-Caveat Lector-
Bo Gritz sent Randy Weaver(Ruby Ridge Incident) from NC not Iowa,
Randy was to move next door to Frank Komnick Jr...await the
Enhancing of the Inslaws/Promis software(Backdoor key and Enhance
the Promis software to Aid Spooks in Spying/D.O.C.C./N.O.C list
security, NOT). Upon completion of Enhanced Promis software, Randy
Murdered Frank Komnick Jr. and stole the Enhanced Promis Software
package...Frank was found with a 45 cal. bullet in his skull, and
his house was burned to the ground by Weaver to cover the crime.
On Cue....Gritz showed up under the guise of "HELPING A FELLOW
SPECIAL FORCES GRUNT" to retrieve the Enhanced Promis Software and
deliver it to the CIA which gave this Program to the Israeli
Mossad(Michael Mitka Harari), who sold it to just about ALL the
Countries that ISrael wanted to spy on...including the USA...there
was NO issue of Sawn off shotguns....there was NO issue of racial
separatism...It was ALL over this special Program that DIA/ISA(as
per protocol dictates in USARMY Field Manuals listed below*) and
CIA wanted to get thier hands on without paying Bill Hamilton one
single dime...you will see that Enhanced Promis Software is used in
everything from Spooks and Kooks to Nuclear Submarines tracking
systems....not to mention AWACS and every thing in between the
Upper Echelon and the Grunt on the Intelligence Battlefield
Operating System, Gritz ordered the Sparrow Units in the
Phillipines to Murder/Assassinate Col. James Nick Rowe, because He
knew too much of Ops Watch Tower, Gritz and Harari are the only
survivors of Ops Watch Tower...and Recently Bo Gritz changed the
name of his new book from The Promis/e to something else...his
compartmented intel was leaking seriously...Bo still has ties to
"Almost Heaven" thru Claudia King his ex-wife/handler.
It's amazing how much of the big events of those days involved Inslaw's PROMIS software.
Federal Corruption: PROMIS
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