-Caveat Lector-

Occult Symbolism: As American as Baseball
By Randy Lavello
From: www.prisonplanet.com

Much mystery and exaggeration surrounds the influence of Freemasonry on the birth and 
growth of these United States. Freemasonry was conducted in private with exclusive 
membership; it comes under the title of an occult group because, by definition, this 
is a group that conducts business in private with exclusive initiation. While most of 
its members have been good men, of course there are those who spoil the image… there 
are instances of Freemasonry’s exploitation as a training ground for other, malevolent 

American Freemasonry’s history goes back as far as American History… in some ways they 
are parallel. George Washington was the Grand Master of a Lodge, and there were even 
actions taken to create the rank of Grand Master of the whole of the United States for 
him. According to the Grand Lodge of Texas, “On September 18, 1783, President George 
Washington dressed in his Masonic apron, leveled the cornerstone of the United States 
Capitol with the traditional Masonic ceremony.” Eight signers of the Declaration of 
Independence were Freemasons: Benjamin Franklin, Robert Treat Paine, John Handcock, 
Richard Stockton, Joseph Hewes, George Walton, William Hooper, and William Whipple. 
Thirteen who signed the United States Constitution were Freemasons: Gunning Bradford 
Jr., John Blair, Benjamin Franklin, David Brearley, Nicholas Gilman, Jacob Broom, 
Rufus King, Daniel Carrol, James McHenery, Jonathan Dayton, William Paterson, John 
Dickinson and, of course, George Washington.

The layout of Washington D.C. was done in precise accords with Masonic symbolism. The 
White House is situated at the tip of a large compass created by Vermont Avenue and 
Connecticut Avenue as they lead north. Of course, the emblem of Freemasonry is a 
compass overlapping a square (the tool). Two right triangles meet exactly between 
Connecticut Avenue and Vermont Avenue at 16th Street. The Washington Monument (phallic 
symbol) is positioned precisely south from where the two right triangles meet, and the 
tip of the compass at the White House. Look for your self on MapQuest.com.

Baseball was obviously created by Freemasons, as it bears the unmistakable marks of 
Freemasonry. The field, from home plate to the left and right field wall forms a 
compass; the entire outfield wall is the semicircle which this compass draws. 
Upside-down, overlapping this compass, the bases form the square. Thus, the baseball 
field is the emblem of Freemasonry. Three strikes and three outs were assigned because 
three is the principle sacred number of Freemasonry. Four is a number of significance 
because it represents a square (the shape) and deals with the four directions, thus: 
four balls, four bases. Nine is sacred because it is three squared… there are nine 
fielding positions and nine innings. This brings us to a total of twenty-seven outs 
per team a game…and guess what? Twenty-seven, along with eighty-one, are the only two 
sacred numbers greater than ten. Though eighty-one doesn’t occur in baseball, because 
of the presence of two nines (fielders and innings) it’s appropri
 ate t
o mention the reason eighty-one is so revered: the multiples of nine, 9, 18, 27, 36, 
45, 54, 63, 72, 81, and 90 form a mirror image between the numbers 45 and 54. Also, 
each one of these numbers equal nine when adding the two integers which comprise the 
number: 18- 1+8 = 9; 27- 2+7 =9; etc. Because of this, nine times nine was deemed a 
‘high’ number. This further explains the near obsession with numbers surrounding 
baseball averages, home runs, ERA’s, etc. It is truly a game for numerologists.

Actor Tim Robbins gave an excellent speech to an assembly of the press after being 
excluded from the Baseball Hall of Fame’s ceremonies because of his stance against the 
War in Iraq. In this speech he stated, “And both of us (He and his wife, Susan 
Sarandon) last week were told that both we and the First Amendment were not welcome at 
the Baseball Hall of Fame… A chill wind is blowing in this nation. A message is being 
sent through the White House and its allies in talk radio, and Clear Channel (concert 
promoters), and Cooperstown. If you oppose this administration, there can and will be 
ramifications.” Though baseball, throughout it’s history has always been supportive of 
any endeavor the President’s undertaken, it is still particularly disturbing that they 
should renege on allowing Tim Robbins to speak because his views differ from 
‘president’ Bush’s. If freedom is an American ideal, and baseball is as American as… 
well, baseball - then Major League Baseball should be suppor
of the First Amendment over war fever. Or did Ari Fleischer’s, “American’s really need 
to watch what they say,” speech become their ideal?

Lest we forget that the current ‘president’ belongs to an occult fraternity known as 
Skull and Bones. This secret fraternity borrows from the French and Scottish Rites the 
ceremony of placing the initiate inside a coffin to inspire the symbolic death and 
rebirth. But George Jr., the good Christian boy, says his prayers before his speeches; 
well, there are none so dangerous as those who hide themselves behind the mask of 
virtue. This, it seems, is what many forms of Freemasonry has done. For good people, 
Masonic Institutions do not subtract from virtue, but for those lustful for power and 
lacking a conscience, it can be a great step toward the abyss.

The prime example of an initiate into Freemasonry who dealt with Satanic Rituals is 
Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley, who referred to himself as ‘the beast, 666,’ 
graduated into the 33rd degree of Masonry - the highest known degree. There was much 
argument among the ranks of his Lodge as to his advancement, for Crowley was a known 
drug addict with devilish tendencies. Both of Crowley’s wives had to be entered into 
mental institutions and, during a bizarre ritual which bore no witnesses, Crowley’s 
son was killed. He claims to have spoken to spirits of the deceased which revealed 
secrets to him about life, and what one should will. He founded an Order named Ordo 
Templi Orientis, that he claimed was based on the esoteric knowledge of the Knights of 
Malta, the Scottish Rite Masons, the Knights Templar, the Royal Arch Masons, the 
Rosecrucian Masons, and the Illuminati. These are just the more widely known Sects 
which he claimed his foundation upon. It’s been rumored that Adolf H
 met with Aleister Crowley for counsel at some point in history.

The good men, who embark in the Secret Traditions, unintentionally, are providing 
cover and safety to men who wish to use these Crafts against humanity. The conspirers 
among the Institution are camouflaged by those who practice virtuous methods. The 
founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt noticed, “The slightest observation shows 
that nothing will so much contribute to increase the zeal of the members as a secret 
union. We see with what keenness and zeal the frivolous business of Freemasons is 
conducted, by persons knit together by the secrecy of their union.” Weishaupt stated, 
“Despotism has robbed them of their liberty. How can the weak obtain protection? Only 
by union; but this is rare. (So much for Darwin’s survival of the fittest) Nothing can 
bring this about but hidden societies. Hidden schools of wisdom are the means which 
will one day free men from their bonds.” After reading much of what Adam Weishaupt had 
to say, it seems as though he truly believed in improving t
 he ge
neral state of mankind. His ideal end, justified a corrupt means, in his view. It 
seems however, that his ideas about how to abolish governments toward positive ends 
has been seized by a malevolent force… quite possibly these International Bankers 
who’ve plagued the earth. What method did Weishaupt envision? We don’t know… but he 
must have been onto something: “But I have contrived an explanation which has every 
advantage; is inviting to Christians of communion; gradually frees them from all 
religious prejudices; cultivates the social virtues; and animates them by a great, a 
feasible, a speedy prospect of universal happiness, in a state of liberty and moral 
quality, freed from the obstacles which subordination, rank and riches, continually 
throw in our way. My explanation is accurate and complete, my means are effectual and 
irresistible. Our secret association works in a way that nothing can withstand, and 
man shall soon be free and happy.”

33rd Degree Mason, Albert G. Mackey, M.D., says of the Weishaupt, “The truth is, I 
think, that Weishaupt has been misunderstood by Masonic and slandered by un-Masonic 
writers. His success in the beginning as a reformer was due to his own honest desire 
to do good. His failure in the end was attributable to ecclesiastical persecution, and 
to the faults and follies of his disciples.” He goes on to speak of the Illuminati, 
“At first, it was totally unconnected with Masonry, of which Order Weishaupt was not 
at that time a member. It was not until 1777 that he was initiated in the Lodge 
Theodore of Good Counsel at Munich. Thenceforward Weishaupt sought to incorporate his 
system into that of Masonry, so that the latter might become subservient to his views, 
and with the assistance of the Baron Knigge, who brought his active energies and 
genius to the aid of the cause, he succeeded in completing his system of Illuminism.”

Albert G. Mackey M.D. goes on to explain the Order of the Illuminati: “To give to the 
Order a higher influence, Weishaupt connected it with the Masonic Institution, after 
whose system of degrees, of esoteric instruction, and of secret modes of recognition, 
it was organized… It extended rapidly into other countries and its Lodges were to be 
found in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.” 
Illuminism, it seems, was a hit! Because the Order of Illuminism aligned itself with 
Freemasonry, initiates into Masonry could freely join the Illuminati. Mackey writes, 
“Knigge, who was one of its most prominent working members, and the author of several 
of its degrees, was a religious man, and would never have united with it had its 
object been, as has been charged, to abolish Christianity. But it cannot be denied, 
that in process of time abuses had crept into the Institution, and that by the 
influence of unworthy men the system became corrupted.” He’s said i
 t aga
in: the goal of this once benevolent system was lost in a corrupted means. The plan 
toward a, once thought, virtuous purpose of reducing state and Church power was 
hijacked toward a corrupted end. The other powerful group that emerged shortly before 
the American Revolution and the birth of the Illuminati was the International Banker. 
These early globalists already had the notion to subvert and control nations through 
their money- they would obviously be very interested in Weishaupt’s plan involving an 
association which ‘works in a way that nothing can withstand.’ The Bavarian 
government, upon hearing of this Institution whose goal was to disband governments, 
imprisoned some initiates of the Illuminati, and caused Weishaupt and others to flee 
the country. Mackey finishes by writing, “The edicts of the Elector of Bavaria, were 
repeated in March and August, 1785, and the Order began to decline, so that by the end 
of the last century (19th) it had ceased to exist.” This is what a
y ‘illumined’ Freemason says happened; on the other hand, a secret society whose goal 
is to destroy the standing institutions would likely rather be thought abandoned. 
Furthermore, no Masonic Institution has disbanded to this day… even the Knights 
Templar is still somewhat practiced. We don’t know; we can only speculate the fate of 
this Order of the Illuminati.

Is it truly the Illuminati conspiring against us? Is it they who are behind the scenes 
manipulating us into this terrible predicament of the present? We cannot be sure… but 
these Illuminati would wield more power if they had assistance from the wealthy 
International Bankers, and these bankers would attain control more quickly if they 
employed a secret society which already had a plan to bring governments and the Church 
to their knees.

The mark of Freemasonry has been made upon these United States - was it for better or 
worse? Likely, it’s both benefited and hurt us. It seems that these Masonic 
Institutions are a pool which can be utilized by selecting the appropriate people and 
initiating them into other Orders - perhaps ones without an affirming goal. Ruthless 
deeds call for ruthless men; if the upper echelons of a sect of Masonry are corrupted 
the corrupt will rise through the ranks. There is likely great division among the 
higher ranks of Freemasonry; if they are as knowledgeable as they claim, they should 
be quite aware of the trying circumstances our world is entering. The American 
Freemasons have their Bibles in front of them on their altars… hopefully they’ll turn 
to the back and begin reading Revelations! We need good men in every institution, on 
every corner, and in every family to stand up for the good of our world… before the 
hammer falls.

Quotes of Albert G. Mackey, M.D. have come from:

Albert G. Mackey, M.D., 33rd Degree, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred 
Sciences (Chicago, New York, London: The Masonic History Company, 1921)
Occult origins of baseball, and we know that the symbol of Chevy is occultic...
Now I'm suspicious of Mom and Apple Pie.

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