-Caveat Lector-

"Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism"
April 2004, Press for Conversion! (Issue #53).
Published by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
This 54-page magazine is available for $5. (See details below.)

In the early 1930s, some of America's wealthiest industrialists and bankers
plotted to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
(FDR) and replace it with a fascist dictatorship. Thanks to one of the
greatest whistleblowers of all time, we know the names of the prominent
Wall Street financiers and politicians (both Democrat and Republican) who
organized and backed this plot. The whistleblower who exposed the fascist
plot was a U.S. military hero named Major-General Smedley Darlington Butler.
        For 33 years, Butler -- a two-time recipient of the prestigious
U.S. Medal of Honor -- had fought with the Marines. He helped invade
numerous countries, subdued native revolts, oversaw fraudulant elections
and forced regime changes on nations to bring them in line with U.S.
economic interests. (Sound familiar?) All this, Butler later said, was done
in order to protect America’s foreign investments. In 1935, describing
himself as a "racketeer for capitalism," Butler said, "I might have given
Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was operate his racket in three
city districts. We Marines operated on three continents" (Common Sense
magazine, Nov. 1935).
        In 1933, the year Hitler took control of Germany, some of Wall
Street's top financiers sent representatives to recruit the
recently-retired General Butler into a fascist coup d'etat to overthrow
FDR. Butler played along in order to find out who was behind the scheme and
then, in 1934, he testified under oath before the MacCormack-Dickstein
House Committee that was examining Nazi propaganda in the United States.
Butler named names and exposed the key fascist plotters. He also identified
a high-powered, business organization, the American Liberty League, as the
"super-organization" behind the plan for an American coup.
        Thanks to General Butler, this Wall Street plan to subvert U.S.
democracy was thwarted. However, none of the multi-millionaire behind the
plot were ever questioned by legal authorities, let alone charged or put on
trial for treason. In fact, they continued to work behind the scenes,
through the American Liberty League, to sabotage FDR's "New Deal"

The April issue of Press for Conversion! contains a detailed account of
this fascist plot. It also highlights the Wall Street CEOs who were behind
the plan. COAT's magazine traces their corporate legacies to the present
and exposes how some of these top U.S. fascists helped finance and equip
the rise of Hitler and Mussolini before WWII. Some of these U.S.
corporations even sold military hardware and strategic materials to the
enemy during that war. Perhaps even more shocking than this history of
American complicity with European fascism is the fact that these
corporations still wield tremendous influence over U.S. politics today. In
fact, many megacorporations whose roots are firmly planted in the fascism
of the 1930s, now dominate the globalized marketplace. This issue of Press
for Conversion! outlines the corporate genealogy of the wealthiest leaders
among America's fascist elite and traces their financial empires right up
to the present day.
        Other corporate fascists, like President George Walker Bush's
grandfather (Prescott Bush) and his great-grandfather (George Herbert
Walker -- after whom George W. Bush and his father G.H.W. Bush are both
named), not only financed Hitler’s rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s,
they also made a great fortune from the slave labour that was used in the
Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz during the war. The proceeds of the
Walker-Bush family's complicity in the Holocaust were confiscated by the
U.S. government in 1942 -- under the Trading with the Enemy Act. However,
when it was later returned to them, they used to it to launch the Bush
family into political fame and the oil business. After WWII, Walker and
Bush were instrumental in laundering the Nazi loot of Fritz Thyssen,
Hitler’s wealthiest industrialist backer. (Subscribe now: A future issue of
Press for Conversion! will focus entirely on this history of the Bush
family's legacy of support for fascism from the rise of German fascism in
the 1920s to the present.)

The current 54-page issue of the COAT's quarterly magazine, Press for
Conversion!, on "Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism," is
available for $5. The magazine is divided into three sections:

(1) Setting the Stage: A few articles on the historical context of American
fascism in the 1930s. (Pages 3-7)

(2) The Plot and Main Players: This section contains a narrative
description of the coup plan called "The Fascist Plot to Seize Washington,"
using excerpts from John Spivak's book, A Man in His Time (1967).  Also
included in this section are numerous sidebars highlighting the key
fascists, corporations and groups mentioned by Spivak. Sixteen of these
sidebars, prepared specifically for this issue of Press for Conversion!,
were written by Richard Sanders, the magazine's editor (Pages 8-30).

(3) Behind the Scenes: This section contains an article by Richard Sanders,
that exposes the backgrounds of 27 leading organizers and financiers of the
American Liberty League, the big-business “super-organization” that General
Butler identified as the main backers behind the fascist coup plot. In
researching these biographical sketches (and the sidebars in section 2),
more than 300 articles, books and websites were used. (Also included are
additional pages dealing with the Bush family’s connection to Nazism and a
dedication to four previous writers/activists who helped expose the fascist
plot against FDR (Pages 31-54).

Here is the Table of Contents (with links to a few pages):

“Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism”
Press for Conversion!        (Issue #53)       April 2004

(1) Setting the Stage:
Exposing the Legacy of American Corporatism
The “Bonus Army” and the Torching of Hooverville
Conflicting Versions of the Battle of Anacostia
General Douglas MacArthur and  President Herbert Hoover
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (First Inaugural speech)
America’s Homegrown Fascism

(2) The Plot and the Main Players:
The Fascist Plot to Seize Washington

Dickstein-McCormack Cttee
Gerald MacGuire
Grayson Murphy
American Legion
Bill Doyle
Robert S. Clark
Croix de feu
Gen. Hugh S. Johnson
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Frank N. Belgrano, Jr
Hanford MacNider
New Masses
Alfred E. Smith
John J. Raskob
The du Pont Company
Irénée du Pont
The House of Morgan
Father Charles E. Coughlin
The Crusaders
General Smedley Butler

(3) Behind the Scenes:
The American Liberty League
Sewell Avery
Thomas L. Chadbourne
Dr. Samuel H. Church
William L. Clayton
Alfred W. Erickson
Albert W. Hawkes
Howard Heinz
E.F. Hutton
William S. Knudsen
Andrew W. Mellon
Nathan L. Miller
George M. Moffett
Pitcairn family
J. Howard Pew
John L. Pratt
Joseph M. Proskauer
David A. Reed
Hal Roach
Rockefeller Associates
Pauline Sabin
Jouett Shouse
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
William H. Stayton
James W. Wadsworth,Jr.
Ernest T. Weir
Joseph E. Widener
William Woodward, Sr .
The Bush-Dulles-Nazi Connection

For a copy, send $5 to "COAT":

541 McLeod St.
Ottawa ON K1R 5R2  Canada

Here's a coupon to subscribe or to order extra copies

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