1986…..
Despite the death of his mortal body, L. ron Hubbard’s spirit lives on  
in that of the Rondroids and Hubbardites who have cleared themselves  
with his techniques, only to download Hubbard/s paranoias and other  
foibles, as is amply demonstrated by the many accusations and court  
fights the Church of Scientology continually finds itself embroiled  
How far the Cult will take their masters dreams of a scientology based  
planet, and to what lengths they will go to achieve that ends, poses  
some scary questions……

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