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Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

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By Debbie O'Hara
July 27, 2004

Millions of Americans are frustrated over the direction our country
is taking. They know something is drastically wrong, but find it
difficult to grasp what the real problem is. They think every crisis
somehow boils down to Liberal vs. Conservative or Democrat vs.
Republican. People suppose if they could just get the "right"
political party into the White House, our country would be saved. I
wish it was that simple, but our problem goes much deeper than that.
Positive changes in our nation cannot come about unless the American
people will accept the ugly truth that it doesn't matter whether our
governing administration is Democrat or Republican. History shows
that either way our country has continued its downward slide away
from God and liberty toward atheism and socialism. Outside of a
handful of "good guys", the goal of most of our politicians is to
cancel our national sovereignty and replace it with an ungodly
socialist world government.

We keep electing presidents that say they will "cut spending" and
"get government off our backs" but of course it never happens. Most
people are blind to the fact that for decades now every new
administration, whether Democrat or Republican, carries on the same
basic policies of the previous administration. These are the same
policies that are vehemently denounced by the supposed "rival" party
until they get elected to office. Suddenly the "old" policies from
the last administration that we were told were so bad for us, become
the "new" policies of the current administration and are good for us.

Remember "Hillarycare?" During her husband's administration, Hillary
Clinton proposed a massive plan for socialized medicine in America
that was severely criticized. We heard how horrible this plan was and
how it would bankrupt the country. Then along came President George
W. Bush and lo and behold socialized medical programs were passed
with little criticism. "Capitalism Magazine" calls President Bush's
expansion of Medicare at its core premise "an exact application of
the Clinton health care philosophy."[1] It seems all we need to do is
put a Republican label on a bill and then it's OK! Republicans call
it "compassionate conservatism", but it is socialism just the same.

President George W. Bush's signing of the bipartisan "No Child Left
Behind Act" (NCLB) was an unprecedented increase in federal spending
and federal control of public schools. Under the guise of "improving
education" it continues and expands the plan for a Socialist America.
NCLB is the culmination of at least 40 years of the unconstitutional
federal expansion of public education. The federal take-over of
education was largely begun by Democrat Lyndon Johnson, using his
"war on poverty" as cover, and from there has been expanded and
carried on by successive administrations of both parties ever since.
Though Republicans at one time told us that they planned to "abolish
the Department of Education", they along with the Democrats have used
public schools to subvert America's children away from God-fearing
Americanism to atheistic socialism.

We hear that the defining difference between the Republican and
Democratic Parties is family values, but where's the proof? We're
told that the Republican Party stands for God and traditional values
while the Democrats are pro-abortion and promote the homosexual
agenda. But the facts show us that both major political parties have
sold out to socialist amoral values. Wasn't it a Republican court
that legalized abortion on demand back in 1973? Our nation has become
increasingly violent since the devaluing of human life three decades
ago. We must remember that Republicans appointed seven of the nine
members of the Supreme Court that has given us so much trouble. Even
our current "pro-life" president says he will not use abortion as a
"litmus test" for appointing judges to the bench. (So much for those
people who tell us that we must vote Republican if for no other
reason than judicial appointments.) Our Republican Congress could put
an end to the abortion holocaust by reining in these "out of control"
judges, but I guess they are not as pro-life as they would have us

Both President Bush and Senator John Kerry say they are pro "civil
unions" for homosexuals and yet are for protecting traditional
marriage. Who are they trying to kid? That stand is oxymoronic
because "civil union" and "marriage" are virtually the same thing.
Should it come as any surprise that the homosexual agenda is being
accepted when both major parties are supporting them?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "In politics, nothing happens by
accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

FDR should know because he was a major player in changing the course
of America from Americanism to socialism. The plan to turn America
into a socialist nightmare has been ongoing for decades. It should be
no surprise that "arch-conservative" Newt Gingrich in his book "To
Renew America" said that FDR was our greatest president, because the
goal of both parties is the same - socialism. While we might change
presidents every four years, the administrative goals remain the same
because each president is always advised by hundreds of key people in
his administration who belong to the same "elite" clubs like the
"Council on Foreign Relations" and the "Trilateral Commission". The
goals of these clubs is to socialize (communize) all nations and then
to merge them into "one world" with a tyrannical one-world government
system. While there are many who scoff at that idea, we are far
closer to those goals than one might think.

Probably the biggest stake we have in the upcoming November elections
is the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and yet most people
have never heard of it. Although FTAA should be a major campaign
issue, no one is talking about it, including the mainstream media.
Should we wonder why? (See my article Media Deception is More Than
Liberal Bias) If the FTAA is just "free trade" as its title suggests
why the secret? Most people believe in free trade. The reason for the
secrecy is that if most people carefully looked into it, they would
see that the FTAA is an extension of the disastrous "North American
Free Trade Agreement" (NAFTA). It is not free trade at all but
thousands of pages of government managed trade. FTAA is a plan for
the economic and political union of the Western Hemisphere. The
European Union (EU), (avowed Communist Mikhail Gorbachev calls it the
"European Soviet") is the model for the coming FTAA. President Bush
has stated that he hopes to have it in place by January 2005.

Most people realize that NAFTA, which was sold to the American people
as a free trade agreement that would bring peace and prosperity,
actually did just the opposite. It put millions of Americans out of
work when their jobs were sent out of the country. FTAA threatens
millions more jobs and could quite possibly wipe out the middle
class. After all socialism, which is really the goal, has no middle
class. There is but a ruling elite that controls the lives of the
rest of us, the serfs who work for them.

Ever worry about illegal immigration? With the FTAA you won't have to
worry about it any more. There will be no such thing as illegal
immigration because just like with the EU, there will be no borders
between countries here in the West. The United States will be merged
with many socialist/communist nations. There will be no more U.S.
Constitution to protect us. You won't have to worry about terrorism
from the outside because we will be ruled by it from the inside. Can
you imagine the masses of people who will freely migrate to the
United States to take advantage of our "free" services? If you think
the strain on the American taxpayer is already near the breaking
point, because of paying for the educational and medical benefits of
illegals, just wait until free migration is here! From Alaska and
Canada on down to Tierra del Fuego we will have a regional government
to control what will virtually be "one state". Once the world's
countries are socialized and ruled by "regional governments" it will
be easier to merge them into a "one world socialist state".

To find out more about the FTAA and the planned destruction of
America by both of our major political parties, Will Grigg's
"America's Engineered Decline" is a must read. It is a very small
book, easy to read, and packed with vital information for those who
love America and would work to save her. You can order it at
http://aobs-store.com/products/bkaed.htm Once the FTAA is in place, I
believe America will have reached the point of "no return".

What can the average American do? We have been duped into believing
that our most important duty is to place our foremost emphasis on
voting for who holds the office of president, an office that has been
put virtually out of our control. There is a stranglehold on the
presidency by elite organizations that really run the
administrations. While I believe that we still have a duty to vote
for president and that there are good third party candidates that
deserve those votes, Congress is the key. It is much harder for the
elites to control the representatives of all 50 states than it is for
them to control the presidency.

If there is any hope to retain freedom in this country, then
Americans must make educating themselves on vital issues a priority!
Once you know what the issues are, you need to ask yourself what the
Bible says about these issues. Then ask yourself what the U.S.
Constitution says about them. Your next priority is to educate your
congressmen and get everyone you know to do the same!

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when
the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2

When we are so sinfully ignorant how can the righteous be in
authority? After all, in America "WE THE PEOPLE" are supposed to be
the government. We elect those whom we think best represent us, but
then it is OUR JOB to make sure that they properly carry out those
duties. We are not merely to elect politicians and assume our job is
done. We are responsible for the direction they choose to take our
country. If we fail to hold them accountable for their wrongs then
the fault is ours.

It is up to YOU to make the FTAA a campaign issue in your area! If
your congressmen are on the wrong side of this issue, then let them
know that you will do all in your power to make sure that they are
not re-elected in November. And then keep that promise! All those who
love America need to be involved in this upcoming election. Without
enough pressure on Congress, chances are good that the FTAA will
become a reality in the coming year. If that happens, America as we
know it will cease to exist. The "Declaration of Independence" will
have been cancelled, as America becomes unrecognizable among the
other socialist tyrannies of the world.


1, http://www.capmag.com/article.asp?ID=2900

© 2004 Debbie O'Hara - All Rights Reserved


Debbie O'Hara is a homemaker, wife and mother of eight children.
During her business career she held a position in management in the
aerospace industry in Southern California. She left the business
world to become a full time mother. She is an avid reader, and did
the necessary research to provide a comprehensive homeschool
curriculum for her children. This led her to closely examine the
political direction our country has been following. Debbie and her
children are now active in the political process both locally and
nationally. Debbie is a contributing writer to www.NewsWithViews.com.

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