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-Caveat Lector-

Wal-Mart Tries New
To Accompany Item-Level RFID Tagging

Wal-Mart Tries New PR Spin to Accompany Item-level RFID Tagging "Selling the
technology with partial truths is unethical," says CASPIAN

Despite widespread consumer opposition, Wal-Mart began item-level RFID
(radio frequency identification) tagging of consumer goods last week as part
of a trial in Texas. In an apparent effort to minimize the backlash to its
use of RFID tags, Wal-Mart has also begun a public relations campaign to
promote the technology that some are calling unethical.

Shoppers at seven Dallas-Ft. Worth area Wal-Mart stores can walk into the
consumer electronics department and find Hewlett-Packard products for sale
with live RFID tags attached. Wal-Mart's public statements appear to leave
open the possibility that other goods could be tagged with RFID as well.

The giant retailer's decision to tag individual items on the store floor
violates a call for a moratorium on such tagging issued last November by
over 40 of the world's most respected privacy and civil liberties
organizations. The move has sparked sharp criticism by the privacy

"Wal-Mart is blatantly ignoring the research and recommendations of dozens
of privacy experts," says Katherine Albrecht, Founder and Director of
CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering).
"When the world's largest retailer adopts a technology with chilling
societal implications, and does so irresponsibly, we should all be deeply

In addition to violating the call for a moratorium on RFID-tagged items in
stores, Wal-Mart has begun a consumer education campaign that CASPIAN is
calling unethical.

"Read the FAQs at the Wal-Mart corporate web site and you'll find plenty of
half truths," Albrecht says. "They call it consumer education, but the
omissions and spin make it feel more like a calculated disinformation

Albrecht provides the example of Wal-Mart's statement that RFID tags in its
stores are harmless since they contain nothing more than identification
numbers. "While technically that's true, Wal-Mart fails to explain what it
means for items to carry remote-readable unique ID numbers. It's like saying
someone's social security number is 'only' a number, so sharing it with
perfect strangers should be of no concern."

Albrecht explains that many major retailers today routinely link shoppers'
identity information from credit, ATM and "loyalty" cards with product bar
code numbers to record individuals' purchases over time. "If nothing is done
to stop it, the same will happen with the unique RFID numbers on products.
This means that if retailers can read an RFID tag on a product they
previously sold you, they can identify you as you walk in the door and even
pinpoint your location in their store as you shop," she said.

Albrecht also criticizes Wal-Mart for failing to tell consumers of the
retailer's long-term goals for RFID. "The industry plan is to put an RFID
tag on every product on Earth to identify and locate them at any time,
anywhere. Wal-Mart is taking the first steps to creating a society where
everything could be surveilled at all times. A shopper would hardly learn
this by reading their website."

With potentially billions of dollars riding on RFID, global corporations are
eager to see it deployed. However, consumer acceptance has proved to be an

Procter & Gamble's own research suggests that 78 percent of consumers
surveyed reacted negatively to the technology on privacy grounds and did not
find industry reassurances compelling. Another industry study, published in
January 2003, found similar misgivings among focus groups of consumers in
the U.S., Germany, France, Japan and the UK.

The most publicized trial of item-level RFID tagging to date, Metro-AG's
"Future Store" in Rheinberg, Germany, met with massive consumer outcry
earlier this year, culminating in a protest outside the store.

"Wal-Mart may soon be facing a similar backlash," said Albrecht.


CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) is a
grass-roots consumer group fighting retail surveillance schemes since 1999,
and item-level RFID tagging since 2002. With members in all 50 U.S. states
and over 30 nations across the globe, CASPIAN seeks to educate consumers
about marketing strategies that invade their privacy and to encourage
privacy-conscious shopping habits across the retail spectrum.

CASPIAN is guided by free market principles. Rather than look to lawmakers
for solutions to the consumer privacy problem, we call on consumers to
reject privacy-invading practices so that they fail in the marketplace.

For more information, see http://www.spychips.com and http://www.nocards.org


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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