-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-
The information apparently is from Rayelan herself:

Date:  Thu Jun 3, 1999  11:47 am
Subject:  Ru Mills Replies to a Reader's Comments


I know the men who give me information. I know them by name. I have been told
that I can give these names out. In fact, I have, on many occasions,
published these names. You should know, that if a covert op gives you his
name and tells you that it is okay to publish it, the name is an alias.

From your letter:
>>Having some personal, official experience in law enforcement and
intelligence myself, AND maintaining a "contact group" of "spooks" & spook
controllers, I do know that "FACTION 2" is admitted by the NSA as being in
existence -- under the pervue of the President of the United States. This
positioning or repository of Faction 2 you would most certainly dispute.>>

Since you have access to intelligence sources, go ahead and check things
out, I will give you the names of the men I knew. You can put them into
whatever hopper you have access to. You will probably come up with "dead"
files. But go ahead, if you have access to Langley records, you will see that
these "names" existed within the "time frames" that I say they did. (From
your letter, I imagine you were part of that "infamous" unit that got into so
much trouble in the early 90's. Am I right? If I am, I assure you, you knew
and probably still know some of my soruces. One of my Sources got mad at the
FBI and turned the biggest drug bust in history, up to that time, over to
the LA Sheriff's Department. You must have heard about that.)

I will give you the names I know. These names were all compromised in 1993 by
Paul Wilcher. All aliases were changed at that time. They were later "killed

The leader of Faction 2 in 1990, when I met him, was Wilhelm Johann, AKA
Admiral William Johann. I also believe he has used the alias of William
Raeder, but I have never been told that formally, I discovered this quite by
accident when I saw a picture of William Raeder.

I was told Johann was the "illegitimate" son of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the
head of the German Abwehr. Of course, being "illegitimate" in the eyes of the
rest of the world, means nothing to these men. Johann's father was Bavarian
royalty, his mother was Italian royalty, and the union was legitimized by the
Knights Templars, of which Admiral Canaris was the Grand Master during
W.W.II... after 1973, Admiral Johann became the Grand Master.

In 1991, Johann was poisoned by George Bush's Faction. The Admiral took it as
a personal attack from the President. He got his revenge in Japan... if you
will remember, President Bush threw up in the lap of the Japanese Prime

But Admiral Johann never recovered fully from the poisoning. He moved to
Spain and went into hiding. I do not know if he is alive or dead. I suspect
he is alive, but in hiding. I also suspect that he is the overall, supreme
head of Faction 2.

/www.rumormillnews.com/rayelan/king of the world.txt
</A> Admiral Johann took Rayelan Russbacher to meet the King of the World.
If Johann is anywhere, he is in the underground base where the King of the
World met Rayelan Russbacher.

His overt successor is/was Admiral George Raeder. Again, this is a name that
I have published when I wrote about the Philippine gold transfer. And yes, I
do have documentation that this transfer happened. It is published as part of
Gunther Russbacher's "The Fed and the Well-Fed"

Admiral Raeder was the man who arranged transportation. I was told Admiral
Raeder is the son of Admiral Eric Raeder, the supreme commander of the German
Navy during W.W.II.

The other two Admirals who used to sit at my kitchen table were Garrett
Henderson and Larry Pauley.
According to Gunther Russbacher, these two men
were killed in SE Asia in January of 1994. I first met these two in 1990 on
Offutt Air Force Base.

One of Larry's code names was Joker. In 1997, two men, Snakeman and Joker
took up where Admiral Raeder, Gunther Russbacher, Chip Tatum and others left
off. They became my sources.

I suspect that Snakeman and Joker are Larry Pauly and Garret Henderson. Larry
Pauley is the son of Admiral Wilhelm Johann
. If there is an overt leader of
Faction 2 right now, I would suspect that this man knows who it is....

I also have a pretty good idea who the visible men are.... but if I were to
put their names in print, it would be like painting a bullseye on them.

I was told years ago that I would never be given information that could get
men killed. You should know, from your years in the "biz" that if you have a
information outlet, you never give them a roadmap back to the sources.

If you like, I can publish your letter. I am sure that my "sources" are on my
mailing list, or they are on the list of someone who IS on my mailing list.
If you are legitimate in your inquiry I suspect that you might get some
response. Of course, how can you be sure that it is someone in Faction 2?

When I was in Austria, I was told by members of the Hapsburg family that the
Templars never revealed themselves to someone who was not a Templar. At the
time, I was considered to be one by virtue of my marriage, my work and my
years of research. The same thing can be said for members of Faction 2. A man
who knows that he is working for the group that is in opposition to the NWO,
will never tell you.... flat out.... that he belongs to Faction 2. If he
does, you can be sure he is a fake! YOU should know this! Haven't you studied
the French Underground? They never revealed themselves to anyone unless they
had checked them out everyway possible and had ALREADY recruited them into
the underground. Faction 2 works the same way.

One of the things these men told me is that their work was so sensitive that
they could only trust family members. All of the above men are related. I
also believe all of the inner circle are Knights Templars.

The Templars were/are grouped in circles. The innermost circle, the one where
the plans are made, i.e., the leaders of Faction 2, is called the Iron
Circle. All of these inner most men are related. They have all taken a blood
oath to each other. They will die before they will betray a "blood brother."

The second level, called the Silver Circle, is made up of men who are also
related, but not necessarily "blood brothers." These men are the ones who
transmit the plans and decisions of the Iron Circle to the sublevels that
will carry out the orders.

Because of the compartmentalization of covert units, their chain of command,
their subjectivity to recall, their overlaid "trigger" programs, it is
usually the case that a member of Faction 2's covert teams, have no idea who
they are working for. They are merely carrying out orders which came from
their Team leader.

It has also been the case, that covert teams have been used by both Faction 1
and Faction 2. In other words, the team is neutral, it is trained to perform
a mission. If they receive orders from a member of Faction 1 or Faction 2,
they carry out their orders without question. Scary isn't it?

The two men who give me most of my information are officially dead. I guess
you could say that I now "talk with the dead."

In other words, even if I wanted to give you the names of my sources, and the
leaders of Faction 2, no one would believe me because they either never
existed or are officially listed as dead.

People judge my work by the information. Sometimes it takes two to three
years for the information to prove accurate... but Faction 2 and Faction 1
both operate on 20 year game plans with a hundred year overall goal. They are
only interested in the final outcome of their Plan. They couldn't care less
about the day to day headlines.

Whoever gave you the information that Faction 2 is under the purview of the
President doesn't know very much about Faction 2. They haven't been under the
purview of a President since Truman. They may have been set up that way, but
when Eisenhower was elected, they withdrew into the shadows. Why? Because
Eisenhower let hundreds of thousands of German and Austrian officers die of
exposure after the war was over. Faction 2 knew that Eisenhower was carrying
out the orders of the New World Order.

Most of Faction 2 went into the shadow world at the time CIG changed command
and became the CIA. The rest went underground when Eisenhower was elected.

If the NSA claims to have a Faction 2 under their purview, then it means one
of two things. Either the NSA is controlled by Faction 2... or they are
talking about a different Faction 2.

I have often thought that the NSA might very well BE Faction 2. I have
thought similar thoughts about the old NIS and the NRO. But these are my own
fantasies... they probably have no basis.

Needless to say, while I may have an overview of the situation that most
people don't have, I can't betray the leaders, because the ones I knew never
existed, are dead or have disappeared.

I have to admit that I am a little surprised that someone with your
background would ask me to provide you with convincing proof. You should know
that this kind of information is never given to people like me, it can be
traced back to its Source too easily.

To quote your words:
>>Having read your notices about these factions for sometime now with genuine
interest I have yet to see where the assertions are backed up by
proof, names, dates, times, places, etc.. If the good guys are truly
in convincing other good guys of what the bad guys are doing, then it is
to make public the convincing proof which I am hopeful you DO HAVE. What we
sorely lacking in the country is people with conviction. That is, the
man in the street is not being shown why he should get angry and take action
against the government, etc.. >>

While I agree with what you write, I regret that I am unable to provide you
with the proof you ask for. If I was operating a news agency that published
"leaked documents" and provided names, places, and dates... I wouldn't be
named Rumor Mill News Agency

RUMINT--- Rumor Intelligence
Definition: Information disseminated in the form of rumors

Why do you believe it is necessary for my Sources or the leaders of Faction 2
to make public "the convincing proof?" What convincing proof are you
wanting? Maybe if they know what you are looking for, they might decide to
give it to you.

I have had too many "interviews" with the Secret Service, the FBI, Customs,
Immigration, and other "intel" groups. I don't desire any more. Therefore, I
choose to work as a "RuMinter". Working the way I do, I publish things I get
immediately.... or close to immediately. Therefore everything I know is out
in the public. If someone wants to know something all they have to do is read
about it or listen to a tape I have made. Needless to say, I am never given
information that will compromise plans or get anyone killed.

As to what I have been told recently,

As the war in Kosovo settles down,

* Look for the Hungarian part of Serbia to be given autonomy, and eventually
it will become part of Hungary again.

* Look for Montenegro to eventually become its own Province and Country.

* Look for King Alexander to set up a Constitutional Monarchy based on
Western Democracy.

If these things happen, then you will know that Faction 2 has won the war in

One of the things that we all must begin to consider is the new kids on the
block... Faction 3. I have been told that Faction 3 now has control of all
black budgets throughout the world. If this is true, then they have enough
power financially to blackmail both of the other Factions and force them into
some kind of compromise.

The plans of Faction 3 sound vaguely familiar to the plans that Admiral
Raeder used to talk about. He may very well be the head of Faction 3. If
Admiral Raeder's plans are to be set in motion, you will see a return to the
"Happy Days" of the 1950's.

Do I believe that these separate factions are all part of the same group?
No, I don't. They have their own agendas, blood feuds, and hatreds; as well
as their own ideas of who and where human rights come from. Faction 1
believes all rights come from government. Faction 2 and 3 believe that all
rights come from God or the Universal Creator.


Ru Mills

----- Original Message -----
From: Goldbug
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 3:29 AM

I cannot locate the Luc Romana interview on Jeff Rense's website...do you have a direct URL for it?
Secondly, although I have been in contact with other members of Santa Romana's family and hold many of his documents.
I would add that nothing I have seen from Romana sources indicate anything at all to do with a Black Grand Druid Council and I have never ever written about such a body.  It is, therefore, incorrect to use my name or my e-book, The Secret Gold Treaty, as a platform in support of this theory.
Likewise, I have never seen anything at all that indicates - even remotely - the involvement of Admiral Canaris or a shipment of 10,000 metric tonnes of AU to Latin America.  Bormann, yes.  Canaris no.
Would you care to provide evidence in support of what you say?
David Guyatt
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 7:59 PM

                       Someone from Rumormillnews seems to have connected
                       Admiral Canaris to the gold transfer to the Phillippines.

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