-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

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United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 06:51:24 -0700
From: Paul Blumstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient List Suppressed:  ;
Subject: [JBirch] Senate candidate says: U.S. out of U.N.

And get the UN out of the US!

To view the entire article, visit

Monday, July 19, 2004
Senate candidate says: U.S. out of U.N.


Posted: July 19, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

The U.S. should get out of the United Nations, says a candidate for
the U.S. Senate from Florida, and he has launched a
<http://www.klaymansenate.com/>nationwide petition campaign to rally
support for the cause.

Larry Klayman, a Republican and founder of Judicial Watch, is making
the U.N. crusade the cornerstone of his campaign for the U.S. Senate
seat being vacated by retiring Democrat Bob Graham. He faces Bill
McCollum, Mel Martinez, Doug Gallagher, Johnnie Byrd and Karen Saull
for the Republican nomination. Democrats running in the Aug. 31
primary for a chance at the seat include Peter Deutsch, Betty Castor
and Alex Penelas.

"The United Nations is a complete and abject failure," says Klayman.
"It was under the leadership of President Ronald Reagan, the United
States ended the Cold War and liberated Eastern Europe from the
bondage of the Soviet Union, not the United Nations. President Reagan
demonstrated that to achieve peace, free people must unite with their
own strength and not that of the United Nations."

As an example of the U.N.'s failures, Klayman points to its role in
the war on Iraq.

"During the months leading up to the war in Iraq, the world became
aware that the alliance created by the United States and its allies
were advancing the cause of freedom outside of and despite the United
Nations," he said. "Had the United Nations been granted its
do-nothing way, Saddam Hussein would still be sponsoring suicide
bombers in Israel, working with Al-Qaeda terrorists, developing
weapons of mass destruction, and oppressing innocent people.
President George W. Bush’s leadership made glaringly obvious the
failure of the United Nations to accomplish its original mission."

Klayman says the U.N. has lost its moral bearings.

"The United Nations has allowed itself to lose credibility before the
world by allowing the rogue terrorist nations of Cuba and Syria to
chair the United Nations Human Rights Commission, while condemning
Israel for taking defensive measures against terrorists," he said.
"The United Nations has failed repeatedly to take action against such
states as Iran, Syria, Cuba, North Korea, and Zimbabwe, while
constantly condemning and even working to subvert the actions of the
United States and its allies to advance freedom. During the 1980s,
the United Nations constantly opposed and obstructed President Reagan
as he sought to liberate the people of Eastern Europe and Central
America from Communist domination. Now we face an even greater menace
-- the war on terrorism. Despite the fact that terrorists delivered
this war to the doorstep of New York City, itself the U.N.
headquarters, the United Nations still refuses to take meaningful
action toward combating this ominous threat with integrity. Now
American troops are putting their lives on the line and dying, as the
United Nation’s leadership just 'sneers' at President Bush and the
United States."

In addition, Klayman says the U.N. is a direct threat to U.S.
sovereignty, pointing to a presidential decision directive – PDD-25
-- drafted by the U.N. and signed by President Clinton. Under this
measure, Klayman says, U.S. soldiers "can be placed under United
Nations auspices against their will. This statute violates the
rudimentary concept of ensuring that citizen military not be forced
into involuntary servitude as mercenaries. The United Nations holds
the opinion, as well, that its treaties override the constitutions of
nation states. These United Nations treaties include the Law of the
Sea Treaty; this law violates the very concept of free seas espoused
by the United States since its birth."

"While supposedly dedicated to world peace, the United Nations has
become scandalously ripe with corruption over the decades," he adds.
"The food-for-oil scandal is perhaps the most recent example of this
corruption. However, another great evil, often not reported, is the
situation in the Congo. United Nations troops and officials have
shamefully preyed upon starving refugees in the Congo by exchanging
their life-sustaining food supplies for sex, as documented by the
Independent of London. United Nations workers and soldiers actually
told young female refugees that unless they had sex with them, they
would starve their families. How could any member of the United
Nations overlook such a shameful grievance?"

Klayman pledges that as a U.S. senator he will immediately introduce
legislation to withdraw from the United Nations.

© 2004

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