-Caveat Lector- Summary: "From kind teacher to murderous zealot,
Acquaintances saw hijacker TRANSFORM"
Chicago Tribune
September 12, 2004

Atta's motive: "In attacking the World Trade Center, the hijackers were ...
striking a blow at what Atta considered 'the center of `world Jewry,' and
the world of finance and commerce controlled by it ..."

Atta's transformation from gentle soul to mass murderer occurred at "the
ultraradical Al Quds mosque, Atta was exposed to an imam named MOHAMMED
AL-FAZAZI.... The precise sources of Atta's religious TRANSFORMATION remain
unclear. Some investigators speculate that Atta became radicalized during an
UNEXPLAINED ABSENCE from Hamburg in the fall of 1997. Although credit card
records show that Atta was briefly in LONDON and CAIRO during that period,
there is no evidence that he visited Afghanistan or had any contact with
Osama bin Laden or Al Qaeda..."

Atta's increasingly paranoid thinking, "Nickels told the BKA, began to
remind him of 'NAZI IDEAS, according to which the Jews were the group that
planned to extinguish Islam and control the world.'... Once they adopted
Atta's vision of Islam as an exclusive, restrictive and vengeful religion,
the group around Atta came to resemble what Nickels called 'a certain kind
of SECT, where after a while you cease to be in touch with people who do not
belong to your group anymore.'"

With Atta's "charisma, his natural ability as a leader and his PERSUASIVE
POWERS, Atta bound the group together with his increasingly virulent hatred
for Israel.... Those around Atta quickly became no less hateful toward
Israel and Jews in general. El Motassadeq is remembered by a roommate for
referring to Hitler as a 'good man.' Binalshibh was captured on videotape at
Bahaji's wedding ranting about a 'Jewish world conspiracy,' reading a
Palestinian war poem and denouncing Jews as "a problem for all Muslims."
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