-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/24/99) -- You are living  in  a town, a "town that time
forgot."   Beside  the  old  city  hall  there's  a  small  park,
"crisscrossed by paths and dotted with benches.  On  warm  summer
evenings  the  townsfolk  gather  there  around  the bandstand to
gossip with their neighbors and listen to the concerts." [1]

Your town is  a  last  bastion  of  a  more  innocent time, still
flowing in currents reminiscent of 1900.  The newest craze is the
bicycle-built-for-two.  Young lovers sip ice-cream sodas  at  the
downtown drug store.

But  a  change  has occurred in your world, though you do not yet
see its effects.  In  the  past  few  years, giant shopping malls
have landed outside town; they encircle the city.   The  downtown
is being gradually sucked dry by the encircling octopus.

Like your "town that time forgot," your entire nation still rests
in currents  reminiscent  of  1900.   There  is  still  hope  and
idealism,  but these have been more and more strangled by another
encircling octopus:  the  outside  world.   "For  a long time the
United States had been able to develop independently,  thanks  to
her  abundance of raw materials...  [But] American industrialists
were soon in the thick of the world-wide scramble for markets and
more raw materials." [2]

This fight over  raw  materials  and  markets sucked your idyllic
nation into World War  I,  the  "War  to  End  All  Wars."   Your
neighbor's  boy, John, a fine, handsome lad, catcher on the local
baseball  team,  died  "over  there."   He  read  stories  in the
newspapers, horrible stories, about "evil  Huns."   A  passionate
young  man,  he put down his catcher's mit and picked up a rifle.
"Johnny got his gun," they say.

After the "War to End All  Wars," your nation was never the same.
Violence here seemed to grow after each of the subsequent  deadly
overseas "conflicts":  World War II; Korea; Vietnam.  There was a
strange "blowback":  the more we killed others overseas, the more
we killed each other here at home.

Yet   there  was  comfort:   we  controlled  more  and  more  raw
materials; we controlled more and more foreign markets.  With the
price of blood paid in  endless  gallons, material wealth was the

Now a  new  "conflict"  draws  us  to  Yugoslavia.   Already  the
escalating  price  of  matter  is demanding greater payments from
spirit.  During the  Vietnam  "conflict,"  journalists were never
purposely killed by the "enemy."  Yes, journalists reporting live
from Vietnam risked danger.  But there was an unspoken  sense  of
honor,  that  non-combatants  weren't  to be knowingly shot dead.
But the inflationary price  of  raw materials and foreign markets
now has upped the ante:  on Friday, April 23, 1999, U.S.-led NATO
deliberately dropped bombs on the Radio-TV Serbia (RTS)  building
in  downtown Belgrade.  "There were many journalists, technicians
and other employees in the  building  at the time of the strike."

Here is an eyewitness account of  the  BLOODY  aftermath  of  the
USA/NATO bombing of the RTS building:

  We saw a  woman  shouting  from  the  ruins:  "Please, I am
  here, help me!!"  Some men tried to get her out.   She  was
  walking around like a lunatic, shouting:  "Where is Jelena?
  Jelena, she is still in the building!!"

  Then we saw somebody falling from the second floor.  We saw
  a man who was hanging upside down from the first, or second
  floor,  I  dunno.   His head was all covered in blood.  His
  legs  were  literary  crushed  by   the   concrete   block.
  Everybody tried to help him.   He  is (or was) around 20-25
  years old.

  People were running around dripping with blood.   Fire  and
  smoke  all over the place.  Blood could be seen everywhere.
  A real massacre.

  Then  a  friend  of  mine  shouted  "This man is dead!!"  I
  didn't turn my head  to  see  him  because  I thought I was
  about to faint.  My friends went a bit further, and saw the
  corpse lying without  a  head.   We  also  saw  a  pair  of
  (woman's)  legs lying crushed by another concrete block.  I
  think that she was  already  dead, even though people tried
  to pull her out.

  It was terrible.  I don't  know  if  I  described  it  well
  enough.  I  am  still  shaking  and  I'm  unable  to think.
  People  were lying wounded all over the place.  I can still
  smell the mixture of blood and smoke. [4]

What  will  be  the  blowback,  here  in  the United States, from
yesterday's newest carnage?  We  shall  see.  One thing for sure,
we've all of us aged quite a lot this past week:  first from  the
blood  spilled  at Columbine High; then from the blood spilled at
the RTS building.  We're all a  lot older now.  The town baseball
team has stopped playing.  The band concert has  been  cancelled.
The  soda  fountain  has gone out of business.  The bicycle has a
flat tire. The young lovers have broken off their engagement.

But at least the economy is good.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] *Jack London and his Times:  An Unconventional Biography*, by
Joan London. New York: Doubleday, 1939.
[2] Ibid.
[3] "RTS Resumes Broadcasting." Tanjug News Wire, 4/23/99
[4] "An Eyewitness Account of NATO Murders at Serb TV HQ."  Truth
in Media Report, Day 31, Update 1. www.truthinmedia.org

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