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(sent to USCMike1's 31,055+ readers - please repost to your own mailing lists)

Dear Citizens, Patriots, Veterans, et al.:

   Here is the relationship between Rush Limbaugh, Council on Foreign
Relations, John Birch Society, New World Order, federalism, and our upcoming
Totalitarian Police State:

   Thanks to Martha for sending her post and making her comments about Rush


Dear Martha:

   Thanks for your response, comments, and questions.  I have heard that Rush
Limbaugh's salary and programming is paid for by rich, elites who are members
of the CFR from several different sources.  The only one that I can document
at the moment is from the John Birch Society.  They have a web site.  The JBS
should know because they have listed hundreds upon hundreds of documented
facts about which government politicians and private individuals are members

    I used to think that the John Birch Society was really a good
organization until just two weeks ago I when  found out that Robert Welsh who
founded the JBS was a relative of the Rockefellers and was financed by them
and members of the CFR too.  Strange you say???  Well, it turns out that the
reason the JBS has so much inside information on the CFR and the New World
Order is the JBS is a secret, clandestine, deceptive sounding board for the
NWO.  All the JBS does is give the people a little bit of information, enough
to whet their appetites then have them write letters to their Congressmen.
Well, nothing is ever done by Congress about what the JBS says about the CFR
(because most of Congress and politicians ARE MEMBERS of the CFR ) and the
NWO in hopes that the members will just get frustrated, fed up and eventually
quit in disgust and just mumble to themselves that it is going to happen
anyway  and since they can't do anything about it they just shut up and go
along with it and give up and stop fighting it.  The John Birch Society is
just a means for the modern-day "illuminati" rich elites and New World Order
advocates to introduce the people to the NWO plans gradually and desensitize
them so they will accept it with ease and without a fight.

    Well, this here USCMike1 is NOT giving up.  And it is good to get the
inside info from the JBS in order to anticipate what the NWO elites are
planning so it does not come as a complete surpise and shock when it all DOES
happen.  At least we will have the info and proper timing to protect
ourselves.  It is like knowing the enemy's battle plan and schedule ahead of
time so we can be prepared for it while most of the sheeple just blindly go
along with it.  Couldn't ask for more than that.

In a message dated 4/24/99 8:06:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

<< Subj:         Re: Carolyn:  Possible Confirmation on Construction of U.S.
MilitaryBase in Albania
 Date:  4/24/99 8:06:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martha)

 As you can see, your question came through a circuitous route into a mailing
 list I'm on. I've had the feeling for a long time that Rush Limbaugh is a
 "plant." Could you tell me your source for the information below, ie, that
 Ruler of Dittoheads is paid by the CFR? Thanks very much.
 I'm just now getting my website put together, but you can go there and see
 what I've got so far.

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