-Caveat Lector-

Below is from alt.conspiracy news group:

After surveying the newspaper, television, radio, and net
news reports talk shows regarding the tragedy at Columbine
High in Littleton, Colorado, it suddenly occurs to me that
damn few questions are actually being answered.

Therefore, I would like to list a few of the more obvious
questions and see if any enlightened readers can post a
clue as to the answers.

When I try to piece together many of the statements made
by witnesses and various officials--at least as reported
by journalists and others so far--few of the comments
make much sense.

Yes, the United States is already innundated with report
after report on "How to Prevent Another Columbine" (the
collective conclusion seems to be that we can do that
with more student counseling and better school security,
which is what the same people said after all the other
school shootings).

Nonetheless, the people in the media who are flooding
America with scene after scene of grieving friends and
relatives of Columbine High victims--along with
interminable talking heads with their opinions and
pet theories--have yet to provide answers for a few
of the more obvious questions:

--The mystery school guard.  From various officials
  and witness being inteviewed I have heard many
  conflicting reports about a supposed armed guard
  at Columbine High.  Some have said the school had
  no armed guard at all.  Some have said they had
  one who was absent the day of the massacre.  One
  offical said that was an armed guard who "exchanged
  shots with the gunman."  If so, he didn't seem to
  hit anyone he should have, since the killing went
  on for a long time.  Further, I have heard no report
  of any "armed school guard" killed or wounded
  defending the students.  If there was an
  armed guard, what happened to him?  Why did
  he disappear after "exchanging shots with the
  gunman", if that report was true?  Why was he
  unable to protect the students--if he exists
  at all?

--Further, I have heard very conflicting about
  the SWAT teams and their response.  Some
  students have complained that no one was there
  to help them for a long time.  Yet, one official
  reported that a SWAT team was on the scene
  "minutes" after the 911 call and had "exchanged
  shots" with the gunmen.   If so, why is it also
  reported that the teacher who was murdered
  lay wounded for hours and finally bled to
  death?  The time line presented by the media
  makes no sense at all when you break it down.

--Hostages?  Some have said that the SWAT team
  could not get in to take the wounded out because
  the gunman had hostages.  Others have said that
  no hostages were taken at all.

--Many authorities now saying that the SWAT
  team could not get in for hours because of the
  bomb danger.  The question then becomes, if
  armed assistance was immediately on the scene, but
  could render not assistance to those inside the
  school due to the danger of explosives, how did the
  killers have time (in the "minutes" before the
  911 call and the arrival of the SWAT them) to
  place so many bombs around the building?  Did
  the two killers have help?  Did they place bombs
  in advance of the killing spree?  Further, since
  people were bleeding to death, was there no one
  on the scene with the military-style training to
  step around explosive devices quickly (in order
  to stop the killing and render assistance to the
  victims) without setting the bombs off?

These are just a few of the questions that spring
to mind.  As I suggested earlier, I have noted show
after show featuring--sometimes ad nauseum--people
supposedly in the know who are, having been given
a forum by the media, flooding the airways with
opiniated verbiage about "how to prevent another
Columbine".  Yet, I have heard no clear explanation
at all regarding what actually transpired during
the massacre.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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