-Caveat Lector- http://www.glinn.com/pink/#Tvii-1

In a letter to the editor of the Toronto, Ontario, Globe and Mail newspa- per, February 26, 1992, Dr. Joseph Bergen Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, writes, "in my 20 years of psychiatry I have never come across anyone with innate homosexuality. That notion has been a long proclaimed gay-activist political position, intended to promote the accep- tance of homosexuality as a healthy, fully equal alternative _expression_ of human sexuality. It has zero scientific foundation, though its promoters latch on to even the flimsiest shreds of atrocious research in their attempts to jus- tify the notion." As they were during the Weimar period, 1918-1933, psychiatry and academia have been hijacked and pressed into the service of establishing homosexualism as the basis of a new Kultur. Professor Hans Blueher, a practicing physician whose specialty was psychiatry, was accepted by the Nazis as the apostle and higher authority of a new social order. Blueher's school held that male homosexual lovemaking is in itself a good thing and spiritually energizing. Blueher's teaching became popular in Nazi circles during the period between the two World Wars and promoted the idea that a well-regulated
ritual of homosexualism was a unique force capable of creat- ing the State and assuring its leadership. The resulting creed relegated women to a purely biological function and eliminated the family as a constituent cell in the community.


IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time The Pink Swastika has been mostly but not completely researched, due to the difficulty in obtaining some of the sources, for example those that are propaganda pamphlets that libraries don't usually carry. Undoubtedly there are more errors, misstatements, and outright lies than those listed in these notes. The first release was issued when one of the authors of The Pink Swastika was touring the United States and presenting his propaganda to Religious Right groups, who are using it in their own propaganda. There seemed to be a need to supply some material that could be used in refuting the book then. This latest edition has added considerable material, and will probably be the last. So many errors are already listed that the purpose has been well served without the great effort that would be needed to locate the final source books for complete checking of all citations. Little would be added relative to the list of errors already found here. The reader should give the author of The Pink Swastika the benefit of the doubt, and assume any typographical errors not noted by "{sic}" were probably not in the original text of the book. It cannot be emphasized enough that this debunking of The Pink Swastika is incomplete. Those discussing points in the book that have not yet been researched should mention that this work is not yet complete, and the fact that something is not criticized doesn't mean it is accepted as true. The numerous errors and misstatements in the parts of the book that have been researched raise suspicions on everything written in it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P R E F A C E The Pink Swastika belongs to the Crypto History genre. It claims to reveal connections of people and groups explaining the course of events that have been neglected by or even covered up by establishment historians. A modern and related example is The New World Order written by Pat Robertson, televangelist, Republican Presidential contender, and founder of the Christian Coalition. Whereas Robertson's book attempts to show that modern government institutions such as the Federal Reserve Board arise from a conspiracy of occult Satanists and "International Bankers," The Pink Swastika attempts to show that Hitler's Nazism and the Jewish Holocaust are the work of homosexuals, and that the Nazi work is being continued by homosexuals in the United States. In both cases it is necessary for the author to establish linkages. The linkage process tends to be tortuous, and Robertson tries to link the Federal Reserve to conspiratorial Satanists by speculating on a chain involving Cecil Rhodes, the Freemasons, and the Rothschilds. The Pink Swastika has to include so many different "links" in some of its "chains" that the reader who does not soon lose interest is sure to be confused. While Robertson wants to show that the Federal Reserve's mission is to weaken America economically so that a one world government will be accepted in preparation for the rule of the Anti-Christ, The Pink Swastika wants to show that homosexuals were responsible for Hitler's rise to power, the slaughter of 6 million Jews, and the modern neo-Nazi movement in America. The main technique used is selective quoting from respectable authors and extensive quoting from disreputable ones. Samuel Igra is an example of an author whose work cannot be trusted in any part, and for that reason it can be difficult to locate the book he wrote. Igra is quoted extensively. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke is a genuine scholar, and his work is quoted selectively. There are instances where context in Goodrick-Clarke contradicts what The Pink Swastika wishes to demonstrate, so that portion of his work is ignored, a quote being selected from a less reliable author because it fits better the homophobic thesis. The same may be said of many other sources used for The Pink Swastika. The worst feature of this sort of writing, as Goodrick-Clarke notes at the end of his book, is the manufacture of sources -- "...inaccuracies and wild claims were repeated by each newcomer to the genre until abundant literature existed...." One author writes a book that includes mere rumor or even outright fabrication, and the next author is able to use it as a citation, giving an unmerited cloak of scholarship to his work. The Pink Swastika is full of rumors about homosexuality of various persons. A man's wife and children mean nothing if some disreputable past author can be cited as a source for an allegation of homosexuality. That Hermann Goering liked exotic clothes and improved the appearance of his face with makeup is sufficient to brand him homosexual, despite his undoubted devotion to both his wives and his daughter. Rudolph Hess is not saved by his wife and children, nor is Hans Frank. Herschel Grynszpan, the Jewish youth who shot Ernst vom Rath in Paris in 1938, giving the Nazis an excuse for the "Crystal Night" anti-Jewish pogrom, is painted as a homosexual prostitute, even though nothing about homosexuality was ever uncovered or mentioned until his defense attorney used it as a successful ploy to postpone indefinitely his trial for murder. Nothing in The Pink Swastika can be believed without checking reliable sources. This study has checked many of the sources, particularly for the connection with Hitler and the Nazis, but by no means all. The portions which have not been refuted should not be assumed to be accurate just because no notes have been attached. With that word of caution, The Pink Swastika begins on Page Title-1..
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