-Caveat Lector-
courtesy of www.nomorefakenews.com

SEPTEMBER 24, 2004. Reposted so people remember....

AUGUST 22, 2004. An interesting website called STATE OF ISRAEL BONDS, CANADA, keeps track of large purchases of bonds being floated by the government of Israel.

These bonds help finance the Israeli government.

I’ve reprinted, below, several news releases from that site. Among other things, they indicate that governments of states in the US have come on board and are buying up the bonds in large chunks.

What does this mean? It means official and monetary support for the policies of Israel. Of course, the people of the US states were not consulted about the purchases.

It also means these state governments are investing tax monies in, well, investments. Of course they are, you say. Naturally.

No, not naturally. State governments investing tax monies implies these governments are trying to make a profit. The last time I looked, governments were not (legally) in business to make profits. And if they are, where are the precise reports on the success or failure of their efforts? Because, if they’re making large scores, they don’t need to collect as many taxes from their citizens.

The following news releases will give you some idea of the scope of the effort by the Israeli government to work inside the US to obtain $$$ from state governments. It’s a major, major push, and I don’t think it’s too far off to assume that some of the agents Israel deploys in the US are tasked with the job of making that money.

You don’t just get a state government to fork over big bucks for bonds. You need a good plan, you need lobbyists, you need connections, you need people on the ground working as many levers as they can find. It’s a full-time operation.

And since, again, buying those bonds is tantamount to giving full support to the policies of the state of Israel, we’re not just talking about money. We’re into a huge web of American assent on behalf of what the government of Israel is doing. No votes necessary.

I’ve added my comments in caps and brackets to these astonishing news releases.

January 20, 2003

NY Teachers' Retirement buys $5 million

New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr. announced today on behalf of the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) the purchase of $5 million of State of Israel LIBOR floating rate bonds. The bonds, which were purchased from the Development Corporation for Israel, have a final maturity of 10 years. This is the first direct purchase of bonds from the State of Israel by pension funds.

"The purchase of these bonds serves several purposes," said Thompson. "It will help to strengthen and diversify the Teachers' Retirement System portfolio. In addition, this investment assists the State of Israel and clearly shows our continued support."

"Comptroller Thompson has made a great investment for New York by demonstrating his confidence in Israel's economy and his solidarity with America's best friend and most loyal ally in the Middle East," said Joshua Matza, President and CEO of State of Israel Bonds. [YES, EXACTLY. DEMONSTRATING SOLIDARITY. THE TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM, A GOVERNMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, IS NOW MAKING FOREIGN POLICY.]

March 1, 2003

Love and Money from the Wall Street Journal
Love or Money?
The Wall Street Journal
Friday, January 3, 2003
Some people invest with their hearts as much as their heads.

Israel's credit rating is under pressure, unemployment rising and the economy is contracting amid the two-year long Palestinian uprising. But Israel somehow raised a record $1.3 billion last year selling bonds, up 17% from the previous year.

The buying came from individual investors showing support for the country. But it also came from large buyers, like the state of Minnesota, with a relatively small Jewish community, which more likely was attracted by yields as high as 6% in an otherwise gloomy investment world. [THE STATE OF MINNESOTA JUMPS ON BOARD. DID THE PEOPLE OF MINNESOTA VOTE FOR THIS? DID THEY KNOW ABOUT IT? DID THEY STOP AND THINK? DID THEY CARE?]

June 4, 2003

Israel Bonds raises record $102m in one night
The previous record of $85 million was set last year.
Zeev Klein 5 Feb 03
Israel Bonds issued a record amount of bonds in a single night. On Monday night, $102 million worth of Israel Bonds were sold at the launch of its 2003 sales campaign, held in Florida, in the presence of Minister of Finance Silvan Shalom.

The previous record of $85 million was set last year.
The convention was dedicated to the Columbia space shuttle disaster. Shalom eulogized Israel Air Force Co. Ilan Ramon, saying he represented not only Israel, but the entire Diaspora.

550 Jewish leaders from across the US, Canada, Mexico and South America attended the conference.

Israel Bonds has set a target of $1.25 billion, similar to its target for 2002. The Israeli government also plans an additional $1 billion in independent issues, probably to be covered by the US loan guarantees. [HOLD IT. US GOVERNMENT LOAN GUARANTEES? HELLO? THIS MEANS THE US GOVERNMENT IS SAYING TO ALL INVESTORS, IF THE BONDS HEAD SOUTH AND GO SOUR, WE’LL MAKE SURE YOU DON’T LOSE $$. WE’LL MAKE UP THE SHORTFALL. WOULD THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHY 20 STATE GOVERNMENTS IN THE US (YES, 20) ARE NOW BUYERS OF ISRAEL BONDS?]

October 3, 2003

New York State makes new $20 million Israel Savings Bonds investment

New York State Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi (left) wished Israel a Happy New Year when he gave Israel Bonds President and CEO Joshua Matza a presentation check on Sept. 24 to mark a new $20 million Bond purchase from The State's Common Retirement Fund.

Matza and Hevesi's action "demonstrates New York's continuing commitment to strengthen Israel's economy at this critical moment in its history." [KEEP IN MIND THIS PAT PHRASE. IN THIS RELEASE, IT’S NOT ATTRIBUTED TO ANYONE.

November 15, 2003

New Jersey Buys $20 million in Israel Bonds
“With this purchase, New Jersey joins the ranks of 20 other American states who invest in Israel's economic future through Israelbonds.”

Princeton, NJ-- Governor James McGreevey (Far right) presents Israel Bonds President and CEO Joshua Matza (third from left) with a presentation check for $20 million signifying New Jersey's first ever purchase of Israelbonds.

Both McGreevey and Matza stressed the close economic trade and cultural ties between New Jerseyand Israel.

“With this purchase, New Jerseyjoins the ranks of 20 other American states who invest in Israel's economic future through Israelbonds.” [YEAH, 20]

(from left to right) Carol Ehrlich, Director NJ State Treasurer's office; David Halpern, New Jersey Bonds lay leader; Joshua Matza; Roy Tanzman, New Jersey Bonds lay leader; John McCormac, State Treasurer; Governor Mc Greevey.. [WHERE WAS GOLAN CIPEL? DID HE HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MAKING THIS PURCHASE HAPPEN?]

November 21, 2003

Indiana Makes First-Time Israel Bonds Purchase of $5 Million

Indiana State Treasurer Tim Berry (left) presents Michael Blain, Israel Bonds representative (centre) and Douglas Rose, Indianapolis Israel Bonds general chairman (right), with a presentation check to mark the State’s $5 million bond purchase.
Thanks to new legislation, this is the first time the state government of Indiana has been able to invest in Israel bonds. [UNTIL NOW, IT HAD BEEN AGAINST THE LAW TO BUY BONDS ISSUED BY A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT? BIG LOBBYING EFFORT NECESSARY TO GET THAT OVERTURNED.]
Israel Bonds President & CEO Joshua Matza said that the purchase “demonstrates Indiana’s commitment to strengthen Israel’s economy at this critical moment in its history.” [THERE’S THAT PHRASE AGAIN.]

December 30, 2003

New Mexico Makes First-Time Israel Bonds Purchase of $10 Million

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson presents New Mexico Israel Bonds chairman Harold Albert of Albuquerque with a presentation check to mark the State’s $10 million bond purchase. Israel Bonds President & CEO Joshua Matza said that the purchase “demonstrates New Mexico’s commitment to strengthen Israel’s economy at this critical moment in its history.” [THE PHRASE AGAIN. DO THEY CART IT AROUND ON A HORSE?]

Okay. Keep in mind that, these days, every state government is far larger than the sum of all governments in the US colonies of 1776. Now the people are very far away from the machinations of these statehouses. “Returning power to the states” is a sick joke. Buying Israel bonds is fabricating foreign policy at many centers throughout the US---and the idea of withdrawing or limiting US support for the government of Israel would therefore be a Herculean task. The government of Israel knows this.

What I’ve outlined in this article would be a major scandal were it not for the fact that, since WW2, every administration in Washington has fervently supported the government of Israel and has allowed itself to be manipulated by it---and every important media outlet in the US has backed these successive White Houses on the large and unspoken issues---such as support for Israel.

JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com
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