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-Caveat Lector-

"Equality is in the air we breathe.  Oh yes, I say it
plain, America never was America to me and yet I swear
this oath.  America will be."

Speech by Julian Bond, Chairman, National Association
For The Advancement Of Colored People

at the Campaign for America's Future - Take Back
America Conference, Wednesday, June 2, 2004 at the
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.

3:50 - 5:30 P.M. Session, Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Speakers: Roger Hickey, Co-Director, Campaign For
America's Future; Wes Boyd, President, Moveon.Org; Joan
Blades, Co-Founder, Moveon.Org; Julian Bond, Chairman,
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored

Transcript by: Federal News Service, Washington, D.C.

JULIAN BOND:  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank
you.  Time out.  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  Thank
you a great deal, Roger, for that kind introduction.
Thank you, ladies and gentleman for your warm welcome.

It's, of course, a great pleasure to be here, a great
pleasure to be associated with these two.  I was far
from the first member of MoveOn, but proud to say I was
a relatively early member of MoveOn and just love to,
you know, get this sense of feeling that I'm connected
to a large body of people who share my thoughts when I
open up my email and, bam, that little thing comes on.
And when Roger said we did this in past years without
email, what could we have done if we had had email?
Think what we might have accomplished then.

It's a great pleasure to be associated with Roger and
Bob, too.  I've known them - I've known Roger since he
looked as if he was 16 years old instead of just 20 -
(laughter) - years and years ago when he was a student
at Mr. Jefferson's university.  And it's been a great
pleasure to be associated with him for years and years.

Now, this morning's newspapers, at least the Washington
Post and the New York Times, sharply illuminate one
important aspect of this year's election.  Front page
photographs in both those newspapers show President
Bush surrounded by black faces, many of them ministers,
and in a display of ostentatious piety he's pushing his
program of federal dollars for the faithful.  But this
is more than outreach to racial minorities who are also
religious; this is an attempt to reassure the soccer
moms that candidate Bush isn't just a Bible believer.
He's also racially tolerant.  He's comfortable with
racial minorities. He's not a bigot.  Now, that's how
race plays out in American politics today.  Not just to
voters whose skins are dark, but to voters whose skins
are white.

Now, that history - that development has a history and
I want to spend a few moments talking about it now.  As
we all know, it is 50 years ago this past April that
Martin Luther King preached his first sermon as the
brand new pastor of Montgomery's Dexter Avenue Baptist
Church.  And then a month later, on May 17th, 1954 the
United States Supreme Court in the case called Brown v.
Board of Education unanimously declared that segregated
schools violated the Constitution's promise of equal

So, today as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of
that landmark decision, it's easy for us to cast a
cynical eye at the status of school desegregation in
America, or a cynical eye at the sorry state of race
relations, and minimize the significance of that 50
year old struggle.  But that would be a great mistake,
because Brown, by destroying segregation's legality,
also gave a nonviolent army the power to destroy
segregation's morality as well.  Thus, it's no -
(applause) - thus, it's really no coincidence that this
year we also celebrate the 40th anniversary of the
passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the most civil
rights legislation before or since and our democracy's
finest hour.

Now, when - (applause) - when he sent what would become
the '64 Civil Rights Act to Congress, President John F.
Kennedy said when Americans are sent to Vietnam or West
Berlin we do not ask for whites only.  Today, when
Americans are being sent to Afghanistan and Iraq we do
not ask for whites only.  So, 2004, as we commemorate
these anniversaries, is a time to examine our present
in relation to the past.  And as we prepare for and
engage in national elections, 2004 will be a time to
examine our present in relation to our future.

Now, we can look back on the years between Brown and
'54 and the Civil Rights Act in '64 with some pride.
Dr. King's first national address was at a 1957 prayer
pilgrimage on the third anniversary of Brown at the
Lincoln Memorial.  In 1963, the year that King, fresh
from the battlefields of Birmingham, told the nation of
his dream at the march on Washington there were more
than 10,000 anti-racist demonstrations.  Now, King, of
course, was the best known, the most famous of the
modern movements personalities.

But we ought to remember this was a people's movement
which produced leaders of its own.  It relied not on
the noted but on the nameless, not on the famous but on
the faceless.  It didn't wait for commands from afar,
it saw wrong and enacted against it.  It saw injustice
and it brought it down.

Now, those were the days when women and men of all
races and creeds worked together in the cause of civil
rights.  Those were the days when good music was
popular and popular music was good.  (Cheers,
applause.)  Those were the days when the president
picked a Supreme Court and not the other way around.
(Cheers, applause.)  Those were the days - those were
the days -

(Audio malfunction.)

-- with many of today's Negrophobes, he liked
individual African-Americans but believed the mass was
less than human.  His successor, William Howard Taft
said his little brown brothers - that's us - would need
50 to 100 years to become equal with whites.  Woodrow
Wilson, who institutionalized segregation in the
federal bureaucracy, succeeded Taft.  The NAACP's James
Weldon Johnson said of him, my distrust and dislike
came near to constituting keen hatred for an individual
than anything I ever felt.

Warren Harding, who followed, joked with Johnson about
the rumor Harding had African blood.  Where have we
heard that before?  Whatever kind of blood he had,
Harding had neither the heart or courage to right the
wrongs that afflicted people of color.  NAACP Secretary
Walter White was pressured in the Calvin Coolidge years
when he said the Republicans will absorb the anti-Negro
south and become the relatively anti-Negro party, while
the Negro will find refuge in the Democratic Party.
Walter White said that the next president, Herbert
Hoover, showed nothing to indicate he regarded Negroes
as citizens and human beings.

Franklin Roosevelt served almost four terms.  By the
time he died in '45, his economic policies, the
personality, the politics of first lady Eleanor
Roosevelt had hastened black conversation to the
Democratic Party.  Harry Truman became the first
president to speak to an NAACP audience.  The next
president, Dwight Eisenhower, told nigger jokes in the
White House but he made some black appointments, and
his reward was 60 percent of the black vote against
Adlai Stevenson in '65, temporarily reversing the
blackslide to the Democrats that Franklin Roosevelt had

John F. Kennedy's '60 campaign reversed the Eisenhower
shift when he pledged to eliminate housing segregation
with the stroke of a pen, and when he made a famous
telephone call - ignored in the mainstream press - to
the wife of jailed Dr. Martin Luther King.  An
assassin's bullet brought Lyndon Johnson to office.  He
pursued civil rights as had no president before him and
no president since.  The - (applause) - the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 are
part of Johnson's legacy.

But the passage of these two laws in '64, '65 marked a
beginning of the dependence of the Republican Party on
the politics of racial division to win elections and to
gain power.  By playing the race card in election after
election they've appealed to that dark underside of
American culture, to that minority of Americans who
reject democracy and equality.

They preach racial neutrality and they practice racial
division.  They celebrate Dr. King and they misuse his
message.  Their idea of reparations is to give war
criminal Jefferson Davis a pardon.  Their idea of a
pristine environment is a parking lot before the lines
are painted in.  Their idea - (laughter) - their idea
of equal rights is the American flag and the
confederate swastika flying side by side.  Their idea -
their idea of compassion is to ask the guest at the
millionaire's banquet if they want an extra helping or
a second dessert.  They've tried to patch the leaky
economy and every other domestic problem with duct tape
and plastic sheets.  They've written a new constitution
for Iraq and ignored the Constitution here at home.
(Applause.)  They - they draw their most rabid
supporters from the Taliban-wing of American politics.

And now - now - now they want to write bigotry back
into the Constitution.  They want to make one group of
Americans outsiders to our common heritage.  They want
to do what has never been done before, to amend the
Constitution to create a group of second-class
citizens.  Our Constitution is the last hope of
freedom, it - (applause) - it cannot become a carrier
of prejudice and ignorance.

And what about the opposition party?  Too often they're
not in opposition; they're an amen corner.  With some -
(applause) - with some notable exceptions, they've been
absent without leave in this battle for America's soul.
(Applause.)  When one party is shameless, the other
can't afford to be spineless.  (Applause.)  These
economic imbalances not only mean difficult times for
many, they also undermine democratic values.  The
danger is that plutocracy will prevail over democracy,
that the free market will rule over the free citizen.

The reason for the current deficit and the vanished
surplus can be faced (?) squarely on the tax giveaways
to the rich.  To make up for just the initial tax cuts,
we'd have to cut spending by $5 billion five days a
week for over a year.  That, after all, was the whole
point.  To further enrich the already wealthy.  To
starve the government, to make it unable to meet human
needs, signing a death warrant for social programs for
decades and decades yet to come.

We have a president who talks like a populist and
governs for the privileged.  We were promised
compassionate conservatism; instead we got crony
capitalism.  We have an attorney general who's a cross
between J. Edgar Hoover and Jerry Falwell.  (Applause.)
And we have a Senate majority leader who has voted
consistently against labor rights, against civil
rights, against women's rights, and he's the one who
replaced the bad guy.  Now, we know that war and fear
often cause hasty mistakes, costly both in economic and
in human terms.  We need to remind ourselves what
America is fighting for.

In the summer of 1918 on the eve of America's entry
into World War I, one of the NAACP's founders, Dr.
W.E.B. DuBois, urged black people to forget our special
grievances, close ranks shoulder to shoulder with our
fellow citizens and the allied nations that are
fighting for democracy.  The criticism he faced was
immediate and loud.  He quickly reversed his position
and he realized then, as we must realize now, that
calls for a retreat from our rights are always wrong.

He understood then - (applause) - as we must now that
when wars are fought to save democracy, the first
casualty is usually democracy itself.  We ought to
instead remember the words of Theodore Roosevelt, who
said in 1918, to announce there must be no criticism of
the president or to stand by the president right or
wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is
morally treasonous to the American public.  (Applause.)
And we - we ought to remember the words of Ohio Senator
Robert Taft - and I never thought I'd be quoting Robert
Taft - who said two weeks after Pearl Harbor had been
attacked, I believe there can be no doubt that
criticism in time of war is essential to the
maintenance of any kind of democratic government.

It has taken 40 years and more to put in place a
framework of civil rights enforcement, a framework now
threatened on several fronts.  The administration's
judicial nominees are hostile to the basic principles
of civil rights law and civil rights enforcement.  They
oppose the core constitutional principle of one person,
one vote.  They support federal funding for racially
discriminatory schools.  They've tried to rewrite anti-
discrimination laws from the bench.  They've eroded
congressional authority to pass laws that protect civil

Organizations dedicated to overturning the gains of the
civil rights movement now dictate public policy.  Their
very names are fraudulent and their aims are
frightening.  They've stolen our vocabulary and now
they want to steal the just spoils of our righteous
war.  Sophisticated and well funded, over the past
decade they've already won several victories in the
plot to dismantle justice and fair play.  For more than
a decade they've waged an ideological war against
moderation on the federal judiciary, and then they
squealed the loudest when the extremists they support
are rejected.

Now they've ascended to unprecedented positions of
power within the federal government.  As has been said
from this platform twice before today, there is a
right-wing conspiracy.  It controls the administration,
both houses of Congress, much of the judiciary and a
major portion of the news media.  (Applause.)

President Bush chose Dr. King's birthday last year to
unilaterally elevate Charles Pickering to the federal
bench; Pickering's hostility to civil rights and his
leniency for cross burners, notwithstanding.  And the
president chose Dr. King's birthday last year to
announce that even though he admits society continues
to do something special against racial minorities, his
administration will not do anything special for them.
He opposed Michigan's efforts to promote diversity in
its student body.  Frankly, I was afraid to listen to
his speech at the Brown commemoration in Topeka two
weeks ago.  I was afraid he'd repeal the 14th

Now, the election this fall is a contest between two
widely disparate views of who we are and what we
believe.  One view wants us to march backward through
history, surrendering control of government to special
interest, weakening democracy, giving religion veto
over science, curtailing civil liberties, despoiling
the environment.  The other view promises expanded
democracy and giving the people, not the plutocrats,
control over their government.

Grover Norquist - if you don't know his name, he's the
man responsible for putting Ronald Reagan's on
something in whatever state you came from.  (Laughter.)
Grover Norquist explained what is at stake in November.
What will happen if progressives lose.  He told
Elizabeth Drew if after the election Kerry is president
but the Republicans control the House and Senate, we
can keep him from getting anybody up on the Supreme
Court.  We won't let him raise taxes.  No part of the
Republican coalition would be damaged or destroyed by a
Kerry victory.

But with another four years of Bush labor unions will
decline further.  We'll get tort reform, which will
cost the trial lawyers millions and millions.  We'll be
reducing government employees, which will hurt the
public employee unions.  There's no opportunity for a
Democratic united government, but there is, he said, an
opportunity for a united Republican government.

So the stakes are high, higher than ever in recent
memory, the consequences of loss almost too dire to
bear.  African-Americans are our nation's largest
racial minority and will remain so in the future.
Their centrality to victory in 2004 can't be overlooked
and it can't be left to last minute afterthoughts or
early November drive-by politics.

We have to ensure - (applause) - we have to ensure that
every citizen registers and votes and guarantee the
irregularity, suppression, nullification, outright
theft of black votes that happened on election day 2000
never, never, never, never, ever happens again.
(Applause.)  These votes can be a reward for advancing
justice or a punishment for a betrayal.  We're tired of
fattening of frogs for snakes.

Now, election 2000 - election 2000 confirmed our deep
national divisions.  Not only did Al Gore receive 90
percent of the black vote, George W. Bush, a majority
of the white vote, whites made up 95 percent of Bush's
total votes.  Although 57 percent of voters with
incomes under $15,000 voted for Gore, even poor whites
cast a majority of their votes for Bush.  Similarly, 54
percent of women voted for Gore, but white women
slightly favored Bush.  In politics, as in life, race
trumps class and race trumps gender.

But the election also revealed a cultural as well as a
racial divide.  Gore won every major city and almost
all suburbs, while Bush took every small town on a
straight line from Redding, California to Springfield,
Illinois giving new meaning to Woody Guthrie's old
song, "This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land."

The only demographic groups that cast a unified vote
were blacks, Latinos, Jews, union members, residents of
large cities, all of whom voted 60 percent or more for
Gore, and white males, who voted 60 percent for Bush.
We know these divisions, for the most part, have
deepened since the last election, so this divide pretty
much tells us where we must begin.  We can begin to
close the divisions that separate us if we can bring
cyberspace and city sidewalk together, if we can tell
the evil empire move out or we'll move on all over you.

Now - (applause) - as a - as any long-suffering Red Sox
fan ought to know, your team won't win if you don't
touch the bases or if you run too far outside the base
path.  You can't win this race by ignoring race.  In
the 50th anniversary year of Brown we have a chance to
become the first nation in human history to wholly
assimilate a racially distinct former slave class.  We
know that if whites and nonwhites vote in the same
percentages as they did in 2000, President Bush will be
re-defeated by 3 million votes.  (Cheers, applause.)

And we know that blacks are increasingly angry about
the economy and the war.  A recent poll in six key
states - Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Florida,
Michigan and Nevada - found that 73 percent of blacks
believe Iraq is not worth fighting for, and a whopping
77 percent believed Bush intentionally misled the
nation about the war.  These are voters ready to turn
anger into action, to work for a regime change here at
home.  But they have to be asked.  They have to be
registered.  They have to be organized.  They have to
be mobilized.

And not just by the welcome new organizations with big
treasuries; we have to use existing grassroots
organizations that have a track record, that have
earned and won their community's trust.  And we have to
be ready for a repetition of the systematic attempts to
intimidate minority voters that have been the hallmark
of Republican Party campaign efforts for at least 40
years.  If we want to count on these voters we have to
ensure them that their votes will count.

African-Americans have always worshipped at the altar
of the American ideal, believing deeply in
participatory democracy.  Together with likeminded
minorities and likeminded whites we can, in the words
of poet Langston Hughes - and I knew Langston Hughes.
In the words of the poet Langston Hughes, we can let
America be America again, let it be the dream it used
to be, let it be the pioneer on the plain seeking a
home where he himself is free.  Oh, let my land be a
land where liberty is crowned with no false patriotic
wreath, but opportunity is real and life is free.
Equality is in the air we breathe.  Oh yes, I say it
plain, America never was America to me and yet I swear
this oath.  America will be.

Thank you.

(Cheers, applause.)

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