-Caveat Lector-
In this story is one of the raison d' etre of this list. What I call 'reading
the river.' Eugene Dinkins called it "exercise[s] in 'psychological sets.'"
The Strange Tale of Eugene Dinkins
by Robert Mitchell
The amazing facts contained in the follow-
ing F.B.l. document, which we are reprinting
in full, are true. Dinkin's story has been
verified through the existence of cablegrams
between the C.l.A.'s Geneva and
Washington offices. both before and after
the Kennedy assassination. Careful examina-
tion of those cablegrams, as well as other
documents. reveal that the C.I.A. actively
tried to coverup the fact that prior to
November 22, 1963 PFC Dinkin was at-
tempting to reveal the existence of a plot to
assassinate Kennedy. The cablegrams also,
reveal that efforts were made to silence
Dinkin and suppress the story.
Following the assassination, published
reports revealed that someone had advance
information of the assassination. and the
Warren Commission requested to be fur-
nished documents relative to the allegation.
In a secret memo to J. Lee Rankin, Chief
Council of the Warren Commission, C.I.A.
Deputy Director Richard Helms states "Im-
mediately AFTER the assassination (our
source in) Geneva, Switzerland reported
allegations concerning a plot to assassinate
President Kennedy were made by PFC
Eugene Dinkin, U.S. Army, on 6 and 7
November. 1963." But Helms appeared to
be withholding the fact that the Agency had
knowledge of Dinkin's allegations prior to
the assassination.
One of the cablegrams, titled "IN CABLE
No. 56631," dated November 7 1963.
reported on Dinkin's background and allega-
tions of a plot. At the end of the cable,
Geneva asked: "DIRECTOR: Advise any ac-
tion desired. will continue to monitor
developments via army attache, F.B.l,
Geneva contacts, but will not become involv-
ed visavis Swiss unless so directed." Thus. the
C.I. A.. and others in the intelligence communi-
ty had full knowledge of Dinkin's assertions.
prior to the assassination.
Evidence abounds that the cables were
weighted with subliminal suggestions, design-
ed to give a predisposition to the notion that
PFC Dinkin was mentally unstable. For exam-
ple, cablegrams tend to be written in short.
choppy sentences. often including abbrevia-
tions. omitting articles, and avoiding adjec-
tives. However. when Dinkin is referred to,
adjectives are freely added, intending to imp-
ly that Dinkin was a crackpot. "IN CABLE
56631" dated November 16. 1963 refers to
Dinkin's "Wild but amazing coincidence. . . "
and states that Dinkin ". . . had given his wild
story in Souisee"(Switzerland). Later, it
states that a Time-Life stringer
SUBJ." This wording subtly-throws a shadow
of doubt on the corroborating reporter.
Dinkin is further referred to as "unbalanced"
on two separate occasions in this one, short
Evidence that the C.I.A. tried to suppress
the story and keep it from coming to the at-
tention of the Secret Service, also, emerges.
In early cable communications, pertinent
facts are conspicuously absent, thus carefully
suppressed. Coupled with evidence that the
cables were weighted in an obvious attempt
to discredit Dinkin indicates that the C. I. A.
was trying to cover up the matter prior to
the Kennedy assassination in an effort to
silence the many who were attempting to
expose the plot But for the two journalists
in Geneva. the story might never have sur-
The shocking tale of what happened to
Eugene Dinkin following his revelations has
finally come to light It includes frame up.
false arrest and imprisonment. unlawful
medical treatment. and medical malpractice.
Dinkin has also suffered libel and
misrepresentation at the hands of the
Mr. Eugene B. Dinkin, 534 West Oakdale,
Chicago. Illinois, advised that he had been
recently discharged from the United States
Army after having been in detention for four
months while undergoing psychiatric tests.
Dinkin advised that while stationed in
Europe with the U.S. Army in 1963. he had
begun a review of several newspapers in-
cluding the Stars and Stripes as an exercise
in "psychological sets." He explained that he
had taken courses in psychology at college
and was extremely interested in this subject
matter. He advised that "psychological sets''
was a term referring to a series of events, ar-
ticles, etcetera which, when coupled
together, set up or induce a certain frame of
mind on the part of a person being exposed
to the series. He stated that this method of
implanting an idea was much in use by the
"Madison Avenue" advertising people who
attempted to influence one who was expos-
ed to these "psychological sets" to "buy"
the product being advertised, whether this
produce was physical or an idea.
Dinkin stated that while so reviewing the
newspapers for "psychological sets" he
discovered that Stars and Stripes, as well
as certain unidentified Hearst newspapers,
were carrying a series of "psychological
sets" which he believed were deliberately
maneuvered to set up a subconscious belief
on the part of one reading these papers to
the effect that President John F. Kennedy
was "soft on communism" or "perhaps a
communist sympathizer." Further study of
these newspapers and the "psychological
sets" contained therein made it evident to
Mr. Dinkin that a conspiracy was in the mak-
ing by the "military" of the United States.
perhaps combined with an "ultra-right
economic group," to make the people of
the United States believe that President Ken-
nedy was, in fact. a communist sympathizer
and further, that this same group planned to
assassinate the President and thus was prepar-
ing these "psychological sets" to pave the
way for this assassination to the point where
the average citizen might well feel that
"President Kennedy was sympathetic to
communism and should have been killed. " In
addition. Dinkin believed the "psychological
sets" were adjusted to present a subliminal
predisposition to the effect that a "com-
munist" would assassinate President Ken-
Dinkin advised that he discussed his
theories with certain individuals stationed
with him in the Army, but had declined to
furnish this information to persons of
authority in the United States Army since he
believed that the plot against President Ken-
nedy was being set in motion by high ranking
members of the military. He said that in Oc-
tober, 1963. his research had not, in fact,
reflected a certain date. but that he believed
the assassination would take place on or
about a religious or semi religious occasion
which he felt would be picked by the group
behind this plot in order that the murder
itself would become even more reprehensi-
ble to the average citizen because of the
religious connotations, since he believed that
the plot consisted in part of throwing blame
for the assassination onto "radical left-wing"
or "communist" suspects, he stated that the
religious tie-in would lead the average citizen
to accept more readily the theory that a
"communist" committed the crime since
"they were an atheistic group anyway."
Dinkins advised that he had been in trouble
with the officers of his military group, the
599th Ordinance Group stationed in Ger-
many, due to his refusal to purchase United
States savings bonds. He stated that he was
against the enforced purchase of these bonds
because of his political convictions which
made him believe that the United States
should not spend 52 per cent of its income
for material of war, part of which would be
financed by any enforced purchases made by
him. He stated that he had been outspoken in
his views concerning these bond purchases,
and that he and others who felt that
compulsory purchase of bonds was an
infringement on their civil rights, had been
denied "passes" as a result of their stand.
As a result of his opposition to the bond
purchases. according to Dinkin, he was
removed from his position in the code sec-
tion and transferred to an Army Depot at
Metz. France. On October 25, 1963. Dinkin
went to the United States Embassy at Lux-
embourg where, he stated, he attempted for
several hours so see a Mr. Cunningham, the
Charge D'Affaires at the Embassy. He stated
that he sent word to Mr. Cunningham that
he had information concerning a plot to
assassinate President Kennedy, and at one
point spoke to Mr. Cunningham by phone.
He said that Cunningham refused to see him
in person or to review the newspapers and
research papers which Dinkin said were
evidence proving his theory of the impending
assassination. Dinkin advised that he spent ap-
proximately two hours with the United
States Marine Corps guard at the Luxem-
bourg Embassy and had generally set forth his
theories to this individual, whose name he did
not know.
Following this incident, Dinkin was notified
by his superiors that he was to undergo
psychiatric evaluation on November 5, 1963.
Due to this pending development, Dinkin said
he went absent without leave to Geneva
Switzerland, where he attempted to present
his theory to the editor of the "Geneva
Diplomat," a newspaper published in
Geneva. Switzerland. In addition to this
editor, Dinkin spoke to a Mr. Dewhirst
(phonetic). a Newsweek reporter based at
Geneva. Dewhirst would not listen to
Dinkin's theories. While in Switzerland,
Dinkin attempted to contact officials of
Time-Life publications and succeeded in
speaking to the secretary, name unknown, of
this organization in Zurich. According to
Dinkin, all of his efforts in Luxembourg and
Switzerland were made to present to ap-
propriate officials his warning of the impen-
ding assassination of President Kennedy. He
stated that he did not attempt to see these
people in connection with his personal
dissatisfaction with the program of the
United States Army in regards to bond pur-
When he was unable to accomplish his pur-
pose in Switzerland. Dinkin advised that he
then returned to Germany where he gave
himself up to the custody of the military
Dinkin advised that he first became aware
of this "plot" to assassinate President Ken-
nedy in September. 1963. At first, he did not
have enough facts, as taken from the
newspapers, to support his theory, but as of
October 16. 1963, he felt that his research
into the "psychological sets" had substan-
tiated his theory. As of October 16. 1963.
he wrote a registered letter to Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy in which letter
he set forth his theory that President Ken-
nedy would be assassinated, adding that he
believed that this assassination would occur
on or about November 28. 1963. He stated
that he signed this letter with his own name
and requested he be interviewed by a
representative of the Justice Department.
He said that on the envelope, he placed the
return address name of PFC Dennis De
Witt an Army friend. He said he did this to
preclude anyone from intercepting this letter
since he felt that Army authorities might well
be censoring his mail. He stated that he never
received any answer to this letter, nor was
he ever contacted by any representative of
the Justice Department prior to his interview
with agents of the Federal Bureau of In-
Dinkin advised that on his return to the
custody of the United Sates Army in
November 1963, he was held in detention.
While in detention. he stated he was con-
tacted by a white male who identified himself
verbally as a representative of the Defense
Department. This individual asked Dinkin for
the location of the newspapers which Dinkin
had compiled as his proof of the theory of
the assassination of President Kennedy. This
individual stated that he desired to obtain
these proofs and would furnish Dinkin a
receipt for the papers. Dinkin advised that he
instructed this individual as to where the
papers were located at the base, at which
point this man left. Dinkin advised that on his
release from detention, he discovered that all
of his papers and notes were missing and
presumed that the individual mentioned
above had taken them. He never received
any receipt for his papers.
Mr. Dinkin advised that he had undergone
numerous psychiatric tests at Walter Reed
Army Hospital in Washington. D.C. He
stated that he was aware that the Army
psychiatrist had declared him to be
"psychotic" and a "paranotic." He said that
several of the tests given him were familiar to
him from his studies in psychology at the
University of Chicago. Because of his
familiarity with these tests, and his
background knowledge as to what the test
answers should be, he believed it impossible
that the results of these tests could have
shown him to be "psychotic" and
' 'paranotic.'' He stated that: if he had desired.
he could have "faked" the answers to prove
he was sane even if he were, in fact. mentally
disturbed. Mr. Dinkin stated he believed that
the psychiatric evaluation given him by the
Army psychiatrist was, in fact. and attempt
on their part to cover up the military plot
which he had attempted to expose.
Dinkin advised that during his detention at
Walter Reed Army Hospital, arrangements
had been made through his family for him to
be given a psychiatric test by a private
psychiatrist chosen by his family. He stated
when these arrangements were finally made,
he had declined the services at this private
physician. Dinkin explained that he had reach-
ed a point where his only desire was to be
released from custody and discharged from
the Army. He stated that in order to do this,
he had felt it necessary to "go along" with
the examining Army psychiatrist and pretend
that he had. in fact been suffering from delu-
sions but was now cured. He was afraid that
if an outside psychiatrist should examine him
and be told by Dinkin the facts as set forth
herein, that this psychiatrist would probably
believe Dinkin to be mentally disturbed. and
this would result in further detention. Mr.
Dinkin stated that he was well aware that his
theory and the facts surrounding his attempts
to bring the theory to the proper authorities
was extremely "wild" and could be con-
strued by a person untrained in psychology to
be "crazy." Despite this, Mr. Dinkin advised
he was still of the belief that there had been,
in fact. a plot plot perpetrated by a "military
group" in the United States and aided and
abetted by newspaper personnel working
with this military group, which plot had to do
with the assassination of President John F.
-YIPster Times, Jan/Feb. 1977
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
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