-Caveat Lector- Now, I may be wrong, but there maybe a scenario "op" going on. .

The Internet has blown big time the level of control over information and created the ability of citizens to comminicate with each other without media filters through personal mass communication. Our culture pushed the technology into something beyond the cabal's and others control.

Traditional cointelpro techniques hace been exposed and new techniques are being developed.

What we have are operatives and ensnared "true believers" trying to set-up themselves up as "the" 9-11 researchers. Claiming that thier "take" is right and all others are part of the modified-limited-hangout.

A new wrinkle has been the apperance of known "op" Chip Berlet on gatekeeper Amy Goodman's show.

Notice that Chip focussed on the no-plane at the pentagon. This is to furthur muddy the waters and to try and then link Berlets position with others, that also say that there was a plane there. And then try to smear by association of position.

As long-time members know, I have been talking about Berlet and his conspracism charges for years and  exposed him for all to see on the NewPacifca list several years ago.

The op players or true believer/useful idiots are:

Scott Loughrey
Gerard Holmgren
Rosalee Grable (a.k.a., the Web Fairy)
Jeffrey G Strahl
"Sean McBride"
Dick Eastman

These folks will play to the crowd with bonafides and patriotic talk.

They are really quite transparent.

Kris Millegan

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