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"King Tut's Curse" -- on the Jews

<snippets from the 'Net>

Lord Carnarvon  
-- George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, 5th Lord of Carnarvon and Baron Porchester of Highclere, was the oldest son of Henry, 4th Lord of Carnarvon whose first wife, Lady Evelyn Stanhope, was the sister and heir of the 7th Lord of Chesterfield.  He was born June 26, 1866, and educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (1884 - 1887). He became successor to the title Lord of Carnarvon when his father died on June 28, 1890.

In 1895 (on his 29th birthday) he married Almina Wombwell, the illegitimate child of Alfred de Rothschild and Marie Wombwell (maiden name Boyer). They had two children: Henry George, born on November 7 1898 and future 6th Lord of Carnarvon and Evelyn, born on August 15, 1901 and would later marry Sir Brograve Beauchamp MP (Member of Parliament).

Lord Carnarvon's interests were horse racing, automobiles, photography, collecting rare books, art, rural sports, traveling and archeology. He kept himself up to date on all this subjects and became a respected breeder of racehorses at the Highclere stud farm, a well-known photographer and an enthusiastic automobilist from the very beginning. His interest in Egypt developed when he received medical advice to spend his winters in a warmer and drier climate than England after sustaining serious injuries in an automobile accident in 1901.

His first journey to Egypt took place in 1903 and in 1907 he combined forces with Howard Carter to carry out excavations at the Theban Necropolis, on the edge of the Valley of the Kings.

The results of these excavations were astounding and their mutual discoveries were published in 1912 as "Five Years Exploration at Thebes". A permanent exhibit at Highclere Castle includes a portion of this collection.

The coveted concession, which permitted excavations in the Valley of the Kings, was granted in 1915 but did not yield any noteworthy finds during World War I (1914 - 1918). On November 4, 1922 however, Howard Carter's workers discovered the steps that led to the entrance of Tutankhamen's tomb.

Sometime in the beginning of March 1923 Lord Carnarvon sliced open a mosquito bite while shaving. This carelessness resulted in a case of blood poisoning. On March 14 he was brought from Luxor to the Continental Hotel in Cairo, but his health became worse with each passing day. Besides the blood poisoning he also contracted a lung infection and died, at just before 2 a.m. on April 5, 1923. His body was taken to Highclere Castle in England where he was buried.

Howard Carter continued the work of excavating the tomb and negotiated in the name of Lady Carnarvon for the future care of the tomb's finds according to Egyptian laws and as was stipulated in Lord Carnarvon's will.

"Tutankhamun the Exodus Conspiracy:
The Truth Behind Archaeology's Greatest Mystery
by Andrew Collins, Chris Ogilvie-Herald,
published in 2002

Focussing its startling argument on lost papyrus documents found in the tomb, "Tutankhamun" questions the historical wisdom and biblical evidence of the Exodus, investigating the issues of land ownership and occupation which are still so typical in the Middle East today.

In 1924, Howard Carter -- the discoverer of the tomb -- threatened to reveal the contents of the papyri discovered therein, but was dissuaded.

An earlier attempt to use the documents for personal gain may have involved the Earl of Carnarvon -- Carter's aristocratic patron -- who died under mysterious circumstances
[poisoned] in 1923.

This account reveals the events surrounding his death, as well as the fate of the missing papyri, the origins of Zionist aspirations in Palestine
[including the  love/hate relationship between Carnarvon and his father-in-law and patron Lord Rothschild in the aftermath of the Balfour Declaration's creation of "Israel"] and the origin of the infamous curse of Tutankhamun.

The papyri are thought to contain a version of the Exodus story completely at odds with that of the Bible. They allege that those seen as "Israelites" under the command of Moses were in fact made up of a band of expelled priests, followers of the herectic king Akhenaten's fallen monotheistic religion, and a large group of mixed Asiatic peoples.

This is the most comprehensive overview and investigation into this alluring archaeological mystery.

August 2002.  Startling evidence has come to light about a possible cover up regarding artefacts found in the tomb.

Howard Carter was never patient, frequently quick tempered.  In the spring of 1924, 18 months after the discovery of the tomb. All work had been brought to a halt. Egyptian officialdom bombarded Carter to distraction with petty rules and restrictions.  Open war was announced when they announced that they were laying claim in total to the priceless relics Carter had found. Strict limits were placed on the number of foreigners allowed to enter the tomb whilst, at the same time, hordes of local dignitaries flooded in and out of the tomb without a care for the priceless and irreplaceable items strewn about them.  Carter ordered his men, effectively, to strike!  

Permission to explore the site was revoked.  Seething with anger Carter confronted officials at the British Consulate in Cairo.  Heated words were exchanged.  Then
Carter made an extraordinary threat: Unless he got what he wanted, he would publish, for the whole world to read, a set of ancient papyrus documents he had found in the tomb [which] gave the "true account of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt ..."!!  

To modern ears the full implications may be unclear but, as we shall see, Carter was threatening truly explosive disclosures -- ancient documents that would do nothing less than re-write the history of Judaism and Christianity.  

The British official realised what he was up to.  This was at the same time as tensions were rising over plans to establish a Jewish homeland in the Middle East.  What Carter was suggesting would throw the Middle East into turmoil.  

The official was so incensed he hurled an ink well at Carter, who ducked just in time!  The inkwell exploded against the wall so much so that the room had to be redecorated!

[But] Carter suddenly found he had vigorous support from the British in his fight to regain control.  He was placed back in charge and continued his work for another 7 years. In return for this he never mentioned the documents again.  

History deemed that Carter's threat was an idle one -- but it was no invention, and the secrets he may have stumbled upon completely overturn key elements of the Bible.  The implications are enormous -- forcing us to ask whether the person we call Moses was in fact a renegade Egyptian priest and whether Christianity has its roots begun by a religious revolution begun by a heretical pharaoh. The contents of these papyrus documents are so contentious that if they had been made public, may well have changed the course of the 20th Century completely.

The missing papyri have been the subject of speculation ever since his tomb was opened. Lord Carnarvon mentioned their discovery in 2 letters to friends.  A report in The Times also mentioned their existence. The author was extremely close to Carter having exclusive rights to the story unfolding.  Carter cabled a distinguished philologist, Sir Alan Gardiner, asking for his help in translating the contents.  He expressed "particular interest" in the papyri and suggested that they may throw some light on religion in the times of the boy king.

It is odd that, later, the official story changed and everyone began insisting that these documents never existed!!  Carter later claimed that the find was in fact "loin cloths" -- the boy kings "underwear" -- and that poor light made for the misunderstanding.  Amusing it may be but can we believe it?  

Too many people saw these documents for themselves before they "disappeared".  And an astounding "blunder" for someone of Carter's standing. Lord Carnarvon himself states that, on their first entry into the room, it was fully illuminated by electric light. Someone is clearly lying through their teeth.

Looking a little closer at this discovery, the official version has Carter uncovering a secret sunken staircase in the Valley of the Kings. Then penetrating a doorway sealed with the jackal emblem of Egyptian royalty, then clearing a rubble strewn corridor leading to another doorway.  Making a small hole, he peers through this doorway to reveal strange animals, statues and gold, everywhere the glint of gold.  With him were Lord Carnarvon and his daughter Lady Evelyn. They both take their turn to look and that is all they did. Requiring permission to remove the door and enter, then reseal the hole, the next day, November 27th 1922, to open in front of onlooking officials.  

This sounds all very right and correct but it is not what happened!

Curiosity got the better of Carter and his associates -- they entered the ante room on first discovery and THEN resealed the hole, returning to play-act the "official opening" the next day.  There is also undisputable evidence that this party breached the doorway of another ante room the same day and entered the Kings burial chamber.  This was 3 months before the "official opening" of the burial chamber. He concealed the hole that he had made by erecting a wooden platform over the floor level hole he had crawled through.  

Who revealed all this?  Lady Evelyn herself, to another member of her family.

This was then recorded in his diary which gave a description of how Carter, in front of dignitaries, was "nervous, poor old fellow, like a naughty schoolboy, fearing that his hole would be discovered".  He also had a copy made of the royal seal which covered the door, to replace the one removed upon his illicit entry. He passed off the fake as the work of grave robbers, repairs done by the ancient Egyptians themselves.  

Such evidence alone should make us wonder if Carter and Carnarvon pocketed a sizable amount themselves before resealing the doorway.  This apparently DID happen.  Treasures later revealed in their personal collections leave us no doubt.
The tomb WAS robbed -- very soon after sealing it up.

Tutankhamun's Finance Minister had it repaired and he personally destroyed all records of the tomb's whereabouts, which quite probably accounts for its undisturbed state for so long. I wonder if the priests of Amun had anything to do with the robbery? Outside the Palace, they were the richest people in the land.

So, what were the contents of the missing papyri that would be so dangerous if revealed?  Their apparent subject matter, The Exodus, is one of the most important stories of the bible. According to the bible, the Hebrews arrived in Egypt from Caanan. Their leader in Egypt was Joseph who had been sold into slavery by his brothers, only to become a power in the court due to his ability to interpret dreams.  However, the Jews multiplied so swiftly the Egyptians saw them as a threat and forced them into slavery.  All male children were ordered to be slain in order to keep their population down, but one child escaped ...

His name was Moses (an Egyptian name!), he was brought up as an Egyptian and became a mighty general in the Pharaoh's army before fleeing after murdering an Egyptian who had beaten up a Jew.  For 40 years he lived in the wilderness where "god" appeared to him as a burning bush, charging him to lead the people out of Egypt "unto a land flowing with milk and honey".  Moses demanded the release of his people on his return to Egypt and when this was refused, devastating plagues were brought down on the country until the Pharaoh relented, allowing them to leave. Thus - The Exodus. This is how it happened according to the bible.  

By the time that Carter threatened to reveal the documents, orthodox thinking was already beginning to question this version.  Arthur Weigall, a leading Egyptologist, was an expert on Tuktankhamun's half brother and predecessor Akhenaten.  He was  also one of those who questioned the biblical "Exodus".  

Akhenaten was the husband of the beautiful Queen Nefertiti. He was notorious for breaking away from the traditional polytheism of Egypt and instituting the worship of a single God -- the "Aten," an all-powerful force symbolised by the heat of the sun's rays.  This monotheism --revolutionary in world history-- lasted only some 12 years before Tutankhamun gained the throne and the old order was eventually restored.  

Arthur Weigall uncovered remarkable similarities between Old Testament Psalm 104 and a hymn to Aten composed by Akhenaten himself.  In his opinion, Psalm 104 plagiarized the hymn, which was celebrated enough to be recited by Egyptian scribes in Canaan --in "Israel"-- long before "King David" supposedly wrote it.

Weigall also argued that it was during the reign of Tutankhamun that the Exodus actually took place.  20 years later Sigmund Freud would express the same theory in two major papers.  Everyone pointed out that the Hebrew word for Lord, Adonai or Adon, when written in Egyptian, becomes Aten, the name of Akhenaten's sun-god.   

These theories were set out by Arthur Weigall in a book published a few months before Carter's declaration before the Consulate.  Carter read it, but the men were such bitter rivals that Carter may have paid it no heed.  Still,
Carter was convinced the exodus took place BEFORE the closure of the boy king's tomb -- otherwise how could he claim that the papyri revealed the true story of the Exodus?  

Weigall's theory also fits the likely facts about the collapse of Akhenaten's religious revolution.  It is known that these priests and converts did not simply disappear when the boy king took the throne -- they became social lepers and outcasts.  

This is relevant in that the Egyptian Manetho, writing about 250 BC, cited a history not unlike Exodus -- how one pharaoh had expelled "lepers" and "impure people" from Egypt. These so-alled lepers included some of the learned priests; one of whom, Osarsiph, ordered the people not to follow the Egyptian gods and to follow their own laws instead.  Later, according to Manetho, Osarsiph changed his name to MOSES.  Rather than being anti Semitic, Manetho was only referring to these "lepers" as being - in the eyes of their opponents - heretics.  

Other writers described a king, in order to placate his people, expelling the "unclean" by forcing them out of Egypt -- led by an outcast Egyptian!

Evidence shows that, during the reign of Tutankhamun, northern Egypt was in the grip of a plague.  It decimated the population and lasted 20-30 years. It is plausible to see stories about the killing of Egypt's firstborn on the night of  the Passover as having its roots in this plague. The people would naturally look for someone to blame, their former King being particularly handy.  To cleanse the land of his pollution, they swept the land of undesirables, along with any other suspicious looking foreigners and settlers.  Having received a warning, these people would have taken it upon themselves to leave forthwith.

If this was the story told in Carter's papyrus, it would have been easy to throw the Middle East into turmoil.  In the 1920s, local politics were as tangled as they are today, with the rights of a Jewish homeland at the middle of the turmoil.
 Arab opinion was outraged, with riots in Jerusalem and Jaffa. The whole area was rife for bloody battle and a tinderbox. In these circumstances, Carter's threat to "reveal the truth" could hardly have been more inflammatory.

Since the whole basis of the Zionists' claims rested upon the authenticity of the story of the Exodus,  opponents of the Zionist state would have seized upon any hint that it was flawed.  After all, if Moses and his followers were renegade Egyptians joined by a horde of Asiatic outcasts, what special claim could they possibly have to a "homeland" in "Israel"?  

Carter was in a position to cause the Zionists serious, possibly irrevocable, harm.  No wonder the British wholeheartedly threw themselves behind Carter's claims to be reinstated at the site.  

What happened to the papyri?  Did Carter destroy them or leave them hidden deep in some Cairo Museum?  Are they lying in a drawer, hidden beneath some relatively insignificant papyri?  

By the evidence of Lord Carnarvon's own letters, it is clearly apparent that he was privy to the existence of the papyri.  But was he also aware of their contents?  Some have blamed his untimely death on the Curse -- but the truth may be even stranger

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