-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 10/24/04 10:39:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

That cuts both ways, of course.  John Judge points to people inside
the Pentagon to support the official story, and those pictures of
wreckage that showed up on rense.com were taken *inside the Pentagon*
behind a locked-down security perimeter 72 hrs after 9/11.  There were
probably airplane pieces alreadyon the grounds from recent mass-cal

Just something to think about.

So how man "Men-in-Black" is that going to take?

Why do none of the thousands of witnessess talk about theses MIB? How come the witnesses talk about an explosion and raining parts and fragments?

It's ridiculous.

There are many more concrete items than the no-plane-at-the-Pentagon mud-op.

It is a rabid hole. And a "crazy conspiracy theorist" cloaking device to throw over the whole mess.

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