-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector-
U.S. Presidential Election
— Stolen Again



Most of us thought that the presidential campaign of 2004 was a genuine contest, and that the voters really might have elected either of the candidates, Bush and Kerry. But it is more likely that the whole thing was staged, and that the outcome was never in doubt by those in the know (including, of course, Bush himself). Remember that Bush and Kerry are both members of Skull & Bones (having sworn oaths whose content they will not reveal). And remember that at the start of 2004 Kerry was merely one among a bunch of Democratic hopefuls trailing the then front-runner, Howard Dean. Suddenly Dean was out of the picture and the networks hardly had any time for anyone other than Kerry (apart from Bush). What happened?


Consider the possibility that a few Skull & Bones members of the Bush cabal went to Kerry and said: "Play ball with us and we'll arrange (with the help of Foxnews, etc.) that Dean disappears and you become the Democratic candidate. All you have to do is agree not to contest the result of the election. You'll get nationwide (indeed, worldwide) publicity, you can play the role of statesman, you'll become the most popular politician in the U.S., and we'll take care of your expenses."


How could Kerry say no? So while he is then free to campaign as he likes (provided he doesn't mention any dark secrets such as Bush's cocaine conviction in 1972), the Bush cabal spends most of 2004 putting their not-so-secret weapon in place: the voting machines. In all the states where the vote is expected to be close (and remember how the networks kept saying that the race was "too close to call") voting machines are installed which will say that Bush won, 51% to 49%. And sure enough, that's what happens (or rather, that's what appears to happen). And sure enough, Kerry rolls over and concedes the election to Bush within 24 hours, even though there is plenty of evidence that the vote was rigged (see below).


Americans never really had a choice. The whole affair was a charade, stage-managed to fool the voters into believing that a genuinely democratic process was occurring, when in fact it was all a hoax. Fooled again, folks! They did it again! And soon you (and later your children) are going to discover the consequences of almost everyone ignoring all those warnings about the voting machines.


No-fly lists, snooping on what you read, terror alerts and fear maintained constantly by the government with the aid of the TV networks, jobs shipped overseas, many thousands of dead soldiers and civilians, detention without trial and the annulment of constitutional rights — these are just the beginning of the nightmare which is now, as a result of this rigged election, moving into high gear. But don't say you weren't warned.


The following links (and comments) were received by email.

America is screwed: Election stolen again
With Kerry's concession, America has become a one-party nation. If the Democrats could not defeat a President who lied the nation into a war, then the Democrats have ceased to be relevant.


Kerry Concedes
Giving up without a fight.

Justin Raimondo: The US will now be ruled by the imperial party


In states with paper trails, the vote results match the exit polling numbers. In state with eletronic voting machines with no paper trails, the vote results do NOT match the exit polls, and Bush leads.


Don't Be American
Many times over the last nine hours I've thought kindly of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have worked tirelessly over the past four years against the policies of the Bush presidency. To those people I must ask forgiveness for my siding with the world outside America. It is they, as well as the people who voted for Bush, who will have to bear the shame of belonging to a society that democratically elects war criminals to office.


It was standing room only at local polls
In Suffolk, Bob Rogers also had difficulty with an electronic machine. He said he tried to vote for Sen. John F. Kerry, but the machine kept highlighting President Bush instead. The precinct captain finally had the machine reset, he said.


Possible evidence of voter fraud in Ohio
What's worse, Stefan noticed the pick-up truck of the supposed county board of election - the truck the ballots for 40 precincts were loaded into - had a big Bush-Cheney 2004 sticker in the back window. Stefan did say that he followed the truck to the election headquarters, though he didn't see what transpired after the truck pulled into the election hq parking lot. As Stefan explains it, the poll managers had such an extensive list of voters rights and regulations that they had to follow, including it being illegal to have any partisan buttons etc. in the polling place, yet the ballots for voters in over 40 precincts were put in the hands of Bush-Cheney partisans.

U.S. voters report computer problems

Diebold wins US Election.


Voting without auditing. (Are we insane?)
Did the voting machines trump exit polls? There's a way to find out.


This election is being stolen before your eyes. The criminals are not even bothering to hide the theft. If a government cannot prove the honesty and accuracy of the election by which they claim authority, the people are neither morally nor legally obligated to obey that government's dictates or to pay its bills.


Group tallies more than 1,100 e-voting glitches
And those are just the ones that were spotted!


Exit polls and 'actual' results don't match; Evoting states show greater discrepancy. The mainstream media is trying to sell the idea that voters lied tothe exit pollsters and that's why the exit polls were "wrong".


How They Could Steal the Election This Time
On November 2 millions of Americans will cast their votes for President in computerized voting systems that can be rigged by corporate or local-election insiders. Some 98 million citizens, five out of every six of the roughly 115 million who will go to the polls, will consign their votes into computers that unidentified computer programmers, working in the main for four private corporations and the officials of 10,500 election jurisdictions, could program to invisibly falsify the outcomes.



Flashback: Ohio: Ground Zero For Bush Fundraising
But when you look at three Ohio mega-fundraisers for Bush -- W.R. Timken, CEO of Timken Company; Anthony Alexander, president of FirstEnergy Corporation; and Walden O'Dell, CEO of Diebold Corporation -- a delicious microcosm emerges: In these three examples of special interest fundraising, we have three of the recurring themes of Bush's administration. 1) Tax cuts for the wealthy (Timken) that have produced job stagnation and cuts for the common folks; 2) Paybacks to corporate polluters (Alexander); and 3) Support from well-positioned, powerful players (O'Dell), which has created the appearance of rigging the game to aid his success.


The Diebold Memos' Smoking Gun - Volusia County Memos Disclose Election 2000 Vote Fraud
In Chapter 11 of her new book "Black Box Voting In the 21st Century" released early today in .PDF format at Blackboxvoting.com and here at Scoop Ms Harris observes. "If you strip away the partisan rancor over the 2000 election, you are left with the undeniable fact that a presidential candidate conceded the election to his opponent based on [results from] a second card that mysteriously appears, subtracts 16,022 votes, then just as mysteriously disappears." It should come as no surprise that Diebold machines come up with vote results that do not match the exit polls.


More Reports of vote problems coming in.
As I made each choice, they were shown correctly on the screen. However, when I reached the review screen, two of my votes had been changed. I corrected them before casting ballot, but am wondering if this may have happened to other voters who may not have reviewed their ballots. (I was with two friends who said they didn't bother to review theirs, but just assumed they were okay.)




Russian Observer Shocked by U.S. Election Procedures
"In my opinion there are possibilities to forge the elections results and these possibilities are caused by serious, as we see it, violations of the electoral law," the MP said in a telephone interview.


Voters Report Problems with Computer Systems
Voters across the United States reported problems with electronic touch-screen systems on Tuesday in what critics said could be a sign that the machines used by one-third of the population were prone to error. ONE THIRD OF THE VOTE ON ELECTRONIC MACHINES MAY BE IN ERROR. This election is totally discredited.

Additional interesting reading:

Last modified: 2004-12-08 CE

Voting Machines
The Impeachment of George W. Bush
Liberty and Democracy Serendipity Home Page

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www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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