-Caveat Lector-

Below is a somewhat lengthy discussion between people
on the Net about how the world is banking out and
about the MCF URL.  One interesting note, as I went
over this text to configure it for a posting...I
noticed that at least three (3) "not"'s were left out
of the text by I assume an intentional virus, and
this, of course, altered the point of the statements
completely, making them worthless...the sentences then
carried completely the wrong points.  This may be a
very clever way of discrediting otherwise good emails
and writings, imagine that the feds/cults have a way
to alter a targeted person's emails so as to ruin the
point of their writings by removing key words like
"not."  I hope I changed all of them here and that
this email is not harmed with this virus affliction.
Perhaps you should check your own for these problems
or be aware of this new email assault scene.

E. Murray

In a message dated 8/1/2004 3:03:24 AM Eastern
Standard Time, XXXXXX writes:

In a message dated 7/31/2004 9:31:26 PM Eastern
Daylight Time, JJJJJJ writes:

I would like to warn you about the problems to dealing
with the URL and the people administering it...as I
first became involved with this URL in 1997 when Ed
Light was the founder of it.  He was a wonderful old
time counter culture man, living in Eureka, CA, who
kept all confidences from the victims who trusted him
with their stories.  This is not the case now and that
is one warning I would like to share with you.

Did Ed betray your confidence?  May I ask how?

++++ I thought I was clear about this, Ed was someone
who never made a move to harm me that I am aware of.
He was a wonderful guy who attempted to kept
everyone's confidences until a new cult seemed to
plummet him, probably for being honest and
trustworthy.  Problems began in late 1999 when Ed let
the URL go to new people.  I was harmed badly by the
people who took over this URL with several new
assaults once they found me through emails and meeting
with me personally.

How were you harmed by them and by whom?

+++++See under "victim resources" then "journals" in
the http://www.mfhr.org/ the account of MCF Internet
problems...there is a blow by blow account of the
people affiliated with MCF who harmed someone...this
will tell you who.

I believe now that the MCF is federally sponsored by
intel agencies.


++++ They are pagan-satanic cultists.  All these
groups, literally hundreds of thousands of them in the
U.S. are supported in some manner by the U.S.
Intelligence agencies and by local police forces who
are in turn fronted by municipal govts (using property
taxes).  It is a pagan/satanic (Protocols of Zion,
Golden Dawn, spiritual sys)- Marxist  (political sys)-
Freudian (social sys) take over of the so-called free
world.  I believe it includes Brit (good ole boy
Lechter people), Jews (progressives mainly, often
Russians) and Humanoids (eastern block imports who are
serious hybrids).  It does not include Germanics
(Greeks and Italians are part Germanic as well as real
Germans) or Christians.  Their main motives in this
are to either force people into pagan-satanic cults or
into FBI cults.

How exactly?

++++  Through mind control assaults aided by
poisonings of people and spook assaults-druggings in
residences and work places.  This is partly their
"abduction process" and partly plain and simply the
way they feed their creatures, using human blood,
sweat and tears.

If this does not interest you, you can be pounded
badly by these people.  The annual budget for the
treatment of bedsores is 55 billion.  What the victims
do or don't do is not the reason for the torture.  The
reasons that people are getting pounded are silence
and inertia about the following: mutilation of humans
to make aliens, hand signals, global positioning and
tracking of humans, subliminal aerials and
personalized subliminals, directed energy torture and
surveillance from satellites, abductions,
through-the-wall surveillance, use of criminal
contractors as operatives, illegal surveillance,
biochips, nonconsensual genetic experimentation,
vigilante stalking funded by government programs, and
covert directed energy in general.  Other reasons that
people are getting pounded is that they have to wait
for hundreds of thousands of government employees to
do their jobs--immediately.

+++++ All of these reasons I enjoyed reading a great
deal.  Why would the govt go to these extremes...what
is their bottom line motive?  The answer is their
support of a whole hidden culture...which includes
hybrids humans and beasts.  These victims are being
used to feed these beasts and some very oddly formed
humanoid-types.  Thus these cults need victims to USE
to survive...and they pick on Christians and
Arabs...and other real people who are not so
hybrid-ish as Jews are and their counterparts -- Brit
& Polish curmudgeons and Reptoids.  Also, a lot of the
people involved in this URL are British nationals who
are desperate for U.S. funds and money, and whom seem
to constitute a new U.S. army (the British
invasion)...convenient how they are so
pagan-satanic-Jew affiliated.

Here you lost me.  I can't afford stereotyping.
I actually thought the British might lend a maternal
push, as they're not shy, and their Green Party has
already called for a ban on Orwellian weapons.

+++++I believe the Brits are behind the perpetuation
of Golden Dawn cults who have Brit curmudgeons behind
them and the Good Ole Boy network and the Golden Dawn
are one of the worst groups who sacrifice victims of
MC assaults -- snuff style.  The Brits have joined
hands with Jews in the perpetuation of these satanic
cult groups and pagans.  it is all out of the Brit
fraternity sys, isn't it?  Perhaps I need a better
definition of "Good Ole Boy"...and "Pretty Boys"...
Many of those running the MCF are humanoids -- front
drawer Frankenstenian make-overs.

Besides Ed and Vicky, who runs the Forum?  Are you
saying that Ed and Vicky are "humanoids"?

+++ Ed's been out of this since 1999...as far as I
know.  See the victim journal account for who are some
of the worst in the group.  An awful lot of those
putting out conspiracy URLS may be bizarre humanoids.

Again, I can't stereotype.  It's not likely their
fault if they were experimented on.

++++ It isn't a stereotype...it is a fact of DNA, of
bloodlines.  I don't believe these are aliens exactly
as you do, but instead a sort of Frankensteinian cult
experimentation using real human elements -- ova and
sperm, as well as cloning method which integrates into
the ova's albumen DNA material from human or animal
muscle or blood or hair.  Thus, part human, part
animal people are created.  It appears to be  new age-
Jewish method.  Progressive Jews use a special hybrid
method to make their own race.  The third, outside DNA
element is probably no more significant to the final
human product than 15 - 20%...probably even less, but
the humanoid tends to take on some of the physical
looks in the face and body, in a meanful and partly
recognizable way, of the particular animal species.

The FBI pays these guys well to search and destroy
people speaking out.

I believe some do.  How can I be sure you're not one
that they pay?

++++ My answers are more honest than others, more to
the point, my emails are NOT tainted with special
effects, I will never ask for your address or location
or attempt to make any effort at finding that.  The
MCF people ALWAYS go after people, setting them up
with local contacts, people, cults, and more problems,
sometimes galore.  They work for the man...only.

I believe some don't.  Aren't you telling me that
you're trustworthy?  Therefore, isn't it possible that
someone else could be?

+++Not necessarily, your own experiences will answer
this question -- it isn't that hard to figure out who
is in the FBI bank and who is NOT...by simply the
effects to emails and the stalking problems you
encounter after contacting people on the net,
obviously.  There is usually a cause and effect to
these assaults, things are not truly accidents.
Victims are their prey and they will go to great
lengths and time to find you, often cause great new
problems.  Thus be forewarned.

is is true about many.  Let's be real here.  The whole
problem is this mind control brainwash thing that's
been going on since before we were born.  Subliminal
messages 24/7 all over the globe for generations to
turn everyone traitorous.  We're all we've got, so we
have to bring out the good in ourselves, ourselves.

++++++No...this is not really true.  I did not hear
the conversations until I was in my mid-40s.  The
reason you heard them earlier was probably because you
were implanted, cochlear types stuff, far earlier as a
kid, the cults do this..parents probably order this up
or hospitals do this to infants perhaps.  I do agree
this stuff begins to own people, friighten people,
corner them, keep them from acting and limit them
totally to few accomplishments.  But, even tho' the
telepathy lines are active that doesn't mean people
hear them -- not unless they are forced to tune in.
Consider listing your story also on VVVVVVV -- a URL
not affiliated with the feds or the British-Jewish

Sorry, I can't dive into the anti-humanoid movement.
The feds are on all of us, whether they're paying cash
or not.  How can you think you're the only one they're
not working on?  Even though I sometimes irritate
myself with my loyalty to them, I believe the feds are
fixing the mess.

++++++Thus you are involved with FBI...and humanoids
and I suppose pagan-satanic cults.  I began to
consider the fact that you were a humanoid, perhaps
reptoid when I saw your first name.  "L" ladies often
are. It is an officially recognized non-profit and it
is not affiliated with any govt or cult agencies.
Your word.   I don't know you, and you can't vouch for
others.  Yes I can...I am in this URL.  Its papers are
available through govt agencies.  You can't claim this
without having it. It won't harm you, it has info
which might help you to resurface and it contains
interesting new theoretical articles you might enjoy
contributing to, see its "new articles" area and its
victim resources area.  See above.  I am part Irish
and part German.

I appreciate that, but the truth of it is that I've
been hurt pretty badly by people of all backgrounds,
including my own.  Our backgrounds have nothing to do
with this.  Is there any animal species that conducts
electronic holocaust on its own? No.  Yet humans, who
never stop conducting holocaust, call themselves
"civilized" in contrast to the animal kingdom.

+++++  This I abide by.  But, I do believe that
certain hybrid-humans are far worse in terms of their
involvement in harming others.  I believe that there
is a very specific sacrifice system using Christians
and Germans and possibly Scandanavians as take-out.
There are wonderfully kind, honest, loving moral
people -- who become meat for ruthless DNA hybrids.
So...no...I feel there is great diversity in this mess
and propensities to begin assaults on innocents.
  I am not part of the pagan-satanic-Jew structure.

Oh what? I'm not accustomed to hearing anyone link
Jews with satanism.  I thought it was Loyola and the
Jesuits that got blamed.  Actually, come to think of
it I know who started it.  It was that snake in the
Garden of Eden who was really a fallen angel.

+++++The snake and Garden of Eden are Jewish lines and
constructs.  The Eve poisons are Jewish constructs.
The whole corrupted First Testament is a Jewish mess
of immorality and dishonesty and jealousies which do
not permeate Savior bloodlined peoples.  Jewish races
(4 sects) are cloned hybrids races which is why they
work well with other humanoids.  You might benefit
from what I and others have to suggest.

Well, I really did appreciate you're email tonight.
The perps were burning me so I wouldn't be able to
sleep as they have been doing nightly.  It's about 4
am, and I hurt, and I feel stupid for believing in the
feds, because they should have rescued me a long time
ago, but I'm a patriot, even though I know the
government is accountable for my torture and
disfigurement.  Will be interested in response to
questions in this email, though.


If you're inclined, just pray that we all get rescued
by honorable people for a change, so that we can stop
being painfully disfigured and take care of those less
fortunate than ourselves.

+++++What "disfigurment" have you encountered...if you
feel like discussing this?  I had a boyfriend once who
wound up sexually harmed badly by a new age Jewish
group on the east coast, this was back in 1983...but
his life was forever altered & so was mine...

Judith ABR

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