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-Caveat Lector-

by snowshoefilms 6:28am Tue Jul 20 '04

Rumsfeld, Cheney et al., after 2 decades of planning for a dictatorship (The
Armageddon Plan), appear to be now putting that plan into effect. Ralph
Schoenman, life-long activist and author, addresses THE POPULAR RESPONSE. 12
min. video on snowshoefilms (part 3 of 4 interview conducted in Toronto, May
27, 2004 at the Intl. Citizens' Inquiry into 9-11)


Ralph Schoenman: We make a mistake in underestimating the public in this
country. The New York Times, again, has documented that something like 84%
of the people in the United States reject the two political parties.

Now how does that compute? Well, in a national election roughly 48-49
percent of the eligible electorate participates. Pardon me, let me correct
myself -- of the registered electorate. It¹s the opposite point I want to

But the registered electorate is no more than 50 to 60 percent of the
eligible electorate. So in reality about half of the eligible electorate is
registered and participates in a national election. That¹s at the time of a
national election. So you¹re really talking about 24 or 25 percent. You cut
it between the two parties and it¹s about 12 percent and most of those hold
their nose when they go in to those polling booths because they have no
confidence that anything of any benefit to them will emerge.


The great majority of our people ­ working people ­ look at these two
parties and politicians and their basic response to them is, ŒThey¹re all
crooks. They all lie to us. It¹s the same-old same-old. No matter which one
of them gets in, they wage war against our daily interests.¹ This is the
feeling, the gut feeling. ŒThere¹s nothing out there for us.¹ They¹re
deeply, deeply cynical about the lies that are being told to our people on a
continuing basis. 

If you have a primary election where the turn out is even less,
19-20-21-22-percent of the registered electorate. Cut that in half. Be
generous. Call it 12 or 13 percent. Between the two parties, it¹s half of
that -- for each of those two party primaries. And then you have a plethora
of candidates. These fakers are getting one-and-a-half and two percent of
the vote of people, and they then translate into acquiescence and support of
the population in what they do.


No, it isn¹t like that. It¹s that people feel excluded. People are
alienated. People are disaffected. People are profoundly distrustful of the
lies that are being told to them on a daily basis. But they feel, for the
most part, our people, atomized, isolated, unable to affect events. It
doesn¹t reconcile them to that. People are pissing in the machinery and not
tightening nuts and bolts and finding ways to survive within the interstices
of a system which is visiting upon them constant assault ­ on our health
care, on our job security, on our housing, on our university education and
our public school education. A constant assault upon things for which people
have struggled for over a hundred years. That doesn¹t fail to register on
people¹s consciousness. But they¹re deprived of an effective means of
responding. That is the basic impediment to a challenge to the rulers as
they exist today. Not some fictive stupidity or acquiescence on the part of
the population. No, quite the contrary.


The initiative by the Longshore workers union ­ Local 10 in which I am
deeply involved since I¹m a co-chair and chair of the publicity committee
for what is called the Million Worker March on Washington on October 16
[2004] with its mission statement and its list of demands is reaching out to
mass of our people for precisely a response to a war upon our interests, the
class war that is waged daily by a degenerating system incapable of
addressing the most elementary needs of the great mass of our people and of
people outside of our national frontiers as well.

So I don¹t subscribe to the notion that the great power that we are
describing in the hands of such a small number of people is so
all-encompassing that there¹s nuttin¹ we can do about it.

The next 9-11-like adventure that they undertake, which requires of them
massive repression ­ and they¹re very frank and open in describing it
because they think they can terrorize people by so doing. I¹m referring here
to the orchestrated theme of the article in Cigar Aficionado by Tommy
Franks, the war criminal who was involved in the unfolding of the slaughter
in Iraq. And the call in that piece for martial law in the aftermath of the
inevitable next terror event and the suspension of the Constitution.

And then we have that, as I mentioned,* picked up in all of the major media,
by David Rothkopf in the Washington Post anticipating the cancellation of
the 2004 elections ­ and culminating, if you like, in the article by James
Mann in Atlantic Monthly in March [2004] called ³The Armageddon Plan² which
tells us that since 1980, every successive administration has had in place a
plan ­ an operational plan -- for the suspension of the Constitution, for
the canceling of Congress and for the implementation of military and martial
law rule in the United States.


They have had bi-annual rehearsals. And interestingly, two of the point
people in this operation were, since that time, since that time 24 years
ago, Rumsfeld and Cheney. Two of the key figures. Not elected officials at
that time. Appointees, but part of the national security apparatus. On a
regular basis, with military and intelligence officials departing to bunkers
in various locations in the United States to run the American polity in our
society with a suspended Congress, with a dispensed with Constitution on a
martial law or proto-fascist basis.

³The Armageddon Plan² article in the March Atlantic Monthly concludes by
saying ŒPresidents and administrations come and go but the national security
apparatus is continuous and outlasts and overrides and prevails.¹ That¹s the
concluding paragraph in that piece.

This particular article was then amplified on Nightline by Ted Koppel on ABC
Television with an entire program on the ³inexorable² next terror attack and
the response of the national security authorities as outlined in
³Armageddon.² And he had Edwin Meese on that program, and Richard Clarke,
the putative critic of Bush who apparently were two of the functionaries who
were part of this pre-selected martial law team, hiding away in bunkers
preparing for the imposition of direct, dictatorial rule in this society.
This is reckless endangerment of their precarious system, I submit. However
menacing this may seem to us, and however ominous it indeed is, the cutting
of the tie with the American population ­ the rending of the mask from the
face of U.S. Capital, the display of the relentless and ruthless dictatorial
class rule that this tiny, besieged ruling class is compelled to undertake
is to set into forces historical and sociological and vast in our society
that will put paid to this system.


There is no question in my mind that no system so degenerated as this, so
incapable of meeting the most elementary aspirations and needs of people can
endure. And to rend the façade, to dispel the illusions, to appear naked
before the American people as an illegitimate, unsolicited, unselected,
unelected handful of people who rule over us what, perpetuate permanent war?
To require a draft to compel our working class kids to go again to the
hinterlands to oppress people and to meet their wrath? And do they think
this is going to be something in which our people will acquiesce on some
permanent basis -- is the height of delusion.

No, this system generates within itself its own opposition and resistance in
the class it oppresses. Karl Marx used to call the great revolutionary mole
who was burrowing underground and pops up here and pops up there ­ these are
historical forces that require of our people a response in their own
survival interests that is incompatible with permanent rule of this handful
of people. 


And I submit that the for all the alarming and intimidating nature of these
plans for dictatorial and martial law rule, and for all the attempts to
terrorize and demoralize and frighten our people with the prospect that ŒThe
terrorists are coming! The terrorists are coming! The next attack is
inevitable and upon us!¹ Biological weapons, chemical weapons, suitcase
nukes and the like. For all of that blather, this is a reckless endangerment
of the system itself. There are sectors of the rulers who are well aware of
it as you see. To General Zinni to others of their ilk who say, ŒWe don¹t
want to rend the façade in this fashion and to cut the cord of acquiescence
that is still precariously intact. They understand. There may be, indeed, a
kind of coup in this society, the kind of military response to these
adventurists amongst our rulers that is coming from within the ruling class
itself to prevent the kind of adventure in the United States which they have
undertaken before ­ but which on this occasion will produce the kind of
response that the Spanish people gave to the perpetrators of the crimes in
Madrid who were the U.S. authorities themselves. They swept out of office
that acquiescent and dependent regime. They may have picked a blunt
instrument in the social democratic order, but none the less they engendered
panic in Washington as the rulers understood the significance of that event
in Spain. 


This story is still unfolding, brothers and sisters. And our population is
by no means reconciled to the forms of rule which are being prepared for us.
That is a danger sign for those who are perpetrating these schemes, and some
of them understand it.

* Part one of this series.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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