-Caveat Lector-

--- Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't want any friggin hatemail back about
> Hartwell or Ruppert.  I'm simply passing this along.
> ~Rocky

I do not write hate mail.  I deal in facts.  That
said, I am about to tear into some of the sources
cited in this email.  If that is all you, the reader,
need to read in order to delete this then, obviously,
you are, by definition, tailoring your own
informational vacuum.  I am writing this to reach
people with some research that I have literally risked
my neck through in-person death threats to compile.

> Posted By: BarbaraHartwell <Send E-Mail>

I do not know who that speaks online about mind
control is telling the truth at all times.  I do know
that what I, personally, have been through gives me a
lense of truth with which to guage some things.  Four
years under the gun of psychological operations
initiated against me for a variety of things gives me,
at times, good reason to discount some and validate
others whilst still others will remain beyond the
scope of my ability to do so.

When I write someone who claims to have been under the
same such gun and, in detail, provide information as
to psy-ops in the United States against dissenters (I
mean the kind of psy-ops that go beyond the average
harrassment - people infiltrating my life, attempting
to hook me on methamphetamine - stealing key documents
to my identity - corner me into situations involving
psychological torture) and get summarily ignored, I
am, of course, a little distrought.  When I see that
this person, Barbara Hartwell, is working very closely
with a person that has summarily ignored my offers of
SPECIFIC information as to heroin trafficking in the
west involving war "hero" Bo Gritz, the Evergreen
Group, and the CIA, I see a pattern.  But wait.  There
is MUCH more.

> Date: Friday, 14 March 2003, 9:25 a.m.
> Barbara Hartwell
> Legal Defense and Research Fund
> PO Box 832
> Woodstock NY 12498
> Website: http://www.barbarahartwell.com
> Note from Babs:
> I received this message from Mike Ruppert and
> thought I'd pass it on. I tend to agree with what
> Mike is saying here ( especially re Alex Jones) and
> I trust his judgment, as Mike has a proven track
> record of calling a spade a spade and dealing in
> facts and evidence rather than sensationalism. Mike
> Ruppert is a professional, not a grandstander like
> Alex Jones.
> Thanks, Mike

Alex Jones, for someone that purports to be interested
in the goings on at Bohemian Grove, is uninterested in
the drug rings going on around that place (heroin and
methamphetamine), the psychological operations power
base centered there involving the Temple of Set AND a
huge number of people in the San Francisco Bay area
and, as such, summarily ignored my offer of specific
information regarding these things, I see the same
thing.  Nevermind that here he is posited as some kind
of opposite to Ruppert.

I spent a great deal of time championing the works of
Mike Ruppert.  When I got on the Yahoogroup centered
on his work, entitled CIA-Drugs, I figured I was in
the idea place to discuss the CIA's use of
methamphetamine as a behavior modification drug.
Instead I was attacked as being off topic.  The CIA's
use of methamphetamine was somehow off topic with a
list that dealt with the connections between the CIA
and drugs.  I was dealt with in the rudest fashion,
slandered, and attacked.

My opinion of Mike slipped but I was still in his
corner, so to speak.  Even though my effort to bring
these things up in his forum was now not to be
allowed, I had little doubt that Mike was on the right
side if a little closed-minded about some things.
Later my doubts would steadily grow.

Around this time I had had a revelation in my own
research of 9-11.  Late in 1999, I frequented coffee
shops in Santa Cruz, California and often found myself
conversing with a person known to some as CIA Ken.  I
thought the label a little paranoid perhaps and
figured it was solely based upon the perception that
Ken had inside information.  Shoot, I had been labeled
similar things as people could not perceive any other
explanation as to why I would know what I knew.  Ken
took a special interest in me.

Let me put this all in perspective:

Late in the summer of 1999, I belonged to a listserv
with some rather distinguished people of the
hacktavista community - the list was called
'Hacktivism'.  There, following some discussion
regarding Echelon, keyword dictionaries, etc. I asked
members if anyone had ever tried to massively overload
the system with keywords.  Apparently, while some
people added lists of keywords purported to be in the
Echelon dictionary to the ends of their emails, a
massive overload had never been attempted.  So, I
wrote an alert that would end up translated into at
least seven languages and sent it out, spending some
forty hours doing nothing but posting to newsgroups,
bulletin boards, listservs, etc. after first having
submitted the alert to the group for suggestions.  I
think at the time everyone thought it a little cute
but underestimated the time I was willing to put into
it and the key contacts I had that had never been
divulged to the list.

Global Jam Echelon Day took off like a rocket.  Very
soon Wired (Wired botched the story attributing the
effort to Linda Thompson who claimed authorship and
later denied doing so) magazine picked it up and I was
doing interviews with the San Diego Union Tribune and
the Village Voice via phone.

During the midst of all of this I was getting
threatening emails in my home, at my home AOL account
even though I had used only webmail to work all of
this. As I was living with close family at the time,
two days before Jam Echelon Day (October 21, 1999) I
left under stealth of the night and within four days I
was in Santa Cruz under the cover of a large homeless
population.  I figured it was a small sacrifice to
save my family any trouble.  So, when Ken attached
himself onto me, it was in the immediate wake of Jam
Echelon Day.

Ken said a lot of things to me but it was one thing
that stuck out.  He stressed the word Mitre as in
Mithras (an old Babylonian god).  According to him, it
was the root word of measure and meter and he claimed
that not only was it revered in Masonic circles (I
cannot verify this) but that the Maitreya (a man doing
tours of the globe and allegedly performing miracles)
was somehow connected to all of this, being some sort
of an 'avatar' to Masonic lodges.  His other claim was
that it was the 'god' of contracts and contractual

Now, I cannot verify much of this but it seems likely
that the word IS the root of variations of the word
'measure'.  What is significant here, however, is that
years later, in the midst of researching 9-11 on my
own, I happened upon the name of a non-profit
corporation (a contradiction?) known as Mitre
Corporation.  This piqued my interest.

To make an already long story shorter, Mitre
Corporation is involved in the research and
development of unmanned aerial vehicles - remote
controlled aircraft and Warren Buffet, their prime
benefactor, has been seen with a great deal of
suspicion with regards to his actions and whereabouts
on the day of 9-11.

For the next year or so I realized that by plugging
Mitre Corporation into the research of that day that a
very great deal of seemingly unrelated items
particular to 9-11 research suddenly came together
into a fine mesh.

For more on that go to Memes.org and plug Mitre into
the search box in the upper right hand corner and/or
check these out:

NO HIJACKERS ON 9-11: A compendious summary of the
Mitre Corp./9-11 Info

(1 of 6) AI, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's), Mitre
Corp., Lincoln Laboratories, Wetware, and "Star Wars"

(2 of 6) AI, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's), Mitre
Corp., Lincoln Laboratories, Wetware, and "Star Wars"

(3 of 6) AI, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's), Mitre
Corp., Lincoln Laboratories, Wetware, and "Star Wars"

(4 of 6) AI, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's), Mitre
Corp., Lincoln Laboratories, Wetware, and "Star Wars"

(5 of 6) Mitre Corp., UAV's, Offut AFB, and September
11 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl/message/33863

(6 of 6) Other Research

I thought that being involved in the research of 9-11
that Mike Ruppert would be interested in all of this
(leafing through the previous links means going
through a compendious amount of internally consistent
'theory' on September 11) but he was not.  Still,
while I had doubts as to Mike, suspicions were
something I did not have.

Meanwhile the psychological operations continued.  See
the following:

Total Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has
been killed! (Dec 19,


Agent "Souljah" Smiley's Last Stand (Sep 04, 2003)


A little while later (last year) I subscribed to a
list known as 911truthalliance at lists.riseup.net.
Mike Ruppert posted regularly there.  Again, I brought
up the Mitre/Warren Buffet connection
(www.angelfire.com/mi/smilinks/buffet.html) but I had
little hope that Mike would pay attention to it.  I
was interested in getting the information out to

It bears noting here that two known psyoperatives,
Dick Eastman and Webfairy (I know them to be
psyoperatives because of personal involvement) jumped
all over my theories and won my temporary favors as
being the only people to fully embrace this body of
research.  What I did not know at the time was that
they merely did so in order to, ultimately, discredit
it by spinning it into bizarre theories that would
ultimately discourage people, in the future, from
being interested in this 'theory'.  I beg of the
reader to reconsider the Mitre connection in the
context originally intended, as per the links above.

I was instantly attacked by Ruppert as he attempted to
bully me into stopping it.  I never even asked his
opinion.  Mike would sit and say nothing on the list
for days and wait for me to post and attack,
slandering and attempting to ridicule.  When I asked
him to actually read the research he stated that it
was so ridiculous that he didn't even need to.  He, in
all actuality, knew all he needed to alright.  I was
subverting the paradigm that nineteen Arab hijackers
had pulled off Operation Two Towers, a cover story
provided us by the Bush administration and currently
championed by almost the entirety of the 9-11
'research' community.  It does not matter, folks, if
we believe in complicity regarding American
institutions as to that day as long as we are all on a
huge wild goose chase as to the real facts of the
event.  As long as we are all onto something that
cannot be proven (and a falsehood is difficult to
prove and easy to provide facts to the contrary),
elites involved feel safe, if distrusted.

I began to grow suspicious but, alas, the saga with
Mike was about to head into high gear.

Very soon Lori Price, co-moderator of the
911truthalliance list and formerly someone I
considered a friend, began posting to the list that I
was spamming the group and otherwise somehow hacking
my way around and into the list (the accusations were
rather vague).  I felt stabbed in the back but I was
getting used to it.  I personally alerted staff at
riseup.net that someone was doing SOMETHING under my
name and online digital identity specs as I was still
giving Lori the benefit of the doubt.  Riseup.net
admin wrote back asking for headers relevant to the
spams.  I forwarded it to Lori who allegedly sent the
info to admin, or so she told me.  When I contacted
admin they said they had received nothing of the sort
from Lori.  My suspicion grew.

All this while Mike Ruppert was threatening me with
lawsuits repeatedly for slander because I had the
cajones to report exactly what had transpired between
myself and Mike over the years.  I asked readers to
draw their own conclusions.  The truth, when stated in
full, was highly incriminating of Mike and he would
threaten legal action against, apparently, the obvious

By the way, it also bears noting here that nearly
everything I posted to the CIA-Drugs list on Mitre
Corporation is not there any more.  Yahoo deletes
posts, I am told, to keep up with memory demands but
it would seem that they delete selectively.

Soon, I would leave the list under false accusations
and an overall group attack.  As any list of any
import, there are always a group of people that post
often that are only there to consciously steer public
opinion.  If a hundred people subscribe to a listserv
and ninety of them do not speak ever, we are never to
know what they think.  Many are afraid to speak out
against what they KNOW is a government run operation
all the while listening for some clues as to what is
really going on.

So I was run off of ANOTHER list featuring Mike
Ruppert.  If only Mike had actually had the balls to
engage me on individual points contained in my

I stuck to posting at other groups, at Memes.org, and
at Indymedia.org but I was quite onto what was
actually going on with this man that would threaten
and censor people that challenged the heart of the
Bush administration's story, that nineteen Arab
hijackers pulled off 9-11.  So I, in my 'arrogance',
decided to post on Mike Ruppert and his 'antics' to
Indymedia and promoted the relevant url widely.

Very soon, Mike was posting comments to my piece at
Indymedia and again threatened lawsuits.  I mixed no
words in ASKING for a lawsuit so that I could get Mike
on the stand.  He, for the umpteenth time, declined to
give me my day in court.

I kept posting to Indymedia but not directly on Mike
but a couple of weeks later, when I posted the piece
entitled 'Does Al Qaeda Exist?', I suddenly found that
Indymedia had removed everything I had ever posted
there about remote control technologies, Warren
Buffet, 9-11, Mitre Corporation AND Mike Ruppert.  It
was the first time I had ever been exposed to the
potential for censorship at Indymedia, many people
championing them as the only news forum that does not
censor.  Someone at Indymedia deleted thousands of
pages of research compiled by yours truly the instant
it was seen that I had not heeded Mike's latest threat
and had actually had the nerve to post again on the
non-existence of Al Qaeda.

Soon, I would lose access to my listserv at riseup.net
called 'whistleblowers' through a password change
conducted by someone other than me.  It was the fourth
listserv I had had hijacked from me over the years in
just this manner.  Soon after that, my riseup.net mail
account would simply be deleted.  That is some serious
pressure.  It seems that a man who is supposedly has
some beef with the government actually has a beef with
independent research and has the clout to do something
about it - across the board.

I could easily lose this account tomorrow.

I don't care.

Mitre Corp., Warren Buffet, Global Hawk, and September
11, 2001

Damning evidence of Warren Buffet/9-11 connection

Al Qaeda does not exist and never has

Al-Qaeda are the US govts greatest ally

Operation Two Towers

Falls Church, VA and 9-11

Who the hell is Booz, Allen, and Hamilton ?!?

Electronically Hijacking the World Trade Center Attack

Mitre Corp. and Total Information Awareness

9-11, John Deutch, Mitre Corp., and the NRO

Do you Yahoo!?
Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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