-Caveat Lector-

Wilson, Churchill, Roosevelt and Bush: The Banality of Betrayal
by Morgan Reynolds

Poke holes in the government’s ludicrous account of
what happened on 9/11 and mention the possibility
(likelihood) of it being an inside job, and the first
reply is likely to be, "No, that’s impossible because
there would be too many people involved." Many
people simply refuse to believe that Misters
would risk the mass murder of 3,000 innocent
Americans just to rev up America’s juices for some
good old-fashioned violence abroad. No, too many
loose lips would sink the U.S.S. Conspiracy, goes
the argument.

But an excursion back in time reveals evidence for
small, mid-size and large conspiracies at the top.
U.S. entry into the misnamed Great War, for
example, was aided by "black ops." While
President Woodrow Wilson called for neutrality in
his political speeches in 1914 and 1915, akin to Mr.
Bush’s 2000 declaration against nation-building and
support for "a more humble foreign policy," Wilson
wrote a secret letter to the leaders of the British
government, reinforced by frequent visits from
Wilson’s primary adviser, Colonel House, pledging
to bring America into the European war on the
Allied side to guarantee a decisive win (the history
recounted here is based on the thorough research of
John V. Denson’s magnificent, "Roosevelt and the
First Shot: A Study of Deceit and Deception," here.
Afterward, the fool in the White House planned to
impose his wonderful, worldwide permanent peace
(such megalomania about remaking the world in our
image sounds familiar today, doesn’t it?). Before
sending our boys "over there, over there," into
enemy machine gun fire, however, a public change
of heart was needed.

Fortunately, the resourceful Winston Churchill, then
first lord of the Admiralty (Franklin D. Roosevelt
was Woodrow Wilson’s assistant secretary of the
Navy, learning treachery on the job) was standing
by to provide some "oomph" for U.S. entry into the
war. Just prior to war, the Cunard steamship
company in England received a government subsidy
to build the Lusitania, the world’s fastest ocean
liner. The subsidy allowed government to take it
over during war and the government had designed a
secret compartment for weapons and ammunition
aboard ship. On the fateful voyage, the British
admiralty under Churchill’s leadership, changed
captains, substituting Captain William Turner for
the usual captain. As the Lusitania neared its
destination, the Admiralty ordered the military
escort ship, the Juno, to abandon its usual mission,
thereby leaving the ocean liner without protection
from submarines. The Lusitania was not told that it
was then alone, nor that a German sub was directly
in its path, facts known to the Admiralty. The
Admiralty ordered Captain Turner to reduce his
speed, thereby making the Lusitania an easy
torpedo target. When the Lusitania sank, over 100
Americans lost their lives. At a hearing in England
following the disaster, Captain Turner was
disgraced and found guilty of negligence, deflecting
attention from Churchill and the Admiralty, just as
the American commanders at Pearl Harbor would
later become scapegoats for the disaster of
December 7, 1941.

OK, put the Lusitania aside as so much small
change to hasten U.S. entry into WWI. FDR set a
whole new standard. First, consider the espionage
operation in the U.S. by our erstwhile ally, Great
Britain, steering the U.S. into war and paralleling
the espionage of today’s neocon cabal. A Canadian
citizen by the name of William Stephenson later
became known by his code name, Intrepid. He was
a personal friend of Winston Churchill who set up a
secret organization rent-free in Rockefeller Center
in New York. The purpose was to help those
likable rascals Roosevelt and Churchill bring
America into the war through false propaganda,
creation of false documents, and whatever means
were necessary, allegedly including murder. One of
the organization’s secret agents was Ian Fleming,
subsequent creator of 007, James Bond.

Two false documents proved noteworthy. First,
Intrepid cooked up a false map that Roosevelt
knowingly used in a national radio speech on
October 27, 1941. This document allegedly was
obtained from a German spy and purported to show
Hitler’s secret plans to invade South America,
thereby posing an imminent danger to America.
Detect the similarity with Bush’s tale in his State of
the Union message about the imminent threat of
Saddam Hussein seeking uranium from Niger?
Second, Intrepid managed to plant a false document
in Hitler’s hands on December 3, 1941, purporting
to show Roosevelt’s secret plan to preemptively
strike Germany without a declaration of war by the
U.S. Congress. When Hitler suddenly declared war
against America on December 11, 1941, almost
everyone except Churchill, Roosevelt, and Intrepid
was surprised.

It boggles the mind, I know, to find out what
Roosevelt and Churchill did to get America into a
war with Germany. Intrepid used one dirty trick
after another. He smeared people like Charles
Lindbergh and Henry Ford as Nazi sympathizers,
supplied mistresses to shut up anti-interventionist
opponents like Republican Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg of Michigan, altered Gallup poll
results, and helped rig the Republican nomination
for Wendell Wilkie who had the same foreign
policy as FDR, rather like the establishment John
Kerry overtaking dissident Howard Dean.

Intrepid must have had some fun. Intrepid built on
the model of Sir William Wiseman, head of the
British Secret Service in America in World War I,
who played a major role in getting the U.S. into that
war. Wilson’s adviser, Colonel House, "habitually
permitted Sir William Wiseman…to sit in his
private office in New York and read the most secret
documents of the American Government. House’s
father and mother had both been English" (Denson
quotation, p. 490).

But FDR’s perfidy magnifique was the "surprise"
attack at Pearl Harbor. It was a day of infamy
alright. The Pearl Harbor attack was about as big a
surprise as 9/11 was to insiders three years ago.
The American people were adamantly opposed to
fighting another European war after Wilson lied
them into World War I. Roosevelt labored away at
provoking Germany and Japan and finally got what
he wanted by maneuvering Japan into firing first. In
January, 1940, he ordered the Pacific fleet
transferred from its home base at San Diego to
Pearl, so that it would be vulnerable to carrier
attack with little air cover or support (reminiscent
of the air defense "stand down" on 9/11). In May,
1940, it was announced that the entire fleet would
remain at Pearl indefinitely, a suicidal departure
from naval policy, and Roosevelt transferred ships
to the Atlantic, weakening the Pacific fleet and
trying to provoke the Germans into firing the first
shot. When the commander of the Pacific fleet,
Admiral James O. Richardson, visited the White
House to protest these absurd orders, Roosevelt
fired him.

Following in his idol’s (Wilson’s) footsteps,
Roosevelt campaigned as a dove ("Your boys are
not going to be sent into any foreign wars") while
sending alter ego Harry Hopkins to London to
promise American entry into the war. On July 25,
1941, Roosevelt ordered all Japanese assets in the
United States "frozen," thus shutting down
commerce between the two. Combined with
identical orders from the British and Dutch, Japan
was cut off from direct purchase in oil markets.
Roosevelt refused to negotiate with the moderate
Konoye government, soon replaced by the
militaristic Mr. Tojo. Roosevelt had painted Japan
into a corner.

Reassuring Pearl commanders that they were
continually supplied with updated information,
Roosevelt concealed. American cryptographers had
cracked the diplomatic and naval or military codes
of the Japanese. The Japanese fleet sailed on
November 25, 1941, and did not maintain radio
silence up through December 7, 1941. American
cryptographers decoded its communications and
sent them directly to Roosevelt. Directional radio
finders tracked the fleet all the way. Meanwhile,
Navy officials declared the North Pacific Ocean a
"Vacant Sea" to clear out traffic for the approaching
Japanese. When Admiral Husband E. Kimmel tried
to defend Pearl Harbor by searching for a Japanese
carrier force north of Hawaii, the area where Japan
planned to launch her attack, the White House
ordered him out.

An elaborate cover up followed, naturally.
Hundreds of insiders knew the score, but were shut
up by self-censorship, threatened imprisonment,
disgrace and loss of benefits. So much for the "it’s
too big" objection to conspiracy. Roosevelt formed
a commission to investigate only what happened at
Pearl itself, not what went on in Washington, D.C.
A limited hang out, cover-up commission sounds
familiar. Roosevelt’s commission held secret
hearings (yup) and neither commander at Pearl was
allowed to submit evidence or call witnesses and
they were completely denied due process. The
commission found them solely at fault and they
were forced to resign in disgrace. Condemning the
findings, Admiral Richardson who preceded
Admiral Kimmel at Pearl said: "It is the most
unfair, unjust and deceptively dishonest document
ever printed by the government printing office. I
cannot conceive of honorable men serving on the
commission without greatest regret and deepest
feelings of shame" (Denson, p. 515).

There were ten official inquiries into Pearl Harbor,
but it wasn’t until the arrival of Robert Stinnet’s
painstakingly-researched book of 17 years, aided by
the Freedom of Information Act, that we discover the
truth about Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt has his huge
monument on the mall, including his nonsense
statement, "I hate war," to deceive the tourists.
Establishment historians rank him among the top
three presidents of all time. I guess Mr. Roosevelt’s
crimes on behalf of a "good cause" were just fine
and dandy. As historian Arthur Schlesinger
rationalizes, both Lincoln and Roosevelt "did what
they thought they had to do to save the republic"
(Denson quotation, p. 519). Good intentions mean so
very, very much to a Harvard historian.

It took 59 years to learn the truth about Pearl
Harbor. Maybe we can shorten the time span to
arrive at the truth about 9/11.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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