-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector- Bob wrote:
12/15/2000 Bremer said that the US military must always be controlled by the CIA.
Bremer, then, must be CIA controller of US military forces in Iraq, n'est-ce pas? What he said was literally and explicitly that what he means by the traditional US _expression_ "civilian control of the military" that CIA must always control the US military. What would Les Coleman say? What would the McKee commission do? Is that why a third of Bremer's employees were smoked 911, but then he was put in charge of the US military in Iraq?

Bremer blamed Iraq for the 2001 anthrax mailings, which makes him a member of a small, exclusive club. Bremer could pass for a neocon there.
Where was Bremer on 9/11/2001, Offut? A third of his employees were not wearing Odigo pagers, which resulted in poor "enterprise risk management" at MMC or MCC Enterprise Risk. Maybe the US military was out of CIA control for a moment or two.

"MMC Enterprise Risk" and "Marsh Crisis Consulting" and "Marsh Crisis Academy" are Bremer's companies. Is there a Royal Dutch Thyssen connection underlying Bremer's ambassadorship to Netherlands 1983-89? There is a VERSAR(Calspan-McVeigh) connect to MMC.



Bob wrote:
"On the foreign front, journalists like Globe-Intel's Thomas laid the
groundwork for a future expose of Israeli complicity. An example of
the subtlety of this effort: in his May 21, 2002 piece on the
Israeli spy ring, Thomas mentioned that the Mossad sent its agents
trailing the hijackers to New York,

        Florida, and - very significantly - the Netherlands

in particular, to the Schipol Airport). Whether Thomas here was a witting
or unwitting agent of disinformation cannot be ascertained, but clearly
somebody knew the crucial importance of including the Netherlands on the
Mossad infiltration itinerary - for it was an Israeli-founded company,
ICTS, which, through its subsidiary, Huntleigh, handled passenger screening


of the airliners out of Boston's Logan Airport on September
11. And, as it so happened, ICTS was based out of the Netherlands.
As we shall see, the security companies would theoretically be the
ideal operative agents for ensuring that the September 11 "op" would
go off without a hitch. Thus, an Israeli connection on this front
would be a key factor in a counter-legend placing the State of
Israel - as opposed to individual Jews and/or Israeli operatives -
front and center as the main perpetrator of 9/11.

The intelligent reader will not have any problem noticing the word
"one" there, as in "one of four 9/11 planes", one security company.
Kupferberg is contributing to Daniel Hopsicker's mass of information
( http://www.thugsanon.org/re/atta ) about a Dutch CIA patsy layer to
CIA's 911 operation, without arguing that the Israeli contingent there
ran security for all four planes to the exclusion of documented Bush
family and Saudi personnel. The number "one" there is perfectly
understandable. Perhaps you know that the Dulles plane, American
Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into empty offices at the Pentagon
141 feet from a Fort Myers fire truck, had been served by Bush family
and Saudi security. If so, the number "one" in relation to Logan would
not bother you. I don't hear Kupferberg denying that the Dulles plane
passed near CIA/NRO/Rockwell as they were having an evacuation drill
based on an "unruly third-world cruise missile" hijacking scenario. The
hijacking simply went as planned, rendering the contingency plan
for non-empty offices a "drill".

Kupferberg offers facts that fit with those of a CIA op which got
the poppies growing again in Afghanistan to pay for any other
benefits one cares to speculate about.

US Iraq occupation czar Bremer made a trip to Netherlands. Two
Magic Dutch boys worked for Air America in Florida training
Atta and the boys.
see my post about Bremer from November 10, 2001---(i.e. "Nov 10",
that's 2001, or 11/10/2001, more or less, or 10/11 in Europe, fairly
timely on my part don't you think?).


Date:  Sat Nov 10, 2001  10:17 am
Subject:  3rd magic Dutch boy L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer

L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer III, former US ambassador to

                         the Netherlands,

held a number of


posts in Reagan and Bush admins, presently working for Marsh
Crisis Consulting, which lost a third of its employees in WTC
9/11, and as NBC talking head.

15 December 2000
Advisory Panel Member L. Paul Bremer provided the following dissent:
      "This section of the report contains much with which I agree.
In almost all foreseeable circumstances, a Federal civilian agency
should be the `Lead Federal Agency' in responding to catastrophic
terrorist attacks in the U.S.  More must be done to improve those
agencies' capabilities and the ability of the U.S. military to act in
support of the `Lead Federal Agency[CIA].'  The U.S. military must
always be under civilian[CIA] leadership.



In unsavory fight, more latitude urged

By Cindy Rodriguez, Boston Globe Staff, 10/18/2001 A16

When he headed the National Commission on Terrorism, L.
Paul Bremer III warned Congress that if it didn't loosen the
rules that discouraged the CIA from using terrorist informants, it
had little chance of averting an attack.

The CIA, he said, had been hamstrung by rules
discouraging the agency from working directly with members of
known terrorist groups[and drug smugglers and assassins] - in effect keeping its hands clean by
sacrificing access to inside informants.

''Our strategic objective has to be to deny terrorists territory,''
Bremer said.

The Sept. 11 attacks touched Bremer's life in a close way. A
specialist who served as the Reagan administration's
ambassador-at-large for counterterrorism, he now works for a
company that had offices in the World Trade Center. MMC
Enterprise Risk lost 292 of 1,900 employees when the towers

In an interview about the recent anthrax threat, he said he
considers it likely that Iraq supplied anthrax to Qaeda terrorists
in the United States.

Further, he said, because the Brokaw letter was mailed Sept. 18,
it probably was sent by someone who was involved in, or had
prior knowledge of, the Sept. 11 plot.

The air raids on Afghanistan are just the beginning, he said.
Terrorists need to be eliminated in Iraq, Syria, and Sudan.

But did these neo-conservatives constitute a mere "rogue element" -
an insular "cabal" of pro-Zionist conservatives holding a largely
naive President Bush in their sway (as Lyndon LaRouche and the folks
at Executive Intelligence Review would have us believe)? Or rather,
were they just a group "cut-out" for other, more powerful interests -
in other words, the public face that would skew the ultimate
responsibility, letting the true masterminds off the hook while
the "cut-out" proxies would double as potential patsies?

It had certainly been the case during the Clinton era, when Richard
Mellon Scaife's organization took center stage as the most vociferous
entity in attacking the integrity of President Clinton. Thus, while
Scaife's cronies made sure that all eyes were focused on Whitewater,
Lewinsky, Foster, et al, the mainstream focus was kept far from the
infinitely more nefarious, and damaging, scandal that was known by
the four-letter word Mena, the crucial transit point in Arkansas
which, under Governor Clinton, had served to sustain the arms/drug
dealing operations that were fed through Iran-Contra and laundered
through BCCI. Thus, with Whitewater as the Scaife-funded public face
of the Starr inquiry into Clinton, those Clinton associates who could
really provide the dirt on the Clinton/Mena connection were
being "purged" in plain sight - through various prosecutions,
accidents, murders, or well-timed heart attacks (in the case of Jim
MacDougall). Meanwhile, all eyes were directed to the curious stain
on the blue dress. Once Clinton was safely out of office (and a
leash presumably was no longer needed), Scaife disappeared from
public view as suddenly as he entered it - to be replaced by Dick
Cheney, Richard Perle, and their coalition of fundamentalist
Christian/Jewish Zionists.

On the foreign front, journalists like Globe-Intel's Thomas laid the
groundwork for a future expose of Israeli complicity. An example of
the subtlety of this effort: in his May 21, 2002 piece on the
Israeli spy ring, Thomas mentioned that the Mossad sent its agents
trailing the hijackers to New York, Florida, and - very
significantly - the Netherlands (in particular, to the Schipol
Airport). Whether Thomas here was a witting or unwitting agent of
disinformation cannot be ascertained, but clearly somebody knew the
crucial importance of including the Netherlands on the Mossad
infiltration itinerary - for it was an Israeli-founded company, ICTS,
which, through its subsidiary, Huntleigh, handled passenger screening
for one of the airliners out of Boston's Logan Airport on September
11. And, as it so happened, ICTS was based out of the Netherlands.
As we shall see, the security companies would theoretically be the
ideal operative agents for ensuring that the September 11 "op" would
go off without a hitch. Thus, an Israeli connection on this front
would be a key factor in a counter-legend placing the State of
Israel - as opposed to individual Jews and/or Israeli operatives -
front and center as the main perpetrator of 9/11.

excerpted from:
Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11
by Chaim http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/KUP310A.htmlKupferberg

www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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