-Caveat Lector-
Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Proclaiming Total Emancipation and Working Towards Democracy.

From: "Gary Kohls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: June 1, 2004 12:39:49 PM GMT+07:00

Subject: Fascism Alert: A powerful video that is a must-see

Tim,      Thanks a lot for sending on the sobering and very truth-telling video.

I intend to pass it on widely to others. I'm glad to see that many others
are now making the connections between the ruthless, compassionless,
American neoconservative agenda and classical fascism. The conscienceless,
orderers of mass slaughter of multitudes of innocent people shown in this
video are baptized and confirmed Christians, including Bush, Hitler and
Goebbels, and are also all unindicted war criminals. What kind of religion
spawns such mass murderers? Certainly not the Christianity of the nonviolent
Hope all is well with you, your family and your ministry. See you down the
road. Gary.


Dear Gary,

This was passed onto me.

Regardless of your faith or political affiliation,

this is truly frightening. Gave me the goosebumps.
One of the most professional, powerful videos I've
seen:   http://www.ericblumrich.com/faith.html

I don't know if you have seen this or not.  It is pretty scary.
Peace to you...

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