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Tavistock Institute for Human Behavior

(Redirected from Tavistock Institute)

In his book Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, Dr. John Coleman, "a former intelligence agent of British MI6," discusses the Tavistock Institute for Human Behavior.[1]

Coleman says that the Institute's prophet, Sigmund Freud, was "settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock's pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of 'controlling' humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology."[2]

Tavistock's network, Coleman says, "now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen Institute, MIT, Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained," plus US Air Force Intelligence, and both the RAND Corporation and the MITRE Corporation. He says that corporation personnel are "required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions." Additionally, a "network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, American Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network."[3]

"Tavistock Institute developed the mass brainwashing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a refugee, the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II. In 1938, Franklin D. Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Winston Churchill which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute."[4]

Coleman states that "All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal---to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Ordder. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control."[5]

He says that this is accomplished via the "methods of Freudian psychotherapy" which "induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. The victim is then advised to 'establish new rituals of personal interaction', that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family."[6]

See the rest of the exerpt from Coleman's book for further details.

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Other Tavistock Institutions In The United States


The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations describes itself as "a novel, interdisciplinary, action orientated research organisation." It was "founded in London in 1946 with the aid of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation ... [and] set up for the specific purpose of actively relating the psychological and social sciences to the needs and concerns of society."[7]

"The circumstances of World War II brought together an unusually talented group of psychiatrists, clinical and social psychologists and anthropologists in the setting of the British Army, where they developed a number of radical innovations in social psychiatry and applied social science. They became known as the Tavistock Group because the core members had been at the pre-war Tavistock Clinic. Though only some of them continued their involvement with the post-war Tavistock organisation, those who did built on the war-time achievements to introduce a number of far-reaching developments in several fields. This style of research related theory and practice in a new mode."[8]

"The objectives of the Institute were to study human relations in conditions of wellbeing, conflict or breakdown, in the family, the community, the work group and the larger organisation, and to promote the health and effectiveness of individuals and organisations."[9]

"Since that time, the Tavistock Institute has evolved into an organisation that does research and consultancy, evaluation and professional development work in support of change and learning. We try to contribute to the development of the social sciences by publishing our work. We also own and edit Human Relations, an international social science journal, and edit Evaluation.[10]

The Institute was orignially located in the Tavistock Centre in Belsize Park, which it shared with the Tavistock Clinic. During the summer of 1994, Tavistock moved to its current location in central London.[11]


Tavistock describes itself as "a registered charity and a not-for-profit organisation" whose income "comes from research grants and contracts for research projects, consultancy, training and publishing;" plus its "own resources."[12]


The Tavistock Institute
30 Tabernacle Street
London EC2A 4UE
Tel: +44(0)20 7417 0407
Fax: +44(0)20 7417 0566
URL: http://www.tavinstitute.org/index.htm

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