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-Caveat Lector-

                Gary North's REALITY CHECK

Issue 309                                  January 13, 2004

                    SITTING ON A STRING

     Something very strange is going on.  It has been going
on since August.  The U.S. money supply is shrinking.

     I hope you will take a few seconds and click through
to the charts published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis.  The St. Louis FED has been diligent for decades in
making available charts and tables regarding the money
supply, as well as other key statistics.  I trust the long-term
consistency of this information.

     If you will see for yourself what is going on, you
will be able to understand this report with less confusion,
meaning your confusion will stay even with mine.  I assure
you, what the graphs reveal has confused me.  But I think
it's better for all concerned if we see the evidence before
we start speculating about causes.

     First, take a look at MZM, "money of zero maturity."
This indicator I regard as the most relevant monetary
indicator, because it is closest to the characteristic
feature of money: instant spendability.  Here, the decline
is most prominent.


     This is not a minor downward blip.  This is a full-
scale decline.  It has been going on for six months.  The
free market, through its innumerable transactions, is
shrinking the money supply.

     Second, look at M-2.  This is a traditional indicator.
I have followed it intermittently for three decades.  The
monetarist school of economics, once led by Milton
Friedman, used to pay more attention to M-2, which includes
time deposits (savings accounts), than to M-1 (currency
plus checking accounts), although I don't know if this is
still true of most monetarists.  This statistic tells the
same story, but less radically.


     Third, look at the adjusted monetary base.  This
monetary component is the one that the Federal Reserve
System controls.  It reveals the FED's holdings of assets,
mainly U.S. government debt certificates.  The monetary
base is what Friedman has called high-powered money.  This
base supplies the reserves that the commercial banking
system uses to create loans, and hence money.  Here, things
are less clear.  Notice that the graph peaked in late
October.  It had gyrated after late August.  As you can
see, the general trend was upward, but slowly, until
November.  Then, it stabilized through December, and has
now started down.

     What is going on?  If the monetary base is stable, at
least peak to peak, but MZM and M2 are falling, what is
causing the disconnect between FED monetary policy and the
market's use of monetary reserves?

     One answer is the rise in the supply of currency,
i.e., pieces of paper with dead politicians' pictures on
them.  There was a steady upward move until late July.
Then the rate of increase itself increased.  Also note the
parallel decline in small time (savings) deposits.


     When currency increases, the ability of the banking
system to increase the number of loans decreases.  When a
depositor goes to his bank and withdraws currency, the bank
can no longer use his money to make loans.  When he pulls
out currency and refuses to deposit it in another bank, the
banking system cannot make new loans.  It must call in old
loans.  When the currency supply rises faster than the
increase of the monetary base, banks cannot increase the
money they lend by the same percentage increase as the
monetary base.

     Since August, the monetary base has stayed almost
constant.  The currency component of the money supply has
increased.  So far, this tells us that the non-currency
components of the money supply must have fallen.  So, I
went looking for other statistics that would verify what
the logic of money tells us.  I did not have to go far.
The same chart tells us: the public is pulling currency out
of the banking system by cashing in (i.e., cashing out) its
savings accounts.

     While no one is using the terminology, we are
witnessing a bank run.  This is not a panic-driven bank
run, like something out of the Great Depression.  This is a
steady bank run that is motivated by something other than


     When the Federal Reserve Board decided in 2001 to
fight the recession and then fight the after-effects of
9-11, it pumped money into the economy.  Its answer to
recession was monetary inflation.  This is the FED's usual

     The combination, a rising money supply and falling
demand for commercial loans, produced the sharpest decline
in the federal funds rate in my lifetime.  The federal
funds rate is the rate at which commercial banks lend money
to each other overnight, in order for lending banks that
have temporarily overshot their legal reserve limit to
maintain legal reserves for their loans.  The fed funds
rate has remained in the 1% range for almost two years.

     As the interest rate on savings accounts has fallen,
small, risk-averse savers have been hit hard.  Someone with
$100,000 in a savings account in 2000 was earning $2,000 to
$3,000 a year.  For the last two years, he has earned under
$1,000 a year, maybe as little as $600.   Last May, one
survey reported the following: the typical saver was losing

     Bankrate.com's spring 2003 survey of passbook and
     statement savings interest rates shows that
     interest rates are continuing to plummet. Once
     again, rates have reached an all-time low since
     Bankrate.com began tracking these rates in 1987.

     The national average interest rate for passbook
     accounts is 0.60 percent. That's down from 0.80
     percent last fall and 0.87 a year ago. Passbook
     accounts, in which customers track their deposits
     and withdrawals in a little book, are fairly

     Traditionally, passbook accounts have paid less
     than the more modern statement savings account.
     But in this survey, the results are equally
     dismal. The national average for statement
     savings accounts is 0.60 percent, down from 0.82
     last fall and 0.92 a year ago.

     If you put $500 in a savings account and left it
     there for a year, you'd get $3 interest, since
     the rate and the yield are the same. If you were
     in the 27 percent tax bracket, that $3 would be
     whittled down to $2.19. Subtract 3 percent for
     inflation and you have about $487 in buying

     That was May.  By October, the national average for
banks was under 0.4%.


     In July, the rise in currency and the decline in time
deposits accelerated.  It is understandable why.  People
who held time deposits were being paid so little for their
thrift -- negative, after taxes and price inflation -- that
they might as well pull their money out of the bank.

     A person who has currency can buy and sell without
leaving a paper trail.  He can pocket any profits.  He has
his money close at hand.

     Someone else can send money to relatives abroad.  I
heard recently that Mexicans sent $14 billion to relatives
last year.  Most of that money, I suspect, was in currency.
I also imagine that more than $14 billion was sent.
Immigrants send money home.  The paper dollar serves as a
second currency in third world nations.

     The FED decided to stimulate the economy in 2001 by
pumping in new money.  Lo and behold, this policy is now
backfiring.  It has produced such low rates of investment
return for savers that they are pulling currency out of the
banks.  This has created an anomaly: a fall in the money
supply, or at least a fall in the various money supply

     There may be better explanations out there for the
anomaly of a falling money supply, however defined, despite
a stable monetary base.  What amazes me is that there is so
little discussion today in the financial press about the
existence of this anomaly, let alone its implications for
financial markets.

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     This phrase has been used to describe central bank
policy in a time of recession.  The central bank increases
the monetary base, but commercial banks don't respond by
lending to the public.  They buy government bonds instead.
The problem is, this phrase has not generally been applied
to an economy that is in a recovery phase.  It is always
applied to an economy in a recession.

     The FED today is not pushing on a string.  It is
sitting on the string.  It is not pumping in new money.  It
is pulling reserves out of the system, though so slowly
that this may be a statistical blip.  But the money supply
is falling, according to standard measures.  Yet prices
continue to rise, although in the low 2% per annum range
(median cpi).


     The economy seems to be recovering.  The stock market
is up.  Gold is up.  The euro is up.  The dollar is down
internationally.  Yet from the statistics, we learn that
the FED is not inflating, the money supply is falling, and
prices are rising, but only mildly.

     Thus, all of the major forecasting systems seem to be
stymied.  There is no pattern that makes sense, according
to the economic models that I am familiar with.

     I say this as a warning.  Be suspicious these days of
anyone who has a quick explanation.  You now have seen the
charts.  The charts at present do not seem to conform to
any theoretical framework of economic explanation that I
see in newsletters or the financial press.

     Newsletter writers must exude confidence in their
systems, but this confidence ought to be related at least
loosely to the basics of monetary policy.  It is better to
point out the anomalies that to conceal them for the sake
of preserving an illusion of confidence.

     Money is not the whole story, but it is a large
component of any financial story.  What we are seeing is
Federal Reserve policy -- monetary stability -- that is
being thwarted by individual decision-makers beyond the
Beltway and beyond the New York financial district.  The
FED isn't pushing or pulling on the monetary string, but
depositors are making decisions to pull out currency.
There may be other factors in the decline of the money
supply, but the currency component's direction is the most
obvious: upward.  This produces a downward move in time

     Most time deposits are held by a fairly small
percentage of the population -- under 10%.  If they are
pulling out currency, I wonder why.  What else are they
doing that is pushing the supply of money downward?

     I am always open to suggestions.  But until I see one
that conforms to the existing statistics or adds new ones,
I remain skeptical.

     One thing is clear: the FED is pursuing a stable money
policy with the main tool that it has: the monetary base.
All discussion of the U.S. economy today should begin here.


     What we are seeing is a fall in the dollar
internationally that is not based on the FED's pushing on
the string by pumping in new money.  Right now, FED policy
looks neutral.  But the fall in the money supply is not

     The rise in gold's price is not taking place as an
inflation hedge.  It is taking place parallel to the
decline of the dollar against the euro.  There is something
more fundamental going on here than traditional inflation
hedging, or so it seems to me.  There is a move against the
dollar that is not based on fear of monetary inflation or
price inflation.

     I am cogitating on this.  Who knows?  I may come up
with an answer and win the Nobel Prize in economics.  The
question is: Will the Nobel Committee pay me in dollars or
euros?  I'm hoping for euros.


                        Appendix 68

     On the disk version of Jay Abraham's case studies --
not available to the public -- #307 is short and sweet.  It
shows the power of testimonials and referrals.

     For five years I was the sales manager at a
     merchant credit card processing firm. . . . We
     wrote both retail and internet accounts. Prior to
     using your techniques we were writing a dozen new
     accounts per month. Our method of lead generation
     was via telemarketing new business lists and
     salesman cold calling. Business was slow and

     Here we have a case study of a business-as-usual
operation.  It is plugging along.  Most businesses are like

     I created our USP [unique selling proposition]
     based on our honest dealings in a cut throat

     Like so many companies, its decision-makers were not
guided by an overall view of the company's unique
competitive edge in its market.  This is a failing that
managers can solve, but rarely do.  They rarely even
understand the existence of the problem.

     The company was honest, or so the man says.  But the
consumer is not going to believe this.  After all, isn't
the entire industry cut-throat?  So, the campaign's
designer had to figure out a way to offer proof, or at
least a believable perception of proof.

     All potential clients could call on our existing
     clients to check us out. Our client list was open
     to inspection. With nothing to hide potential
     clients trusted us.

     He chose to go the testimonial route.  Nothing could
better illustrate Jay Abraham's approach in posting 300
testimonials on-line.

     We also started a very aggressive referral
     system. As sales manager/business development
     manager I contacted all vendors who worked with
     new businesses. These included banks,
     accountants, cash register firms, sign companies,
     etc. They were in turn paid $100 to $200 for each
     lead that resulted in a new client. Also new
     clients were paid the same for other referrals.

     This referral system involved payment.  It was in fact
a lead-generation system.  But the leads came from third
parties that got paid.  The third parties converted "unused
inventory" -- a list of clients -- into revenue-generating

     Another avenue was paying our rivals for their
     turndown accounts. When we moved into internet
     processing we added web designers, ISP's, etc.
     With the internet we were able to receive
     referrals from all over the country.

     Again, the company paid rivals for "useless" assets --
names of non-buyers -- in the hope of generating income.
The company had a better sales approach, based on up-front
access to customers.  "Our client list was open to

     These are only a couple of the "Abraham" methods
     we employed. Trust me, there were a lot more. As
     a result our sales went from about 12 per month
     to over 50 per month. And our profit per sale
     went way up.

     Here's the kicker.  The system was working.  But this
led to failure.

     A year ago our parent company was sold and our
     division was shut down.

     "Nothing fails like success."  This is one of the
oddest economic facts I have encountered in my career,
second only to Pareto's 20-80 law.  Abraham-like techniques
don't get imitated when they work -- and they usually work.
If anything, these techniques are deliberately abandoned by
successors.  Over and over, a genius like Rosser Reeves
("Melts in your mouth, not in your hand") or David Ogilvy
comes along, creates huge profits for his clients, builds
up a advertising agency, then retires and dies.  His
discoveries are then ignored by his successors at his own

     If you have ever seen the movie, "Crazy People," you
know what I mean.  An advertising executive has a nervous
breakdown.  He creates one last ad campaign, based on
telling the truth.  Then he commits himself to a mental
hospital.  The ads mistakenly get run.  They generate huge
sales increases for the clients.  The head of the ad agency
then tries to imitate him.  He tells the staff that they
must now be rigorously honest in making claims for the
clients' products.  The entire staff sits there.  The
result: total confusion.  They don't understand the


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