-Caveat Lector-

I have just finished keying this morning. And yes very tedious and
unpolished as usual.

But it has truth therein.

John D. Miller

The 9.11 Business of Evil.

Most people choose not to believe in a 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and

The Bible directs us to understand that God made the decision to allow evil
to come upon the twin Earths, the natural and the metaphysical worlds,
before the Earth was made. And God knew that one third of all his angels,
those sons of God would rebel and follow Satan, who became Adversary of
humanity, by leaving their given estate and coming down first to the
spiritual Earth, where dwelt Adam and the other sons of Man. Once there, for
some 400 years, 200 powerful fallen angels came unto the natural Earth's
Mount Sion, some 5,440 years ago, that is to Mount Hermon, on the northern
Israel Syrian border near to the ancient place of Baalbek. The rebellion
against God by Satan and his fallen angels, the evil sons of God, also
caused the evocation of evil spirits to come into and operate in the world
through the mind, the thought processes of humanity. Satan's war against
humanity is of course in the human mind that manifests itself into wars,
terrorism and carnage on Earth so to cause people to 'die dead'.

OK, so God permitted evil to come upon the world, but with a time limit, but
we know not when the time is up for Satan and his host of fallen angels, but
we do know that Satan refuses to abide by God's time limit and so will
causes mayhem and death on a vast scale.

And I suggest that the symbol of human Death is the Great Pyramid, and I
further suggest that the symbol for Satan, who is Horus, the Feathered
Serpent etc., is that of the granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of
the Great Pyramid.

So God, by allowing the Adversary, the Deceiver of humanity, to rule the
world by using the minds of men, and to deceive humanity so that people
either believe not in God or follow false gods, planned the Calvary Cross of
Crucifixion as an antidote so that humans by their free-will can cast off
their lifeless spiritual body within, a body in the image of the gods, a
body that clothes their soul, by having Faith that the reason for the
Crucifixion was so they would not enter the metaphysical world. For once the
natural body is dead, those with a lifeless spiritual body within will
instantly find, to their surprise, they have entered into the metaphysical
dead world, another four dimensional world ruled also by Satan. And they
will arrive their as dead walking, talking people complete with all their
memories for they have 'crossed over' so speak, to the wrong side of tracks,
and can never return so to be offered a second Earthly chance.

And I say number crunching can offer up circumstantial evidence to show the
truth of the business of gaining the knowledge of Good and Evil, that is God
and Satan. And so first to the Great Seal of the United States of America,
that is related to the Coffer, the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber, of the
Great Pyramid, the sarcophagus is the symbol of those that 'died dead'.

There is a story, that while trying to design this Great Seal in his home,
on June 17th 1782, Thomas Jefferson was suddenly approached by a 'being',
cloaked in black. The 'being' allegedly presented Jefferson with a red
velvet bag that contained two plaques. Turning around, the 'being' walked
into Jefferson's garden and mysteriously vanished. The two plaques that were
in the red velvet bag were the two designs of the Great Seal of the United
States, that of the New World Order, that I say comes into action when Satan
's lease of evil ends, for Satan will rebel against the time limit set by
God. And three days later on June 20th 1782, Congress approved the design,
and the Great Seal of the United States was born.  The image of the eagle
within the Great Seal became America's National 'Coat of Arms'. Now we know
not if the story of the mysterious visitation is true, but the date given
offers the story some credibility. And anyway Satan could have 'helped' the
mind of the person who designed the Great Seal so create that which Satan
And when Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress, introduced
this design for the Great Seal of the United States he told the members of
Congress: "The colors of the pales are those used in the flag of the United
States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness and
valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief signifies vigilance, perseverance
and justice."

So the American bald eagle is the most prominent feature of the Great Seal
of the United States and across the breast of the eagle is a shield with 13
alternating red and white stripes (the pales) representing the 13 original
States. Note that the stripes alternate in opposite fashion from the stripes
on the American flag.  On the Great Seal the stripes begin and end with a
white stripe, while on the flag the first and last stripe are red.  Across
the top of the shield is a blue field that unites all the stripes into one.
The blue field represents the United States Congress. In his talons the
eagle grasps an olive branch representing peace, and 13 arrows representing
war. Above the eagle are thirteen stars inside a circular design,
representing a 'New Constellation', the same constellation referred to in
the blue union of the of the United States Flag.  In his beak the eagle
grasps a flowing ribbon bearing the words of 'E Pluribus Unum'. These Latin
words are translated 'Out of many, One', that is from out of the sea of
people comes the person of the Antichrist with the mind of Satan.

And so the main number for the Great Seal is '13' and the Bald Eagle at 35
days incubation, gives the Bald Eagle the number 35. And so 13 + 35 is 48
and 13 x 35 is 455 and so 455 x 48 is 21,480, or 10,920 + 10,920 and the
reciprocal of the volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet is
1.092001920e-08. So I say the Great Seal also represents the Great Pyramid.

Now I can imagine that the date which God has set for the end of Satan's
time limit is the winter solstice of December 22nd 2012, that is the same
day as the end of the Maya Age, after their 'Long Count' of 1,872,000 days,
some 5,125.36 years, that was calculated by the central American Maya people
over a thousand years ago, to be the end of their 'Age of the Jaguar'.

And now to the 'mina' ball weight discovered in the wall of the Queen's
Chamber in late Victorian times, a granite ball weight, an ancient Egyptian
standard weight of 1.1892 pounds, some 8,325 grains. And 8 mina ball weights
is equivalent to 66,600 grains. The granite frame of the unused sarcophagus
of Horus, the 'Dead Man', had a volume of 40.80 cubic feet + a number for
the 'Dead Man' walking at 66.6 is 107.4 x 20 is 2148, and to find the
'Marked Man' of the sarcophagus, called the Coffer, look at the 'Man in the
Moon' because the Moon's actual diameter at 2,159.9 miles (3,476.02km) and
the area of the Moon squared once is 2.14800e+14 and halved is 1.07400e+14,
that is where the 'Dead Man' walks, for he is the 'Prince of the Sky', and
the Bible says the Moon is a symbol of the Ruler of Darkness. So the Man on
the Moon is a Man who is clothed in the number 40.8, the snake skin (17 x
2.4) that is the Serpent who came down as an angel of light. And the Moon's
diameter is 2,159.9 miles + Earth's equatorial diameter at 7,926 miles it is
10,085.9 miles and x 10/8 and as days it is 12,607.375 days, some 34.5178
years and counting from the birth of Christ at 2.30am October 1st 6BC it is
three minutes after midnight that is 12:03am Saturday, April 8th AD30, that
is the Sabbath day, Omer Day, Passover and 9 hours after 3:03pm Friday and
Christ's death on the Cross. And it was 1,470 years after the first Passover
in 1441BC and just before the Exodus of over 2.8 million Israelites from
Egypt; and as the clock struck midnight, the Angel of Death came down into
the houses without the lamb's blood daubed on the door posts killing any
that were the first born. So the Jewish people should look at a full Moon
and think of the both angels.

The Pyramid number 9.1575000e+479 x 3 lots, the cube root 4 times, the
square root, is 924 days, and counting from one day after the baptism of
Jesus Christ at 8:30am on September 25th AD27, it is 3:03pm Friday April 7th
Passover Eve, AD30. So the ministry of Jesus Christ started and stopped one
day later when Jesus was in the wilderness confronting the temptations of
the Devil, that is 924 days, until the death of Jesus Christ, and the end of
his 'natural' ministry. In fact his ministry really started properly some
two days after leaving the wilderness, when Jesus was in the synagogue
continued reading from chapter 53 of the scroll of Isaiah, and then Jesus
said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you,
Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses,
the Prophets and the Psalms." Luke 24:44 (NIV). So from speaking in the
synagogue at say 8:30am November 7th AD27 to his death by Crucifixion at
3:03pm Friday, April 7th AD30 is 882 days, that is 7 x 126, that is the
reference number for the Manorah, the seven branched candlestick of the
Jewish people, and 882 is that of the seven tall candlesticks where the Lord
God Almighty stood, as read in the first chapter of the Book of Revelation.
And 882 also represents the 7 burning lamps, and the 7 eyes of the Lamb, and
the Spirit of God. Thus the ministry of Christ was measured exactly so to
counter the Adversary.

So to the World Trade Center consisted of two 110-story buildings, namely
the Twin Towers and five smaller buildings. The Architect Minoru Yamasaki
designed the World Trade Center Towers to be among the tallest buildings in
the world, one Tower was 1,368 feet high and the other  was 1,362 feet high,
and added together is 2,730 feet x 12 inches is 3 lots of 10,920 inches. And
the volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet, and the reciprocal
is 1.0920010920e-08. So the symbol for Death, the Great Pyramid, was
represented by the Twin Towers. And so increased to 1.0920000e+190 x and
square root thrice and /6 and square root is equivalent to the Maya 'Long
Count' at 1,872,000 days x the internal volume of the sarcophagus at
41.6862516 cubic feet (78.06 x 26.81 x 34.42 inches), x 4,119.3526 days,
some 11.278413 years, that is from the collapse of the first of the Twin
Towers at 9:59:04am Tuesday September 11th 2001 and so year 2001.693830, to
2:30:42am ('dead body time') on December 22nd 2012, and the year
2012.2972244, that is the end of the Age of the Jaguar. For the information
based on seismic waves recorded at Palisades New York gave the collapse of
the South Tower at 09:59:04am and the collapse the North Tower was at
10:28:31am. Imagine, the unused sarcophagus of Horus multiplied by the 'Long
Count' by the time period from September 11th 2001 to the end of the 'Long
Count' is fashioned and formed out of the measurement of the Great Pyramid.
And when the number 91,575,000 is placed into the GRID Code it reappears as
'399' and this is the reference number for humanity at 273 + the spirit man
within at 126 the 'Eye of Horus', and the number for the human mind.

And so I have a 'Puppet Conspiracy Theory'; for like Adam Smith's 'Invisible
Hand' which he blames as a sometimes guiding force in life, I suggest that
people can often be no more than puppets who are controlled, not always by
their by their own mind, but by someone else's thinking, even
telepathically. For some events happen that offer no reasonable explanation
as to why such a person or persons would do such a thing that was so out of
character. And returning to the story, that while trying to design this
Great Seal in his home, on June 17th 1782, Thomas Jefferson was suddenly
approached by a 'being', cloaked in black. The 'being' allegedly presented
Jefferson with a red velvet bag that contained two plaques. Turning around,
the 'being' walked into Jefferson's garden and mysteriously vanished.

Now when I count down very, very carefully from the time seismic waves
recorded at Palisades New York gave for the collapse of the North Tower at
10:28:31am  Tuesday, September 11th 2001, that is day 253.436469907 and
divided by 365.2421987 days + year 2001 it is year 2001.69388605, and
counting down to 09:59:04am (the time of day the first Twin Tower
collapsed), when I suggest Satan entered the Thomas Jefferson's garden, on
June 17th 1782, that is year 1782.458370, it is a period of 219.2355162
years, and cubed, and squared thrice, and divided by 4.0000e+47 is
equivalent the 'Long Count' of 1,872,000 days x 203 days, the gestation
period for the jaguar, the most ferocious land beast on Earth. So this
calculation is a phenomenon, for how can the times used, that of the
collapse of both Twin Towers, and the period from the could be time Satan
entered the garden (even story-wise), there can be formed and fashioned the
Maya's 'Long Count' period ending the 'Age of the Jaguar' x 203, the
reference for the jaguar. And the great Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, the
mother of Horus, at 58 x the wings of the Bald Eagle at 35 days is ten times
203, that of the jaguar.

So the Adversary has shown himself in the horror of September 11th 2001, the
horror set in train by using the minds of men was so selected.

So I now await Armageddon.

And the wars and terrorism leading up to Armageddon.


The 'Long Count' at 1,872,000 days is made up of 13 periods of 144,000 days.
And 28.4 Earth days is one revolution of the Sun and 2,840,000 days and /Pi
+ 2,840,000 days is twice 1,872,000.038 days. Or 284,000,000 days and /Pi +
2,840,000,000 is 32 times the Great Pyramid's volume at 91,575,000.24 cubic
feet. And the height of the Pyramid Complex of three pyramids is 481 + 471 +
218 feet is 1,170 feet, and 1,300 feet less 10% is 1,170 feet.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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