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Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 12:34:05 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
April 3, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis


Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Rather, Brown and Even Jennings Acknowledge Coalition Success
The U.S. forces have even won over Peter Jennings as he led Wednesday's
World News Tonight by espousing coalition success and mocking the Hussein
regime's claims of victory: “At one point on Iraqi television today a
government official read a statement, allegedly from Saddam Hussein,
which said 'victory is within our reach.' It doesn't look like it on the
battlefield.” Dan Rather provided an upbeat assessment on CBS: “Tonight
there is major progress and a stunning battlefield victory to report.”
CNN's Aaron Brown decided: “The end game is on.” NBC's Tom Brokaw
provided the most dour assessment of where the war stands.

2. ABC Paints Iraqi Support for U.S. as Reluctant and Novel
While NBC's Dana Lewis noted how Iraqis “waved American flags” as “people
just came out of their homes, gave the thumbs up to U.S. soldiers, and
tried to touch them or shake their hands,” ABC treated Iraqi support for
U.S. troops as a reluctant and novel event. Peter Jennings painted the
U.S. not as good, but as only the lesser of two evils: “In at least one
Iraqi city today, at Najaf, when given the choice between irregulars and
the Americans, much of the local population seemed to be with the

3. On ABC, Richard “Peter Arnett” Engel: Iraqis Enraged at U.S.
Richard “Peter Arnett” Engel relayed on Wednesday's World News Tonight
how “6,000 Arab and Muslim volunteer suicide bombers” have arrived in
Baghdad. Arnett had a “baby milk factory,” Engel has a “maternity
hospital.” He asserted: “Iraqis are growing increasingly enraged by the
mounting damage to civilian sites -- including this maternity hospital.”
Engel went to the streets to gather public opinion: “I asked this man if
he thinks the war is about liberating him from Saddam’s brutal regime.
'Liberation?’ he asked me. 'Who asked for America to liberate us?’” Peter
Jennings suggested that the Iraqi claim of “almost 700 civilians killed
in the country since the U.S. invaded” last month “may be low.”

4. Williams Realizes Bombing of Baghdad Not Like Dresden
Brian Williams versus Brian Williams. The day the bombing of Baghdad
started, NBC/MSNBC/CNBC's Brain Williams claimed the scene “looks like
Dresden, it looks like some of the firebombing of Japanese cities during
World War II.” But on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, Williams stressed the
difference with World War II: “The fire bombings of Dresden and Tokyo in
World War II were meant to kill civilians and then terrorize survivors.
Here we’ve seen the opposite happen.”

5. Bernard Shaw: This War is "Vital to America's Security"
A CNN journalist in favor of the war, but he no longer works there.
Former CNN reporter and anchor Bernard Shaw told the Philadelphia
Inquirer's Gail Shister that he thinks the war on Iraq is "vital to
America's security" because Iraq is run by a “despotic” leader of “a
rogue state who possesses weapons of mass destruction and can share that
technology with terrorist groups out to harm the United States."

6. Pew Shows that All Polls Find Public Backs War Overwhelmingly
“Public attitudes toward the war in Iraq have been remarkably consistent
through the first two weeks of the conflict,” the Pew Research Center for
the People and the Press observed on Wednesday in compiling a table
listing several polls. “There is broad support for the war, and Americans
are upbeat -- though not overwhelmingly so -- about progress to date.”

7. FNC #1 Cable for War Coverage, But ABC Soars Too in Ratings
The Fox News Channel last week beat CNN and MSNBC for allegiance during
war coverage and came in second only to TNT during prime time, though
number one in homes carrying both TNT and FNC, as cable news channel
ratings soared during the first full week of war. ABC's World News
Tonight made the greatest gain amongst the broadcast network evening

8. Washington Post's Different Takes on Supreme Court Protests
The Washington Post has differing news standards on black education
protests at the Supreme Court. On Wednesday, with the Supreme Court
having heard on Tuesday two cases about the admissions at the University
of Michigan, pro-quota protesters drew large, one-sided stories on the
front page of both the Style section and the Metro section, as well as a
photo on the front page. But when hundreds of black parents and school
children protested lawsuits against the Cleveland school-choice program
last year, there were no Style or Metro stories.

9. “Top Ten Things That Will Get You Kicked Out of Iraq”
Letterman's “Top Ten Things That Will Get You Kicked Out of Iraq.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:



CNSNews.com War Coverage
Stay up to date with the latest news coverage of the War in Iraq by
checking CNSNews.com's News This Hour.
Also, the latest coverage from Kuwait City as reported by CNSNews.com's
Executive Editor Scott Hogenson in the War Journal section.


MRC's Media War Watch      Advertisement

MRC's Media War Watch
A reporter's duty to be unbiased is greatest when the subject is as
serious as war.  Unfortunately, the liberal media are skewing their news
coverage to favor those opposed to the U.S. action against Saddam
Hussein.  The Media Research Center has documented this bias as part of
our continuing Media War Watch coverage.
See Media War Watch:


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