-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/8/2003 8:24:30 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Your missive below is classic cointelpro.


From the instant you started hurling false and libelous accusations regarding conspiratorial plots to "besmirch" your reputation and "hijack" cia-drugs, you destroyed what remained of your credibility and wrecked the list.

Here you got trying to spread rumours about me by lying and trying to make me look "paranoid." I have only accused three personas of involvement in the use of forged emails. Please prove me wrong. My credibilty is fine and just because the CIA-Drugs list is not filled with your boilerplate BS anymore hasn't "wrecked the list." Quite the contrary,  the list is more focused and is very productive in its topic area with a wider participation.

The only plot to ruin you was in your head, and in executing this plot, you succeeded admirably.

Again, you disparage me with no evidence.  You are just cutting and running  ... as you have done several times before.

Brian Downing Quig, in the months before his death, fingered you as a Cointelpro op.  No amount of accusing others of being Cointelpro ops is going to change that reality.  Brian made the accusation to too many people in too many messages, none of which were forged.

So now, your "According to reliable sources" turns out to be the late Brian Quig. You truly have no shame. Hiding behind your false name spreading lies and using Brian's death as part of your actions. Please post your post from Brian accuse me of being a COINTELPRO agent. Notice you never post any proof just more smears and innuendos.

I am working from known and recognized facts - the emails, according to many who knew and spoke with Brian, were forged both by content and presentation. You have even accused me of forging them. There is the fact that in the second purported email was only "received" by you, Eastman and webfairy, three other very real people who were cc'd didnt receive the same said missive. It is a fact that you have been caught before inflating "evidence." It is a fact that you use rhetorical and technical devices used in cointelpro activities.

I discouraged Brian from going down that path, and defended you at the time, but given subsequent events, one begins to wonder if he wasn't on to something.

Oh, you are so noble, really jibes with your on-screen pronouncements at the time ... not.
Why should we even begin to believe BS from some anonymous snipe.

I don't want to waste any more of my daily message quota on this inane topic.  There are too many important developments happening out there in the real world to discuss.

Cut and running, couldn't resist some more subtle jibes, eh?

If anyone has any questions about this controversy, feel free to contact me in private email, and I will explain what is going on.

Yes, you will, explain in private, wouldn't lie to anybody now ... with nobody watching now would ya? Gee, seems kinda like cointelpro, now doesn't it.

political-research, here


is also open to discussion on these and other matters related to deep politics, with the caveat that any personal attacks or flaming of the kind we have seen here are strongly discouraged.  It's impossible to carry on a useful discussion with this kind of neurotic verbal abuse mucking up the works.

So cute, McFraud, sometimes I am this big agent in some wild conspiracy theory other times I am just a dumb, nuerotic. McFraud, if you notice, my story doesn't change. And it was backed up by several real people. Who backs you up?

Sniping, cutting and running is what McFraud does best though.


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