-Caveat Lector-

>--The mystery school guard.  From various officials
>  and witness being inteviewed I have heard many
>  conflicting reports about a supposed armed guard
>  at Columbine High.  Some have said the school had
>  no armed guard at all.  Some have said they had
>  one who was absent the day of the massacre.

This is the first that I've heard mention of any sort of guards at
Columbine, whether existant or non-existant, armed or unarmed...

But it WOULD be interesting to find out whether the school DID pay to have
guards onsite...since I've worked private security myself, I'm well aware
of the calibre -- or lack thereof -- that one finds in the majority of the
private security industry...either part-timers supplementing their regular
income (and hence rarely will risk their lives), retirees supplementing
social security (again, rarely will they risk their lives), and then you
have the full-timers -- as a whole, a scary bunch; a lot of cop-wannabees
who have flunked the psychological requirements, and so get their jollies
by dressing up as rent-a-cops...it's this latter group where one finds the
armed guards, guys who get paid little more than minimum wage, with
minimal if any benefits...and who usually have a real ego problem...
often these guards aren't too much older than the school population, as
many are only 18 or 19 years old...

>From my experience, schools rarely require their onsite guards to be armed
-- they have a problem with ANY guns on school property -- but often
guards will come on shift with concealed arms (against post orders), esp.
the ones with weapons-fixations...

A private security guard known to school staff could perhaps explain how
someone was able to get a propane-tank-bomb into the school's cafeteria...
I'd be interested in knowing whether the school paid for security 24/7
..even if it didn't, one can guess that various guards probably had keys
to the building, and knew where the alarms were, making it easy to go into
the building. say in the wee hours of the morning, to plant explosive

>One offical said that was an armed guard who "exchanged
>shots with the gunman."  If so, he didn't seem to
>hit anyone he should have,

Which in and of itself is not surprising, since contrary to the public's
misconception, private security guards do NOT get any sort of special
training in the use of firearms; anyone with a pistol permit can get hired
as an armed guard...

>since the killing went on for a long time.

As I said, most private guards will NOT risk their lives, as most don't
even have medical benefits...I can tell you, when _I_ did private
security, _I_ wouldn't have had a long shootout with the perps (not that I
ever worked an armed assignment)...I would have called 911, helped other
students and staff get to safety, hung around and assisted the police by
explaining the layout of the school, etc.  But I wouldn't have risked my
own life by playing Rambo...

>Further, I have heard no report of any "armed school guard" killed or
>wounded defending the students.

Most armed private guards are legends in their own minds...all bluster,
but 'wusses' when push comes to shove...make themselves feel like 'big
men' by pushing the client's staff around (in this case, it would have
been the students at the school), but when REAL trouble starts, they

That is, if THEY aren't the cause of the trouble themselves...again, the
public has a misperception of the 'quality' (or more accurately, the lack
thereof) of people working in the private security industry, and very
often a criminal check isn't even made on applicants...so it's not
uncommon to find the fox is watching the henhouse...

>If there was an armed guard, what happened to him?

Probably in the restroom, cleaning himself up after he shit his pants when
the first shots were fired...

>Why did he disappear after "exchanging shots with the
>gunman", if that report was true?

If it's true, probably dawned on the guy right away that this was
something way out of his league...

>Why was he unable to protect the students--

Because contrary to your misconception, that is NOT what private guards
are trained to do...indeed, they rarely, if ever, receive ANY sort of
training, not even in First Aid and CPR...

>--Further, I have heard very conflicting about
>  the SWAT teams and their response.  Some
>  students have complained that no one was there
>  to help them for a long time.  Yet, one official
>  reported that a SWAT team was on the scene
>  "minutes" after the 911 call and had "exchanged
>  shots" with the gunmen.   If so, why is it also
>  reported that the teacher who was murdered
>  lay wounded for hours and finally bled to
>  death?

Becaue presumably the SWAT team couldn't get into the building for hours
after they arrived...which raises questions as to just WHAT sort of
training SWAT teams get...

I think I've told the story here...again, when I was working as a
part-time security guard myself...of being victimized by some area cops
who were training for SWAT duty, and who were more interested in 'scaring
the security guard' by setting a bomb off only a few yards away from where
I was located (and showering both me and my car with glass) than in
conducting any serious exercise...if these guys were called out on a
Littleton-like call, they'd all have their black SWAT outfits and latest
issue high-calibre weapons -- and then probably mill around wondering what
to do...

But I suspect something more was going on in Littleton...initial reports
had it that at least THREE people were involved, some reports stated four
or five (perhaps a 'security guard'?)...and in watching the ad nauseum
replays of the videos of students running out of the school, almost all of
them (especially the boys) had their hands behind their heads, as if they
were considered suspects...

Now, if it was JUST victimized kids escaping the carnage, one would think
one would see the SWAT team helping the kids, running with them and
protecting them...but what one sees is kids running a gauntlet of SWAT
cops, being treated like they could be the perps themselves...

Which only makes sense if indeed the SWAT team knew there were more than
just the two kids in the library doing the shooting...especially since the
perps were wearing long coats and masks, anyone who took part in the
shooting and bomb throwing could easily slip out of the coat and mask
amidst the confusion, and pretend to be one of the victimized kids, and
thereby escape the school...perhaps after making sure the Harris and
Klebold were dead in an apparant 'suicide'...

>The time line presented by the media
>makes no sense at all when you break it down.

It only makes sense if indeed there were more than two perps...if, as the
intial reports had it, up to five or so 'men' were at various points in
the school, and it would not only endanger the SWAT team but those student
and staff still within the school if the SWAT personnel stormed the

One of the reports I saw on TV that really makes no sense was where one of
the cops explained why they let a kid bleed to death who was holding up a
'HELP' sign in a window...the cop claimed that the decision was made NOT
to go help the kid because it was feared cops would get killed 'in the
crossfire'...well, if we only had Harris and Klebold in the library, who
ELSE was causing a 'crossfire' that was supposedly endangering the cops?

The cop went on to say that it was 'upsetting' to see the kid bleed to
death, that when another bleeding student tried climbing out a window,
some cops ignored the order not to approach the building and went and
helped the kid escape...

None of THAT explanation makes sense at all, especially in light of the
'official' word that it was just Klebold and Harris, with perhaps a 3rd
party who helped them put explosives in the building...

>--Hostages?  Some have said that the SWAT team
>  could not get in to take the wounded out because
>  the gunman had hostages.  Others have said that
>  no hostages were taken at all.

Yes, the initial reports I saw on various Internet new sites had it that
'a group' of MEN in black outfits had taken hostages at the school, and I
further read that negotiations were underway...definitely a completely
different story than what later emerged as the official version of

>--Many authorities now saying that the SWAT
>  team could not get in for hours because of the
>  bomb danger.  The question then becomes, if
>  armed assistance was immediately on the scene, but
>  could render not assistance to those inside the
>  school due to the danger of explosives, how did the
>  killers have time (in the "minutes" before the
>  911 call and the arrival of the SWAT them) to
>  place so many bombs around the building?

Obviously they weren't...obviously they were placed there earlier, as
evidenced by the propane-tank device in the kitchen...one presumes that
since lunch was taking place at the time, that Klebold and Harris didn't
just wheel it into the cafeteria moments before they went on their
shooting spree...

One presumes it wasn't even wheeled into the kitchen anytime after school
started that day, as kitchen staff would have been around and presumably
would have asked what the kids were doing...

>Did the two killers have help?

Of course they did.

>  Did they place bombs
>  in advance of the killing spree?  Further, since
>  people were bleeding to death, was there no one
>  on the scene with the military-style training to
>  step around explosive devices quickly (in order
>  to stop the killing and render assistance to the
>  victims) without setting the bombs off?

Well, there would have been no way of knowing if the devices had timers...
wouldn't matter if one was able to step around them without setting them
off, if a timer was set to detonate within a few minutes...

>These are just a few of the questions that spring
>to mind.  As I suggested earlier, I have noted show
>after show featuring--sometimes ad nauseum--people
>supposedly in the know who are, having been given
>a forum by the media, flooding the airways with
>opiniated verbiage about "how to prevent another
>Columbine".  Yet, I have heard no clear explanation
>at all regarding what actually transpired during
>the massacre.

Especially the reports from people in the area who stated their local news
reported that at least one person was arrested in a park behind the school
who seemed to have been one of the ones taking part in the shooting...but
this mysterious arrestee had disappeared from newsreports within a few


           It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
           Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

                  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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