-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-


Beyond November 2004

by James E Vann

This week, what seemed the longest and unceasingly
miserable campaign in history finally played itself out
- and in its wake, the most inconceivable of outcomes:
The brazen robber was presented the reward!!

Was the campaign stolen yet again?  Most likely!  Will
the theft be exposed?  Most probably!  Already,
investigative reporter Greg Palast has documented
widespread abuses showing Kerry won Florida, and hence
the Electoral College majority sufficient to assume the
presidency.  And BlackBoxVoting has petitioned the
records of 3000 electronic voting precincts, based on
solid evidence that Dem and Repub vote tallies
throughout the middle states were 'switched.'  Will it
matter? Will it make a difference? No! And again, NO!
The poultry thieves still own the chicken house.  And
even if incontrovertible proof stacks as high as the
once proud WTC, the challenge would come to the same
Supreme Court.  Is it imaginable that the Bush Court
would do less than their stellar 2000 performance?
Expose the graft: Yes, if only for the sake of our
'democracy fable.'  But know well that no hoped-for
solution can follow.

Since fateful Tuesday, life itself has appeared a fog -
a mirage -a nightmare.  Can this have even happened?
How is it possible that 59 million people -- jobless
and living in poverty since Bush sent their jobs
abroad; unable to seek medical care due to skyrocketed
costs and no health insurance; suffering homelessness
because guaranteed housing subsidies are precipitously
being taken away; facing rising living costs due to
three successive multi-billion tax cuts to the rich
with more on the way; and consciously aware that their
president repeatedly told them bald-face lies about
Iraq & 911, lies that continue to take the lives of
their own young children  -- can yet still choose to
vote against their very existence.  What more could
boggle a sane mind?

Brace ourselves, we must.  The coming months will usher
in the dankest of dark ages.  With four years of
uncontestable, unlimited power; overwhelming majorities
in the Legislature; a veto-proof Senate; a soon-to-be
6-3 Supreme Court; the preponderance of governorships;
in fact, all sectors of government, plus an
administration with no requisite to account to anyone
-- the Bush cabal is perfectly situated to run
roughshod over the Constitution itself.  This is a time
like no other for the rich and the powerful.  The field
is completely open to avarice; the only restraint will
be inability to absorb their own greed.  During the
next four years, Bill Moyers predicts that the now
cemented alliance of administration and corporations is
so rife for unfettered graft, corruption, and
wrongdoing that any investigative reporter worth its
salt will have no off-days.

What Can Be Done?

First and foremost, the Democratic Party must now be
dismissed -- in its entirety.  No more excuses. To this
very day, all the rotten excesses of the Bush
administration have been sanctioned by, and will
continue to have overwhelming consent of the mindless,
gutless Democrats.  The Supreme Court is lost to
moderate interpretation for at least a generation.  And
for the next decade, Congress is likely transfixed with
Republican majorities.  And, we must not forget the
shocking scene from Fahrenheit 911 where the Democratic
Party refused to put forward just one of its 47
senators to co-sponsor the Congressional Black Caucus'
challenge to certification of the 2000 election.  No
greater illustration of how the two parties of
corporate rule carry out their marching orders on
matters of African American inclusion is needed.
Earlier this year, SEIU President Andy Stern announced
that labor should "reconsider its relationship with the
Democratic Party" because this relationship was more
and more a one-way street.  The progressive movement
cannot do less.

The case for Party allegiance cannot be weaker than at
present.  All prior rationale in support of 'lesser-
evilism' no longer hold.  For a long time to come in
Congress, only small losing skirmishes will flare up,
then die without a flame.  Nothing will happen at the
national level that is worth progressive energy.  Al
From, the DLC head, stated emphatically after the
election that for the Party to recover, 'it must grow
even closer to Republican philosophy.'  Is this what
progressives must look forward to?

The media will continue to function as stenographers of
the administration, too timid to even ask a question;
and forsaking of their duty as the people's 'watchdogs'
against government abuse.  Demonstrations and marches
must continue - simply because they must.  Massive
shows of aggrieved people remain one of the few
alternatives, available for the present, to bear
witness against our own, and the world's oppression
[UTF-8?]under our now ‘mandate-ed,' illegitimate government.
There can be no further illusions.  The Bush cabal has
conclusively shown its lack of either morals or shame.
Even the pleadings of 10 million people against illegal
war, worldwide, in bitter winter weather did not
warrant a blink of acknowledgement.  We must face
truth.  This misbegotten election has left we the
people lonesome, alone, and practically helpless.

But .. We Can Build.  The time is now to cast off the
Democratic Party shackles that have inhibited serious
consideration of the future, and of where as a people
we should be headed.  With patience, understanding,
persistence, and determination, we CAN build toward a
hopeful future.   The wrongly manipulated evangelical
movement is not huge, maybe 10 - 15 million.  But for
the last 30 or so years, this messianic movement was
steadily building.  Finally, the word went out that
their time had come.  And thus, on Tuesday, November 2,
casting aside all so-called 'issues,' evangelicals took
advantage of the moment, and in rote, single-minded
alliance, succeeded in seizing power.

So What To Do?  It is the Left that now stands at the
precipice.  A singular legacy of Kerry's defeat is that
no hoped-for liberal head of state to require a
'honeymoon,' or the consequent yearning for what would
never have come - except the devastating effects that
waiting would have on stifling left organizing, causing
innumerable internal conflicts on the appropriateness
of strategies.

The needed new beginning for the Left, fortunately, is
already in motion.  For the 2004 campaign, Left
organizing was unbelievable, swelling the ranks
opposing tyranny to over 56 million - well beyond all
wildest expectations.  All across the country, new
forms of activism sprang up -- from local leafleting to
global cybernets which, combined with traditional
stalwarts from organized labor, churches, liberal and
progressive enclaves, created an avalanche of motivated
new voters like never before.  MoveOn PAC, America
Coming Together (ACT), VoteAmerica, TrueMajority.org,
AlterNet.org, IndyMedia.org, CommonDreams.org, NARAL,
AFL-CIO's Working Families, SEIU & Progressive Labor
Unions, Michael Moore & Fahrenheit 911, Rock The Vote,
the impromptu cyber army of Howard Dean, FacingSouth,
RadioAmerica, CountEveryVote2004, Medea Benjamin &
Jodie Evans' Code Pink, Progressive Majority,
BiogemsDefenders, League of Independent Voters, Slam
Bush & the Hip Hop Political Convention, the Hip Hop
Summit Action Network, George Lakoff and Rockridge
Institute, remnants of the Green party, labor Party,
third party advocates, and others are but a few of a
new, energized, emerging progressive front.

This magnificent beginning must not falter.   A duty
DEMANDING to be fulfilled is to convene this veritable
new army in a massive interactive setting.  Old and new
leaders and activists MUST meet, talk, consider,
question, deliberate, create, plan, strategize, and
Present:  a new course of support and coordination; a
program of the least number of clear goals universally
common throughout the movement; a tactical plan for
ongoing resistance; a basis for alliance and for
growing the new alliance; and common goals to be move

This Is A New Day.  If Planet Earth is to survive,
progressives must, in time, be able to rise from the
madness we now confront.  And must, with anticipation,
ready ourselves to chart a new course.  Ultimately,
this period presents an urgent challenge to each of the
:'lights' of the progressive movement - Zinn, Chomsky,
Kuchinich, Sanders, Conyers, Soros, Scherr, Sweeney,
Parenti, Lakoff, Solomon, Fletcher, Moore, Johnson,
Krugman, Huffington, Pollitt, Daniels, Camejo, Waters,
Stern, Ehrenrich, Robinson, McReynolds, and others - to
huddle, to get something started.  Initially one-to-
one, then two-to-four, and so on, until the ball begins
to roll.  The first enclave will take time, but that is
OK - so long as a momentum is building.  And,
hopefully, in order to propagate far and wide word of
the New Day, there will be many more.  What is
paramount is to get started.  As the universally
respected, recently departed mentor - Arthur Kinoy -
would say:  'Let's put heads together!'

An uncompromising dread has given rise to an
unparalleled opportunity that now awaits the Left.  If
this unanticipated opening is allowed to fritter into
nothingness, the worst shame of 2004 may not, after
all, be the horrid election of an idiot Texan.

November 12, 2004

James E Vann, former co-chair of the National Committee
for Independent Political Action, is a political and
community activist in Oakland, California.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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